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December 14, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-14

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IM I5'

Foreign Students In Native Dress
Will Sell Genuine Articles
At Oriental Bazaar

Many People Do Not Recognize Good
Auicra. TFrm R.ac _ ! nUQ Vrit?. Kr~cIir K.[LT S UL 10L

Cora Opines fIIRelax Strict Rules

I lAJ~.Alua l%- I AP. A."1%49 'S.jct 0A. v ltz 1uxblu IA..5

"To many people music is a word'
describing sounds-good or bad-I
which come from a musical instru-
ment or from the throat of a
singer," says Fritz Kreisler, noted
pianist, who gave the Fifth Choral
Union Concert last night in Hill

WILL SERVE NATIVE FOOD Auditorium. "They go through the
worldmissing - hundreds of other
sounds-beautiful, soothing, rest-
frOriental rugs imported directly ful, and invigorating, and some-
from the east by Syrian nstudent, times terrifying.
tapestries, Indian prints, and "Naturally, opinions differ on'
bridge and luncheon sets will be what is the most beautiful sound
some, of the articles offered for in the world," hecontinued. "Some
sale at an Oriental bazaar to betinkthatdhersotind.somn
given by the Syrian students of the think that there is nothing so won-
University of Michigan, from 9 derful as the song of a singer wli'
o'clock Saturday morning until can express in heif voice the whole
gamut of human emotions; others
o'clock the same night, in Lane I hold that the violinist gives the
hall. world its sweetest music. The peal
Attired in their native costumes, of a cathedral organ awes as well
the foreign students will sell these I as pleases, while to a mother-,there
articles which for the most part, ' can be no sweeter sound than the
they themselves have secured from' croon of her baby."
their particular districts in Syria Then, after a slight pause, Mr.
for the bazaar. Arabian coffee, and Kreisler went on, "To my mind the
Turkish Delight, a confection re- most beautiful music that the
sembling both pastry and candy world can give us is not the blast
will be served during the day as of an organ nor the strains of a
an added feature of the affair. violin-it is the song of the forest.
"Persian silk shawls of unusual There are few joys comparable
design and color and pottery rep- with that of sitting in a pine for-
resentative of the old drinking est in summer listening to the mu-,
pictures of Biblical times which are sic of the wind brushing through!
being shown at the bazaar, are not the pines, the call of the birds, and1
only very beautiful but also make the buzzing of the myriad insects,,
appropriate Christmas gifts," said j which, swelling up and down in1
Raja F. Howrani, director of the i
bazaar, "while the Oriental rugs aW
should be especially interesting 'to Daiota Women Plan
purchasers because of the genuine, Cots
and uncommercialized quality that For BeautyContest
they represent."
All students and faculty are in- I "Miss Dakota'' will be selected
vited to attend the bazaar, and at the University of North Dakota,
according to Howrani, the occasion from the 600 women in a primaryI
promises to be an interesting cne. election soon. Eight women will be
voted upon out of the twenty can-
didates that will be put up for elec-,
Small College Has tion. Photographs of these eight
More Shool pirit women will be sen to John Gil-,
More School Spirit bei""t for a final judi ment.
The Matrix chapter of the Uni-j
At Football Games eaema ha o sn
At Fotbll G mesversity of North Dakota has of-;
fered an award to the best woman-
The difference between a large edited newspaper, of a silver lov-
university and a small college is ing cup. The purpose is to stimu-
seen at their football games, espe- late the interest of women students
cially in the spirit of the crowds. in journalism, and to point out theI
At the Indiana game, the cheer- large number of high school news-j
leaders in some sections had a papers having woman as their
4 hard time to get many people to editors. The three bases for awardI
even yell Michigan. At the game are important parts of a news-
between two small colleges (800 paper and are usually phases with
students), Albion and Olivet (300 which the editor has much to do.

