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November 27, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-27

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,.._.________ ------ .. - - ______-.------______ _____- -~.-.-.--. --.-- -~

Published every morning except Monday
luring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Coaference Editorialj
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
ished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
°Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
card Street.
kPhones: Editorial, 4925; Businesq, 12,.
Telephone 4925
Editor.............Paul J. Kern
City Editor... ...... ,.Richard.Nelson I. Smith
News Editor.............ichard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor.................Morris Quinn.
Women's Editor.............. Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Mchigan Weekly... .J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama...........R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor ...Lawrence R. Klein

Clarence N. Edels
Joseph E. Howe
Donald J. Klinc
Paul 1I. Adams
Morris' Alexander
Esther Anderson
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwith
Louise Behymer
Arthur Bernstein
Seton C.. Bove
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chubb
Frank X Cooper
Helen Domine
Douglas Edwards
Valborg Egdland
Robert J. Feldma
Marjorie Follmer
William Gentry
Lawrence Hartwig
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaufm
Ruth Kelsey
Donald 1. Layma

ight Editors /
son Charles S. Monroe
11 Pierce Romberg
George 1. Simons
C. Tilley
C. A. Lewis
Marian MacDonald
Henry Merry
N. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strubel
Edith Thomas
t Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
n Walter Wilds
George E. Wohigemuth
Robert Woodroofe
goseph eA. Russell
Cadwell ASwanson
nan A. Stewart
Edward L. Warner Jr.
an' Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James Jordan
Advertising.............. Carl W. Hammer
Service.................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation...............GeorgeFS. Bradley
Accounts..........Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich

Irving Binzer
Donald Blackstone
Mary Chase
JTeanette Dale
ernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Helen Geer
Ann Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
Agnes Herwig

Jack Horwich
Dix Humphrey
Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Leonard Littlejohn
Hollister Mabley
Jack :Rose
Carl F. Schemm
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE
Is this local amusement business
conducted with an eye to the good!
will and entertainment of the stu-
dent body or is it merely a good
thing for the Butterfield interests?
Is there such a thing as good will
between a business enterprise thatf
has become nearly a public utility!
in this community and the student
body which supports it?
Last Saturday night at the Mich-
igan the theater was packed to
the roof by students in a more or
less hilarious frame of mind. There
was nothing damaging or obscene
about their actions-in the least.
Their football team had won a
spectacular victory over a suppos-
edly superior foe, had played its
greatest game of; the year, and
the students of Michigan were
pleased to the point of enthusiasm.
The act came on to the stage.
The tremendous audience thund-
pred applause. Each little gesture
of the performers was accompanied
by a response from the audience
many times more entertaining
than the spectacle of the stage.
There were no insulting remarks
made to actors or any signs of dis-
approval. Rarely has a dancing
act received the attention from the
audience that was given to the
first number of "Earl Lindsay's Re-
vue" on Saturday night. During
the second scene the audience co-
cperatively joined in several old
American folk songs. After the
second number some immaculate
gentleman came on the stage, ac-
comjanied by the usual terrific
applause, and when he gained It-
tention announced that "it was up
to the audience whether the act
would go on." The audience
roared applause. He waved his
hand, with a superior air jan-
nounced that the "Earl Lindsay
Revue" had a "long hop to Louis-
ville" to make; and the curtain
came down.
Now this type of thing may be
in keeping with the show business
some places but college students
resent it the night of a great foot-
ball victory. There was no dis-
order other than enthusiasm, and
no threatened damage of property.
Today the Butterfield interests

