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January 10, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-10

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TITUFtcT)AY, JAIMA T 101 lko


Publihld every morning eept Monday
{luring thieIt1~iveSi<" year by th4 Board in
foritrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoff'ice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master Gem irLd
Subscript i~ by carrier, $I. o; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-,
nard Street.
Phones- Editorial, 4()25; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor---------------------Nelson J Smith
City Editor---------------J. Stewart Hooker
News Editor..---------Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor--------------..W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor-------------Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor-------------..Geor-ge Stauter
Music and Drama...............R s r
Assistant City Editor........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Joseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. KleinrGeorgeE. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Doniald E. Layman
Morris Alexander Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith henry Merry
Louise Bebymer Elizabeth Ouaife
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L. R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swanson
Robert J. Feldman Jame Thayer
Marjorie Fol le r Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George I . Wolilgemuth
Charles R.Kaufman Edward L. Varner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Clend Wvllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
AdvrtiingDepartment Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising----------------Carl W. Hammer
Service------------------Herbert E. Varnm
Circulation.................eorge S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications----------------.Ray i1. Hofelich

for freshmen-facilities which
would constitute a crushing over-
head should! freshmen be taken
from them for even one semester.
And for this opportunity to shape
character and remain financially
solvent deferred rushing would ex-
change, among other things, con-
stant back-biting and recrimina-
tions among fraternities for real
and alleged violations of any
"hold-off" regulations that might
be enacted. The proposed exchange
seems hardly worth the candle.
Out in Democratic Oklahoma,
which now has two Republican
senators and gave its ten electoral
votes to the Republican candidate
for President last November, the
state legislature, convening in its
biennial session, is taking steps to
impeach Governor Henry S. John-
Anti-administration forces after
seeking to secure the removal of
the Oklahoma governor for more
than a year, have finally gained
control of both houses, of the state
legislature and it now seems
scarcely more than a matter of
time until Oklahoma shall have
impeached her third governor in
a brief life of 21 years.
Vigorous attempts to secure the
impeachment of Governor Johnson
were made towards the close of
1927 and actual impeachment
charges were preferred by the state
house of representatives, meeting
on its own initiative. State sena-
tors, however, refused to act upon
the charges, holding them to be
unconstitutional, as it is impossible
for the legilature to meet in
Oklahoma at other than specified
times except at the call of the gov-
Governor Johnson, a Democrat,
was hardly guilty of sufficient mis-
ment on the original charges, at-
demeanors to justify his impeach-
tempts to secure his impeachment
at that time being due primarily
to ill feeling which grew up be-
tween the state govermental units
after the supreme court had placed
a heavy fine and a prison term on a
member of the state legislature for
contempt of court. The governor
supported the court in the contro-
When the house members sought
to hold an extra-legal session to
bring impeachment charges against
the governor, Johnson called out
the state militia to prevent their
meeting in the state house. This
use of state troops served to create
a great deal of ill feeling against
the governor, as a result of which
there is every reason to believe that
he will be impeached.
The events in the case, however,
are of relatively minor importance.
The significant fact, deplorable as
it is, is that there are some places
in the United States where the
people are still incapable of run-
ning a democratic government suc-
cessfully, or else there are some
portions of the United States
where the people insist upon ex-
ercising all of their government
prerogatives. Whatever the cause,
the result has certainly been most
With the passing last Sunday ir
Miami of George L. (Tex) Rickard
noted sports promoter and the mar
who elevated Jack Dempsey an'
Gene Tunney to the position
millionaires, the world has lost one{
of the greatest showman of a
time. He will go down in histor
along with such men as Ringli
and Barnum.


There's no rest for the weary.
No sooner has the flu epidemic
trampled through town and de-'
parted, leaving the Health Service
officials gasping, when along comes
Michigan's first glider for the boys
to play with.
** * *
Now they really will go up
in the air.
* * *
Most of the students, fortunately,
will prefer to do their gliding on
a nice, slippery sidewalk where the
most you can get is a broken hip
or a compound fracture of the leg.
* * *
Being air-minded is a great
thing, but there's nothing like the
roar of an engine to give you con-
* * *
Just think how horrible it
would be to get up 1,310 feet
in the air and hear a couple
of pins drop out of a wing or
* * * :
We see by the papers that the
administration in Bulgaria has
discovered the theft of an entire
railroad-tracks and all.I
* * *

0 ,


Music And Drama

, I



Maybe somebody
windows somewhere
them opened.
* * *

took the
to have

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
]Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper 1 alverson
George Hamiton
Tacki Forwich
Dix H-umphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. lNewman
;ack Rose
Carl F. Schemn
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE

