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December 08, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-08

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:: ATUIZDAY, RTvii;E ,1 923'







Special' Christmas Cards, Michigan'
Seal Playing Cards
Are Being Soldj
Opening at 9 o'clock this morn-!
ing for its second day, the Wom-
en's League and Inter-church ba-i
zaar will continue throughout thej
day and up until 9 o'clock this eve-
ning. The bazaar presents a veryl
colorful scene with its decorations;

All sorority women who have
Interclass basketball will begin I T f'lVbeen selling Sophomore Circus;
on Tuesday, January 8, itwas an- T THEATRE Tticket
unsold tickets and money today at
nounced yesterday. The season has the Sophomore Circus ticket table.
been postponed this'year until aft- Mimes Opera Opens Twenty-Third
er the holidays to offset the neces- Season With Week's Run An important meeting of Pegasus
sity of having two breaks in the At Whitney will be held at 4 o'clock on Mon-{
schedule as has been caused by!day in the parlours of Barbour
Christmas and the examinatien REHEARSALS END SUNDAY I gymnasium.
period in previous years. - t--0
Nine practices will be held be- Another opportunity to purchase o _0
fore the games get under way. tickets for the Ann Arbor showings The Board of Directors of the1
According to the present schedule, of "Rainbow's End," the 1928 1 Women's League will meet in
the tournament is to begin on Mimes opera, will be given women I the League office at 10 o'clock
Thursday, February 21, the sea- of the University today from 10 to I Saturday morning instead ofj
son coming to a close with the 6 o'clock at the Whitney theater I Room 110, library, as previously
traditional basketball banquet on box-office when the general sale announced.
March 26. takes place. ( Mary White, President.
Two complete teams will be The opera will open Monday o
chosen from each class this year. night at the Whitney and will play
Class manager appointments will successive performances through Gerhardt Jentsch, German grad-)
be made sometime during the com- Friday night as well as a sp.ecial uate of Harvard University and,
ing week. Saturday matinee. Although therep
has been a great demand for tic- president of the International Stu-
kets, there are a very limited num- dent Hospitality association, will
Ex-Michigan Student ber of satisfactory seats still avail- give an informal talk on "What'
s P r able. Any not sold today will be Europeans Think of Americans and
Wins Poetry Prize sold next week at the box-office. Why" at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow in
Applications for tickets for the the Blue room of the Martha Cook'
performances outside of Ann Ar- building. All those who are inter- I
At a recent meeting of Chi Delta bor are available at the main desk ested in the human side of inter-
Phi, national honorary literary so- of the Union. Performances are nationalism are welcome to attend.
ciety, held Wednesday, Dec. 5, at scheduled for Toledo, Cincinnati,
Martha Cook building, it was an- Philadelhpia, New York, Buffalo, Appointments for Junior Girls'I
nounced that Valerie Gates, an Detroit, Saginaw, Grand Rapids, play tryouts may be made from 10
alumna member, had won the na- Lansing, Chicago, and Kalamazoo. to 11 o'clock today with the mem-,
tional poetry prize for Chi Delta -Dress rehearsals will be held to- ber of the play committee station-
Phi, night and the final rehearsal takes ed in the lower hall of Barbour;
A group of her poems which have place tomorrow, when everything gymnasium. Women desiring to
been published in the "New York- will be just as the opera will be make appointments may also call
er" . were read and other manu- seen by Monday's first-nighters. Dorothy McKee at 5718, or Doro-
scripts were read and discussed. "Rainbow's End" was written by thy Mapel, Edna Richards. Dorothy
Miss Gates graduated in June, 1928, Hugh Claney, '30, and David B. IFlynn or Jean Phelps.
and while attending the University Hempstead, Jr., '31. The music and;
was prominent as a member of the lyrics were written by EdwardI CINCINNATI.-R. O. T. C. mem-#
Inlander staff. Heyman, 'grad; additional music bers here have elected a junior girl'
and lyrics were composed by Wil- student to the position of "hon-I
NOTRE DAME.-Knute Rockne, liam Lewis, Jr., '29, and William orary cadet colonel," to preside at
football coach, says co-education is Watkins, spec. military social functions and give1
bad for football. "Sleep, study, and them the delicate feminine toucht
football are the three ingredients OXFORD, England.-P o p u 1 a r usually lacking. A regular costumej
of the player's 24 hours," he says. opinion is causing the abandon- is being designed for her.
"Give him a girl and one of the ment of the tradition that women1
three is going to suffer. And they attending this university refrain
all have 'em at co-educational col- from making the slightest contact
leges." with the men of the institution. Do Yo

