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January 12, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-12

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'WNO ,e

TT SMITH AND BRYN MAWR COLLEGES W lIl i 0 Inlander Contributors Receive Many


M INIt1111 il iisa." ftRequests To Have Work Republished
{LI Announcements have just beer ,Grace H. Dodge Memorial scholar- R q essoDaeWoI,1e[IiId
IENNrWPBERV Ireceived by Miss Grace Richards ships of $350 each in the field of LE S OIItContributors to Inlander, Michi-I Yae Tanaka, a Japanese student
IILf IIU~IITI~industrial relations. There is also 1 i th Unver
adviser of women, regarding thc andusria Fdla s herip oo gan's literary magazine have had doing graduate work in the Univer-
a "Music Fund ' scholarship of from - sit reetl pblished a tyi
BA1 graduate fellowships annually o $350 to $500 for the study of musi Crowley-Mne ndom ny ny offes to have their work re-y cent ishe f a stor in
BAK Tive[[ $Cowe-MlcoAdCopnnote curens ansu incidcntIninntheof t
fered by Smith college and the fel( Five scholarships for foreign) Detroit To Present Sports printed in other outside magaznes. which concerns an incident in th of th
lowsbhips and scholarships offered women are offered by Bryn Mawr. And Formal Fashions Frances Jennings, '31, and Louisa life of a little Japanese boy and is
THETA TEAM'S FORWARD WALL in the graduate school of Bryn They amount to $1,000 each and Butler, '29, have both been asked told in the Oriental manner, whichheard
DISPLAYS EXCELLEN7T Mawr school. Application for these are awarded in any subject in WIL MANNEQUINS by Stanley Braithwaite, to allow appears so curious beside the other Cody,
TEAM- WORKjfellowships and scholarships may which a fellowisp is offered.-LUNSn l American-written stories. yeste
____be made by University of Michigan Application for Bryn Mawr I him to print~ in hs 1925 Anhlg
women, some of them being OpeI scholarships must be received by Under the sponsorship of the of Magazine Verse, several of their Vivian La Jeunesse writes a re- ing a
FINAL SCORE IS 26 TO 7 to holders of an A. B. degree ar Feb. 15, 1929. The Byrn Mawr an- Woman's Athletic a s s o c i a tion, poems which have appeared in the Inaraby powerful story,Donb eto o'cloc
.-- Iothers to women who have in ad. nouncement calls attention to its Crowley-Milner and Company will Inlander. Several of the prose Mtal," which m a elin- not y
Helen Newberry's Team Defeats dition done at least a year of gra'd European Traveling fellowships, present a style show at the Wom- writers who have written for the that it was written from a real in- tryout
Phi Sigma Sigma uate work. which are open to students who en's Athletic building at 4 o'clock Inlander have been asked to sub- cident which must have happened h
29-2 Information concerning all thest have already studied in the Bryn on Friday, Jan. 18. At this time mit stories to "College Humour. hamong the French-Canadians oft
cholarshteMawr graduate school. sports wear and formal dresses will Frances Jennings was also request- ter
scoasips is posted on the bux beshw ed by "College Humour" to allow jBennett Weaver, a resident of Sec
In the two intramural basketball letin board in Barbour gymnasium Miss Richards has also received be shown them to print a poem of hers "The Ann Arbor, who has had his work: gan
games played at 4 o'clock yester- and Miss Richards will be glad t an announcement regarding th Members of the W. A. A. execu- IPehe rit apere reIAnborhe hona s ie omaganc
d Barb- give any further information a- 1admission of American women stu- tive board will act as hostesses and Peeker" which appeared in a re- published in many outside maga-eontin
