L wAi
Manss Has Charge Of Stage Affairs,
Faauster Named Chairman
Of Spo:s and Music
With the final dress rehearsal of
"Rainbow's End", 1928 Michigan
opera, set for Sunday night, defi-
nite selection of the personnel of
all committees connected with this
year's production was completed
last night by Dalton D. Walper, '29,
general chairman.
Carl U. Fauster, '29, has been
named chairman of spots and mus-
ic. Fauster, who is business man-
ager of the Gargoyle, held the
same position in last year's com-
Members of the freshman class
will assemble at 6:15 o'clock to-
night in the Union for the hold-
ing of the first freshman banquet
in recent years.
Three speakers have been se-
cured for the program. Prof.
Fielding H. Yost, director of ath-
letics and nationally known foot-
ball mentor, will deliver the prin-
cipal address of the banquet. Ken-
neth C. Schafer, '29, recording sec-
retary of the Union and president
of the senior literary class, will
speak as the student representative
present and Prof. Waldo Abbot of
Sophomores To Begin Distribution
Of Dance Tickets Today
In Union Lobby
pany. The chairman of costumes
is James F. Ward, '31E, who will Tickets for the Sophomore Prom
be assisted by Harvey M. Gove, '29, are being placed on sale today for
Robert Lucas, '29, and Robert Sil- the first time. They can be se-
bar, '30. ' cured from 1 to 5 o'clock this after-
r .wasnoon at the side desk in the lobby
Robert W. Manss, '30, who aof the Union, according to the an-
named stage manager last spring 'nouncement of the committee. The
will be assisted in the handling of ticket booth will be maintained at
the stage affairs for the opera by these same hours every day until
John R. Effinger, '30, and Alex K. the day of the class formal, to be
Scherer, '30. Manss was actively held Dec. 14, at the Union. The
connected with the stage work for price is $5.00.
the 1927 show. Scherer, who is the Arrangements for the staging of
contracts advertising manager of the party have been practically
the Daily, also had charge of so- completed by the committee for
liciti igthe sophomore class. The securing
programs. lof a night club orchestra, Jimmie
Rosenberg Handles Publicity Green's of Chicago, plans for dec-
The, publicity for the local show- orations, and the selection of fa-
ings as well as for the' numerous vors have been made by the sopho-.
cities around the country in which, mores.,
the opera will play during the Christmas decorations of pine
Christmas vacation has been trees, with candles, wreaths and
handled under the direction of Ithe like will be artistically placed
Pierce Rosenberg, '30. His assist- about the Union ballroom, and the
ants include Charles S. Monroe, '30, corridor leading to the dance hall.t
who acts in the capacity of assist- A raised orchestra pit with spot-
ant publicity chairman, as well as lights on the musicians is the plan,
Haworth Hoch, '30, Douglas Ed- of the committee. Several uniquel
wards, '31; Gurney Williams, '31, lighting effects are being develop-
Robert Feldman, '31, Bertram Ask- ed, which will give the sophomore
with, '31, Henry Merry, '31, and formal something new in this re-
Charles Askren, '31. Both Rosen- spect.
berg and Monroe are night editors Favors for the party will be a
of the Daily and were connected small ladies' purse, with the Michi-
with the publicity for last year's gan colors used for artistic effect.
opera. The purses will be of dark blue
Eugene A. Gillis, '30, with Ned R. leather, with a Michigan seal sup-
Jones, '29, to assist him will have erimposed in yellow. The purses
charge of making up the variousI will each have two compartments,
men and "women" in the opera. one designed for a compact andt
Both have had considerable experi- handkerchief, and the other for
ence in "naking up" for the stage. coins and bills. Programs for the
Tickets have been selling very party, which will have yellow and
rapidly, according to Paul Buckley, blue ribbons, have been designed to
treasurer. The special women's fit into the purse.
sale will be held from 2 to 5 o'clock Jimmie Green's band, furnish-
today at the Hill auditorium box- ing the music for the party, is
office and the regular general sale an orchestra .of considerable re-
will be held from 2 to 5 o'clock to- pute in Chicago. They are now en-I
morrow and Friday afternoon at gaged in their four repeat perfor-
the Union. Saturday's sale will mance at the Garden of Allah
take place from 10 to 6 o'clock at1 night club. Jimmie Green, the
the box-office of the Whitneythe- leader, is a noted saxophonist, hav-
ater. The opera plays Monday ing played in Abe Lyman's "Good
night through Friday night next News" orchestra at the Selwyn
week with a matinee scheduled for theater.
the rhetoric department will act as
Coach Yost and Professor Abbot
are both known for their ability as
speakers. Professor Abbot is the
University radio program manager
and announcer, and Coach Yost
makes frequent trips as a speaker
upon programs arranged by the
University alumni offices.
