FI~DAY, DEMBEI-2if, 1!251
DAi3, No
In London Streets;
EDUCATION1 NOT LAW 'Twelve Are Injured3
Pavements Ripped Up; Taxi-cab:
TO [NO DIYORCE [ IL1 Turned Over; Shop Fronts
Are Caved In
Prime Minister Finds Previous
Administration Absconded
With Tracks And All
( \By Associated Press)
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Dec. 19
Divorce Problem Does Not Prove
Marriage Failure; Proves
Failures Marry
(Continued From Page 1)
law in the past fifty years have all
been in the direction of making it
harder, instead of easier, to get a
divorce. But in spite of this tight-
ening up of legislation, the rate of
divorce has continued to mount.
This leads s to look, outside the
divorce laws, for changes which
may bring people to ask for jidi-
cial dissolutions of marriages more
frequently than they did forty or
fifty years ago.
Wives Sue First
"Since about two-thirds of all di-
vorces are obtained by wives, it is
evident that we should inquire into
the changes that have taken place
which would tend to increase the
number of applications by women.
Here we find -several tendencies
which all lead in the same direc-
tion, and all seem likely to en-
courage women to seek relief from
unpleasant marriage ties. The
emancipation of women in regard
to their property rights, the eco-
nomic and industrial emancipa-
tion ,of women, the political eman-
cipation of women, and the
changed social attitude toward di-
vorce which has encouraged both
husbands and wives to seek to
escape from an unhappy union, all
have tended to bring about a feel-
ing of discontent with the former
status of inferiority and have been
a considerable factor in encourag-
ing unhappy wives to take steps
which will enable themr to "live
their own lives" by dissolving the
marriage tie.
Increase World Wide
"Here e have four forward
movements, each of which is com-
mendable; yet they have tended to
produce another movement which
is widely considered to be danger-
ous to society. And this apparent
paradox is not peculiar to this
country; the same tendencies are
observable in other countries, and
with the same result. All over the
world there has been a marked
increase in the divorce rate. In
some countries this rate has in-
creased three-fold, even four-fold,
in the past quarter-century.
"What are we going to do about
it? Here again we are met with
the typically American reaction: if
there be an evil, cure it by pass-
ing a law. And several suggestions
have been made looking toward the
solution of the problem in this
way. Some extremists would pro-
hibit divorce. Some others would
permit divorce but prohibit the re-
marriage of the divorced spouses.
Go Nearer Source
"A third suggestion as to remedy 1
by change of law is to go nearer
the source of the trouble, and to
provide, as has recently been done
in this and other states, that a
period of time elapse between an
application for a marriage license
and the issuing of the license. This
suggestion abased of course on the
ancient ecclesiastical practice of
publishing the banns) seems the
most hopeful of any remedy based
on a change of law. We have al-
ready seen that divorces have con-
tinued to increase in spite of strict-
er laws, which would lead us to
believe that the problem is more
a social one than a legal one. But
at least this last suggestion attacks
the problem at the right point, and
seeks to prevent the evil rather
than to cure it.
Examine Marriage Prospects
"It may reasonably be urged,
however, that even this suggestion
does not go far enough, and that
society might well go much furth-
er in insisting that prospective
husbands and wives be adequately
prepared to enter into that im-
portant relationship. Our schools
and colleges ?pretend to prepare
their students for life, but they fall
far short of giving a proper prep-
aration for one of the most impor-
tant relationships .of life. Until
society sets out properly to pre-
pare its boys and girls for this
fundamental part of life, and to
acquaint them with at least the
economic and ethical problems in-
volved, it can hardly expect that
they will be able successfully to
cope with the difficulties which
surround that relationship. These
difficulties arise often from defects
in training and character. Train-
ing and character cannot be sup-
plied by law. The problem is
therefore not one of law, but one
of education. As somebody put it
epigrammatically, the existence of
the divorce problem does not prove
that marriage is a failure, but that
too.many failures get married. So-
eietv's tak is tn lessen the number
In perusing his national house-
(Hy Associated Press) cleaning campaign, Juliu Maniu,
I LONDON, Dec. 20.-West and new prime minister, has, accor-
central London were given a start- lng to the newspaper Adevarul,
ling reminder of war-time air raids discovered that an entire railroad,
today when exploding gas mains "+including tracks, rolling stock and
caused a miniature earthquake signal system, has been stolen The
that heaved up long stretches of , newspaper said railroad inspectors
streets and caved in shop fronts. ,'_. . .of the old administration were
The explosion started. when a blamed for the disappearance of
workman entered a manhole with the road.