JUNIR PLI TB UTS Really, my dear, tile more I hear
excited I get about going to see L GO E SL
-it. I mean I actually do. I can
All Junior Women May Compete hardly wait, I really can't. The Mortarboard, senior honorary so-
For Parts Though Not In whole thing sounds positively ciety, is continuing its annual sale
Practice Class thrilling and romantic and every- of gloves from 9 to 12 this morn-
thing else, what' with all the cow- ing and from 1 to 3 o'clock this
WOMEN MUST PAY FEE lboys and Indians and everybody afternoon in University Hall.
that's going to be in it. I haven't These gloves will also be sold
With the first tryouts for the decided yet whether I shall be from 9 to 9 o'clock today at the
25th annual Junior Girls' play more apt to fall for one of the Women's League and Interchurclh
scheduled for next week, the wom- cowboys or for.one of the members bazaar. Orders taken at either of
en attending the preparatory danc- of the theatrical profession to be these tables before December 1(
ing class under the direction of presented. Cowboys always did ap- will be delivered before Decembei
Camilla Hubel, chairman of dances, peal to my sense of the romantic. 21, in order that they may be taken
have been "stepping" and "kick- They're so virile or .something. home for Christmas gifts.
ing" more strenuously than ever. Probably I shall fall for the whole Besides the unusually large and
More than 75 juniors have taken cast though. attractive lines of women's gloves
advantage of the "Dancing Class And besides it's a lots of fun to men's gloves are also being sold
for Prospective Tryouts" this fall__ see these great big strong men all for the first time. An early order
a fact which may indicate that dressed up as women. Some of on any of these gloves is urged, in
more and better material for the them make perfectly charming order to facilitate speedy delivery
play will' be available this year feminine heart-breakers too- un- Further information in regard to
than ever before. Many of the til they speak anyway. And of the gloves may be obtained by call-
women who have attended the class course, some of them might be a ing Mary Alice Moore, '29; who is
had previously shown little talent little more graceful about things, in charge of the sale of the gloves
for dancing, but their practice has but on the whole, considering that at 7117.
limbered them up so that they. no man could hope to compare
show promise of being food mater- with the pulchritude of a woman CHAMPAIGN-Illinois and Pur-
ial for the most difficult chorus no matter how good his make-up due have reversed the order of
work. was, they really do awfully well. their home and home basketbal
When tryouts call forth the hith- This opera has a lot of extra games this season.
erto hidden. geniuses of the class, features, too, that you really
the play committee expects that shouldn't miss. I don't intend to. myself, I mean it actually is.
the number of dancers will be at One of these is the extra chorus Anyway, if you had heard a,
least trebled. Last year more than of men who have been picked with much about how good the opera i,
225 juniors tried out for the play. their singing ability in mind. That's going to; be as I have, you'd be in-
The play committee asks that all really a clever idea, although I spired to dash out and buy your-
juniors who intend to try out re- haven't heard as yet whether this self a ticket for it right away. And
member that no woman may take chorus is to actually appear on the if you were a really nice man, you'd
part in the play unless she has i stage or whether it will remain get two tickets and take the girl
paid her $1 fee. This amount is out of sight for the chorus that is friend, too, because there are a
payable to Margaret Sibley, busi- on the stage-sort of a ventriloquist lot of us poor women who can'
ness manager, who led a drive a stunt, you know. In either case, afford to .go otherwise. No, tha
few weeks ago to collect $1 from it's really quite a good idea, and isn't a hint for someone to get big
each junior woman. somebody must have had a lot of hearted and take me, because
The fact that a woman has not brains to think it. It's really al- have alredy made plans to go,--an
been able to attend the prepara- most as good as what I could do how!
tory dancing class will not bar her
from taking part in the play, the
committee announces.


of brightly hued streamers stretch-i
ed across the ,ceiling and suspend-:
ed against the silver backgroundj
of the walls of Barbour gymnasium.!
In addition to these streamers, the!
flags over the booths of the na-
tions which they represent lend:
another color note.j
-rhe League booth is displaying
unusual Christmas cards, whicht
may be had in black and white orI
may be ordered in colors. One of
these designs is a sketch of theE
door of the new League building,
done by Martha Carlson of ChicagoE
especially for the League. TheT
booth is also selling Michigan seale
playing cards.
The candy booth, representing
Iceland, is specializing in home-
made fudge. Gum drop favors in
sets of eight may be purchased forf
parties. There are also some clevert
black, cat gumdrop favors. Ice f
cream cones and peanuts are alsoc
featured at this booth.I
Cute toys and dolls are featuredt
at the booth representing Germany.a
The majority of these dollscare
made of soft, wolly yarn, and come;

t to Get Her

+~v i V" fT Csilt

in at least two sizes. There are also
some stuffed animals. Thebooth
representing France is offering'
lingerie, attractively priced, as well
as tie and handkerchief sets, and
ribbon covered shoe trees.
Also deserving of mention are the
pillows displayed at the Turkish
booth. There are silk quilted,
patchwork, and appliqued pillows
as well.as some of felt that would
be suitable for either a college
room or a home bedroom. At an-
other booth, felt covered waste-
baskets with appliqued designs andI
silhouettes are displayed. The
church booths also offer many at-
tractive articles in addition to the
baked goods.
Among the outstanding costumes
displayed at the fashion show pre-
sented by Crowley-Milner's, a hik-
ing outfit in blue. This included
blue cordory knickers, a light blue
sweater, a blue reversible leather
jacket, a beret, and high boots. AI
sport costume in red and white also
attracted attention. It consisted
of a red skirt and jacket, worn
with a white sweater, beret, and,
gloves. There was a green aviationj
costume and a riding habit in i
brown that was also very attrac-'
rive. Although the clothes dis-
played in the fashion show may'
not be purchased, orders will be!
taken for the various models.
The poster committee for the ba-
zaar announces that Ruth Vanj
Tuvl, '30A, won the "prize for theI
oest poster and that Charlotte Re-I
becca Cole, '30A, and Edith Hig-
bie, '30, won second and third
place respectively.
-XT . -

