TUE$DAY,JMB1PR 18, 19214
WOLVERIES OATCCach DrsHockeyTeamFor Init
>, x qU1 N awnai';As Marked Contrast
SnlCLOSE T RIaACEAndn ,es Meet D eaL In Si
Spindle, Walker, And Ault Make R(elease of tPe of icial American ll last Season
New Canad in Marks In league batting averages and a trade- s s
Winning Their Events btween loston and Washington Veteran Material Availabim For! . lil unexpected strengtk
kept bareball in the public eye over All rositionis Exeeptiii w h Wes epeter ren gtm
PHILLIPS WINS DIVING 1 Westrl st Conferencede ca"ge""teams
PiILIStINYIVN the week-end following the con- I Coal r'l'ender aegdtesle o hi or
______ lus:ion of the gatherings of the acze hmevsfrterpo
Smashing five Canadian records ,maior lea glue magnates. A , , swenina lst Pitt and Pennt
and equalling another, the Michi bthe ofice figures as compiled ICANADIANSIARErraaa
by theHowc News Bureau award -. --- .tiug the same teams clown without
first dual meet of thedyear from x .. the disputed American league| With their game agamint Ont~luio a victory in the first five games:
st ua metr of the year fro....crown to Leon Gos.in of Washing- Agricultural college of Guilh, On- which the eastern champions play-
t.. . .. ...oronto Saturda ton who was found to have a lead tarlo, on Thursday in view, Coach ed in the West this season. Pit.
Captain Dick Sindle led the .f a decimal place over Eddie Lowry is driviig hi, Varty last year's national champion fell
team to victory by turning i ' Manush of St. Louis. Unofficial hockey squad through hard daily before Northwestern and Wiscon-
record performance in the 100 yand fiurs kept during the playing practice sessions at the eiwy con- sin of the Big Ten and Butler cl-
back stroke event while Walker Seson lc (i the chai nship in ditioned Coliseum rink. BC ring i le of Indianapolis. Butler
cracked the Canadian marks in the duohe averages pla-ind that the Guele.; p sterg Penn won the title of eastern in-
50 yard free style race and in the .,.Iing Manush first and others giving os in C hi hardo1 sk t rreollegiate champions last sea- .
100 yard free style event. Aultt . the crown to Goslin. outfits Canadiannt i son, but could not measure up to
broke the mark for the 200 yard Close Behind. hockeydom, the Wolverine mentor Conference standards this year.
broe hemar fr he 00yad ~ ~ .M~niih loe Bhid.is bending every effort 1)In , lr , a
free style race and tied the record To compile his average, the 1 eTi Red and Blue had no better.
for 220 yards as well. The fifth "Goose" cracked out 173 hits out of win in the season's opene. kck that its rival from Pittsburgh,
mark fell during the medley relay. 45 attempts, 36 two baggers, 10 Veterans Availa;e i to three Big Ten teams, In-
Walker Beats Gibson George Hubbell tripes and i17 home runs being in- Prospects for a wiinn gt s o'i iana, Ohio State, and Michigan.
Michigan got away to a good Wolverine tank star, who cap.Acluded. MU.ush. playing in 1541are bright with seven of lt .yer' ders Down Pittsburh
start in the meet when Walker ertred the state A. A. U. senior 150- games, Wnt tobat 638 tines and lettermen available ' oicoi_ I
turned in the record time of :242 yard back stroke title Saturday' connected safely on 241 trips to the tion. However the loss Oi (aL Ili ther ganes Saturday night,
seconds in the 50 yard free style night at the Detroit Women's City Iplate, poling out 47 doubles, 20 Steve Jones, reputed te r of Pittsbirigh lost to Wisconsin by a
event. Captain Gibson of the To- club pool. Hubbell led the field three base blows and 13 home runs. intercollegiate goal tend:, aYi score of 34-24, while the Wolver-
ronto Y. M. C. A. finished second by half a length to win easily. Gehrig, the Yankee first sacker, I prove disastrous to the W~ovitn.e ines were turning back the early
while Reif took third place to add . finished third with .374, a slight cause. At the present the : piant5 threat of the other invaders to the
more 'points to the Michigan total. falling off in his batting during the for this position have bein few, and! tune of 34-21. 1
Captain Spindle proceeded to set last few weeks placing him behind with the opening game but two Wisconsin more than lived, up to
moepons oth ihia ttl.HD Iin flf flin19Bi isbttn drngte forti osiytiohave beeniew, and ot-neaon pe34-21. hebi
a new record in the 100 yard back . the two leaders. , days ofT only two inexperienced re-season predictions, the big
stroke race by finishing in 1:10.4 Other leading batsmen include men are available. I3adger five displaying a smooth
seconds, smashing the former Simmons of Philadelphia, .351; The first line of defi ense will attack which swept the Panthers
Canadian record held by Tommy NOTRE CAlL UU IIIL ILazzeri, New York, 332; Miller,? cause worry only as to the securhi before it. The 10-point victory was :
Walker of Montreal, made in 1925. Philadelphia, .329 and Heilmann, of reserve strength with three ofj well deserved, and the Badgers ap-
Boldt finished second while Griffin 1.Detroit, .328. . last years veterans, Mai, Bryat, pear to have a team which will!
