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January 08, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-08

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Em"WEL* . n Mm AME Jam,
v ../-ts -tsz=r-u s

Juniors And Seniors Practice At
4 O'Clock; Sophs And Frosh
Report At 5

Well, my dear, here we are back to understand. You see, this prof
at the old grind again-at least the had told me only a day or s. be-
majority of us are back and some lore this that he thought I wasn't
of us are at the old grind again. z e ious minded, or words to that
After the wonderful vacation I had eff ect, and I couldn't unde:stand
--I mpan it actually was heavenly why, since I always try to be se-
-I really should be all pepped up ricus in classes, though it is a
to get down to hard work and get strĀ° in. Now all is plain to me, the

all A's in my finals, but somehow, ' I!ery is solved. He must believe
WILL CHOOSE TWO TEAMS the only thing I'm really craving all that I say. I mean, he must
- - - -to do is to repeat the vacation- think I believe all that I say, but
Interclass basketball practice indefinitely. I really don't-not all of it.
will get under way in Barbour And of course, I hope everyone And here I ramble on and on
gymnasium this afternoon when had as lovely a vacation as I did. about practically nothing-no, I'm
the - junior and senior women re- Even the profs ought to have a not slandering the prof at all, I
port for the- first turnout of the good time during vacation. I guess diin't mean it that way-when I
season at 4 o'clock, and the under- most of mine did, because they should be using this valuable time
class athletes meet at 5 o'clock. were all pretty good natured to- ciecyding on my New Year's resolu-
About 25 women are expected to day and few of them called on tions. No, it isn't too late yet to
come out from each class, accord- anybody and they didn't expect make them and if you haven't
ing to Jessie Church, '29, interclass an answer when they did. done so you'd better get busy. The
basketball manager. But speaking of profs-you re- only resolution I seem to be able
Departing from the custom of member that I said I thought I t3 . think of at the moment is to
recent years, there will be no divi- didn't have any of the tvoe that figure out a method by which I
sion between major and academic spring a bluebook on their unsus- can get all A's and not do much
students this season. Instead two pecting and trusting classes the work, but that isn't a good reslu-
or more teams, composed of both last day before vacation? Well, I tion because I think it would be
groups of girls, wil probably be was wrong, all wrong. My faith more work to figure out the sys-
chosen from each of. the classes. in human nature is shattered for- tern than to do the necessary
The change has been made be- ever, or something. I have little amount of studying, and I don't
cause the department believes that respect left for my power in judg- expect that I could get all A's any-
the skill of the academic students ing character, because I was so way. I'd simply die of the shock
has improved so that the two horribly mistaken in this professor. if I ever did. So I guess I won't
classes of players can now compete Of course, we all make mistakes make any resolutions-not any
with each other, but I really thought I knew how public ones anyway. I may make
All women who take part in the to judge people better than that. one or two for my own private
practices are required to take the It happened thusly. I went to use, but they shall remain a deep,
heart and lung examination which this class in my usual trusting darkk secret. And I hope you all
they may get at the Health Serv- frame of mind, never dreaming don't break more resolutions than
ice. Those who were examined for ;that anything unusual would take you made in the first place, one
