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December 08, 1928 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-08

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rii1 M ICMI A.

~Al L'Y


SA~hRDY, LEMBER 8 , 1928

Veteran Center








Jack Hecndricks will start his. be one of the most fruitf ul rcsult;
sixth year as manager of the in- of the Western Conference At,-
cinati Reds next, spring when the letic Coaches confab at Chicago,

B- sic gr

v___ _ _ o


Courtwrigjt Will Select Team From,
Squad Of 12 To Oppose Mount
Pleasant Oin Dec. 11
With an eye to developing a
smooth, fast-breaking five, Coach v
T~ay Courtwright has been trying
out several combinations of his
"B" squad basketball players in
the hop0es of finding a coordinating
Junior Varsity to pit against the
Mit. Pleasant team in the season
curtain raiser which' is scheduled
for Dec. 11 in Yost field house.
Thl'e reserve squad, containing'
many mnemnbers of the 1927-28 mid-
get freshman team, averages much
smaller than last year's "B" aggre-
gation, but the fact that many of
the players are yearing numeral
winners and have had experience
on the same teams more than of f-
sets the handicap of size.
op hoores On Team
The Junior Varsity squad at
present consists of 12 players,I
Wein~tlin, Downing, Dougal, Ly-
tel, Bauer, Den Alelyker, Montague,
Englemnan; Dolinsky, Murphy,
Glocheski, and Mc~fee. Of these
men', the first seven won their
numerals on last year's freshman
teamn, while the others have all
seen play on various class teams.
Coach Courtwright, in seeking a
combination which will combine
teamwork, speed, and basket
shooting ability, has been chang-
ing the players about. Weinstein
has been tried out both as a run-
fling guard and as a forward, while
:Downing, Dougall,~Lytle, Engleman,
Doinsky, and Den Bleyker have
also seen service in various posi-
Show Well I. Practice
As yet practice has been almost
wholly confined to scrimmage, with
drill on fundamentals. The im-
portance of team work, passing,
and fast breaking have been stres-
sed, while the value of long shots
has been discounted. Coach Court-
wright will try to develop a
smoothly working, fast passing and
breaking offense, which will give
the forwards free shots near thet
In the second half of the prac-
tice scrimmage yesterday, the first
five functioned ;as well as could be
expected, showing unusual team-
work for soa early in the season.
"This was probably due to the fact
that most of the players had seen
actiona on teams together pre-
With Lytle taking the ball down
the floor from his running guard
position, and Downing, Weinsein,
Dougali, and others breaking away
for free shots near the hoop and
losing their guards almost at will,
the first string team ran uip 20
points shortly after the rest peiod.
The practice closed with a drill
on faree throws. The Junior Varsity
five has six tilts sheduled for the
season, meeting Toledo university
here on. Dec. 19 in the second.em-.
coun. ter of the season. Plans are
now under way to add sevrl
more games to the schedule.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 a yibar.


Ohionas leave for their annual' Iii the past, Big Ten coaches have
spring; training; trip. Hendricks been reluctant to accept rules set
succeeded P~at Moran iru the- spring forth by the National Tntereoi-
of 19234 and ha, continued in this legiatc body.
capacity ever since. This is longest
Period that, anyone has been able. Irving Nelsoi), star 18-'yeav-
t old the m~in~tnaerial." reins at} old drop kicker onl this year's
Cinc inn ati. lowa football teamn, is riwakiii
a determined 1bid ffororwtam-rd
! :'''E '' ; a ,tYdich~g position Onl thecH llawkye a
P) ift hmY!wco l('ojl i kIte North- teamn. It is- expected t b.i t the
ei a a_ tse~i~ i scedule, youngster will he one of thev
whriich :-1,s under way tonight! high point scorers of the ('r n,-
, af 11 tkw 1i dcat s 1Ce Ia,- fe~rcnee this year .
ha,; .repulted one of the
i tyrofger of the indi nw minor "Big Chief"Mayc; Mc s oin'
c~slegetcau~.Iowa's Indian fullback, hss iguL9

11idiana, Northwestern, Wisconsin
Coaches Have Veteran Players
To Face Opponents
Big Ten. Gamnes Tonight
Wabash at Northwestern
'Washinigton University at Indiana
South Dakota ,at Iowa
North Dakota at Minnesota
Ohio Wesleyan at Ohio State
Alumni at Wisconsin
Monouth 'at Chicago