The Omer-Loomis Union orches-
tra underithe direction of "Bill"
Suthers is to furnish music
throughout the dinner. This is the,
same orchestra which plays reg-
ularly each Friday and Saturday
night at the Union membership
Primary attention at the banquet
will be concentrated upon the re-
cent freshman victory in the fall
games. Songs and yells of Michi-
gan and for the class of '32 will be
a prominent feature of the ban-
quet program.
Tickets may still be obtained for
the banquet by those freshmen de-
siring to attend. They may be pur-
chased either at the main desk in
the lobby of the Union or from
Union committeemen. The price is
$1.25 per plate.
Three Faculty Members Selected
To Judge Plays Submitted
During Contest
Naming of Prof. O. J. Campbell
of the English department, Prof.
Kenneth Rowe of the rhetoric de-
partment, and Valentine B. Windt
of the department of speech, di-
rector of Play Production, as a
committee to judge the plays sub-
mitted in the one-act play contest
now conducted by the Division of
English was announced yesterday.
The contest, as was announced
recently, is for one-act plays with
production for laboratory work and
possible public presentation if the
plays warrant the effort. All plays
must be in the hands of any one
of the judges not later than Jan.
11, 1929. All members of the Uni-
versity except persons classed in
any way as faculty members are
eligibile to submit plays for the
contest. The name of the author
should not appear in any way on
the manuscript but should be in-
closed in an envelope which should
have an identification mark on the
outside which corresponds to a
similar mark made on the actual
manuscript. Any number of plays
may be entered in the contest by I
the same individual.
The. purpose of the contest is to
give those interested in actua4 play
writing the opportunity not only to
receive helpful criticism of their
work but possiblyto achieve actual
production of the 'play submitted.
Any of the judges will be glad
to consult with contestants as to
any details of the contest or con-i
cerning the development of par-
ticular plots which the author has
in mind. Every assistance will be
Modernistic Scheme Of Decorations
To Make Intramural Gym
A Hugh Palace
Tickets for the J-Hop of the class
of 1930, to be held in the new In-
tramural building Friday night,
Feb. 8, were put on sale at the
'side desk in the Union yesterday
afternoon under the supervision of
the ticker committee headed by
George Bradley, '30. Although
many tickets for the affair were
disposed of on the opening day of
the sale, allrjuniors who expect to
attend their annual formal are
urged by the committee to secure
their tickets as early as possible in
order that plans for the booths,
which are being held up until aft-
er the ticket sale, may be com-
Members of the committee will
be at the desk today, tomorrow and
Friday afternoons from 2 until 5:30
o'clock, at: which time those jun-
iors who have failed to receive ap-
plications may arrange for their
applications and secure their
Intramural Building Secured
The new intramural building has
been definitely arranged for, ac-
cording to Harry Wallace, '30, gen-
eral chairman of thei hop, and
plans for decorations are complete.
Wallace stated that he believed
that a superior party would be pos-
sible due to the unlimited facilities
which are offered by the new build-
ing, both as to convenience and
space. The cork ceiling and the
arrangement of decorations will
add greatly to the acoustic proper-
ties of the ballroom, which will en-
able all who are in the building to
hear the two orchestras which willi
be placed on opposite sides of the
The floor is said to be excellent
for dancing and the one outstand-
ing feature is the fact that unlike
the old "two-gym" system, all ac-
tivity will be centered in one room.
Decoration Plan Announced
The decorations, accoraing to
James Richardson, '30A, chairman
of the decoration commmittee, will
be carried out on a modernistic
scheme which will fit into the
plans of the building in such a way]
as to give the effect of a huge pal-
ace. A plan of indirect lighting
will be carried out by a system of
changeable colored lights reflected
from behind rows of silver-draped
pillars, backed by heavy red velour
drapes which will tend to reflect a
soft, even glow over the entire sett-
ing, with changes in color for each
dance. The plans for decorations
include not only the main hall, but
the foyer as well.