of Toronto was third. New York and Philadelphia and Joseph, slated for ation. All *Dc. _
Aubin Wins Breast Strokei L o GT rt, folli staged a close race for team batting of these men are capable of stdy scosin Signs Mike
Toronto took the first of its two;.xays ofpreparaonfowing honors with the Yankees holding defensive work and should beb
first places in the 100 yard breast their itersectional clash with the a slight edge, The champions had counted on to cause inuchi troubl Yale Assistant,
stroke race when Aubin finislhedUniversity of Pennsylvania, Indi a mark of .296 at the conclusion of to opposing forwards tinugunt
ahead of Thompson and Mertz of anas 1928-29 basketball team will the Athletics in second place with the season.
the Wolverine squad. Another meet Notre Dame's strong quintet, .295. Cleveland held down third FTi, ials To ll. Dail)alM.
Canadian mark fell when Walker at South Bend next Friday night place, 10 points back, with .285. Fisher LeadM A D IS N, Dec. 17.-George
ilashed the time of :56.1 seconds in i the first game on a foreign floor. Senators Get Meyer The offensive strength loUii mliest "Mike" Murphy, once stroke on the
the 100 yard free style event, thus It wil be the first meeting for the he big trade of the week-endi promising with four veterans, Capt University of Washington's eight-
upsetting a record of nine years two strong Hoosier teams in four found Buddy Meyer going back to Mort Fisher, Maney, Copeland, and ora shell and at present freshman
standing formerly held by George years. Last season, and in preced- Washington after leaving there in i Abbet, available. Fisheril po- coach at Yale, has been signed as
ing years, the Irish were reco- 1927. The Boston Red Sox parted' ably draw the center for p Varsity crew coach at Wisconsin.
E. Veront of Montreal. Walaitis gnized as one of the strongest with the services of their third and around him the Michigan of Murphy was definitely appointed
took third place while Captain quintets in the Middle West. One baseman and leading batter but re- fense will be built. The sleey by the Badger athletic council at
Gibson again placed second for To- of the five defeats suffered in 1927 ceived five players from the Sen- Maney, whose briliani ffensve a secial session today.
ronto. by Pennsylvania's eastern chain- ators i return. Pitchers Gaston wrk was one of the features of z Mies is ami
Ault cracked the mark in the 200 pionship team, was administered and Lisenbee, infielders Reeves and I last season's play, may be counted Mike Murrphy is a prominent
yard free style by his time of Gby the strong Notre Dame five. Gills and outfielder Bigelow will Along with these tried r r - I- iuFore iwo years he was stroke on the
12:12 1-5 seconds as well as equal- The development of the Crimson wear the Red Sox uniform in theers the Wolverines entori four wgreat Washington crews that es-
ling the mark for the 220 yard machine was seriously hampered next; campaign. r ,the Wolvein mento as t ash ington cres rthat
evnt T roto an exd ecndby the grid "season, but has ben llint R obi, spced ball pitcher of other promising ofense cand ia(,s ItablshcdI remarkable records at
pventw Toronto annexed secondim ng int sape -peedily a tc St passed out n Schlanders, Mason. Couh is, and loughkeepsie during 1921-22. le
place when Murray followed Ault'should be at top speed before the of the National league picture Froinhart. The first two namedi was elected captain in his junior
across the line while Watson fin- opening of the Conference season when he was sold to the Milwaukee are sophomores while C)ouvm'Is au ear and was so respected as a
ished up in third place. on Jan. 8 at Illinois. icub in the American association. Fromhart are juniors. leadr that this honor was again
Phillips of Toronto won the div-
lug event while the Wolverine teami
of Walker, Ault, Walaitis and Wat-
soil t a new record in the 200 yard
relay race. The new time was
1:40 4-5 seconds breaking the-*
forimsr mark of 1:42 1-5 seconds ~ ~
made in 1927 by the Toronto relay !, -- s{v THE
At Detroit in the Michigan A. A.
