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December 05, 1928 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-12-05

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L7 ' L. ____.



fications in the eighteenth.. cen-
tury, or assigning, with scientific,
accuracy, the day, month, and year
on which of Bacon's fifty-eight
essays was written; you publish a
scholarly) monograph on the ab-,
lative case in Latin, and announce
that you have almost enough ma-
terial ready for a similar mono-
graph on the Latin ablative abso-I
lute. Or, if your field is the nine-'
teenth century, and some one has
shown that Godwin influenced
Shelley's ideas to a great extent,
you prove the Godwin's influence
on Shelley's ideas is entirely negli-
gible: if- it is commonly believed'
that Tennyson was profoundly dis-i
turbed by the tendencies of his age,
you show, with convincing, logic.
that it was the tendencies of the
age which were profoundly dis-
turbed by Tennyson. And so on.
The philological journals are glad
to get your research articles and
pay you with complimentary cop-
ies of the magazine. For the $300'
to $600 you spend in the summer I
doing research, the university in-
creases your salary $100 a year.
Your reward is coming at last. By
the time you are forty-five or fifty,
you are an associate professor with
a salary of $2,700 or $3,000. And at
fifty or fifty-five, if you have man-
aged ito include two or three books
in your publications, you are pro-
moted to professor of English, re-
lieved of all composition work, and
given a salary of $3,000 or $3,400.
Your life, then, will have been
an exceedingly busy one. I do not
believe- that you can affoord to
marry. The first years of your
teaching you will scarcely earn
enougl4 to support yourself and
pay your expenses in summer
school, in addition to putting aside
a few dollars each year for your
"year offf:" You cannot count
upon a Sabbatical year, with half-
pay, for instructors usually are not
accorded Sabbbatical privileges,
and you can scarcely hope for an
assistant professorship before ac-
quiring a Ph.D. Scholarships, fel-
lowships, and loan funds are at
best uncertain sources, and often
embody undesirable conditions by
which the student should not be
hampered. Even with your Ph.D.
salary, I doubt if there is enough
for two people to live comfortably,
and happily on. You will scarcely
be in a financial position to marry
before you are forty or forty-five.
113 then you (may have lost the in-
elination; you may feel that you
can no longer make the personal
adjustments which marriage de=
mands; or you will have fallen in
love so deeply with your mistress,
literature, and her child, research,

asm for his work; that the searchto enable them to make their own desirable conditions prevailing in
ETTu rfor new truths or old truths re- adequate provision for old ago; and some places, where teaching con-
interpreted, as he phrases it, is second, that a widely current belief ditions and salaries are especially
worth a man's best years. is true, namely, that teachers, with good, less desirable conditions pre-
that you will be unable to sacrifice certain advantages. Your hours of And, quite recently, there have ministers, are the most impractical ailingit otherplaces. But no one,
arisen two factors, already in force and gullible of men, and therefore unless financially independent,
this interest or any one. work are virtually your own; you in a number of our larger univer- unable to save money. should enter the field of college
If you do marry early, you will are not under an eight-to-five re- f sities, which will tend more and These, then, seem to me to the English, without a reservoir of en-
probably succeed just as well in the gime; you can postpone work to more to alleviate the financial advantages and disadvantages of thusiasm and energy which can
end, but the price you will pay for the evening, to the next day, and strain under which a teacher teaching college English. These supply a broadly flowing itirer for
that success will be immeasurably sometimes for several days. You works. One is the "permanency of seem to me the price one must pay thirty years.
great. "Love," my married col- have leisure for reading, perhaps tenure" rule, by which a teacher, for the privilege, and the rewards tour desire to become a college
leagues say, "overcomes all diffi- the most desirable advantage of if he shows promise of excellent one receives for the service. They teacher of English is an honest and
culties," but I often wonder! Mar- the situation and leisure for writ- teaching ability, genuine scholar- seem to be true of the aver- laudable one. But my best advice
ne ou h wl have to "sip ing if you can overcome the inertia ship, and productive research, is, at age college or university. There fito you, present conditions con-
twice as much to save half the imposed by enervatng academic the end of a certain period of Vill be exceptions, of course, more sidered, is Don't.
money that you did before. And conditions. Sometimes, but not years, usually four of five, given a
wife will have to work bitterly hard, y ften, your leisure is destroyed by permanent contract with his uni- IlIII fIllIII III 1111111111111111111111ilfill llllitII1 1i f Ii
doing her and your washing and!some additional work imposed by versity. If, however, the young
ironing, mending and sewing,j the university which even a stupid teacher fails during this appren--
cooking and housework. And you stenographer could do justas well. ticeship, especially in the iast two! FRA TNIIES-SORORITIES
will groan and curse, impotently,I You are constantly in contact with qualities (the Ph.D., after all, is a
but the authorities above you will minds on the threshold of develop- training for research, not a train- -
answer by saying, do graduate ing, minds seeking for satisfactory ing for teaching), he is politely dis- GIVEUS A TRIAL ON ALL
work, then research research, RE- nourishment, and one of the couraged, and if this has no effect,
SEARCH! There will be babies; teacher's great personal satisfac- he is impolitely discharged. More =YOUR PRINTING NEEDS
there usually are, no matter how tions is his feeling, rightly or important than permanency of
carefully a young married couple wrongly, that he is a great aid and tenure are old-age pensions. A
clars efu , wtenre aeool-agepensons.Ad'
plans. en, when you ave saved inspiration to his students. When small percentage of the teacher's T
te su for your year off, if, in- your years of composition appren- salary is withheld annually, and an ges
de, you ever do, you will go to ticeship are ended, and you begin equal sum is added by the univer-
the graduate school, and live for to teach the authors near to your sity; then, when the teacher reach-
a year or more, with your wife, and heart, this satisfaction is infinitely es the age of 65, he is retired, and
a baby or two, in a couple of rooms increased. Also, the teacher who is given a certain sum each year,
which must serve as kitchen, din- conforms to the "system" and sufficient for the necessities of ex- I 2 L
ing-room, bedroom, nursery, study, makes research the one great last- istence. This old-age pension idea1 - iM1.A etter impessions
and library. Unmarried, you will ing reality of his life finds after suggests two interesting points of E 711 N. Univ Ave. Phone 8805 (Over Geo. Moe's)
me y abl t maintin ya certain span of years that he view: first, the universities realize
modestly but without danger of has developed a genuine enthusi- teachers are not paid sufare not paid sufficiently ______________________________
starvation; you will be able to do -_.. .,~-
some traveling, including, perhaps,
two or three trips to the Continent - -
and to England, the country whose
literaure you teach; you will be t'
able to enjoy occasionally-andi°
from orchestra seats-the theater,- Have you tasted that
the opera, and music; you will be
able to build up a library without d
feeling that you are robbbing your dous
children of a possible college edu-
cation. Perhaps I am wrong on ~=TO SE
all this; perhaps marriage, a lov-
ing, constant wife, affectionate -
children, more than compensate P e c a n -E
for all sacrifices made. I do not x
know. I have never felt that I was
in a position to marry and find.. y
out. f urusnnn
You are thinking that I have a
painted only the dark side of teach-
ing college English, that there must Is° /
be a bright side. There are, indeed, - as interpreted by
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