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January 15, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-15

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______________________________________ _______ ______ ____ U

---1I. . " . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ .

Published every morning except MAonday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches crtldited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub'
lished herein.
Entered at the postofiice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ;,s second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Thin- Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Orff ices:.Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ward Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor. .......... ..Nelson I. Smith
City I:ditor............" .....tewart HIooker
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor ......... .... Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor. ... ..........George Stauter
Music and Drama........R.E,. Askren
Assistant City Editor -.......... Robert Silbar
Night Editors

L seph E. Howell
onald j. Kline
Lawrence R. Klein

Charles S. Monroe
Pierce Rosenberg
George E. Simons
C. Tilley

fraternity or secret societies" was
omitted in. the 1927 amendment
and add that in view of certain
court decisions, it seems likely that
college fraternity property is taxI
exempt in Michigan now.
The Board of Regents has asked
the legislature for enormous sums
of money to build dormitories for
the housing of students. These
buildings will naturally be tax ex-
empt. Although the Governor ve-
toed such appropriations, the Board'
of Regents has resigned itself toj
the building of dormitories. The
fraternities and sororities on the
campus house and feed at least 25
per cent of the student population.,
These buildings have been erected
at no expense to the State, and are
small university dormitories main-
tained without profit and without
commercial aspect of any kind.
These organizations have paid
taxes since 1845.
If the University proposes tot
build dormitories to house and feed
the other 75 per cent of the Stu-;
dent population, making these dor-
mitories tax exempt, common fair-
ness dictates that the fraternities,
sororities, and other student or-
ganizations which have built their
own houses out of their own funds
should also have their real estate
and buildings tax exempt.
Many other states exemnpt frater-
nity and sorority property from
taxation. The petition cites 123
states which by specific statutes,
court decisions, common consent of
the taxing officials, or by having
the property deeded to the uni-
versity authorities to be held in
trust for the particular fraternities
deeding the property, exempt frat-
ernity and sorority property from
It has been recommended that allE
fraternities, sororities, or other
student organizations which want
their property exempted from tax,
write or see the Governor in sup-
port of the present petition. Surely
the 25 per cent of the student body
which has financed its own hous-
ing should be on an equal footing
with the 75 per cent which the Uni-
versity proposes to house at public
expense in tax exempt dormitories.
There is certainly "a grim irony in
taxing these college fraternity
houses which are as much a means
of education as are dormitories, for
municipal and state uses, while


1OASTED ROLL iMusic And Draia
1= 6 SOMEHOW Friday night of this week the
Lark is on the rampage again famous negro tenor, Roland Hayes,
and spent the entire afternoon yes- 1 will make his second appearance inf
terday making faces at his type-Aln Arbor for the Choral Union
writer. The Rolls Executive Board Anncro s r t CU
is investigating his case and will Concert series.
report soon. Hayes' career is an anple of
*4' *the vivid sort of thing Americans
"Temporary sanity" is his like to think of as characteristic;
plea. of "God's Country," where a good
4' man simply cannot be kept down.!
In the meantime we are forced He was born in the Southland, of
to keep faith with his public; and a former slave mother whose pov-#
in the event that Lark is found erty, when the more or less benevo-
sane we may take over the column. lent paternalism of her master was
What with approaching finals and removed, compelled her to bring?
all, why we don't know, up the boy under dire circum-
I stances. But with the optimism
come from the assurance that he

Strings . Supplies
*. Repairs *
for all Musical Instruments
Schaeberle &Son


Michigan Tailors
625 E. Liberty St., Upstairs

G M1 1 1\ I.l l l-\
\ _ 1
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++iiiiss ''

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Read the Cla ssified Ads

!'./ ,~/ MJ~i/ /w AM/~/I. .tMJ/"/ M" .n. . //'/.-= a e ,, S.srve/ 1 n Ppr"r a a/ .

Lenses and Frames made * * 1
To Order t! Fridy Evening, Jan.18th
Optical Prescriptions =1
Filled A Limited Number of Tickets Are
HALLERS Available at $1.50. $2.00, and $3.00
State St. Jewelers at
Want Ads Pay Maynard Street

Paul L. Adams 1
Morris Alexander
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwith 1
Louise Behymer 7
Arthur Bernstein
Seton C. Boyve
Isabel Charles
I,. R. Chubb1
PrankI,. Cooper
Helen Domine
Margaret Exckels 1
Douglas Ed wards
Valborg Igeland
Robert J, Feldman
Marjorie Foilmer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes+
David B. empstead Jr.'
Richard Jung+
Charles R. Kaufman
Ruth Kelsey

fDonald E. Layman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
N eery AMerry
Elizabeth Ouaife
V'ictor Rabinowitz
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Iloward Simon
Robert I,. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swanson
Jane Thayer
Beth Valentine
(;nrney NWilliams
Walter Wilds
George I;. Wohlgemuth
Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

I ir All Imiportanit
I a. sand Ocean Lines
"Tours, Cruiser
Independent Travel
E. G. Kuebler
cen. steamship Agency
601 E. Huron Pb. 6412

