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Freshmen Are Unable To Stop
McCoy, Rose, Truskowski,
Chapman And Orwig
Coach Veenker continued his
search for a high scoring
combination d u r i n g yester-
day's practice session, juggling the
Varsity lineup throughout a long
scrimmage with the freshman
squad in which the "A" quintet
took ample revenge for last T'ues-
day's showing to overwhelm thej
first yearling five, 41-16.1
The freshman defense, which
had held the Varsity to four points
in thW first quarter during the
previous game, was unable to stop
the combination of Truskowski andI
Orwig, forwards, Chapman, center,
Rose and Captain McCoy, guards.
which swept through the yearlings
from the start to take a 21-10 lead
at the half.
McCoy Jumps Center
Coach Fisher replaced his first=
team by another five after the in-
termission, while Barley and Mc-
Donald were substituted for Chap-
man and Truskowski in the Var-
sity lineup, McCoy :taking over the
center assignment.
The "A" team started a scoring I
spree shortly after the secondl
period opened, Captain McCoy and
Rose each breaking through to net
two short shots, McCoy also count-
ing two free throws, while the'
freshman were forced to be con-
tent with two slap-in shots near
the basket.
Jones Scores For Frosh
With the score 31-14 against thef
yearlings, Coach Fisher again sent.
in his first team, while Chapman
replaced Rose and McCoy went
back to his guard position. Barley,
playing floor guard, dribbled down
the floor for two short shots, while
Orwig also caged a couple and Mc-
Donald counted one to bring the
final score to 41-16, Jones having
counted the freshmen's lone goal.
The floor play of the Wolverine
combinations showed the results
of the last few practice sessions ,n
more opportunities for short shots,
most of which were made good.
The original team, which played
throughout the first half, exhibit-
ed a fast short passing attack, with
(Continued on Page Seven)
Pfl~lfliIATflz Spurred on by their 37-19 victory
E over Franklin college in the open-
S ing game of the season. Monday,
SWIMMING SCHEDULE Wisconsin basketball players will
(____ undergo some long practice ses-
Dec. 15-Toronto Y. M. C. A., sions this week before their inter-(
there. sectional battle with the Unlvcr -:
Dec. 22-Cleveland A. C., there. sity of Pittsburgh five in the Mil-
( Feb. 2-Indiana, here. waukee auditorium t o m o r r o w
j Feb. 9-Minnesota, there. ; night.
j Feb. 11-Chicago, there The Panthers are no strangers
j (tentative,, to Western conference competition,I
March 2-Wisconsin, there. having defeated Michigan, Chicago,
I March 9-Northwesern, here. jNorthwestern and Iowa last season
" March 15-16-Conference meet, in a tour of the west which estab-
Mah1 6C onlished their claims to national cage
Mar Chicago. Chonors. They will take on North-i
Mgiate meet St. Louis western at Evanston Friday of this
i e Lweek before traveling to Milwaukee
to face the Badgers.
Wisconsin's total of 37 points in
the Franklin game impressed the
fans who are accustomed to see Dr.
l Walter E. Meanwell rely chiefly on+
Idefense to turn back his early sea-
son opponents. Bud Foster, rangy;
I__Chicago forward played in his old
form under the basket and ac-E
According to present ipdications coundr 14 pis, w nc gave
the~~~~ ~~~ thcovirwiht nte unted for 14 points, which gave j
the three heavier weights on the him scoring honors.I
1929 Varsity mat team will be fill- Chmielewski and Ellermair.were
ed by men from the football squad. the principal cogs in the Badger a
These men who had been devoting defense which held Franklin to six
their time to the gridiron seem, baskets. Rough spots in the play,
according to Coach Keen, to have which resulted in 18 fouls being
the call in these weights. called on Wisconsin, will be smoth--
At 165 pounds Parker has shown ed out this week. .
the most form so far and will prob-Pittsburgh, coached by Dr. H. C.
ably till this division in the first 1Ptsugcahdb r .C
by SteiskeVasitynguarCarlson, prominent physician of
meet.Steinke, Varsityeguard, has Braddock, Pa., was undefeated in'
the call at present in the 175 pound 21gmsatyerCp.Chls
class, while Dravling, who played121 games last year. Capt. Charles
as end on the 1928 Wolverine grid Wunderlich, at center, is a cool
team seems to be best in the floor player and valuable in diag-
heavyweight division. Hager is nosing the. enemy attack.