I .._. .._._ _ -. ._ _. - - --


Admist the blare of cymbols and pelled to lower his lengthy neck in
the beat of drums, Bungling such a manner going between the
Brothers opened yesterday after- tent flaps that made us wonder
noon in Ann Arbor for an engage- just how securely said neck was
ment limited positively to five per- attached.
formances. The line of march be- Dressed in particularly effective
gan promptly at 3:30 as had been costumes in pastel shades, the
previously announced and it was trapeezers were particularly attrac-
noted from the expressions of the tive and their fluffy ankle ruffs
onlookers that they were positive- were a happy addition. Showing
ly astounded by the length of the profitable practice were the tumb-
parade and the great variety of lers and it was noted that the audi-
colorful customes. ence fully appreciated their really
Followsing its invasion of the clever antics.
bazaar, the parade continued up Clad in red the barker was as
and around the race track into always an integral part of the cir-
Sarah Caswell Angel hall where, cus and his lingo showed up to
admidst a typical circus atmos- great advantage. On the wholeJ
phere, the performers went through : the 1928 big show started out
their paces with the skill of the auspiciously and from the after-
veterans they most assuredly are. noon's performances promises to
With the circus's two perform- add more glory to the Sophomore
ances of yesterday, the matinee at triumphs of this year.
3:30 o'clock and the evening show This morning at 10 o'clock there
at 8 o'clock, crowded to capacity will be a special showing for the
the promoters regret the limited children, with a matinee for the
space available. As this traditional grownups at 3 o'clock and the last
function of the sophomore women performance this evening at 8
grows each year more popular it o'clock. Tickets are priced at 50
is to be expected that soon it will cents and may be purchased at the
be h1POl i ldtlate im ofth prfrm

"Something Different"
Go to Merrick's
928 Church St.
Do You Want to Get
"Something Different"
Go to Merrick's

Do You Want to Get Them Unusual Gifts
for Their Wedding?
Go to Merrick's

Or an Unusual Gift for Father or Mother?
Go to Merrick's
These are exquisite importations from all over the world,
but being imported direct, priced way below what they cost at
other places, yet nothing "cheap" or shoddy.
Lovely Florentine Christmas Cards as low as 15c. Italian
leathers and hand-made jewelry, beads, etc. Beautiful bead
bags, pearls, fancy atomizers and perfumes from Paris. Lovely
things from Vienna, etc.,
All at Merrick's
Merrick's Chinese Rugs are exquilite gifts, sizes from 18-inch
squares and rounds at from $7.50 to $9.00 to room size rugs and
carpets at two-fifths of the price you can buy them in New
York or on the West Coast.
Because Merrick's have a guaranteed territory, you can get
these no where else in all Michigan.


The American Association of
University Women will meet at
2:45 o'clock today at Martha Cook
residence. Judge Lewis Fead, who
is chief justice of the supreme
court of Michigan, will speak. Each
member may bring a guest, and
the legislative group with Miss
Sara Wheaton as chairman will act
as hostesses.
en here, jealous of the purple blaz-
ers worn by their men classmates,
have designed a blazer of their
own, resembling that of the men
except that it is piped with white
and has a white collar.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 a year.

e a arger auditorium- teatth-
The ore dor hit er-ogumen a tthe ime of the perform- ;IIEIti llIlllll ttil llll lltl11!11111ltllltllltll11tllll llllllI1llllilill~iltlltlll i
The toreador, hither-to unmen- ance,.._,
tioned, proved a colorful addition AEE =
to the regular acts, and his antics7 W fA = T I NVT W A-
were a clever take-off on the more -
gruesome bull-fights of Spain CHRISTMAS GIFTS
from which this was burlesqued. B
Trumpeting elephants and meow- Burr, Patterson
ing cats all added to the din in- &"Auld Co. 1
separable from any circus. It was Church at South U
noticed that the giraffe was com-
Great Xmas Sale
of Ir
Negligees, Lounging Robes,
Bath Robes and
Here's something she
may have, but its -
certain that she hasn't
all she wants.
Our wide assortments offer you the 1I-
greatest number of styles to meet = Charz ing clevertes' ofJline


For All Important
Lake and Ocean Lines
Tours, Cruises
Independent Travel
E. G. Kuebler
Gen. Steamship Agency
601 E. Huron Ph. 6412

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