the hockey season do not have to place. Well, just as I went in the usually does, you know.
repeat the process, however. I door, the professor crept up behind
Qualifications for making the |me and hissed "You get your blue- CAIRO MAINTAINS
teams will depend upon the num- book"-you remember I said it
ber of practices which the women i would be just too bad if I had to THREE COLLEGES
attend, so it is necessary that ev- take a bluebook that last day be-
eryone who possibly can, be at the fore vacation. Well, it was! I - There are three universities in
first one today. Any additional in- have to admit that as bluebooks Cairo, Egypt, according to a na-
formation regarding the season ' go, it really wasn't so terrible, but Caie Egyptian who talked a a-
may be obtained from the follow- due to the fact that the rest of University of Nebraska forum.
ing managers of the class teams: the inmates in the dorm insisted These are a state university, a Mo-
Dnior-Rose Strasser; junior--- on warbling carols early and late hammedan school, and an Ameri-
Dorothy Marshick; sophomore-- -I mean late at night and early can university which was started
Elizabeth Whitney; freshman-'i the morning-I really didn't se- by donations from Americans. This
Martha Peters, cure the needed amount of sleep jlatter school has two main
the night before and naturally I branches of study: science and
THE TA SIGS PLAN wasn't able to think as clearly as religion.
usual that mncrn4Pg- There are 20,000 Egyptians stu-
MATRIX BANQUET The worst shock of all, however, dents in European schools, but only
- was to find out that the prof about 20 in American schools, due
For its Matrix table to be held knows my identity. You have no to the long distance of America
early in march, Theta Sigma Phi idea how that will probably cramp from Egypt.
is now laying its plans. my style. It really was a terrible The high schools there are
The Matrix table is a banquet for shock to me, but it also explains
500 guests sponsored annually by something that I hadn't been able
Theta Sigma Phi -in all the Uni-
versities where it is located, al- PRINCESS PATENTS W E W A ITE
though it was not held at Michi-Wa:lstyr.T R EI V N I S
gn last year. T HREE INV ENT IONS1
Invitations to the affair will be --
sent out in a few weeks to those Patent rights on three inven- OUR SEMIANNUA
who have attained distinction on tions have been received by Prin- SALE OF
campus and in town. A writer of cess Elaine von der Lippe-Lipski.
nation-wide fame will be the guest One is for an automobile head-
of honor and speaker for the eve- light which is claimed to throw a
ning. stream of light regulated by the
.strength of other lights about it.
McGILL DAILY: McGill men have Another of her inventions is a
complained about the feminine in- vacuum incased hogshead barrel
vasion of the Union, but according which is said to enable meats and
to the following, University of other perishable articles to keep
Washington students have only the without ice for as long as six
cigars stores left. months. The Princess asserts that
"Faculty wmen, it seems, are her other invention, a self-operat-
running the freshman women a .big ing 22-reel capacity motion picture offering about
race at the University of Minnesota machine, will do away with the
in the consuMptio-n of cigarettes. I necessity of operators. 500 Pairs
lllutnlllnllllilllliltll nlll Inll! lii i E1ttE li lre1 r r; in l t1 tn1 rd1t1l r'1 I formerly selling at
I Mack & Co.J Phrone 4161 J Mack & Co. t higher prices
at a special price of
Store-Wide January Clearance
)Clearance of.
Opossum Coats, $125
- Clearance Price ..
Australian Seal Coats, $125
Clearance Price .
Martin and Squirrel Trimming, - Featured in-Patent and Suede,
also plain models-other Australian_ both black and brown.
Seal Coats at $175 and $200.