After a filibuster of .several
months that has revealed a de-
termined opposition to deferred
rushing, the Senate committee on
student affairs has approved the
thesis of deferred rushing and ap-
pointed a sub-committee to formu-
late a plan whfch will probably be
enforced a year from next fall.
While this step may be defended
as the effort of a kindly and pa-
ternal administration to help the
fraternities solve their problems, it
is resented by most of the older and
more representative fraternities as
a blow at their autonomy, as a
menace to the traditions by which
they perpetuate their individuality,
and as a monkey-wrench thrown
heedlessly into their economic
Under the present system of
fraternity rushing, unhampered by
dean's office dicta and generally
described as "cut-throat," ' the
fraternities on the campus- have
existed since their establishment
and have thrived, if we may judge
by their present importance in
campus life and their growing
numbers. Strong bodies of inter-
ested alumni attest the fact that
these groups have lived happily
and profitably together and its at-
tendant danger of pledging misfits
in the haste of rushing week.
"Closed bids," customarily used to
break down the sales resistance of
rushees, have disappointed a few
who held out for something better,
but these bids, in not a few in-
stances, have been re-opened to
men believed exceptionally desir-
able. The unwary freshman, also,
who is carried off his feet by the
first bidder, has never been denied
his right to break a pledge either
in favor of independence or of an-
other fraternity.
The rough-and-ready justice de-
veloped among fraternities by cus-
tom and necessity has heretofore
been sufficient to secure a felici-
tous distribution of freshmen and
a happy minimum of hard feelings.
"Cut-throat" rushing has served to
impress on rushees and fraternity
men alike that this University is
essentially an institution of men
whose judgment is taken for
granted, and of whom intelligent
and fearless decisions are expected.
Deferred rushing smacks of molly-
coddling and adolescence.
We believe it a defensible conten-
tion that the few hardships and
injustices created by the present
rushing system do not warrant a
sacrifice of the benefits it confers
and the new dangers deferred
rushing would create. By pledging
during the first week of college,
fraternities are enabled to impress
their ideals 'upon their freshmen
A.lin f*h l. n 5 1 t. n 4- + n nc l. im ' nf nc.

At any rate, it must have been
an awful strain on the family ties.
The only thing left for the owners
were tender memories. Whatever
crazy motive the thief had could
aptly be called-and in fact will be
called-loco motives; and what's
more they couldn't catch the
scoundrel because he left no tracks.
Speaking of scoundrels reminds
us that Professor Wenley says "We
are all hogs, scoundrels, and sots."
That word scoundrel is pretty
strong, Professor.
* * *
A large western university is of-
fering a course in cartooning and
showcard writing. Perhaps the
slickers will look better from now
on ha ha ha ha ha ha.
* * *
Now that you are in a good mood,
buy a copy of the January Garg.
It's a burlesque of Collier's and
seems to be a wow. (Advt.)
* * *
(Paid for by A Friend.)
* * *
Communication Department
Mr. Rolls:
Mirable Dictu! A member of our
noble Rhetoric department has
been found guilty of a most per-
nicious crime: He made a gram-
matical error in an anouncement
in yesterday's Officia'l Bulletin! He
goes down in history as the first
member of the faculty to be the
butt of student jest regarding ar
announcement of a bolt. Can you
imagine his chagrin when "any-
one wants their play read"?
Busy Bobby
* * *
Dr. Oliver Kamm, a former Uni-
versity instructor, has been award-
ed a thousand dollar prize for iso-
lating the hormones.
Now if he can succeed in isolat-
ing the harmonica players, the
saxaphonists, and the two-finger
piano pounders he will further his
fame 100%.
* '* *
According to the advertisements,
clothing around town is about half
"Men's clothing may be half
off," muses Cynical Sid, "but
wimmin's clothing is oney half
* * *
But that is entirely too much talk
about nothing. Consider the case
of the New York university student
who was given $1,000 by his father
for passing up smoking for a year.
The thousand was immediately in-
vested in American Tobbacco Co.
* * *
One Daily-nearly new-will be
given to the person who makes the
best height-of-something-or-other
out of this.
* * *
What would YOU do in the case
of Mary Gold? If we were Mary
Gold we'd marry gold, and that's
positively the last time this will be
mentioned in this department, even
if we have to stand around down-
1t.r ,.- .~ .

