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December 18, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-18

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AY, DECEMBER 18, 1928








"The Quill," a quarterly maga- has been printed, each one devoted Well, my dear, Christmas vaca- I the sirvivors do come down with
To ZE TA AU ALPHA!ne devoted to the higher arts, is to a specific subject of importance. BD [R M C L tion is nearly here, and I do hope it. This theory that it would
an example of the achievement of The general plan of the editor is most of us can survive the flu till spread it to so many homes is
a childhood ambition which has for each issue to concern itself I then, I really do. You know clas- very poor logic it seems to me. Any-
GOOD BASKETBALL FEATURES been fulfilled with extraordinary with one predominating theme dis- This Year's Play Demands Many ses are getting smaller and smaller. body could see that. The longer
ENTIRE GAME; WINNING success, and also with a degree of cussed in its various phases by Comedy Types According ( Why, in one of my classes which they keep us pere, the more peo-
TEAM SHINES excellence which merits for its authorities in their special fields. To Director is composed mostly of grads who ple there are who are liable to
young publisher, Miss Evelyn Lab- One issue was devoted to Egypt, an- wouldn't bolt unless their life or catch it and thus take it home
RAPID PASSING SHOWN insky of Flint, Michigan, the re- other to the period from the seven- PLAY WILL BE DIFFERENT something else vital depended on with them when they do go. Now
spect of the whole adult literary teenth to the twentieth century. it at least a third of them were doesn't that sound more logical
Nurses' Team Shows Promise But world. Like Edward Bok a genera-- Completes College Course Next Year With the completion of the first absent yesterday. Which all goes than the other theory?
Needs More Practice And tion ago, she began her career as Miss Labinsky expects to hire try-outs last night, more than 200 to show that the flu is adding Anyway, my dear, vacation will
Team Work a publisher by soliciting articles someone to manage The Quill while junior women had made a bid for more and more students to the list. be here soon and we can all go
from the pens of the eminent per- she is completing her college course parts in the twenty-fifth Junior And still the Regents won't give in home and have a good time-pro-
Zeta Tau Alpha's well-organized sons of the day. Among the con- next year and the year after at Girls' play, to be presented some- and let us go home early before vided that we don't catch the flu
and powerful basketball team tributors to "The Quill" appear the University of Michigan. "I time in March. This is a decrease ae ll before we go and take it home
downed a fast group of freshmen such names as J. Ramsey McDon- plan my issues way ahead," she of 21 women from the number w1o Hello Week Works with us. The Regents really ought
from Couzens -hall in a 16 to 8 ald, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Nor- stated. "Some of the future tried out last year. . . to consider that possibility, too,
tilt in Barbour gymnasium at 4 man Angell, and Lawrance H. Con- themes which I have chosen are The final try-outs, in which te Out Satsactor don't you think so? Because just
o'clock yesterday afternoon. For a rad. Pioneer Heroes, Modern Russia mr tad uthink how cruel it would be to
game played so early in the season, First Issue Sold For Fifty Cents and Socialism, and Modern Mex- hevobe decast ad crsspend
are. to be decided, will take place I According to an investigationhaetspn your vacation in
the contest showed some very Miss Labinsky has only recently ico. I secure my writers just as I as soon after the holidays as possi-;made by a woman reporter at the bed. Of course, you'd get a good
good basketball. completed two years in a Junior happen to meet them. For instance, ble, according to Dorothy McKee University of Minnesota, the "Hello rest if you did, but who wants a
Fast and accurate passing was college. Her undertaking is one Ramsey McDonald has promised to who has charge of this h
characteristic of the whole game, ' the choosing of the cast. Out- ago to promote more friendliness sh ucd be taken up with the pur-
both teams doing a great deal of years when she wrote her maga- elections in England, so his article standing in the try-outs this year between the students, both male suit of liberty and happiness-I
it. The big advantage for the Zeta zine in long hand and sold it at will not appear for about a year." was the discovery of an unusuallyandfemale,has workedsuccess- presume that one's life is safe
Tau Alpha six was the outstanding the price of fifty cents per issue. Besides presenting literary ma- wat dsover of annusalln female, has rked shess- esughaton' life is she
work in the center, which was due "The Quill" today, according to terial of superior quality , The great amount of dancing talent, fully. She has reached the con- enough, although some of the
to the fact that the tall and quick recognized critics, fulfills its edi- Quill offers illustrations of real neari-profesal individuals giving elusion that Minnesota men areeted celebrate the New Year with may
sorority center, Margaret Ohlson, torial policy, in this respect, "by ts excellence. Miss Labinsky explains "I am primarily interested in by a strange co-ed, for forty-four endanger it to some extent. But
over-reached her opponent by sev- consistent refusal to lower its high that most of the art work is done comedy types, since this year's iout of the fifty men accosted by suppose I shouldn't have men-
