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January 08, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-01-08

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Published every morning except Monday
$uring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.f
Member of Western Conference Editorial I
Asoiation. ,1
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
ttled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it nr not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub'
fished berein.
Entered at the pstofice at Ann Arbor,,
Michigan, astsecond class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
Waster 'General."
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mnail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
bard Street.t
Prhones: Editorial, 4925; Bustnesq, 2t2;.
Telephone 4925"
Fditor........................Paul J. Kern
City/Editor ................Nelson J. Smith
News Editor--------.....Richard C. Kurvink
Sports tditor..................Morris Quinn
Women's Editor....,........Sylvia S. Stone1
Vditor Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker1
Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Fditor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors1
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
oseph E. Jowell Piere Ro mberg
onald J. Kline, George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul I,. Adams C. A. Lewis]
yKorrs Alexander Marian MacDonald 1
Esther Anderson 1! enry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard 1
Bertram Askw ith Victr Rahinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton C. Bovee Roert Silbar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chu'b Robert L. Sloss
Prank E:Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
Helen Donine Edith Thoas
l"ougas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjor iolmer George V. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig Joseph A. Russell
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman .A. Stewart
Path Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Asistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advrtiin...........Alex K. Scherer
Advertising.. .....---....A. James Jordan
Advertising............. Carl W. Hammer
Service.................Ierert F. Varnum
Circulation................George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelicb
Irving Binzer Jack Tiorwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
J eanette Dale Lilliia~ Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwiga Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley
Three weeks remain until final
examinations for Athc first semes-
ter settle upon the campus. These
weeks, coming as they do just after
the Christmas vacation period are
alweys a temptation to rest. Un-
fortunately the tail end of the
semester is seldom one of rest V r
the large percentage of the stu-
Instead, there is usually a thess
or two to write and often a last-
minute blue book calls for extra
preparation. Prospects such as
these are never inviting and are
especially distasteful following the
holiday season.
Whether we hav made resolu-
tions for 1929 or not, it is not hard
to recognize the value and the nec-
essity of accomplishing a certain
amount of work at the outset in
1929. The old year, 1928, was a
good one for many of us. It is nast
now and may well be forgotten. Be-
fore us as a student body and ba-
fore us as a University lies the

ney year, 1929. May it be a year of
success and accomplishment for
every student and a year of achiev-
ement and honor for the University.
Not long after we returned to
school in the fall of 1928 The Daily
carried a banner head-line:
That was the first of the numerous
investigatins which started off
with much publicity, a great deal
of comment from various sources
on the campus, and gradually the
excitement dies away, to be re-
vived indirectly for discussion
which comes to no point. Nothing
much has been done other than to
throw a scare into those students
alleged to have participated ina
booze parties. And, then too, it!
may not be over.
Another head-line: ""STUDENTS
came to no end other than causing
a great deal of excitement in fac-
ulty circles Triue theie were many
plans proposed by the Student
Council and other committees, but
further than the first flare-up o
an investigation which was to be
startling in its results nothing
seems to have been done.
The townspeople of Ann Arbor