Lion for Northwestern. Last year
the Wildcats had an in and out
season and their prospects in the
present race are of the "dara
horse" variety. The Purple has
three veterans in Walter.- Captain
Gleichmann and Marshall, and the
'tilt with Wabash may help settle
he fight for the other two berths
i 1,t vacant. A big gap was ]eft by
,,le c'yaduation of Fisher, star for-
Wasbhington university of St.
tLouis, member of the Missouri
#Valley conference, has been selec-

i troit
Bob Chapman
Wolverine center, who was fui 'fol
important factor in the Michigan 1 it
scoring against Michigan State last e
night. Chapman's year of experi- ; fli
ence should make him one of the
best centers in the Big Ten this M
season. giate
EVANS'TON, Dec. 7.-Facing the tc
hardeat schedule in its history
coupled with the loss of nine letter-W l
men through graduation, Nor th-i eIe
western university's football team cxf
seems to have a big job ahead forj pi tl
the year 1929. seasc
Among the outstanding games on p101)
the card are Illinois, Minnesota and large
Notre Damte, all home gaines. Ohio little
and Wisconsin constitute the games macl
away from home. Indiana is also also
on the home scl-ledule. Two open reser
dates remain and will probably be liav
filled by two smaller middle-west-
e rn schools. 'vl'i
Four of the five Conference n rotl
temswhich face the Purple next j Deal)
fall finished one, two, three and'coacl
five, of the Big Ten standing this guiar
season. Such a situation points Whit
out the difficult task facing Coach Big
Hanley and his team. Resumption a
of the popular Notre Da1sme series j have
of gaimes. provides another tough m; ,
opponent for the Wildcats. Th e Spec
contest with the Irish will wind up legia
the season. Whit
Loss of such stars as Capt(. Walt flit'
H11olmer, fullback and "Yatz" Levi- :te"al
son, quarterback, John Hazen and battl
Larry Kent, tackles, Justin Dartmeet
;guard, and Tomn Verdell, end, will La
cause the coaches considerable teal)
work in their efforts to develop lean
successors. tetsi
®u can't afford to postpone
our Christmas Shopping
any longer.
Today is Only December 8th
but do you realize that there
are only 12 more shopping
days until Christmas vacation?

As. 1)oris, wh'o I attained in Western ConferePnce trac
isuc cess as footb.l1 ('oach at cles. Possessing a powerful
UniversitKy of Detroit, is re- quo, the lHawkeye track it
hig cosiderie~ publicity as a T om Martin, expects to d
Able successor to Dr. Wilce as the giant Cherokee int,)a
iron mentor at Ohio State. Dc- winner in the weight evenit5
Lhas won its las .t 15 games on ThawdofheYe

l II I I-if
k ('it 1
Lli ¢i or

Withseven ~ g Tn ba-'Ited by Indiana for the initial claau.
Wit seenof he 13g Tn bs-The Hoosiers have an entire team
n~etball teamrs'scheduled to opien the left over from last year's co-
season tonight, the lull in athletics 1cha'mpion squad and should have
following the close of the football an easy time in subduing the op-
season two weeks ago will be pos;ing five.
broken. Michigan got the jump, Iowa Faces Soth Dakota
on 'the other Conference quintets; Iowa will face Southi Dakota. at
by clashing with MVichigan State Iowa City with a quintet composed
last night, thus taking the honor largely of six lettermen from last
of being the first team in action.j year. Ohio Wesleyanl, that tartar
These preliminary games serve of the gridiron, will pry open Ithe
to indicate in some degree the 1928 season at Ohio State. The
strength of. the various Big. Ten Buckeyes have a squad of five vet-