This elegant gift will be awarded
the person between the ages of 2
and 8 who will write the best letter
telling why we should not have the
job. Judges will be Lark, Andy
Gump, and Doc Lovell. Let's have
those letters. Winner will be an-
nounced soon.
Several college presidents and
deans attended a convention of the
Association of American Colleges
in Chattanooga over the week-end
and decided that the drinking habits
of college students are much exag-
"The average college student,"
they said, "drinks less and accom-
plishes more than his father did
25 years ago."
Of course. It takes only half
as much of today's likker to
make a student do four times
as much as his father ever did.
* 4' *
Four drinks might have encour-
aged his father to argue with a cop,
but two drinks enable today's stu-
dent to beat up four cops and an
old apple woman without half try-

i '


- - - - - - - - - - - - . +. .+r r r r+.r +Y r w w r ra w. r+/w ~ .i

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-)RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Ader: cig ............... Alex K. Scherer
Advertising............ ....A.James Jordan
Advertising................Carl W. Hammer
Service ..................flerbert F. Varnum
Circulation.......... ..eorge S. Bradley
Accounts.............. Lawreuce E. Walkley
Publicatiois ................R.ay. .ilofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette iale
ernor Davis

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
t lierMablev

Bessie r ItltCdfiU s'" " ' t e"
Sally Faster . A Newmandormitories go tax exempt.*
Aetna Goldberg Jack Rose ___________
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm 0 - The dean of men at George
GeorgeHamton George Spaherw pREAPPORTIONMENT Washington university is trying-to
DXHumphrey IMarie Wellstead - After a seven-year battle to pass find out if the typical college man
Night Editor-Lawrence R. Klein I a bill for the reapportionment of really bans garters and indulges in
__________________________ Iseats, the house has at last sent necking.
TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1929 the Fenn bill to the senate. This***
planFo not providefoa en m First thing you know they'll
-Fmediate redistribution, but sets in start an investigation of the
motion machinery which would re- rumor that the sun comes up
Idistrict after each census, in the every morning.,
Mevent that the house fails to act, i
Newspapers within the last day j and will go into effect after the We swore that Mary Gold would
have published the story that An- census-.of 1930. never again be mentioned in this
drew Mellon and President-elect The fight for reapportionment, department, but then-look
Hoover have come to the under- which has been led by Clarence J Oh, Gumley:
standing that Mellon is to con- shod a g ictoryt f s a Bein' as how on accounta the ice
tinue as Secretary of the Treasury state Of the eleven states whose is so horrid an' all, I think it would
during Mr. Hoover's term as Presi- representation will increase, only be sorta coy of me to suggest ways
dent. Reliable Washington repor- one California will gain more and means for us co-eds to keep
ters say that the story has comew members than will Michigan. offa it. I mean, so's we could make
from an unquestioned authority, Two important difficulties have our 8 o'clocks without breaking our
and this but confirms the idea that arisen in connection with the pas- necks or anything.
has been prevalent since Mellon sage of any sort of bill whatever For instance-lookut:
sag ofanysor o bil wateerA: Let the university rovide us
ceased opposing Hoover at election ,for redistricting in the house. Fore- with tye.y pOeh?)
time, and backed him as the better most of these is in the fact that iwith skis of a type. (Oh, yeah?)
of two candidates. the present representatives, not withen es(ay woill
The well-informed see this move wishing to force from their posi- aith gentlemen (Ha!) who will
as a Hoover concession to "big tions any of the men now in the aid us gallantly to our feet, after
business." Hoover and Mellon sinthe- a spill.
often clashed over business ideas sider such proposals. Moreover, (A, in this case, could be elimi-
while in the cabinet, and several the large number now sitting in the nated entirely.)
times, the President-elect has house almost prohibits an increase C nLetthe B & G oys strew ashes
stepped on the plans of some of in the membership -or anything-over the campus
Mr. Mellon's dearest associates in The single logical act, thenand neighboring vicinities. (They
business. The Hoover attitudes on would be to pass a bill which would are such a hand at strewig,
debt cancellation, French loans, not affect the present representa- aren t they, Gumley?)
and on the Jacksonville coal min- tives, and yet comply with thee- Being quite certa that at this
ing wage agreement are examples mands of the Constitution. The point the entire student body is
of the breaks between the two. But last reapportionment was made in abashed, I will close, merely men-
in spite of the personal opposition last, reaothe wsmadin tioning a secrut which I know you
in cabinet and campaign, Hoover quires1910, thatafter each ceonstitution re-ats will not breathe to a soul...
is evidently doing the wise thing should be redistributed. Negligence I, myself, saw Mary Gold sitting
in retaining Mellon. in this matter might well have lead on the ice, only yesterday
Mellon loves his work; his social to disregard in matters of more and M * * ryG
and daily life in Washington is a more importance, until finally the
big improvement over that of Pitts- Constitution would be thrown en- And today, Mary Gold, are
burgh; and his admirers have tirely into the discard. Though ! you sitting?
called him "the greatest treasury long delayed, it is indeed fortunate Warmer weather was predicted
secretary since Hamilton and Gal- that this new proposal for reap- Wfryet erdyan ogedifte
latin." His presence will lend a portionment comes when it does. didn't have it. The mercury soare
pacifying and experienced presence The step just taken by the house upntwlver12hde re
to the cabinet of the former Secre- of representatives is timely and it up to well over 12 degrees.
tary of Commerce. is greatly to be desired that the'g"
_______ I Slowly rising temperature," said
asenate, too, will consider the true the report. It sure was slow.
TOWARD TAX EXEMPTION importance of this bill for reap- * * *
Shelby B. Schurtz, '09L, a Grand portionment. Today's heighth-of-something-
Rapids attorney and one of the or-other: Trying to talk to a
principal leaders in the campaign A vacation story by one of the deaf girl in the library.
to change the date of the founda- brilliant sport staff of the Chicago * * 4'
tion of the University to the date Tribune mentioned all of the Con- Ad in the Daily: FOR RENT-
of first incorporation, has submit- ference teams as pennant conten- Double front room for men; pri-
ted a petition to Governor Green ders except Michigan. Maybe vate home; garage.
and the Michigan legislature "to 3 they're mad about the Sphinx * * *
encourage the means of education stories. The double room is nice, and
by exempting from taxation the 0 the private home is great, but
property of any fraternity, sorority, If the University would stop reg- what will they do with that
or organization of college students ulation of student committees and last item?
which is connected with any col- take to regulating some of the * * *
lege, university, or other institu- holdups practiced by Ann Arbor WARNING!
tion of learning." merchants, they would have wider
In the arguments for tax exemp- fields in which to work.
tion, Mr. Schurtz goes back to the o_ -
Ordinance of 1787 which stipulates i "Women'sDebate Team To Clash