another football man who may be,
called upon to fill one of these BIG LEAGUE MAGNA
weights. mIf necessary he can make OF MINOR C
175 pounds, but is very near a O IO
Of these men Hager has won his With the trading market for
AMA in wrestling, while Steinke j players at a low ebb, the major
was awarded his numerals in the league owners have turned from
mat sport last year. Parker has' making deals to consider the prob-
had some experience on the mat, lem of the draft as well as a prop-
but Dravling is wrestling for the osition which may relieve pitchers
first time. from the task of doing their own
The other weights, with the ex- batting.n
ception of the 125 and 158 classes, rThe draft has always been a
will be filled by men who are green marather touchy question between the
in this sport. No one of outstand- majors and the minor league cir
lug biliy hs shwn p inthecuits. Some years ago the Double
115 pound class except Spicer, and A circuits such as the American I
he broke a rib in practice and is association, the Pacific coast league
at present confined to his home and the International league re-I
with the flu. Ruben seems to belled against the right of the big
have the call here at present. leagues to recall players upon pay-c
Bob Hewitt, national champion ment of a certain amount ofI
and runner-up in the Olympic money.
Games, will ably take care of the While the major clubs did busi-;
125 pound division. ness with the other leagues until,
A , in 1027, Indiana University's'
1929 football team will be without
n catain tai cfcording to the an-
Coach Johnstone Takes Charge nounaeent made here today by Golden Panthers Annexed Last ierence outfits they meet. Pennsyl-
Of Team And Outlines This 'Coach Pat Page, following a meetYear's National Title; Quakers vania opened her invasion last
Year's Training Program ing of the varsity squad members. Wer Eastern Cihampions o g1t meeting Indiana, co-holder
- After a discussion of the problem, -- the 1927-28 Conference crown,
MANAGER ALSO APPOiNTED the varsity men voted in favor of PA'10T HAS SHORT SqUA44 " la field hode icanted heming-
---- the former system.
l ; Dn, while the Golden Panthers
Maurice Lazar, '30. of Chicago, Page introduced this system here University of Pemsylvania and
Ill., was yesterday elected by his in 1927. It has been use by several Pittsburgh university, two of thet
teammates to captain the 1929 schools in the mid-west. One of the most formidable basketball teams iht i a tilt with the Northwest-
Wolverine fencing team. This elec- outstanding Big Ten grid teams, in eastern Intercollegiate circles n Wildcats.
tion took place at a meeting held Ohio State, followed the same.plan will invade the Western Conference Penn Meets bhio
in the Intramural building, and at during the last season. this week end for a series of tilts Pennsylvania continues her se-
which Coach Johnston took active Under this system, Page will ap- with Big Ten quintets. Pittsburgh ies with Big Ten opponents by
charge of the team and outlined point a defensive and offensive I was acclaimed national champion testing the strength of the Buck-
his program of training for the captain before each game, basing after a brilliant season in 1927-28. yes at Columbus and invades Ann
year his decision on the ability to lead while Pennsylvania annexed the Arbor tomorrow night for a game
Although Lazar was not out for the team in the two departments of eastern intercollegiate title. with the Wolverines. Pittsburgh's
the team last year, he was the out- the game. In 1927, the Hoosiers Both teams are reputed to have western jaunt includes games with
standing star of his freshman found the plan to be a very sue- powerful combinations again this Wisconsin, Ohio State, Indiana,
squad and is reputed to be able to cessful one. Outstanding back-I year and should thoroughly test Iowa, and Notre Dame in the order
defeat anyone now out for the field men and linemen were ap- the calibre of the Western Con- named in addition to the opener
Michigan team. Two conference pointed leaders before each game,) -----.--.- --- ----- with the Purple five tonight.