'weird harmony, often reminds meE
of the majesty of an organ. I
"I can feast my ears with the1
music of the pines, and be refresh-
ed when all other sounds have
failed to soothe me. It is an an-
odyne that always heals."
Oddly enough, this man, who has
been called 'the man of the tragic
face,' has been married for twenty-
four years to his present wife, and
intends to stay married-having no
!doubtsat all that his marriage is
permanent. He says too many
married people waste their emo-
tions on others than their mates.
They get divorces because UAey
want "happiness" and think they
will find it in another wife or hus-
band. "But they do not find it,"
I says Kreisler, "for the reason that
they have no happiness in them-
Mr. Kreisler, considered the
greatest violinist in the world to-
cday, has made numerous records.
He states that his favorite ones
are Bach's double concerto for two
I violins which he recorded with
Elfrem Zimbalist, the Russian vio-
linist; the "Caprice Viennois";
Dvorak's "Humoresque"-"which,"
he says, "I found amongst a pile
(of the composer's forgotten piano
music, and which has since become
so universally popular ,though its
humor is of the type that laughs
with one eye and weeps with the
other;"-and most of the Viennese
"It may seem perhaps conceited
to say it, but I do like my :ec-
t ads," and Mr. Kreisier smiled.
"But then they are always ap-
proved of by me before being re-
leased to the public." Another one
of his greatest favorites is Heuber-
ger's "Midnight Bells," a lovely

In a very close game which was
not decided until the last minuue
of play, Alpha Omicron Pi defeat-
ed Kappa Delta, 5 to 4. All through
the game the defensive playing of
both teams kept the score low and
the game even. The game was won
on a basket made after a foul had
been committed.
Kappa Delta Alpha Omicron Pi
E. Klanderman .F........S. Knox
J. Jones.........F.. E.. Hemenger
E. Goodrich .. .. C..... E. Norton
F. Miller .....SC.... E. Wheeler
M. Hunt ........ G.... F. Sackett
D. Felske ....... G... C. Hawkins
Substitutes: Kappa Delta-E.
Delo. Alpha Omicron Pi-A. Mas-
len, H. Gay.
Sunburn is losing popularity on
the Mediteranean and pharmacies
are laying in supplies of creams
that will give a snowy whiteness tor
milady's skin. This unpopularity
of sunburn is due to the decision
of the dressmakers to make the
pastel shades prevail for at least
another year. The problem Was
even been considered so seriously
that some of the largest Parisian
dressmaking firms now maintain
special models whose arms bear no
sun blemishes and whose skin is
of youthful velvetness. If this idea
continues it may mean, a return to
large headwear for women and
perhaps even eventually Dolly Var-
dens and colonial styles.,

Great men-and women-are
dying all around me, and I feel In Oxford University
rather ill myself, don't you know.'
Well, maybe it really isn't that bad More freedom is enjoyed now by
but there are an awful lot of peo-
ple missing from classes due to the the undergraduate women stu-
flu and everything, and the ones dents at Oxford than they have
that are there look as though they J been accustomed to in the past,
wished more than usual to be according to "Queen's Journal", a
somewhere else, preferably asleep C dian college paper. The Bri-
in bed instead of napping in class. jana
A tish newspapers are commenting
And just when the morale of the on this. According to the rules no
surviving students is bolstered up woman student at Oxford may talk
by the very persistent, though in- with a man unchaperoned. It
consistent rumors that the Board seems that the ridiculousness of
of Regents is actually going to be the chaperone in many cases has
noble about it and let us go home 'been realized. An undergraduate
for vacation a week early, why'said that in the time he had been
then they go and very definitely there there was a marked loosening
and with much finality announce of the law.
that most certainly we can't go i "Three years ago," he said, "the
home. I tell you, the blow was al-ptorseuyersopee id," e
most too much for me, even though proctors used to peep into every
I didn't have much faith in the nook and cranny to catch an
rumor to begin with, knowing this undergraduate and an undergrad-
University as I do. Not that it isn't uate having a harmless cup of cof-
Uniersty s Ido No tht i is'tfee together. Now it is possible for
a. good University and all that, it two students of opposite sex to
is, but- spend a whole day together. And
Well, anyway it's only another they think nothing of going to-
week till vacation and maybe we gether to the theater or in excur-
can survive till then-maybe we sions on the river."
can, I don't make any rash state-
ments abont such uncertain mat-I


mens bot aschunrain at- I V
ters. Anyway, I hope I do even
though I have doubts about it and
everything, I don't wish anyone
any bad luck, but do you know if
enough professors came down with
the flu, why maybe we'd just have
to start vacation early. That's an
idea, it really is. But of course
as I just said, I wouldn't wish any-
one that much bad luck even
though they were professors I
didn't like.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 a year.