of the founding of the University
and decided that 1837 was right in
spite of the agitation of some mem-
bers of the Alumni body who want-
ed to age the University by chang-
ing the date on the seal. The in-
vestigation itself turned out all
right, but it didn't stop those de-
termined men who have decided
the University may claim to be 112
years old.
The Senate Committee and th
Student Cuncil have added to the
number of investigations under
way by concentrating their atten-
tion at different times upon the
violent initiation ceemonies of
Sphinx, graft en class committees,
class elections and campus politic:, C
and a system of deferred rushing tc
apply to fraternities. All have been
accompanied with pi.;blicity and
comment which promised exciting
results, and though some of them
have come to a definite course o
action, others have accomplished
nothing .that you can point to as
A little inv-atgation into the
business relations between Field-
ing H. Yost and E. E. Wieman came,
to an end when, after receiving al-
most nation-wide attention, they
claimed they had no disagreements.
Last and perhaps least of the in-
vestigations was the one sponsored
by members of The Daiy staff, pro-
posing to determine the effect of
influenza on the campus. Therej
was none.
Just summing them up it might
be said that coming to naught was
the most satisfactory ending for
most of them, but it is not to be
wondered at that after such ex-
plosions so.c people spent a great
deal of time trying to find some of
the remains. Perhaps they will
come down in 1929.
A phase of Michigan's athletic
program which is sure to come :r o
its own with the facilities of the,
new artificial ice rink at its dis-
posal is the activity of the hockey
team, long one of the lesser of ihe
University's athletic enterprises.
I Faced formerly with long periods
of thaw which made practices andt
games impossible, the team has
never achieved the place which it
deserNes in the athletic-mindedness
of the college community; and even
now several years are likely to
elapse before hockey achieves its
f rightful place at Michigan.
But the game is none the less
one of the fastest and most in-
teresting spectacles that the sport
world offers. Professional teams in
large cities have already overcome
the momertum of professional bas-
ketball as a winter sport, and it is
no rare occasion when 15,000 per-
sons gather to witness a contest.
That such enthusiasm is deserved
is more than apparent to anyon
who has witnessed a hockey game.
The; new Coliseum rink, com-
pleted this yar, offers an exce-p
tiona.ly fine arena for the Varstv
games. Thus far this year the team
has suffered two reverres, but with
regular practices and growing in-
terest it is almost certain that the
Wolverines will be able to take
their place beside the leaders in
this sport as in all other college
contests. The installation of a
scoreboard, would greatly help the
game from the standpoint of th:
spectators. many of whom are un-

familiar with the rules of ice
With this slight addition to the
plant, which will doubtiess be made
by the Athletic association, ther3
is no reason why hockey should fail
to take its place beside the more
popular of Michigan's sports. It is
almost safe to predict that before
many years have elapsed this win-i
ter sport will have outgrown the
Coliseum as basketball outgrew
Waterman gymnasiunt
Literally a question mark of the
skies, the army monoplane Ques-
tion Mark, thanks to a unique sys-
tem of refueling in mid-air, ha.,
swept on from day to day to record
after record for continuous flying.
Aside from the spectacular na-
ture of the Question Mark's per-
formance and the thoughts which
it has already given to many of a
single hop around the world, the
flight of the giant plan may well
call attention to facts already
known which indicate that Ihe
time is well upon us when aviation
shall have passed from the expe i-
mental stage to one of every day
With the development of the sys-
tem of transferring fuel from one
plane to another, coast to coast

OSLMusic And Drama
FOR YOURBe;inning tonighL -hL Cilc n
THOUGHTS Denton mangen arm e n1 s
M r. Gerald Hoag, the vermillion- George C. Tylers pi adieo t e a n Bi
haired manager of the Baron "Big- "MaebetI' wit P GorW a CrL ot-
boy" Butterfield interests in this ;Yns f t' sce 1
city, has intimated to the student RC wh
body that he objects to their .ding re ie I ,anlur
throwing pennies on and about his pla1s Macdulf Maeni Tfmpl
stages and at the actors perform- has been chosen t> houe the show
ing thereon by having one culprit and the immensity o is sta e
arrested and fined. "You cannotIshould lend considerable dignity to
get away with it,"- Mr. Hoag gloated', the Craig dcor 2OeLIhm that
at the time of the arrest of the ; cannot be said of other heaters
prisoner, "you see, we already have in Detroit. n scheduled run is
a boy caught." for five mhts oniy. I innine to-
Yes, Mr. -oag, and pretty soon ! ight.
you'll have another boycott. ince Tyler's success in persuad-

(.71IIIltt ltilltl'illigllgiill 11It1 ti fills=p
Made Up, Remodeled, a2
- reined and Repaired
E. L. Greenbaum
Ann Arbor's Best and Lowest 2
Priced Furrier
448 Spring St. -
Dial 9625
' -; lt mlllyill ll111Itti t11i ll I t=ll



20 02 Ei l" R'TY ST.