Caracul Coats with Fox Collars,
/tlClearance... $275 KNOWN
ice.................. QUALITY!
Northern Muskrat Coats with Fox = -SUEDES
Collars. Clearance $300 -SEE
Price ............... .... --VELVETS
Civet Cat Coats, $350 -PATENTS
Clearance Price ..........
Hudson Seal Coats, American -COMBINATIONS
-= Broadtail Trimming, $450-
Clearance Price ..........-ALL STYLES!
Fur Coats-Second Floor
- complete

J~ll~l UllL i I M. S. C. EARN WAY L Lll U L L
T-TOf the women students who go
_____to Michigan State College, 38 per
Women. Competing For. Speaking cent earn part of their way That organization is the keynote
Parts Must Memorize through school, according to Neva of the dormitories was the belief
Selection Lovewell, secretary of the Y. W. C. expressed in the speech given by o
_ ----A., who conducts an employment Nathan Levy, '31, in the extempo-
bureau for M. S. C. women students raneous contest held recently,
TRYOUTS BEGIN TIURSDAY as part of her duties, says an arti- speaking in favor of the dormitory
- - cle in the Detroit Free Press. system.
Final revision of the manuscript Fifty women are working for I Different phases of the dormitory
for this year's Junior Girls' Play, their room and board in private problem and the League of NationsIe:
the writing of lyrics, and the crea- homes, and six each day apply for were discussed in the joint meet- o'
tion of dances have occupied the add jobs, she states. These odd ing of Portia, Athena, Alpha Nu, A
members of the play committee lobs consist of anything that the # and Adelphi Tuesday. Figures wereIsE
woman student will do, from clerk- presented in one speech as to the p:
during the Christmas recess. All ng to taking care of children, and probable expenses incurred in liv-
I this work is being done preparatory give her practical experience, ing in a dormitory fifty years from
to the holding of second tryouts. which may add to her income in now. In
It is expected that the tryouts will ater years. Prices paid run from Frances Jennings, '31, the only 1
begin on Thursday, although this 30 to 50 cents an hour. woman speaker on the program, s1
date is subject to change. The person \vith domestic science declared that the world is not yet C
Requests to return for a second training has a chance to put it to ready for as altruistic an organiza- ImiT
tryout were sent out to more than >ractical use in cleaning- house, tion as the League of Nations. Ao
150 junior women the last week horking in restaurants, washing record of the workings of the Leag- ti
before vacation. Those who were lishes, and preparing meals. Sev- ue up to date was given.
called back to try out for speaking tral workers prepared Thanksgiv~ This joint meeting of the four
parts are asked to be prepared foi ng dinners to earn the money they literary societies is held annually n
the first- day of the trvouts. Their"_ , . .. . ard is a social affair. Dancing and.i

ext meeting the evening of Jan.
4 in University High .School. The
peaker will be Dr. Stewart A.
ourtis of the Education depart-
ment. He will talk on the place
f philosophy in the individualiza-
on of instruction.
There will be a Kappa Phi cabi-
et meeting at 4:30 this afternoon
nWesley Hall.

selections must be memorized.
Those trying out for men's parts
are asked to appear in costume.
The identity of the author of the
Junior Girls' Play book, which has
so far been kept secret, is expected
to be announced within a short
time now. This announcement is
being awaited with much interest.
The manuscript, concerning which
very favorable reports have been
Icirculated, was chosen from among
the eight submitted by junior wo-
men in the fall.

ieected. one woman, according to rfehmnsflw ed the extemo-
Miss Lovewell, canned fruit and refreshments folowed the extempo-
made jelly for regular customers, raneous speeches Tuesday night. "Our oldest grandmothers can
his fall. 'jremember when only the most dar-
ntMichigan women have earned ing girls dared to study geogra-
Contrarydto general belief, Miss $1,600 this year for the League phy," Mrs. Ruth Bryan Owen told
Lovewell declares, there are few building by sponsoring entertain- an audience at the University of
3reakdowns among women that ments. l Oregon.
nwork outside their studies, for they men__._regn.
have to make every minute count
rnd realize the value of good
'.ealth. "W


"higher schools" for advanced uni-
versity training, and not second-
ary schools. The colleges and uni-
versity systems are similar te
American ones.
The Egyptians think that for-
eigners can give first hand infor-
mation about their own countries
so one third of the instructors are
foreigners. For instance, an Eng-
lishman teaches English.
The Mohammedan university has
Mohammedan students from all
over the world. Modern thinking
is evident here. One professor
wrote a critical essay on the Koran
however, which was too much for
the conservative members, so he
now teaches in the state university.

Four prominent women athletes
'ave disputed Dr. R. R. Rogers'
statement that sports detract from
feminine beauty.
There were 1,489 delinquent stu-
lents at mid-semesters, according
o reports. 433 were women and
'he rest men.


is not merely a tea room
We feature the Unusual
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SYE BYA t This T im e --T inting $1.00

ofDresses :4
Clever style touches show their fashion correctness--
reduced prices tell a story of economy that is most inter-
esting and will prove advantageous to all who come and
share. All in all, this is a typical Jacobsons underselling--
of dresses, when prices are reduced. to accomplish a
speedy readjustment of stocks. As for the dresses they
possess- qualifications which stamp them as belonging to
the finer modes. Since most of the colder weather of
the season remains ahead of us, one will act wisely in
purchasing a winter dress now.
The dresses included in this group are of canton crepe,
satins. velvets, and chiffons in models suitable for daytime
and evening wear.
This group is comprised of velvets, georgettes, and crepe,
also combination, among them are many evening dresses.
$3 85
A variety of styles makes this selection of crepe, satins,


Tan, black patent and in brown
kid with the snug fitting arch
and heel.

!!-and enjoy a


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