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December 12, 1928 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-12

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NE~/ Lar
be formally enrolled for the co- Clor
operative course. Irate t1

Any Stude'nts ITnterested In


Engineering May Obtain 3. Students who are enrolled for partr
Actual Experience the co-operative course will con- ofaICi
--- tinue their second year of study in numbe
WILL ALTERCURRICULUM therdepartment of ChemicalEngi- the cit
neeingwitoutinerrptin, ndDonalds
will be employed at the end of that dayain
"One of the first of the Univer- pro yteDtotCt a day in
sity's projects for linking up the podpy the Detroitity Gas hall.
University educational system with Prof e,, c otanpactir perio P
which will continue for seven Po
every day vocations has been ac- on "So
complished with the announce-mntscomecigru11an Renaisa
ment today by Arthur W. Stace, e4. The students will then return t
director of the Ann Arbor office of . the Uesi and reain in Ital
the Michigan Public Utility In- residencefor tlvemonths stud the me
formation bureau of the acceptance infor twlseme ndsum-1tnThe
of an agreement between the Col- ing for two semesters and a sum- tunate
lege of Engineering of the Univer- 5. O Februar 1 the will be aldson
sity and the Detroit City Gas com- terday.
pany which marks a distinct step reemployed by the Detroit City of time
forward in gas engineering educa- Gas company fora second prac- large s
.tin.tice period of seven months last- (ti ofn
tion. ing until September 1.to
According. to this agreement ai S , art. I
student interested in gas engineer- 6. They will then return to the j ment t
ing may enter upon a five year co- University for two semesters of tistic w
operative program, alternating pe- study and should normally grad- the pre
riods of which will be spent in uate in the following June. sociatia
study in the University and in 7. The Detroit City Gas com- The1
practise in the employ of the De- pany agrees to give the students last pu
troit City Gas company. The pe- entering upon this work a some- Donald
riods are arranged so as to se- what varied employment which since h
cure the greatest possible advan- will put them in direct contact with second
tage from the combination of various aspects of gas manufactur- poli.
theory and practice application. ing, distribution, and accounting, Thet
The agreement was accepted and and to pay them the prevailing "musics
signed by Dean Herbert C. Sadler, rate of men doing the same type of ture, t
for the University College of Engi- work, but not less than fifty cents which:
neering and by C. W. Bennett, per hour. The company will re- orablec
vice-president of the Detroit City tamn the same rights to transfer, membe
Gas company and consists of the discharge or alter the rate of pay will co
following clauses: of the student employees that it membe
Agreement Text 'has over its regular employees. chestra
The College of Engineering of."8. The Detroit City Gas com- by Nice
the University of Michigan and the pany may limit the number of stu- nounce
Dtroit UnCity Gas Mcmpan agre th dents enrolled in this course as sented
Detroit City Gas company agree to i i a ee ie date no
maintain a co-operative program it may deem wise,
for students interested in gas en- 9. Either party to this agree- Thirt
gineering which will require four ment may discontinue it upon h Un
years and ten months for its con- written notice to the other party. in th s
pletion. Eight semesters and one (Signed) Herbert C. Sadler Who Is
summer school will be spent at the (Signed) C. W. Bennett o thei
University. There will be one pre -ary__
liminary employment period of ,g mary of
eightweeksp inhet summerfol - The ingenuity of David Depew besidet
ing the freshman year and two of, the Ann Arbor postoffice prb-
employment periods of seven' ably will be responsible for saving1
months each, the first starting at small postal matter which occas- .
the end of the second year and the ionally goes astray when suppos-
second in the middle of the fourth edly empty sacks are returned to
year. There will be either one or the depository in Chicago. Mr. De-
two vacation periods of two weeks ( Pew has devised a hook-like ar-
in each summer. The conditions rangement with an electric bulb
of the agreement are as follows: just above, which, attached on aj " .
1. The Engineering College and i wall, allows a thorough inspectiont .
the Detroit City Gas company will1 of mail sacks by holding them com- '% *,
each appoint a representative to ! pletely open and pouring light intoi
administer this program by joint the farthest corners.