eral inches and continually got the standards, The Quill attains the by a young Mexican artist in Flint, play demands a great deal of thatthe reporter replied in some degree tioned that, and anyway, you drink
jump. prestige of a literary magazine, the Julio Haro, who does the work sort of talent," was the statement to her greeting. at your own risk.
Zeta Tau Alpha put an unusually beauty of an art magazine, and gratis, "just for the love of his I aen sLthta- he re," In case I don't survive the rest
strong combination of the floor, all the interest of a magazine devoted work." Miss Labinsky's illustra- made by Phyllis Loughton, '28, di- "Helothere," hello," and "howlInfctheIeeknmysurvvethmes
the players being in fine condition to social affairs." Practically the tions, which also appear in The rector of the play. The theme of areyou" rproved to be the mostr of the week myself, let me wish
and able o play te entiregame entre work o publishngcQuilltheeproduction, tatogethere withutthepopularr responsesoplofferednsto herreyouoahmerry aandryflu-lessle Christmas.s
and able to play the entire game entire work of publishing her Quill, are of the sort that of the author and the title salutations. Men accompanied by
without substitutions. Ohlson and magazine, including that of circul-Imand the more than passing at- nam of the play, u will be revealed soon girls invariably raised their hats
the fleet Doris Litsenburger in the ation and advertising, is done by tendion of art critics. after the Christmas vacation Up and returned the greeting. Several
center fed the ball to the forwards, Miss Labinsky herself. - until the present time all that is eager men approached her with
Mildred Cassidy and Merle Raine, The second form in which The; Will Hold Bowling r(known about the play by the gen-! the "I haven't seen you for a long BuPatt
who played exceptionally well to- Quill appeared was as a type- eral public is summed up in the time, old kid," air, but, fortunatelyPaterson
gether, in fast order. The chief written publication. On two occa-{ To ta tmade at the mass meet- only smiled and said hello. & AUld CO.
merit of the guards was that they sions, Miss Labinsky states, she col- r mting of junior women, "that this The men who did not answer the h at South U
were always on the spot where lected money from patrons, but,-- year's play will be something en- reporter's greetings were the se-
they were needed. upon the advice of her mother Although the Bowling tourna- tirely new in the history of campus ous types, hurrying by with brief --
The nurses had never played a who believed that she was too ment which is to be held at 7:15 productions.'" cases in their hands and a difficult 12
game together before, so the team- young to succeed in such a ven- o'clock tonight in the bowling In the meantime, work on the math problem in their minds. And
work that they showed was not as ture, the money was returned. The alleys of the Women's Field music and lyrics, under the direc- even a few of these mumbled
good as it promises to be when current issue is the fourth which house is the first women's intra- tion of Lorinda McAndrews, is go- something that sounded like a 2
they get under way. All the play- mural bowling tournament that ing on, while the committees hav- hello if they recovered from their
ers are very fast and alert. If any- Honorary Law Group has even been held at Michigan, ng to do with the business aspect surprise and preoccupation soon
thing, they were just a little bit too' H s Pledge Service many of the houses on campus of the play are also beginning to enough.
keen irp their playing yesterday ihave already shown themselves in- function.
afternoon and in their eagerness Kappa Beta Pi, honorary law terested in this sport by entering a All women who are interested in NOTICE
made some unnecessary fumbles. sorority, held pledging services team. Twelve sororities have re- writing either music or lyrics for
Elizabeth Ingram played a finiThursday evening, Dec. 13, in the I ported teams which will represent the play will meet at 4 o'clock on Helen Newberry residence is
game at guard that stopped many Red room of Martha Cook build- them tonight in the tournament. Wednesday at Pi Beta Phi house, keeping one of the cottages open -
Zeta Tau Alpha advances toward ing. The new pledges are Dorothy The teams will consist of two 826 Tappan Road. for the convenience of women stu-
the hoop. At center, Captain Ardis Batdorf, '31L, of Renovo, Pa., Flor- members from each house, and dents who will stay in Ann Arbor
Hager handled the ball well. ence Rush, '31L, of Seacliff, N. Y., they will bowl for half-hour at the set time for the tournament during the holidays. Anyone wish-;
The Couzens hall freshman team Marian Eikle, '31L, of Austin, Texas, periods. They will not compete to begin, so that it may be run off ing information or to register for
is only one of the two that that Margaret Hinkle, '31L, of Cleve- with their team mates, but the speedily and efficiently. rooms, please call the Director's of-
organization will enter i the, in- land, Ohio, and Doris Hicks, '31L, records will be taken of individual For the past week members of fice, dial 5916, not later than to-
tramural tournament. An upper -of Detroit. scores and the standing of the' the different sororities who will day.W
class sextet is now practicing and , Following the pledging ceremon- teams will be computed by adding represent their house in the tourn- o- o
preparing for the season after the ies a dinner was served at the Lan- the total score of each player. j ament, have been gaining experi- I WYVERN BLUE BOOKS
i. 1