Now that all the publicity on the
twenty-third Union opera, has
blown over and is being fortunate-
ly forgotten, it is interesting to
survey the comments made by
leading newspapers on "Rainbow's
End." As a general rule, these re-
views have been heartily favorable,
and because of the interesting
slants given on the opera, they are
being quoted in part here.
For instance, the New York City
Telegraph has this to say: "The
managers must be complimented
on casting their production with
more of an eye on histrionic abil-
ity than on broken field running.
Most college shows draft the back-
field of their football team into
the pony ballet and while the effect
is not without its comedy, it soon
becomes irksome watching 200-
pound linesmen indulging in high
kicking." And again from the
same review: "The production suf-
fered greatly from unintelligible
lines and a mystery theme which
was without much meaning."
Here is the comment o tu e ew
York Times: "The Mimes are men,
but that did not prevent many of
them from impersonating with an
amazing degree of success, the in-
evitable heroines, leading women,
and chorus girls. Illusion was
jeopardized chiefly by the voices."
The wearied tone of this reviewer
is perhaps prophetic of a change
from "the inevitable heroines,
leading women and chorus girls"
which is becoming increasingly
necessary in musical comedies if
for no more artistic reason than
to give a jaded public something
Here are a few remarks from the
Buffalo papers. The News has this
to say: "A breath of naivette, a
comical troupe of collegiate cow-
boys, somber but grinning Indians,
and "girls" with husky baritone
voices, a dashing Spanish don, a
western ranch represented in na-
tural colors on the settings and
the painted mesa, were some of the
high lights of the show. The play
was distinctly collegiate, with the
members of the cast enjoying the
"The 'girls' played their parts
with considerable neatness, al-
though they were handicapped by
the fact that they tried to act a
trifle too refined," is the interest-
ing slant given by the Buffalo
Daily Times.
The Buffalo Courier-Express was
highly lauditory in its review. It
may be summed up from this com-
ment: "These young men from
Ann Arbor presented to a critical
Buffalo audience a real show and
to each one of the large cast, de-
served credit must be given."
The Philadelphia Record reports
that "Last night's performance was
staged with the elaborateness and
brilliancy that characterize the
legitimate rather than the amateur
A comment on the opera's run in
Michigan is this one from the Lan-
sing State Journal: "From start to
finish, the show proved as re-
freshing, entertaining, and above
all, as professional as any the Uni-
versity Mimes have ever produced
before a Lansing audience."
All in all, it would seem that this
year's Mimes production has been
well recognized as a finished and
entertaining play of the musical
comedy type. It is noteworthy that
none of the reviewers take a seri-
ous attitude toward the opera, and
it might pertinently be asked, now
that the ballyhoo of publicity has
been stilled till another year and
"Rainbow's End" is fast headed
to oblivion, was it all worth while?
P. L. A.

Manuscripts entered for competi-
tion in the One Act Play contest
sponsored by the Division of Eng-
lish are subject to the following
Any student in the Univer-
sity is eligible to submit Mss.
Any desired number of plays
from one author may be en-
Mss. should be typewritten,
on one side only of each sheet
of paper.
Mss. should be bound, for the
. convenience of the reader.
Mss. should be enclosed in a
large manila envelope, with a
smaller envelope enclosed,
bearing on the outside the
author's pseudonym, on the in-
side, under seal, his real name
and address.
Mss. should be submitted not1
later than 12 o'clock noon, Fri-
day, January 11, at the offices
of any on the three judges-
Prof. O. J. Campbell, Prof.
Kenneth Rowe, and Director
In connection with the perform-
ance of "Redemption" in Detroit
next week, which will feature the
great European actor, Alexander
Moissi, the Ann Arbor Tolstoi
Y- - --1- -A^-----n- ___4"


( 5-- ' :

F '

ftft""t~zk 4.-

C OMMENCEMENT day is coming-sooner than you ever thought
possible. Soon you will have received your college award-your
degree. It will have been worth working for, not just for possession of
the sheepskin, but because it stands for four years of accomplishment.
When you leave college, you will hear of the Charles A. Coffin Award,
the highest gift in the utilities industry for excellence of operation.
During the six years of the Coffin Foundation, three of the Gold
Medals symbolizing first place have been won by companies under
Stone & Webster executive management.
No matter what profession or business you choose, you'll meet
Stone & Webster men-financing utilities, operating gas, electric, and
transportation companies, building power and industrial plants. They're
wide awake, alert, progressive. You'll find the Stone & Webster organiza.
tion is worth knowing and worth doing business with.

- . _* 4i

I Editorial Comment


(From The Washtenaw Tribune)
"I call it providential," said Ed-
win N. Brown, leader of the opposi-
tion to dormitories, in speaking of
the halt in the University housing
"It certainly is a gracious answer
to a host of prayers, and rejoices
the hearts of many who were on
the verge of dispair," he added.
"The state," said Mr. Brown, "has;
now been granted at least some
time and opportunity to inquire!
into the need and wisdom of such
an unusual proceeding, and we be-
licve the more it is examined the
less it will be approved.
"The prayer of the petitioners
before the Board of Regents De-
cember 21," he said, "was expressed
in this one line: 'We plead in be-
half of the state for more time in
which to investigate the necessity
and wisdom of such an unusual
plan.' Within a few hours, this
little request .was denied by the
Board of Regents, and now within
ten days by some strange fate, it,
has been granted by the Guardian
Trust," said Mr. Brown.
"For some miraculous reason," he
added, "the designs of the BoardI
of Regents have been overruled,
and our exact request has been
granted. Call it superstition, if you
like. I call it providence. I believe
the dormitories never will be elec-
ted as planned; and if so, a curse


Mould the man first, then the metal

C ARNEGIE developed the steel in-
dustry by first developing his men.
The Bell System is growing faster
than ever before in its history and this
growth, like the steel growth, is based
on the development of men.
Today, in the telephone industry,
men in supervisory positions must co-
ordinate many and varied factors. For
example, before locating a new central

office, population trends are studied.
While it is being built, telephone appa-
ratus is planned, made, delivered and
installed on orderly schedule.
But more basic than all this, the
executive shows leadership by his in-
sight into the human equation and by
the sympathy and understanding with
which he adapts individual to job,
moulding his men first.

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