2. Students in the Engineering Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
College will be given an oppor- $4.00 a year.
tunity to learn of the co-operative
program at some time during the
freshman year. Those who become
interested and who are accepted
v U] hb employed by the Detroit
City Gas company for a prelim-
inary period of eight weeks during
the following summer. At the end
of this preliminary period, students AC
who have made a satisfactory rec-.;
ord and are still interested, may


Italian Sculpture Today and tomorrow the Galens, ens donated approximate)
hionorary medical society, will Two hundred and fifty d(
launch its annual tag day drive for this was used to given the
ed lantern slides will illus- the benefit of the children con- sters a Christmas party
he lecture which Prof. Bruce fined at the University hospital. in every sense of the word.
aaldson, of the fine arts de- As in the past years, a portion tainment was provided,
nt, is to deliver to members of the money obtained will be used fruit, and toys of all kin
Ircolo Italiano in the second to give these children a Christmas distributed. The remainde
rto the present series which party. TShe balance is to be used fund was appropriated to
ub is sponsoring. Professor to.carry on the manual trainin gwork room unit with tools;
son will speak next Wednes- room which provides a pastime terials for repairing and n
room D, Alumni Memorial for the youngsters as well as giv- simple toys, and for provi
.ning them something which may pable instruction through
ssor Donaldson will speak later prove useful to them. 'lentire year.
me Masterpieces of Italian Last year the stadent; and citi- At the present time tl
sance Sculpture." All stu -__________________
and townspeople interested about 200 children to be c
ian art will be welcomed at Seek To Make Change The greater majority of t
eting, according to Napoli. In State patients fromhomes
circolo feels extremely for- limited means. Many of th
in securing Professor Don-; (1y Associated Press) been so unfortunate that t
to speak," said Napoli yes- LANSING Dec 11-The action never experienced a C
"He has spent a great deal of prosecuting attorneys in two party. A brief visit to t
in Italy, and has secured a counties in declining to prosecute dren's ward at the hosp
tore of first-hand informa- cuesednouelinuo poende convincingly impress one
an Italian architecture and alleged fourth liquor law: offenders worthiness of the Galen's
n Itlia arcitetureandas habitual criminals focused at- wriesoft'
judge it a distinct compli- ashtitua crmna focedt- Extended confinement in
o his prominence in the ar- tin to upn a movementmde- lowers a person's morale-
world that he is at present sd t he state iminxl ly that of a child. Withou
esident of the Ann Arbor as- co Te qestio oe is e of constructive recreation
on. 29eced to be a major one int opment is checked and pr
present speech may be the A latue. r d titudes are seriously endar
ibi perne fPoesr A half dozen members have indi--______
bic appearance of Professor cated they will offer suggestions
son here for some time, relative to changing the code to Rovillain To Give
me is leaving for Italy the'
semester, according to Na- ilighten the penalty for liquor law
violators. In state circles. it' was Romance Club~
Circolo is planning another generally conceded such an effort All graduate students a
al evening" for the near fu- will be made. members of the departme
o be modeled after the one Gov. Fred W. Green, who spon- mance languages are invit
received a great deal of fav- sored' the code in 1927, and Wilber tend the meeting of the4
comment last year. Faculty M. Brucker, attorney general, as- club to be held at 4 o'clo
rs of the School of Music serted they will fight any attempt u in room 408, Romance L
ambine with undergraduate to weaken the code. hall, it is announced by
rs of the Circolo and an or- They indicated, however, that if F. Patterson, of the depar
which is to be organized equitable and justifiable changes Eugene Rovillain will s
holas Falcone, it was an- are proposed which can be demon- the "Sources of Voltair
d. The concert is to be pre- strated as necessary and which 'genu," and Michael Pargr
early next semester, at a l will not tear down the structure discuss "A Reading Know
ot yet made public. ; which make life sentences manda- Modern Languages. What
tory for habitual criminals, they How Is It To Be Acquired
y-eight faculty members of will not oppose them.
iversity of Nebraska appear The question appears likely to
year's volume of "Who's resolve itself into a debate as to
a America." A brief account under what classification liquor vio- IDetroit Theat
r lives, as well as a sum- lations should fall and whether I
f their achievements appear a string of liquor offenses onsti-
their names. tutes habitual criminality. ASS THEAl
our Usual wFin Soc !Nights $1.00 to $2.