fencing. champions of the last two and at the end of the season the With four regulars from last
years Were on the same high school outstanding senior was made hon- year's lineup in the battle 'front
team with the Wolverine leader as orary captai for the entire sea the Pennsylvania quintet has high
numbers two and three, while La-Ison. During the 1928 campaign, hopes of repeating its success of
Snumber one. "Chuck" Bennett led the Hoosiers 1927-28 when 21 victories were
Lzar, w iggas son offense and Bob Matthew, was turned in in 26 starts. By defeat-
Laawt igrls ersdefensive captain. I___ ing Princeton in a play off tilt,
captain, and who placed third in den waIenthusiastic in an-
the Conference last year should Paewsetuiatci(n the Blue and Red team annexed
form atrongrnclusyeor shdnouncing the signing of Colgate With 10 Michigan swimmers in the eastern incollegiate title. Of
form a strong nucleus for Coach University, of Hamilton, N. Y., for Toronto to engage the Toronto 'Y' the contests lost only one was
Johnston to build his team around. a game here on Oct. 19. The east- team in international dual compe- dropped by a margin of more than
In his talk on the subject of ern school ranked high in national tition, the remainder of the Var- th t Yale, Amy, an
fencing the new mentor stressedthe ponsYaAry ad
ithe neo trsng ssth circles this season, and there is a sity squad entered in a Michigan . Princeton were the only eastern
the importance of training in the possibility that the game, the only A. A. U. meet at the Women's City outfits to turn the trick while
sport, and stated that the members intersectional class on the card, club of Detroit. The Wolverines Notre Dame was the sole Western
of the team would find it to their may be designated as Homecoming will compete in four events at the team to down the Quakers, win-
advantage to practice every night Day, although definite decision will Detroit meet fning 30-28.
even though he could be there to be made later by the athletic com- Coach MacMahon will have Quakers Defeated Michigan
(Continued on Page Seven) mittee. charge of the team that will Numbered among the victims of
swim at the City club pool. thNuabyrennggegation a
LT ES CURT LY REFUSE INVITATION This will include much of the Var- eafa g erethe olverines who
ZLUBS TO DISCUSS RECALL OF PLAYERS s eam s rve strength and were defeated 39-36 in a nip and
__________________ ea rsmn tuck battle at Philadelphia. This
their rebellious policy, the question the moundsmen are changed or! The 100-yard handicap event will year the Quakers with most of
has never been definitely settled. not. find a large field of Michigan their team intact, look for an-
The. organization of the minor! While the idea has carried favor swimmers. McCaf free, McDonald, other success over Michigan as the
league club owners has called a in the National league ranks, the Goldsmith, and Dinkelspiel of the Maize and Blue are admittedly lest
meeting in January at West Baden, American leagers have not been Varsity are entered, while Ladd. powerful than in 1927-28.
Ind. to consider the problem and favorable impressed by it, claiming Hapke, Snyder, and Raike of the Among the veteran performers
has invited the owners of the that since both pitchers on the freshman squad will also compete. ion the eastern team is Captain
American and National league contending clubs probably can not George Hubbell, Big Ten back Joey Schaaf, who is one of the
clubs to attend, but the big league hit very well that no damage is be- stroke champion, is favored to win most brilliant cagers developed in
magnates, have very curtly voted ing done. j the Michigan A. A. U. senior 150- intercollegiate circles in recent
down the invitation. Pitchers for years have carried I yard back stroke title. Valentine years. Last year the stellar run-
President John Heydler of the the reputation of being terrible I of the freshman team should alsoning guard established a scoring
National league has evidently hitters. During the last campa ,m gain a place in this event.
. ,, I f- ~ixlarc lip riih l theivna wvpnf. ~(Continued on Page Seven)
taken pity on the weak hitting I UwIiiers on Lne uieveli uL, In1Lne open Taney giving everiu,
pitchers since he has brought forth ; Harder and Levsen, failed to con- Michigan will be represented by
a plan to relieve the hurler of ther nect safely in any of their turns at, Nimz, Maxian, and Hall, with oneI
clubbing duties. According to is the plate. The notable weakness of' of the yearlings a possible entry.
proposition, the manager of the-s, pitchers for hitting the air instead A Wolverine team will also swim in
spective clubs may name a certain of the ball has caused considerable the Michigan A. A. U. senior 300-
hitter to bat in place of the pitcher discussion. Among exceptions to yard medley relay championship.
throughout the game, the same' the rule are Ruth, Sisler, Alexander, This trio will probably consist of
man continuing to bat whether! Johnson, Wood, and Reuther. J Hubbell, Bebee, and McDonald.
Burr, Patterson
&Auld CO.
Church at South U
wy -
the Doubl3e A clubs swerved fromI
Just a
Week Left
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