football letter to If., Hastings IWudl Foster squads, although the Conference, erans left over and some promis-
the Tittants in ain early season IHickok~ added ,a fourth Pfmws- iak icisufrad fives are far fromn being in form l ing material.
o at ersr of the "X" to thle liickltel wh1)i om (ci Meaniwell is relying a,>yet. Many of the taThs have a While the eal opening .of the
fanny. All have won their let- +a bold down otIc of the forward goodly number of football mcii season at Wisconsin i schedued
Anotber tard was honored tors as the result of play on the ber'ths o(}a t( 3adg'er qulintet. listed as regulars ol the court , and for Monday night when Franklin
griirotainlscyrs of infne ~l(rwa i.sa n the W Toair nM hort period available be- comes to Madison fr a game, Dr.
aajor grid team wIhen Waldo W. 0. fickol-: Il, starre'd at t'i at~esm lhuhi a tweenl the conclusion of the one! Menw ll's team will see action
uro Ge o a coet o guard, on the Eli eleven fit((i U,; [ist ini the Big 'Teni.IHe has sport and the start of the other; against a eamn of aluni tonight.
id he1924 al fotbll aschsenasallAmrian '~. ~~acnateey fo te asket. these players can not reach their A number of last year's teani will
alga. l.11^ ils star'red at guard the succesive ve^ai'~ ., best form, be included in the Badger lineup
I two vears oll the Eli Var- , Wabash will furnish the oppoi- for this initial scrimmage.
tyati aallot wadsn emeentioiaaned ond trn urleFve-___________________Veteran___________Purple________
v eral a lnllsteruil selections team will receive ainor "l's ta11 Will Opose Wabash HOCKEY TEAM WILL OPEN SEASON
is year. mark of recognition for their : erv- PP___1
ices on the football field. The rem -p iiT .;, AGAT INST 4ON lTArRI 1VO ON COLISEU IC
odification~~ 1JM'IC of the intercolle-I serves won four games this year EVNTN e.7-othet _______
~ wostini rues s epeced o ad doped wo.ei~ unveritys bskebal tem, With the date of the opening orites, as the:y have eeni se'veral
T .whichi finished in a tie for third hockey game against the highly ( wees on the ie. While' it is ex-
ZDOSIER CAGE TEAM TO OPPOSE place last season, will open its 1928-1 touted team from Ontario Agricul- pected that a foridable 'team will
tai .T a9 sason here tomorrow against ture college definitely scheduled for be developed, here this year, jut
WA HI G ONQ IN E I 1* I E Wbahcollege. Dec. 2, the Varsity hockey squad how good it may become at the end
3'h-pc Veterans of last year's will be forced to hold anl intensive of eight dayy. is soeting of a
ISr i' 1J.,;1, ) t the Washington teaiii his ttil( l. !ciliitnet xwill be in the openeing line- 1,raining program during the meag- question.
~OMNTI1 c,7-ihwt ihsadn nt~ v'sup against 11he Little iants. They er eightdays of practice allowed Amion l rl)I1 P l e.7=._il fiil ihsadn-a }.M;;g te 50 candidateis who re-
6sip or seven )fuill len~gth. prac- It5ouri Valley rat ing. Iin mckd(.Capt. Hal Gleichmann, for- them b fore thaTst time. ported at the first meting of the
I hr il eiohmedo i. w. "Put Walter, center, and Theo first Varsity practice, slated squad arc seven veteranis around
sesos oc.Evie, ensFanik Marshall, guard. Just Who, to begn ..at 6 o'clck Monday v-wo oc^ owe ilhv h
>i01 _~swb..#l1ta,.__ will face Iangefritrlen.hn Iwill illW, io, at, the remaining t W()oiug, will have to be terminated task of building a strong aggrga-
;FligtonUivrsi "iLty, strong rel- meet tomoarrow ight. ''b(' Iloosie P(T)o: t lol- s :still greatly in doubt. ltt d83'clock in order to clear the ion for the oeiggmeaZ~s
itative of ti ic Missouri Valley lie hae halooly e worout 01i(Jhny Iaa, ameberofltiefor the demrostrationas of the men are Captain Fisher, Shea,
oroce liretomrrw Jth ne 1001 JrecdjIlgtie g~i('year's s quad, s likely to get the ( fancy and speed sar who are to Hart, Bryant, Mane, Coeland, n
niht1 epae iitenwI(1I1(Ii~ call for the othier forward position. be featured ol the program of the Nygord, a'll of whom are forward
,hp first g;ame of tie 1928-29-' During thec p a, Vweek, D('8ao1 ls ;.'ateir ecandidates for this job are finloeigo.tenwrnaddfnemn h e cni
0s). lthougherteisconi-can-dasqu addatof ard"(atworkly.2(iD(']t, it. e] ort lodgdon, John The visiting,'players, haying,alg dates for goal tender will be Weagiven
1hphoie emi coposdVriyToniltsha~ twik i h]a ,o Warne, Will Lewis, ready held manyractice sessions, a chance to sho thiwae.n
l~ o vtrsus Da hs adpepraio orth oein' am.and Bill Portiess, will enter the game as heavy fav- practice next week.
e tillicloin which to shape his Footballmnii who r'eported late, The back guard ,J(b is a toss-up I!
Hine. The Indiana mentor is includinig Branch McC rcken, re!et wen Merill undy nd Gu
strivin~g'to develop stroniger gradually working awaty fromnt th1, I megwm oh scn ermn
rye 1fi~t, torial to withstand tile contact game of footbtall f{}' thie ..-_________-
,y season 's's(' i 1(1111 ' more elus;ive basketball tyleof j _
Coachles Arc Rivals play. lever.al soplioioros ar:c 'IRISTMAS GFT-
Ile game toiiolTOw ilt will making strong bids for pw)051 ions=
be the first mee ting of E verett and are forcing that veterans Bur.Ptero
n and Don White., Wasington I fight for their positions. Jatsper,
hi, a frr all-C.onaferenace I ruibaker, Veller., L. Miller, B. Mill- & .Auld Co. f -
at Purdue in 1920 aid 13921. er, and Cordell, are among those {Chhrch at South,
Te'n, Deanm in the same years ' -
all -Co if eren c c enuter. Both.-~
htad unusu.al u. cescs in coach-
te indoor 'lo rt. l;their r-
tive schools. lDuringT their Col-
io Ciipttioli, Dean amnd IWi i.1_Hc r n _S, 1
;t uet twice, Ir) 1924, Wash- aNc
en:t and Indiana mnet here the wa
LTlnen) winna~ing after a hard New ,r
leJo. This will vabe athe ae.second "an H tW te
tin g ofteP'I 1 oahs 1l~lumbing*a ndpo w trHeating,-t
st season, the Washington
n defeated, the University of Koaii,
in the middle West. Each year
PhtI51 orhAe .-
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-'hours of' your time spent in shopping now wiL
be worth the entire time spent, after Friday,
December 21 st.

7) ~r'

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