an electric blower used to remove The road was constructed by
foul air from passages leading into Austro-Hungarian engineers in
a large inspection chamber below wartime from Cluj, Transylvania,
the roadway outside the postoffice to Jacobeni, Rumania. It was said
depot in Broad St. to have cost almost $4,000,000. Ap-
The first explosion was followed j parently it was dismantled piece-
by a series of shocks along the fi- meal and the parts sold secretly.
street, flinging curbstones into the ----
air, knocking down pedestrians and Crossing Of Wires
shattering shop windows. One man-Ofrle
hole lid was hurled high into the Brings Damage Suit
air and crashed onto a motorbus. ------
Cracks appeared in the road, wood- ,.(y Associated Press>
en blocks were heaped up and the MILWAUKEE, Dec. 20.-Because
streets along which the explosions Capt de Vaisseau Darlan, French naval hero, shown paying his her beauty shop was given the
took place looked like a jagged same telephone number as an old
tren ac loke ik ajggdrespects to the American navy by calling on the U. S. S. West Virginia, same hoe Mae Lson
trench. ladies home, Miss Marie Livmgston
12 Sent To Hospitals soon after anchoring off Los Angeles. He is in command of the 111 has filed suit for $10,000 damages
Twelve persons were injured se- midshipmen from the Ecole Navale, the French Annapolis, making a against the Wisconsin Telephone
riously enough to be sent to hos- world cruise aboard the French cruiser Edgar Quniet, for final training Co.
pitals, while many suffered minor before being commissioned as officers of the French navy. ( Miss Livingston, in her com-
hurts, being treated at the scene or _plaint, said that as a result of dup-
returning to their homes. -_lication of the numbers in the
Shaftsbury Avenue, New Oxford: /telephone book, her shop was re-
Street, and streets in Bloomsbury ceiving calls asking about the con-
were the principal ones affected dition of Mrs. So and so, or inquir-
and the damage extended over ing whether her crutches arrived
more than a mile of pavement. ! safely.
The crash of the explosion was_ __--
worse than bombs during air raids, Pianos,,Raios,
said the occupant of a flat nearby,
who was blown off his feet. Victrolas
Smoke rose to a height of 30 or and Everything Musical
40 feet after the first explosion,
and residents of nearby dwellings i Make Your House a Home
dashed into the streets and fireMH
engines appeared from every di- This Christmas
rection. Their services were not Pay next year.
greatly needed and they soon de-
parted. Schaeberle & Son
There was much confusion as toW it the best of Holiday usic House
exactly what had happened whenWt 110S. Main St.
the workman entered the manholea
where the original explosion took Greetings and wishing you&II,,, ,,,, ,,, ,uuu,
place. There was a sudden scream,O TC
a spurt of flame and a terrific ex- OPTICAL
plosion. The workman' struggled*
from te manhole with his cloth- DEPARTMENT
ing afire but he was, quickly res-, k4I Lenses and Frames made
cued and taken to a hospital. L To Orderd
Horse Is Only Fatality
A horse was killed and a taxi- Optical Prescriptions
cab turned over, its driver being Filled
taken from the shattered vehicle 7t 4f~tfli +t u1
to a hospital. H
Fire brigades played their hoses! HA
on flames shooting from one spot Nrteg cmt State St. Jewelers
pany's emergency crew, wearing
masks, worked vigorously on the
Eye-witnesses expressed aston-
ishment that the casualties had not
been worse. The fumes of gas still
were drifting through the districtj-
this afternoon and traffic was G"
diverted from the affected area. iom p ny ..
I > ir{,
CHICAGO-The North Dakota
basketball five is making a 5,500!-
mile trip before returning to "The 14 om e. o f E rie rg;n.e
Grand Forks.
209 South Fourth Ave.
Subscribe to the Michigan Daily,
$4.00 a year.
-~~ Z a ~ J ~ ~~ U .
To All0
Our Friends
)* l rrj ~lris~tna
)A Jinnun WraTe Ilear
PpTHAT'S the telephone "Hello" in Madrid. In London, it's"Are
you there?" But in many foreign countries, Americans find a
universal language in the telephone salutations. It's good old
"Hello"-a subtle tribute to the fact that the telephone is an
American invention.
And so it is with elevator service. Even though they say "Diga"
in Spain, the architects of the magnificent new Madrid Telephone
Building unhesitatingly said "Otis" because Spain demanded the
last word in elevators. You will find in Madrid the same type of Sig-
nal Control Elevators that are now installed in those monumental
telephone buildings in America, in New York, Cleveland, St. Louis
and San Francisco.
I ;