The Weather
(By Associated Press)
Mostly fair Wednesday, preceded
ho ., 1l lnAX7Arz ncl har l- v
"Fly with me over Pike's Peak"
is the subject of a lecture to be
delivered at 4:15 o'clock Friday
afternoon in Natural Science audi-
torium by Gilbert McClurg, as a
feature of the program of activity
sponsored by the Aeronautical so-
The lecture, which will be illus-
trated by motion pictures and slides
will be non-technical in nature and
should, according to those in
charge, hold interest forhanyone
interested in the modern develop-
ments of aviation as the future
mode of travel. Although prom-
inent for his technical knowledge
of aviation, McClurg is more wide-
ly known as a sportsman in his
flying. He is primarily interested
in the romantic rather than the
technical and practical phases of
McClurg is on his twelfth annual
travelogue lecture tour of the
United States. He has made many
flights over the Pike's Peak re-
gion where air mail pilots and
trans-continental fliers experience
difficulty. Atmospheric conditions
make it one of the most hazard-
ous districts in the country for
More Than Score Of Canadian
Liquor Magnates Are Indicted
On Conspiracy Charge
(By Associated Press)
BUFFALO, N. Y., Dec. 4.-More
than a score of well-known distil-
lers and brewers, with several large
distilling and brewing companies
of Canada, were named in indict-
ments reported today by a federal
grand jury. The indictments
charged conspiracy to smuggle
liquor into the United States.
Among those indicted were
Harry C. Hatch, chairman of the
Gooderham and Worts,of Toronto,
and the Hiram Walker company of
Windsor. Both these companies,
recently merged to create the larg-
est distilling company in the world,
also were named in the indictments.
Others indicted include: Herbert
C. Hatch and Larry J. McGuinness,
members of the liquor firm of
Hatch and McGuinness, Toronto;
Edward T. Sandell, president of the
Taylor and Bate brewery, St. Cath-
erine, Ont.; E. A. Savard, Windsor,
Ont.; Stanley B. Sutton, Simooe,
Ont., and Jules Thibideau, Port
Lamberton, Ont.
Twenty other men all said to be
identified with the liquor smuggl-
ing traffic between Canada and
the United States,. were named in
the indictments, but United States
Attorney Tempelton declined to
make their names public until ar-
rests had been made.
The indictments reported today
are declared to be the opening gun
in a major war which Washington
authorities proposed to wage
against what is called a big Cana-
dian smuggling ring, said to have
shipped liquor valued at more than
$26,000,000 into the United States
in the past year.
Half a dozen investigations are
now being pressed by the division
of foreign control of the Treasury
flying. The altitude which one
must attain to clear the mountain
peaks brings the plane into air
thinner than that in which the
planes may be more easily controll-
ed. Air currents, too, often cause
There is also danger in baro-
metric changes which offset the
altimeter to such an extent that
an aviator may believe that he is
sufficiently high to clear the peaks,
while in reality he may crash on
the rocks. It is his experience un-
der such flying conditions that
will occupy a prominent place in
McClurg's discussion.
Mme. Schwimmmer, Noted Pacifist,
Will Talk To Journalism
Students Today
Mme, Rocika Schwimmer, noted
Hungarian peace leader and lec-
turer, who will speak on "The Abo-
lition of War" at 8:15 o'clock to-
morrow night in Hill auditorium,
will arrive in Ann Arbor some time
today. She intends to address
several of the classes in the journ-
alism department today, being a
rather accomplished journalist
herself. Before the war, she was
editor of a woman's paper in Hun-
gary, and was the first woman cor-
respondent of the International
Mme. Schwimmer was active in
European affairs for some time
after the war. A resident of Hun-
gary, she was prominent in the
government of that country and
was appointed to represent her
country as ambassador to Switzer-
land until the fall of the Hungar-
ian government in 1919, when she
resigned. When the Bolshevist
leaders, headed by Bela Kun took
over the government, Mine. Sch-
wimmer was unable to get a pass-
port to leave the country. Finally
she got a passport, for a month
only, to allow her to fulfill a lec-
ture engagement in Sweden, where
she had been a yearly visitor. Some
time afterward, Mme. Schwimmer
received a warning from a friend
in thebgovernment, that her life
would be in danger if she did not
leave at once. She managed to
get out of the country in the man-
ner in which liberals ordinarily
left Hungary-by smuggling. She
escaped to Vienna, where she ob-
tained an emergency passport, en-
abling her to travel through Italy
and Czecho-Slovakia and finally to
come to this country.