day in Barbour gymnasium, Kappa advice which she can to wome' dents to Oxford university. The will serve tea to the spectators. cent issue of Inlander. zines, notably "The Midland" writes Iing o
Alpha Theta gained a victory from who are interested in the scholar committee on international rela- Chairmen have been appointed Valerie Gates, '28, who had her a poem for this issue "Dark Eagle." for sp
Chi Omega, with a score of 26-7, ships. tions of the American Association from the board to take charge ofwor seinsTherrader frAnpes Je ighths e"rsyInbyre in
and Helen Newberry won from Phi The Smith College Trustee fel of University Women has arranged arrangements. They are Marie two years previous to her gradua- Frances Jennings also appears in are in
SigmaHlenNwithryaflrofh lowships are six graduate fellow to receive at its office in New York Hartwig, '29, floor chairman; Ari-Iion, has been publishing eten- the issue of Inlander which has
.Sigma Sigma with a fmna-core of ships of $600 each, plus tuitior City, applications from American ene Heilman, '30, music; Francis tsively in various magazines, such jus come ou
120-2. when used at Smith college. The; women graduates desiring to study Whipple, '31, mannequins; Irene as 'The New Yorker, Comtempo- This campus magazine is espe-
In spite of the one-sidedness of are unrestricted as to subject. at Oxford, and to forward to the Cook, '29, tea; Janet Micheal, '31, rary Verse," 'The Midland." cialy interested in new writers. T
the score of the Kappa Alpha The Fellowships and Scholarship principals at Oxford recommenda- invitations; Helen Domine, '31, Thedwork which appears intthe Manuscrips forethe publication Lea
Tht-h mg ae twsin Education consist of two fellow tions regarding these candidates. Publicity. I Inlander is brought to the atten-, may be submitted at any time I stud
ships of $500 each, plus tuition, an( This arrangement has been made It is expected that many women tion of a large number of people through the mail to the Inlander its '
really both fast and exciting and three scholarships of tuition only necessary, according to the an- on the campus will be interested all over the country due to the fact in -the Press Building or at the ary
some good basketball playing was These are for college graduate nouncement, "by the large number in this show, as it affords an ex- that the magazine is exchanged group meetings which are held pict
displayed. The passing and shoot- who wish to prepare themselves fo- of American women wishing to cellent opportunity to see the new with other universities, is sent to a about twice a month and which are for
ing of Winnefred Hartman and :pecialized work in education enter Oxford, the very limited ca- spring styles in sports clothes. licg body of alumnae,.goes to pub- announced in the Daily.
Rachel FlemingTheta forwards,! li high-school libraries, and is ex -____________i__________
was'prticingood. The Harriet Boyd Hawes scholar pacity of the women's colleges Coming as it does just before thef high schol lib aries1nu 1er
oship consists of the income from there, and the difficulty of hand- J-Hop it will attract many women cane with a large number ofth
Throughout the entire game, fund of $5,500, plus tuition wher ling applications. and credentials who are looking for new formals. , commerciamagazinesand Braith- IIr
kappa Alpha___Theta's____team__was,_ waite and Schnittkind, compilers).
Alpha Theta's team was iused at Smith. The regulations a from an office in England."
never once in danger for it kept the the same as those of the Truste American women may study for LEARN THE PIANO IN of anthologies.