in our hearts for some time, that
the "Earl Lindsay Revue" showed
poor sportsmanship at the Michi-
gan Saturday night.
The founding date of the Uni-
versity has apparently foundered
between the waves of the alumni
and the ice-bound rocks of the Re-I
gents. With the University ap-
proaching what most people
thought to be its centennnial an-
niversary, certain alumni have
stepped forward in the interests
of hoary age to declare that 1817
is the official date of the founding)
of the University, and that the!
Board of Regents has no authority
or right to establish 1837 as the
date of founding to be placed on
the seal. On the other hand came
unsupported rumors that the only
reason why the Regents set 1837
as the date was that they were
mad at the alumni for poking
around, and did it in spite. This
however, has been almost con-
clusively proven as being entirely
false and without basis.
There are valid arguments for
both sides which have been pre-
sented through the columns of The
Daily and in other newspapers
many times. Little attention has
been- given to the effect of each,
however, especially in regard to
the student body and the student
The main argument advanced by
the almuni supports 1817 as the
date, thus placing the centennial
in the background. Have not the
alumni realized that if 1817 were
accepted there -could be no proper
celebration for the centennial: no
homecomings, no big parties in De-
troit, no jubilation over having
seen the Alma Mater nass the 100-
year mark successfully? If 1817
were accepted, football games
would be the only reason for cele-
bration on the part of the alumni.
On the other hand, 1817 would
bring the sesqui-centennial nearer, 1
the alumni body would be swelled
by several thousand, a larger cele-
bration would ,be feasible, and the
University would be nearer the
great goal: a second Harvard or
Princeton. In this, Michigan would
have the jump on other Western
schools and could have 150-year-
old ivy on. its temples instead of
130-year-old ivy, when 1967 rolls
jCampus Opinion
Cnontribtors are asked 'tobe brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
word ii possible. Anonymousaco-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should nt be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
Never have I followed a Michigan
team with greater interest than I
have this fall, and never have I
witnessed a more stirringly mag-
nificent comeback on the part of
a Michigan team. After Saturday's
game against Iowa, now unforget-
ably glorious football history, I
felt that never, even in the dim
point-a-minute days, has Michigan
been more worthily represented on
the field.
With that as a preliminary, I1
hope that the following statement
won't seem altogether "wet blank-
et," or make me out a grumpy per-
fectionist. But two details of
Saturday's spectacle appeared to

me to mar the complete harmony
of that memorable occasion. These
details had to do with the wel-
come accorded our Iowa rivals by
the Michigan band and the Michi-
gan rocters.
First, with Iowa's band absent,
why did not our own band play
the Iowa "alma mater," as well as
our "Yellow and Blue," between
halves? Would not that have been
appropriately friendly evidence of
our sporting spirit? We could still
have expected, couldn't we? to
have our great team return the sec-
ond half to rush Iowa off her feet!
Again, why couldn't-or didn't our
yell leaders, at least once (before
the game or between halves) give
a yell for Iowa, with handclapping
instead of "fight 'ems" at the end?
That greeting to the enemy in our
midst would not, I am sure, have
softened Michigan morale. .I
Possibly these two points are
trivial and easily explained away.
But because I believe football con-s
tests should foster closer relations
between sister universities, and be-
cause I am a Michigan man proud
of Michigan's sporting tradition, I
was disappointed Saturday at the
absence of any gesture of welcome
fa our visitors.T Next iNovtmh~r W

Late Monday Afternoon:
Lark, editor of Rolls and well
known campus diplomat, fell
in love late this afternoon and
threatened to run a sentimen-
tal poem in this column. Rolls
Board of Control immediately
removed him from his position.
The affliction came on sud-
denly and it was rumored that
a member of The Daily Wom-
en's staff was responsible.
Those familiar with the situ-
ation hold this to be impos-
sible, however.
The following column was
prepared by Rolls executive
committee as it should have
been written by Lark. When
last seen, Lark was sitting in a
half stupor in the corner of
the office, idly crooning deli-
cate sentiments to himself.
* * *
For ten cents any male person
of the University will be allowed
to dance with any feminine stu-
dent at the annual Thanksgiving
Day party to be held Thursday aft-
ernoon in the Women's field house.
* * * .
The price is alleged to be a bar-
* *.*
Women students will wear
tags giving age, weight, height,
sex, color, and telephone num-
ber, it was not stated by the
committee in charge. Tiny
Petie, chairman of the com-
mittee, has announced food as
part of the additional enter-
* * *
No extra charge will be made for
dancing with freshman girls.
* * *
"The advisors of women will be
present," Tiny Petie failed to state,
"in order to curb any possible riots.
No charge will be-made for danc-
ing with the deans, on the scale
that co-eds are worth ten cents
per dance."
"All the good looking girls on
the campus will be there," said
Tiny Petie. "I have called both
of them personally."
* * *
It was deemed as peculiarly fitt-
ing by Rolls executive committee
yesterday that the party is to be
held in the Women's ATHLETIC
* * *
"The party will be strictly a
couple affair," said Tiny Petie
again, "A couple of hours." 1
** *

Music And Drama After College
TONIGHT: In Hill auditorium, BUSINESS
Paul Whiteman and his or- EADESHP
chestra in Jazz concert, at LKEESHRO
8:15 o'clock.