. ome in Now and See HAL SKELLY
It Our Usual Fine Stock I AND BARBARA STANK
In the Comedy Success1
Orders for Greeting Cards Taken DLAFAYETT
- ~~~Until Dec. 15 W.HD.
UntilDec.15 YIn His Greatest Succ
STUDE T SUPPLYrSiTyNdihty50c to $2.50; Th
1111 S. University and Saturday Mats. 50c

Brumm Thinks Need
DAY For Forum Arises lLLLUUI hILL TL1
y $1,000.
~arsof From Want Of Facts TO
genuine "Understanding and intelligent
Enter- tolerance find a greater need in Prof. James K. Pollock, of the Po-
candy, a university community like ours litical Science department, will ad-
ids were than in any other community," dress the next of a series of stu-
er of the said Prof. J. L. Brumm, head of dent conferences sponsored by the
equip a the department of journalism innhitinascitoa
an m an address which opened the first C
aking of 4meeting of the informal campus4:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in
ding ca- m of te nformal c Lane hall.
lout the Torum yesterday afternoon. The conferences, which were
The meeting, which marked the started this semester, have turned
h first assemblage of the new discus- out very successful, and will prob-
ere are Sion group being fostered by the be continued during the -
ared for. department of journalism was ond semester. The purpose is to
hese are featured by Professor Brumm' Iprovide an opportunity for in-
of very address, and by the appointment of formal discussion of important
em have a committee for the selection of problems. Each week, a prominent
hey have speakers and topics. faculty member is invited to ad-
hristmas "Outside 4bhe university," con- dress the meeting and to ,lead the
the chil- tinued Professor Brumm, the discussion. The meeting is open to
ith thel casting of votes affords an easy all men and women on the cam-
withrthe way of disposing of problems with- pus.
efforts out solving them. At any rate,
hospital this procedure postpones the issue Subscribe to The Michigan Daily
especial- ~ and affords an excuse for indiffer- $4.00 a year.
t means ence and inaction on the part of1l
, devel- the individtial. But with the uni-
roper at- versity there is no such easy deter- ALTL EN D NGIER
ngered. mination. Here we are concerned
I primarily with convictions, with MUSIC SHOP
right thinking, with loyalties and
Talk It is through knowing the facts, Send Your Friend
all the facts, and through cultivat-
nd staffring an enthusiasm for truth thatlCOLUMBIA
nt of ro- we may look for a solution of the
ed to at- problems with which we are sur- New Process Records
Romance rounded here at the university,
ck today Professor Brumm pointed out, and
Language added that the solution to most of We pack them for you.
Warner our problems are not to be found
tment. in text books. Christmas Tunes-
peak on "I believe that the chief fault in Silent Night, Holy Night-
e's L'In- the modern university lies in the b
ment will fact that the vast majority of stu-
ledge of dents are rendered inarticulate by
It is and reason of the very nature of its: 305 Maynard
(Continued on, Page Eight)

a --1----- - -- ..". ..S.. . .... .s ""r"a. S .1u .:.5 ...: . .".r.au. . .. .
Hill Auditorium, Thursday, December 13,
8:15 p. m. Sharp
A limited number of tickets still available
at $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, at

- I


II: __ .................. .: .......................r....................................Y a..rYr...frrx gY.rYr....L ....Pl

- - - - - - - - - -


-Ti EA T R E-
Dedicated to Beauty
and Art
-rhe Star,
D, 01ORES 1
The Direcfor
Warner axier
Roland Drew
Vaea Lewis
& Michael
The author
The great Americanl
love classic Of the I
scrl ni

An effervescent and scintillating stage show replete
with youthful buoyancy and moving with breath
taking 'zest.
featuring the
from University of Maryland
12-Torrid Jazzapators-12
from Northwestern U. "The Flpper and the
"Two Tunesmitlis Just a
from Tech" "School of Charm"
"Aggravating Aggies"
26-Co legians and Co-eds-26
Six separate acts combined into an hour of peppy
stage hilartv, with music. song and dance inter-
spersed with high hat comedy that fills you with
joyous abandon.

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