Basketball Games


I Cam o

students), the crowd cheered all
the time. They gave continual ad-
vice to the team. If it made a
touchdown they cheered, if not
they jeered. Several times the ref-
eree's head was demanded.
The size of the crowds varics.
The huge' concrete stadium at Ann'
Arbor seats 72,000 people. (Many
thousands view the games.) At the
small college town it was home-
coming day so the wooden seats
were all filled. The opposing school
appeared to have come en masse
to Albion. What they lacked in
size, they made up in vivacity.
The glory of the Michigan band
was revealed when Albion's ap-
peared. It was very small indeed.
The visiting side did not seem to
have a band but, music was heard
coming from their side. At last
it was discovered seated among the
spectators perhaps five men, with
drums and horns, making an im-
possible noise.
In a small game the spectators
stood most of the time if they
wished to see. At Michigan they
stand up only when the college
song is sung. During the halves
the freshmen formed the letters A
and O on the field, and then es-
corted the team in.

Williamston Man
Discusses "Why 3
Go To College?"
Dean Hewett of Williamette Uni-
versity in answer to the questionI
"Why go to college?" stated that
one of the primary purposes of a
college course is the finding of a
mate. At the present day people
are rather inclined to laugh at the
girl who goes to college with the
evident purpose of 'finding a beau,'
but the girl in so doing is rather
to be admired for her plan. In col-
lege a group of young people' of a
higher intellectual and cultural
development is brought together,
and by this process of selection
there will be assured the continua-
tion of a type that will be the
saving of civilization.

melody composed by a friend of
his youth who died in want and Phi Sigma Sigma vs. Chi Omega.
without ever reaping any financial Helen Newberry residence vs.l
benefit from his numerous compo- Kappa Alpha Theta.
sitions. 0-
This is positively the last day
t I for try-outs. All those who have !
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary cdu-II not been able to secure appoint-
cation fraternity held a short busi- meats may come and try out be-
ness meeting Tuesday night, Dec tween 3 o'clock and 5:30 o'clock
11, in Martha Cook building'. Ber- in Sarah
nice McHale, '29, president, an-I Caswell Angell hall.
nounced that Dr. Stuart A. Courtis (_-
of the School of Education will bef
the principle speaker at the next
meeting. He will continue the pro- We carry a full line
gram on the need for individuali-
zation in instruction. of
Helen Newberry Residence is ! 7!
keeping one of the cottages I vf W igs and Switches
open for the convenience of f
women students who stay in;j Come in and let us
Ann Arbor through the holidays. fit you up.
Anyone wishing for information,
or to register for rooms may J
call the Director's office, dial
This is the last day for entrants Hair
in the intramural bowling tourna-!H
ment to practice. Athletic man- 707 N. University
agers must hand in the names of
the two entrants at the gym office Phone 21212
by 6 o'clock.
l ttlllllllllllllllllil ll llllllll lt ll1111 111111 1 Ii ililllllllilillillllll1111111111 p
- Soleils Include
Felts - $10 to $20
Metallies Values =
A welcome sale - coning at a tine
when a new hat will prove a blessing.
Includes all the season's successes-
a model for every one--in all the
wanted colors--at this wonderful
reduction price.

rrrrrr..rrrr~.rr. crrr.,rrr.

Offers You
Finger Wave---75c
Satisfaction Guaranteed

Hosiery--For Men nd Women
Gifts for All the Family
a t
117 So. Main St.


Burr, Patterson
& Auld Co.
Church at South U

Here's a wonderful coat opportu-
nity for every woman who has not
yet purchased that new winter
coat she has been wanting. The
group includes dress and utility
coats all beautifully trimmed in
fashionable furs.

Before You Buy HIM That
Gift, May We Suggest
That You Visit
Our Store?
We are justly proud of our dis-
tinctive showing of USEFUL GIFTS
for LAD and DAD, and as the many,
many customers exclaim:-"It is
truly the store with the Christmas
aL A ; 1 n('1 rhW

,: ,
* ,
a j
fit, .
# 1

One's self must Ie cogsicdecrd, too,
regardless of the fact that your
Christmas money seems all too lit-
tle for the number of gifts that
you buy. We have made it possible
for every woman to have a new
dress for the holidays, by specially
pricing a choice number that in-
cludes mary styles and sizes.


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