Each day we
feature a 50c
Luncheon Service
Tea Leaf Reading "Gratis"
We will be closed all
Thanksgiving Day

* *1 *
Thursday afternoon, in the Uni-
versity series of lectures in Natural
Science auditorium, one of the
most fascinating of the younger
personalities in the theater will
give a lecture on the shifting pan-
orama of the European stage. Mrs.
Hallie Flannagan spent the year;
1926-27 as a Fellow of the Gug-
genheim Foundation traveling
abroad and studying the advances
and innovations in the theater. Her
trip took her through England,
Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Den-
mark, Latvia, Russia, Czecho-Slov-
akia, Austria, Germany, Hungary,
Italy and France. Particularly the
Russian theater with the new tech-
nique developed out of the desire
of the Russian people, with their
newly acquired ideas of freedom, to
breakdown the barrier of foot-
lights, has fascinated Mrs. Flan-
nagan. "The Red Theater" is her
treatment for the situation appear-
ing as an article in "The Saturday
Review of Literature" for May 5,
of this year, and incorporated as
a chapter in her new book "Shift-
ing Scenes of the Modern European
Mrs. Flannagan found her in-
terest in the theater absorbing her
as an undergraduate at Grinnell
college, Iowa. Returning as an in-
structor in English she was con-
nected with campus dramatic ef-
fort there until she enrolled with
Prof. George P. Baker in his "47
Workshop." Vassar college then
enlisted her services until 1926
when she secured the Guggenheim
Fellowship, and commanded them,
on her return, making her Associ-
ate Professor in English and Di-
rector of the Vassar Experimental
Her book, which left the press:
only the 17th of this month, is a
record of her observations of
dramatic technique as she has
seen it in her travels, put in the
form of monographs on the per-
sonality and methods of the domi-
nating characters of the European
theatric scene. .Beginning with St.
John Ervine, who since has been
called to the New York "World" as
dramatic critic, her book runs
through an extraordinary gamut
of personalities including Gals-
worthy, Lady Augusta Gregory,
Gordon Craig, Meierhold, chief reg-
isseur of Russia's revolutionary
theaters, Stanislavsky, Karel Capek,
author of "R. U. R." among other
things, and Luigi Pirandello, to say
nothing of a host of other innova-;
tors and masters in their own
dramatic field. Not at all tech-
nical, her book is provocative in
the questions it asks our own stage.!
Her lecture here, based on thej
material in her book and more
particularly on the Russian revo-
lutionary theaters which have
been Mrs. Flannagan's chief inter-
est, promises to be fascinating as
her book and charming as her per-
"Shifting Scenes of the Modern
European Theatre," by Mrs. Hallie
Flannagan. Coward McCann,
publishers. $3.50.
R. L.A.
.5 * *
This evening, -those curious to
hear jazz, the American contribu-
tion to music to date, played with
a more serious intention than to
provide noise and rhythm for the
"jazz mad" youth of today,. will

have an opportunity to do so at,
Paul Whiteman's concert in Hill
auditorium. Whiteman, who aims
at a serious interpretation of jazz
music as well as to please the
public, will play two numbers
which are something more than
arrangements of popular music.
The . first of these is "Metropolis"
by Ferdie Grofe, one of Paul
Whiteman's own discoveries. White-
man and his staff aided the com-
poser in the orchestration of this
number which is an expression of
the modern and the American.
The second notable number will
be George Gershwin's "Concerto in
F." Gershwin is probably better
known for his "Rhapsody in Blue."
Thursday . and Friday nights of
this week and next the Harris
Players present "Mistress of the
Inn," a costume comedy translated!
from the Italian of Carlo Galdoni.
The story deals with the diffi-


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After all one can't expect
Tiny Petie to know what SHE
I would do in the case of Mary
I Gold.


10- * * *o
It was positively denied by some-
one besides Mrs. W. D. Henderson
that the following has been selec-
ted as an inscription for the en-
trance to the new Women's League
"Honor the League Brigade-
Oh what a charge they made!"
* * *
The really smart idea, figured
out by Rolls Executive Committee
in Plenary session as of the
Agenda of November 29, would be
for each male student attending
the party to take a feminine per-
son who is worth ten cents a dance
(providing such can be found).
Such an arrangement, also, would
eliminate any protests against the
Women's League for short change
on this ten cent idea.
An Open Letter to
Tiny Petie:
Have you invited the federal
liquor agents to your party?
Signed: Curious..
Lark is still very low.
Rolls Executive Board.
* * *
9:30-Lark revives momentarily
from state of coma. "Run some-
thing about my girl," said he, and
* * *
10:30-Lark revives again with
much stimulant. Offers Rolls Ex-!
ecutive Committee fabulous sum if

c *
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