Roland Hayes
Negro Tenor who will appear in
the Choral Union Concert series on
January 18.
could fall no lower, in a sunshiny
land, he kept his cheery spirits and
gave them expression in carefree,
if somewhat immature, song. A
fortunate capacity for unworried
perseverance in the job under hand
carried him through boyhood into
a college education. His develop
ing talent for song at first in-
trigued his aspiring college com-
panions and then found training
from his more visionary instruc-
tors, with the result that his beau-
tifully checkered career-a l'Amer-
icane-brought him into contact
with more and more discriminating
musicians until he finally secured
sponsorship for training both here
and abroad.
The amazing appeal of hisaf-
fable personality, combined with
his golden lyric voice have made
him an outstanding figure on the
concert stage, as loved as he is en-
His concert Friday night will be
before a welcoming audience,.
which should prove a stimulus to
his artistic effort and smooth his
delivery of the lyric program.
* * .
A flood of publicity bears witness
that Germany's foremost actor,
Alexander Moissi, is in the vicinity,
in process of, as he so naively re-
marked when .he left the ship in
New York harbor, conquering Amer-
ica. This was Mr. Moissi's avowed
intention when he first approached
the steamship agent. In New York,
where the hick' element is per-
haps more pronounced than any-
where else in the country, taking it I
-the country, or the element-by
and large, this confession militat-
ed against his reception. New
Yorkers refused to be told, and a
gentler edition of the Oscar Wilde
fiasco appeared. West of the Hud-
son the publicity managers were
more successful-or perhaps the
population is less trucullently
minded. At least the reception gen-
erally was openly friendly and a
feeling has grown that, New York
and possibly Chicago notwith-
standing, "the kid's good." Which,
translated means that Moissi has
been playing to small but very
appreciative audiences of the high-
brow type.
Aside from the announced re-
sults of the preliminary judgment,
the One Act Play contest brought
out a number of encouraging
symptoms of the state of the
drama in this locality.
The total number of plays sub-
mitted came to 31. In a student
body of the size apparent any day
at noon on the diagonal this num-
ber seems pitifully absurd. But of
this number, more than half the
contestants were without training
from the play-writing courses.
With the exception of Heyman, all
the winners of the elimination
were enrolled in the course, which
itself totals some fifteen students.
The ratio of 1 to 6 does not neces-
sarily express the virtues of the
course because Heyman has had
experience with the Opera and has
been enrolled with Play Produc-
tion activities. In a sensehe may-
be considered with the more favor-
ed students of the play-writing
course. In which case it appears
that the course is of considerable

Cold weather
Fur coats overcoats
and sheeplined coats
at reduced prices.
JirrTen C 35sz}Sbice 1&4&





tiAt TlT

theSkes with Commerce
T ~HE air map of America is now in the making-on
the ground.
Ten years ago, there were 218 miles of air mail routes with
two station stops; to-day, a network of sky roads bridges
the country from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from
Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

A majority of the beacon
lights used in airport and
airway illumination have
been designed and manu-

Can you imagine this growth without electricity-without
illuminated airports-without trunk lines studded with
electric beacons?
Men of vision are building for increasing traffic of the air.
Soon, the skies will be filled with commerce.

tn'at -tde mleans oU , tauUI.don sna With Indiana," says The Daily.
forever be encouraged," and then Seems as if Tex Rickard has joined
he quotes the Michigan Supreme Harry Houdini in the spirit realm.




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