initial lead gained during the first fellowships. a variety of degrees at Oxford, the TEN LESSONS S~-~
Suarter, to the end of the game. The Smith College Tuitior one most highly recommended for
However, at the beginning of theischolarships are four scholarship them being the honours B. A. ApTRR
Half, when the score was 121,of tuition only, for study at Smith plications must be filed not later TENOR-BANJO OR
playing of the Chi Omega team Applications for the Smith college than March 1. MANDOLIN IN FIVE $10
made some noticeable improve- fellowships and scholarships ar 0 o-. LESSONS B O s
rhent, particularly in the work of due on March 1 Members of Mortar Board, Dres
their guards. 'Candidates for the fellowships o Notice: The picture for the i Without nerve - racking, heart-
The line-up for the game is as I Bryn Mawr college must have comI Michiganensian will be taken at breaking scales and exercises. You and
follows: pleted a year of graduate work a ten o'clock tomorrow morning are taught to play by note in reg-
Kappa Alpha Theta Chi Omega some college or university of goo, i at Dey's studio. The notice ular professional chord style. In RARE
W. Hartman . RF...... A. Crane standing. Candidates for th which appeared in The Daily your very first lesson you will be
. Fleming ...LF.... H. Burnell scholarships offered by this coll yesterday was in error as to the e to play a popular number by BOOKS
C. Beardslee ... C..... R. Biship. must be graduates of a college or time. There will be a short 1 _ \
. Grinnell . .S C ... . .. C. Leith I university but need not have donC e engatr hepcuei SEND FOR IT ON APPROVA L
G. Coan ....... RG...... C. Wilcox graduate work. taken. The "Hallmark Self -Instructor," New S
,B. White.....LG. E. Howard I Bryn Mawr offers 23 resident f o o is the title of this method. Eight ew
The other game, played at 4 lowships of $810 each in a vane years were requirento puseet th OLD \ Mill
o'clock, between Phi Sigma Sigma of subjects. There are also 20 grad Trthe necessary examination sheets,
and Helen Newberry was not as uate scholarships of $350, offered ir Michigan Tailors is bound in on volume. The first BOOKS
fast or as exciting a game as the any subjects in which a fellowsh LADIES' COATS RELINED lesson is unsealed which the stu-B
I lsoIi nele hcItesu
one which was being played on the is offered. OUR SPECIALTY dent may examine and be his own
other side of the floor, but it was The Robert G. Valentine scholar- REASONABLE PRICE "JUDGE and JURY." The later
one in which both teams fought ship carries a gift cf $350 fbr study WORK GUARANTEED, Part of the "Hallmark Self-fn-
hard to the very end. Newberry's I in social economyand social re- 625 E. Liberty St., Upstairs structor," s ee
sling nd genraltem-worksearc._BrynMawrofers____ral Upon the student returning any' CHAILDREN'S
'passing and general team-work -e y .copy of the "Hallmark Self-In-
was good and her forwards were structor" with the sea'unbroken, BOOKS
hccurate and fast. The fact that we will refund in full all money
the Phi Sigma Sigma team have paid. j
hot had the experience playing to-3 This amazing Self-Instructor will
gether that Newberry team has, 1' l be sent anywhere. You do not need at the E Liberty St.
counts largely for the poor team to send any money. When you re-
they1displayed3 ceive this new method of teaching :t11IvIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1luI11111111111111111
worc thy dipayed.1. 1 uidpoi ihth ot
The lineup was as follows: } Hothe sum of ten dollars. If you are
Helen Newberry Phi Sigma Sigma not entirely satisfied, the money PRINT & BOOK {..-
B. Fromm ....RF... A. Goldberg paid will be returned in full, upon
E. Abbot ...... LF....... V. Zimit YOU CAN GET written request. The Publishers:
ineb are anxious to place this "Self-In- SHOP .
S. Lauer .n.l..(. Cf D. Fneergstructor" in the hands of musicEJ on
V. Moore ......SC.... .T. Laidman A Single Cutter (for two people lovers all over the country, and are 521 E. Jefferson St.
E. Potter . ..... RG...... A. Klien in a position to make an attractive
M. Cote ....,..LG... D. Clayman A Double Cutter with a team (four people) proposition to agents. Send for
- your copy today. Address The' Tel. 21081 '
Pleasure Bobs for parties (20 people) "Hallmark Self-Instructor," Station
Tasty TrG, Post Office Box 111, New York,
Tty Treat N. Y.

tively no tryouts for the cast
e Junior Girls' Play will be
after this morning, Louise
general chairman, announced
'day. The tryouts this morn-
re scheduled from 9 to 12
k, and all women who have
et reported for their second
s must appear at this time, as
will not be another opportun-
r them to do so,
and tryouts for the play be-
on Thursday afternoon and
ued yesterday. Women try-
it for chorus parts as well as
eaking parts have been heard
e play committee. All tryouts
n Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
e Board of Directors of the
ue will meet at the Dey
io at 12 o'clock Monday for 1
Ensian picture. The Judici-
Council will report for this
ure and remain afterwards
a separate group picture.
irday Only
ses of newest crepes
howing of Spring
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