Quilted Robes Coolie Coats
Flannel Robes
Teddies Gowns Stepins
Silk Crepes of Soft Shades 2
Handkerchiefs Bath Salts
Bridge Sets
-and many other lovely gifts.
me Jewelry for Gifts
Week Until 9 O'Clock
N'1itppr 3idr.
Phone 4977
111111111IaIrI 111l i uni uni 111111 uu111 111
. rIItF III l hIll .. 1niti|.M IHHhII I11f hII

The lineup was as follows:
Zeta Tau Alpha Couzens Hall
M. Cassidy ... . RF...... F. White
M. Raine ...... LF... H. VanLiew'
M. Ohlson ..... C.... V. Fisher
D. Litzenburger SC...... A. HagerI
H. Gustine .... RG .... E. Ingram j
J. Mottier.....LG:.. L. Whelpley
- Substitutions: Couzen:' hall-J.
Balfour for F. White; E. Bigelow
for V. Fisher; V. Fisher for E. Big-
elow; A. Hager for L. Whelpley; L.
Whelpley for A. Hager.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$400 a year

tern shop. There were a num--I In order to take care of the ex- ence in this sport by making use;
ber of alumnae present. Mrs. Ed- penses of the tournament a charge of bowling alleys which have beenI
win D. Dickinson a. patroness, and or ten cents will be made to each upon for any of the contestants
Miss Catherine Murray, a guest, at- person contesting. It is extremelyi who wished to practice. However, I
tended also. important that all those compet- as few of the women entered in I
This pledging service celebrated ing be at the field house promptly the tournament have had any!
the twentieth anniversary of the practice previous to this year it is1

Representatives from houses
desiring a supply of Wyvern
blue books should call between
the hours of 4 and 5 o'clock to-
morrow at the Women's League
office in Barbour gymnasium.

rounding of Kappa Beta Pi.
-50 HAT
Michigan Tailors ,,,, 1a

625 E. Liberty St., Upstairs


vne onar z
McKinsey Hal
227 S. State

MACK & CO. J The Smiling Christmas Store j PHONE 4161


Foster's H
of Art
213 S. Stat

not expected that any great skillii No blue books will be given out
S will be exhibited by the women except upon payment of cash.
who have entered. 10 0
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Serving an exacting women's clientile all through the year, naturally makes this shop
the logical place for men to shop for women. Choosing will be a pleasure for you will
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This evening we will be open for the convenience of men shoppers
from 7 to 9 p. m.

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