Mme. Schwimmer will deliver her
talk under the auspices of the Cos-
mopolitan club. Tickets are priced
at fifty and thirty-five cents and
are on sale at Wahr's book store.
She will discuss the Kellogg peace
pact and disarmament in her ap-
pearance here.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4.-The ac-
tion of Republican members of the
House ways and means committee
in voting to begin hearings Janu-
ary 7, on a tariff revision bill was
approved unanimously today by the
full committee. Chairman Hawley
announced that no opposition de-
veloped from Democratic members.
The committee then, with Demo-
crats present, adopted a resolution
declaring the hearings would be
held "for the purpose of obtainingE
information necessary for the ef-
fective readjustment of the duties
on imports wherever it shall be
found necessary that such duties
should be readjusted."
Beginning the Monday after
New Years, the committee will take
up each schedule of the present
tariff act in the order in which it
appears in the law and all indus-
tries will be notified in advance
as to the particular date when the
duties will be considered.
Sandburg To PresentI
Program Here FridayI
Appearing under the auspices of
the Inlander and the Americnn
Six Men Who Opposed Wolverines
Are Given Positions On
"Best Eleven"
(By Associated[IPress)
CHICAGO, Dec. 4.-Minnesota's
"Thundering Horde" which landed
in a tie for third place in the
freakish Big Ten football cham-
pionship race because of a pair of
one point defeats, placed three of
its stars on the all-Conference
team of 1928 as selected by coaches,
referees and other Conference offi-
cials for the Associated Press to-
The Gopher stars chosen for the
first eleven were Freddy Hovde,
quarterback; Captain George Gib-
son, right guard, and Kenneth
Haycraft, right end. Haycraft won
his position on the team by edging
out his teammate, Bob Tanner, by
one vote.
Indiana was second in placing
men, getting offensive Captain
Chuck Bennett at left half and
Claire Randolph, center, on the
The selections were close in
many cases except those of Fesler
of Ohio State at left end, Walter
Holmer, of Northwestern at full-
back, Otto Pommerening of Michi-
gan, at left tackle, and Hovde and
Gibson. Those selections were al-
most unanimous.
Holmer Favored For Captaincy
While no captain was chosen for
the Associated Press first eleven,
the opinion of those voting was
overwhelmingly in favor of Holmer,
whose field generalship, kicking,
passing, line smashing and open
field running lifted a comparative
weak Northwestern team into one
of- the most powerful machines of
the Conference.
Holmer was one of the most ver-
satile performers in the Conference
this season He was accurate in
kicking, averaging close to 50 yards
on his punts and booting seven
goals for points after, touchdowns
in eight attempts.
Chuck Bennett at left half and
Willis Glassgow of Iowa at right
half were selected for their ag-
gressiveness a n d triple-threat
Hovde, Minnesota's pivot man,
was praised for his scoring ability,
field generalship and smartness.
He led the Big Ten scorers with 54
points and was one of the few in
the Conference who was sure to
catch and hang on to a punt.
Fesler had a wide margin in
votes over Haycraft and other con-
tenders for end position. A Sopho-
more, Fesler was one of the biggest
sensations of the Conference. Hay-
craft, one of the principal cogs in
Minnesota's juggernaut for three
years, was rated as one of the
greatest pass snatchers in football.
Pommerening's Work Praised
In Pommerening of Michigan
and Captain "Butch"' Nowack of
Illinois, the selectors were loud in
their tribute. Pommerening was
praised as the backbone of Michi-
gan's team and many pointed to
his offensive play in the Iowa
game, when his backmates plowed
through his position for more than
50 yards and the winning. touch-
down. Nowack was a great defen-
sive player, and a splendid place
Captain Rube Wagner of Wiscon-
sin and Captain Gibson of Minne-
sota were choices for guard posi-
tions largely because of their great
defensive play. Both were sure,
hard tacklers and on offense work-
ed large holes for the ball lug-
The center position went to Ran-
dolph of Indians. Although out
for some time because of injuries,
Randolph impressed the selectors
with his aggressiveness.
Competition Starts
In Union Tournament
i Eighty-one students are entered
in the billiard and pool tourna-
ments being sponsored by the
Union, competition in which was
begun yesterday in the Union bil-
Variations Planned
Everything new and unusual in
the way of a musical production'
will be offered in this year's opera
entertainment, according to those
who have seen recent rehearsals.