" .;



* * *
We are quite ir sympathy
with Mr. Hoag in his attempt
to curb the riotous action of
the theater audiences. Why,
to attend one of the Ann Arbor
theaters would lead one to be-
lieve this was a University
In strict accordance with the
Rolls policy of supporting the!
Butterfield interests with either
fist, we agree that penny-pitch-
ing should be stopped. In an at-':
tempt at mediation, we offer the
following plan which we think
should be of benefit to both fac-
Instead of tossing pennies on the

ing Craig to do the designng early
last summr, the na me Gordoni
Craig, with his famous mlothe, the
late Ellen 'erry, tas been 1oo
thoroughly exploited to need idcn-
tifying, but the tact that this is
the first pr:esentstion of his de-!
signs to the American public is-
theatrical history in this country,
though an old story, but fascinat-$
ing, abro .I Florence Reed, Lynn
Harding, ,nd William Farnum ire'
an additional atractnn which1
would make any play terestig,
but with Craig,, and hi1"Macbet h,"J
something o a milestone semS to
be set up in the histor of Detroit
Detroit di P 5Chl pryld( during

f i

Our Food is prepared with the utmost of
care, and you will always find delicious
food, good service, and low prices.
at the


215 S. Main

A good meal is worth a short malle

Near E. Liberty


Np ' ____________________________


stage in appreciation of the splen- the Holiday zeason in the matter --- - - -
did and highly-toned type of en- of legitimate shows. Rosalie came .jiiiiIII1i IIIIIIIIIIIII6ll6lIIIIIIIIVIIIII IlII IilIIi I1limlliIIhI1III1i111111UIllIIIIIIllltIIIIII1 iIgIIIItllItIIll'
tertainment offered by Baron "Big- to the Wison theater to present' --
boy" Butterfield, Inc., via Mr. Mr. Zeiglield's com firn ets to a ? A T R I C A L A S S 0 C I A T I C N
Gerald Hoag, the establishment swanky adimnee of first nighters
should sell at the box-office little in the new In cater, and left in a =
pink discs which can with little cloud of glory to permit Mr. Far-
effort be hurled upon the stage and quhar's "Beaux Stratagem" to P H ID-E L AH
at the actors performing. These swagger on the stage in all the
little pink discs can be stuffed with glitter of 17,lh century costumes. -
cotton so that they will not be in- Another )>ne oi Ue indefatiabe FPresents
jurious when striking and so that Mr. Tyler's all-staf things, the cast
they will rebound with a graceful of "Beauk Statagem" left little to
hop, creating an effect quite in be desired in the way they rendered
keeping with typical college en- Mr. Farquhar's wily foolery, or even
thusiasm. in -the way thI °y did original bits, ad
* * lib., as the cecasion arose.
Rolls also vehemently de- * * *
plores all booing and hissing by At the Cass Scawb and Mandel - The Play that brought him recognition as America's leading
student audiences. We realize, presented a swmewhat more sac- = play interpreter,
however, that the exuberance .harine veriation of the "Good
of youth is often' uncontroll- News" type of musical comedy,
able, and so we suggest to the titled "Follow Thir" which fea-
management that they set aside tured the entirely adorable Irene l
every Thursday'afternoon mat- Delroy, Zelma O'Neill, Irish, rough=
inee as "Whispering Thursday," and funny, singing best, "I Want Single Admissions $1.00 at Slaters
when student audiences would To Be Bad," Jack Haley, with a
be allowed to gather in groups 'shin-or" eary in the run but always II-
and discuss the performance, making comedy like nobody's bust-__
raising their voices to even a ness, and a half dozen others of
raucous whisper. considerable ability in one way or
x * *k- another, to ray nothing of quite the
In order to inspire college audi- most beautiful chorus since t!n
ences to a sense of peaceful dig- ;big flood.
nity, we further suggest to the-
Butterfield establishment that they "The Command To Love," at the
seat students at little red chairs Shubert Laiayette, in spite of a
alhrd tables-like a kindergarten. box-office title ad the widely
* * * celebrated beauty of Florence Nash,
The way these students act played to apalling; bad busines
in the Butterfield theaters
! ~~which was ..omethin imournworthy"
-would make you think they since Lothar's writing in the see-
supportedthem! ond and third acts more than com-
.*pensated with the> grace and wi .f .i -- , ;
IrThe students should recall with for-the dullness of tie opening see
gratitude the lengthy and enter- tion. For the second week's run
taining type of movies Mr. Gerald Melvin Douglas was secured to re-
Hoag, through the courtesy of the
benevolent Baron "Big-boy" But- plFrechiattache '.helovs bth
I terfield, of course, furnishes free wisely and well, for the reason that
to the students once. each year at { an Itali accent seemed incon-
Cap night and occasionally at pep rnt
g rous in a Irenchma. In the case


