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Of WOiE S L nL1U'[.Pablo Homs, a visitor in Ann
Arbor from Malaga, Spain, is the
donor of the latest gift to the new
Michigan League, a fountain ofa
Spanish tile to be constructed in
th i wall of the interior garden. The
hairman of Judiciary Council Will
Take Charge of Women's
Class Elections
At the regular meeting of the
oard of Directors of the Women's
e.gue yesterday morning, an-
ouncement was made that, on
uesday, October 30, the New York
heatre Guild wouldf present in
4 Whitney theatre the southern
olk play, "Porgy," by Du Bose and
orothy Heyward, the proceeds of
ihich. will go to the league. Two
erformances of "Porgy" will be
iven on Oct. 30, one a matinee,
nd the other an evening perform-
design of the fountain was drawn
by I. K. Pond of Chicago, one of
the architects of the League, when
he was in Ann Arbor last week.
Mr. Homs' gift was inspired by
his very keen enthusiasm in re-
gard to the enterprise of the Wom-
en's League and the Alumnae or-
ganizations, and the wonderment
that is nearly always forthcoming
of the part of a visitor to the half-
completed building. His daughter
the names of all women interested
in working for. the bazaar to be
sent to her at Helen Newberry resi-
dence. The bazaar committee will
be announced in The Daily later.
The chairman of the Board of
Representatives reported that
house organization would begin to-
morrow, and that the first meet-
ing of the Board will be held on
Saturday, Oct. 6. The Board will
work this year to clarify house
rules, and women will be held re-
sponsible only for the League house
In report of the World Fellowship
committee it was stated that there
are 14 new foreign women on
campus, and 12 old ones. The com-
mittee plans a tea to be given in
honor of Mrs. Sun Yat Sen when
she visits Ann Arbor later in the
year, and the Chinese women will
lead in the preparations for the
is a student in the University at
the present time.E
Mr. Homs at first proposed to
send an old Spanish fountain to
be installed in the garden of the1
League. However, it was finally
decided that a fountain of modern3
design would more artistically har-
monize with th architectural en-
semble. The distinction of Span-
ish tile lies in its deep colorings of
red, blue and yellow. To outline
and reproduce the colors in the
fountain, Mr. Homs has also gen-
erouslb offered to provide +seeds
and bulbs for flowers and shrubs.
According to the sketch made by
Mr. Pond, the fountain is to be
six feet in= height and it will ex-
tend for twelve feet along the
wall. On it will appear four crests,
one of -the Spanish nation, one of
the United States, the crest of the
University of Michigan, and of the1
Women's League. A design similar
to the .one built in the walls of the
building will be reproduced in the
fountain, while the richly colored
Spanish tile is to provide the cen-
tral interest both in the fountain
itself and in the semi-circular
pavement, immediately in front of
the fountain.
According to Mr. Homs, the tiles
for the fountain will probably
come from Santa Maria de las
Cuevas, popularly known as La
Cartuja, situated on the banks of
the River Guadalquivir near Sevil-
la. La Cartuja was at one time a
monastery which suffered greatly
from the havoc of war during the
Revolution. In 1839 it was conver-
ted into a works for making richly
...~~ ~ ~ d.,.r +l ar+nit isA im-
palace of the King of Spain, how-
ever, offers the greatest exhibition
of the traditional Spanish art of
applying tile for interior and ex-
terior decoration. The Lion's Gate Freshmen
and an altar in the Royal Chapel ( Try
made entirely of superbly beautiful
tiles constitute two of the finest
artistic treasures of that old MUST (
palace. It was in this Royal Chapel
that Fernando and Isabela used to Tryouts
W-omen Are Eligible
Out For Literary
for Portia, women's
La Fuenta da la Estrella, the literary society, will occur at 7:30
Star Fountain, is another example o'clock Tuesday night in the Por-
mentioned by Mr. Homs illustrat- tia room on the fourth floor of
ing the attractiveness of rich tiles. Angell hall, according to an an-
This fountain is mauritanian in noAne na adinytoray ny
shape and design, with its basin nouncement made yesterday by
lying low in the center of 'the Nellie Becker, '29, president of the
grounds and four alleys leading I organization. Those who wish to
from it between double rows of try out are requested to prepare
rare pine trees.d n three-minute speeches on any sub-
Another building of note in
which this same Spanish tile is the ject. At 7 o'clock before the try-
chief decorative element is -the' outs, a short business meeting of
palace of the Duke of Medinacelli, all old members will be held.
better known, perhaps, as time Portia and Athena, the two wom-
House of Pilatus. The main court-et
yard is in the form of a cloister 's
with the walls under the boveda the few campus activities in which
covered to a height of nine feet freshmen women may participate.
with polychromatic tiles made in Portia's aim is not exclusively the
Cuenca. This collection of tiles perfection of debate, but rather the
has been called the most important1 satisfaction of the interests of the
and the most rare in Spain.o
The play is being brought to Ann;
rbor at considerable expense by
.e Ann Arbor Michigan women, as
civic enterprise. Tickets will be
's through the various civic
fen's clubs of Ann Arbor, through'
omen's club~s, through the lodges,'
irough the Intra-fraternity coun-
i.; aid throg he Board of Rep-
esegtatives o 'the Women's'
eag Q. RdlhT theatre prices
ill be charged. Work on the ticket
ale and pfl1lcity- campaign will
evin imnmediately...
It was mved and seconded and
he, motion was carried that thek
hairmari of the Judiciary council
#e charge of all women's class
lections temporarlly. This will
akse effect in the sophomore elec-
iohs . for the Freshman spread, on
'uesday, and i-n the other women's
lass elections this fall.
kfil Announce Bazaar Committee
'4ilda Mary Evans, '29, chairman
f 'he Women's League bazaar, an-
.ounced, that the definite date for
be bazaar -will be Dec. '7 and 8.
'reshmen are eligible to work forl
lie bazaar, and Miss Evans wants
Wyvern will have an important
meeting at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow
night at the Delta Gamma sorority,
1205 Hill St. It is imperative that
every member be present.
Tryouts for the Women's staff
various members. Its meetings,
therefore, include, besides debates,
the discussion of interesting topics,
parliamentary drill, story-telling,
travelogue, and book and play re-
Social meetings form part of the
Portia program for this year. For
instance, a Hallowe'en party is
planned at which story-telling will
Hair Shoppe
707 N. University
Oldest Beauty Shoppe
in Ann Arbor
The undergraduate campaign colorelt tJI11ue a Toaay0ii1is1an of The Daily will be held at 3 be included in the entertainment.
committee announced a meeting portant center for the productionoclock, Wednesday, October 3. Three Portia-Athena debates are
Snext Tuesday. The last matter of ceramics. The La CdlujtdleSecond semester freshmen and up- held annually, the society winning
taken up was that of the point sys- icula ly i n A a l a, an per-class students are permitted to two of the three being awarded a
tem. It was stated that no ex- par try out. silver cup.
ceptions or permission for excep- Among the most notable private ___________________________________________
tions to the point system should patios in SevillawwhereItile1is the
be given to members of the Board most salient decorative note, are
of Directors, and that no' woman the residential palaces of the 1
who has failed in a course during Count of Santa Coloma, Count of =Cea n e rs
the preceeding semester may Lebrija, and the Count of Torres de - P a c k a rd
henceforth keep her place on the Sanchez Dalp.
Board. The Alcazar of Sevilla, the winter
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