Special efforts have been made by,
E. Mortimer Shuter, general direc-
tor to make a. distinct departureI
from every previous opera and set
out to make a new reputation for
the opera similar to the great ac-
claim given "Cotten Stockings"
several years ago when it, too,
made a departure from the preced-
ing shows.
William Browne, '31, Shuter's
latest discovery, who shares lead-
ing lady honors with Daniel H.
Buell, '30, has been pronounced "a
perfect lady" when seen in the
various creations iade especially
for him. Buell plays the comic.
lead and is said to provide many1
of the laughs in the show. Sidney
Straight, spec., the male lead, is
noted especially for his reputedly
fine baritone voice.
Little Attends Alumni
Gathering In Buffalo
(Specia To Th'le Daily
BUFFALO, Dec. 4.-President
Clarence Cook Little, of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, and E. J. Otta-
way, president of the Michigan1
Maurice Samuel, noted English
novelist, translator, orator, and
anthologist, will speak on "Race
Prejudices," in Natural Science
auditorium at 8 o'clock tonight un-
der the auspices of the Hillel foun-
dation. Mr. Samuel is well known
for several of his novels, and for
his translations of the works of
Count Keyserling, in addition to his
lectures which have been delivered
in all parts of the country during
his stay of the last few years.
In his talk, Mr. Samuel will give
a survey of race prejudices in Eu-
rope and America and will trace
the history of these animosities.,
He will also deal with the question
of whether they can be destroyed
or if not completely eliminated, at
least raised from the brutish,
physical plane of war to the plane
of intellectual and cultural compe-
i tition.
He is author of "You Gentiles,"
"I, The Jew," and several other
well known books and has done a
great deal of anthological work in
connection with the collection and
translation of Hebrew poetry. He
has also written for several large
e'ivehl n ohe1rin the n ev,,1ionof
slul -~ - -- -1 -ll vlwal--ul vl y ocal snowers, coloer;mlusuy
plays which will be entered in the) fair Thursday, warmer in west por-
competition. tions.
Editor's Note:
The following is an article which
is being reprinted from The Nation
of this week because of its peculiar
interest to the faculty, to those who
are looking forward to entering the
teaching profession, and to the
student body in general. Its
anonymous writer is a professor of
English in a mid-western univer-
sity. It is hoped that the reprint-
ing will call forth some sort of re-
ply from a member of the Univer-
sity faculty, since the charge
against the profession and the
state of academic things in general
is a grave one.
My Dear Harrison:
I have before me your letter
asking advice. You write that you1
would like to become a teacher of
college English, since it would give
you the opportunity to make living
and real to others the works of
the great English masters; that youI
w n u l d annreciate information
one from a large institution con-
veys. It will cost you approximate-
ly $1,000, an amount you should
possess before you start (borrow it,
if necessary), since earning your
living and studying in the graduate
school, as I have found, are entire-
ly incompatible with the best
achievement. Then, with your
master's degree, you can probably
obtain a position paying $1,600 or
$1,700 a year.
But don't think that you have
begun to mount the ladder of
teaching success; you have not yet
reached the first rung. As soon
as you are a Master of Arts, your
superiors will inform you than you
can advance neither professionally
nor financially without a doctor-
of-philosophy degree. Your money
is gone, you reply; what are you
to do? That is your affair, you
are told; get a Ph.D. or get out.
Well, you can attend summer
school. All the large universities
offer summer courses, and while
the instruction is, in most cases,
mastered Anglo-Saxon, Old Ger-
man, Old French, Icelandic, and
the whole range of English and
American literature; and that you
are capable of writing, in from 50,-
000 to 120,000 words, the results of
some philological investigation or
literary research-your thesis. All
in all, your Ph.D. will have cost
you $6,000, and your reward will
be the title of Assistant Professor
of English at a salary of $2,300. You
will be, then, about thirty-five,
years old.
In the meantime, what, of your
teaching? What of that yearning
to make the great worlkj-writers
"real and alive to the younger
generation? Shakespeare, Words-
Worth, Tennyson, and the others
will, indeed, furnish mental pabu-
lum, but only for you. In the class-
room you will speak of commas and
semicolons, of restrictive and non-
restrictive clauses, of "so-faults"
and of "and-which" constructions.
For you are not a teacher of liter-
ature; you are a teacher of com-