meetings. Just a simple recolle
tion of this type of free entertaim
ment from the kind intent of th
management should be sufficient t
awaken in the student body a
appreciation of the proper sort f
the gratuitous performancesi
particular and the Butterfield pr
student policy in general.
* * *
Students should never for a
minute forget the fact that it
is a privilege to attend any of
the Butterfield theaters. In
fact they are of such quality
that the admittance price
should be even more prohibitive.
* * *

of Mr. Dourlas the decision has
n something of the ludicrous about it.
I "Strange Interlude" at the Wi!-
n son for this weer, continues to
in build up the conviction generally
that O'Neill has written biilliantly,
in sensationally, but not dramatically
a story that loses its grip when
taken out of ironic prose and set
up on a not ve-y dynamic stage.
R. L. A.
A Re iw, by Allis James
Reinhardt and Moisi, Gest and
Tolstoy. Detroit is certainly in for
a treat vith:n the next fe"w weeks
of when the German players play
to "Redemptio'ni' wiLh Europe's great-
est actor, Alexander loissi.

Emblazoned in
every student for

the minds

rorn- e,-mnii1dhp i-ho mmo1r of th

famous Butterfield "Joy-
The Butterfield "Joy Mont]
act that put Christmas in
ber. With this plan studer
attend the theater for two
and for the mere sum o
twenty dollars not only see
movies in the land and tI
est grade vaudeville on t
terfield circuit but also r
coupon for every performar
was really a lottery ticket
win, a student merely ha
present in a Butterfield
during most of the nights o
mas vacation and with
10,000-20 chance.

-Month." This fa-mous player is the season's
h" is the gift of Morr's Gest, wrio continues
Decem- thus his bridling of the high seas
its could for art's sale. The company 's
months made up 'i ernople from the
f ten or Deutsebes G water, the Kammer-
the best ! spile, the Kr-e-oedie, the PerlinerC
he high- theater, tho Theater in der Wien
he But- in Vienna and its prodiction proves
-eceive a that there is stli but one Rein-
nce. This hardt. .
and to Reinhardi hqs worked bere with;
id to be a daring simpict the e;;ective-
theater ness of which is ropped by the
f Christ- glowing acting of the playes. He
stand a concentrates the picture of an emo-
lion with a pin point of light as
LRK- definitely as Mvois-i encompasses all

He united the country with nails

EN FRANKLIN made the horseshoe
naila symbol of the importance
of little things. "The kingdom
was lost and all for the want of
a horseshoe nail", goes one of his wvise
sayings. So when he became Postmaster
General, he knew full well the need for
p cper horseshocinvg as one step in
punctual mail schedules.
The care given to details can still
make or break a great plan. II the

telephon e industry, for example, the
development of compact paper insula-
tion helped to make possib> the small
diameter cable and therefore the vast
underground plant necessary to serve
largre cities.
A multiplicity of details, from the test-
in of long fibre cotton to the "voice
wih the smile", offer a continual chal-
lenge to the Bell System men who unite
the nation with telephones.

T-1 T-k 7 y r,*, - r -r 41-A P-" Y--N 'M )T

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