U. meet, the Wolverine entrants
were kept from performing due to BEST
a lo: of the entry sheets contain-
ing, the Michigan swimmers. Only -te n~v
( _________ NEW Sr
ial Game
cause a lot of worry to the leaders
in the title race this year.
Michigan had to overcome an
early lead by a whirlwind finish to{
snatch' the game from Pennsyl-!
vania, as the eastern team held a
13-12 advantage at the end of the
first period. However, the secondl
half was all Michigan, and the i
wolverines had piled up their 13-
point advantage by the time the
whistle blew.
Gophers Lose To Drake
In the other Conference games'
played Saturday, Minnesota was the
only team to suffer a reverse,
Drake turned the tables on the
Gophers by a score of 32-21 to ac-
count for the second defeat that the
Minnesota team has absorbed in
its practice tilts this year.
Behind doors locked because of'
the epidemic of the flu which is
sweeping the midway campus, Chi-
cago eked out a 39-36 win from
North Dakota in a long practice
session. At the same time Illinois
had little trouble in smothering
Lombard under a score of 44-22.i
The Illini looked good in this,
game, and their prospects for a
winning team appear somewhat !
Purdue showed much of its old-I
time form in defeating Washing-1
ton university at St. Louis, 38-21. 1
This victory means much to the
Boilermakers, inasmuch as the St.I
Louis team defeated Indiana, Pur-1
due's' old rival, the week previous.
Seventy-two Men Signify Intention
Of Competing For All-Campus
Wrestling Crowns
Seventy-two. men had late last
night signified their intention of
entering the all-university wrest-
ling meet which will begin this aft-
ernoon at 4 o'clock in the Intra-
mural building. This meet is be-
ing sponsored by the Athletic As-
soeciation and will be supervised by
Varsity Coach Clif Keen.
Coach Keen stated that he had
expected more to enter, but that
the serious epidemic of the flu
which has been sweeping the cam-
pus has stricken' many of the mat-
men, and they will not be able to
compete. The largest number of
men have signed up for the 135
pound class where 18 aspirants
have appeared to contest for the
Next in the number of entrants
is the 145 pound division in which
1.4 wrestlers have signed up. Of the
other weights, 6 have appeared in
the heavyweight class, 5 in the 1'15
pound class, and 6 in the 165 dIvi-
sion. The lighter weights have a
larger entry list, as many men who
have not had much experience
have gone in them.
Five pounds overweight was al-
lowed in the weighing-in yesterday
afternoon and no further weights
will be required. Coach Keen an-
nounced that the wrestling will
take place from 4 till 6 this after-
neon and that no evening matches
are scheduled. If it is possible to
do so, the bouts up to the semi-
finals will be run off today and
then the tournament can be fin-
ished on Wednesday, otherwise it
will extend over to Thursday.
The preliminary bouts will be
five minute matches, while the
finals will extend over eight min-'
utes. The winners in the various
divisions wil receive gold medals
from the Athletic Association, and
since most of the members- of the
present Varsity squad are entered
they and the men from the "B"
team are expected to win the titles,
although some men from the year-
lig 'squad may furnish stiff op-
Murphy, Former
As New Rowing Coa
bestowed upon him the follov
i. n
win i
Worked Under Leader
When Ed Leader went to Yale(
from Washington in 1923 he tooki
Mike Murphy with him to super-
vise the freshmen. Murphy has
been in charge of the yearling oars- I
men ever since and has established
a great record. Under his guidance,
the Yale yearlings have competed
in 15 races against Eastern inter-
collegiate boats, registering 11 vic-;
tories in the past five years.
Murphy will bring to WisconsinI
a new technique in rowing. He.
teaches the Leader stroke, and in-
cidentally, will be the youngest
varsity crew coach in the country.
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