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Wilce Loses Last Chance To Win Big Ten Title
As Illinois Defeats Buckeye
Eleven, 8 To 0
(By Associated Press)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Nov. 27.-Illinois, 1927 Western
Conference football champions, today repeated its triumph of last
year, turning back a determined but fumbling Ohio State team,
8 to 0, as Wisconsin and Iowa went down to defeat in other
titular contests.
Beaten in one Conference game, Illinois had been all but
counted out of the Big Ten title picture. But it was a determined
Illinois eleven that went forth to,
battle Ohio State with victory
meaning the championship or aj
share in the title.'
The Illini scored eight points in
the first half and then held on
0- 0
Conference Standing
W L T Pct.I
Illinois.........4 1 0 .800
Wisconsin.......3 1 1 .750
Minnesota......4 2 0 .666
Iowa........... 3 2 0 .600
1 Ohio State ...... 3 2 0 .6001
Purdue .........2 2 1 .5001
Michigan.......2 3 0 .400 I
Northwestern ... 2 3 0 .400 I
Indiana ........ 2 4 0 .333 I
Chicago.........0 5 0 .000 1
with- a desperate grip. Forty.
thousand fans saw the game. Il-
linois scored a safety early in the
first period. Frosty Peters sneakedi
across the line for the touchdown
in the second quarter, and as the '
minutes of the final period waned,
Illinois clung on to its lead that
meant the championship.
With Illinois' victory went Dr.'
John W. Wilce's last hopes of win-I
ning the Big Ten title. The veter-
an Buckeye coach bowed his way
out of the Conference with one of
the greatest teams ever put on the
gridiron by the Ohio school. Dr.
Wilce's passing from the Confer-
ence ended a 13-year-old rivalry '
between the Buckeye doctor-coach
and Bob Zuppke of Illinois.
Illinois crushed its Ohio foe'
under the power of a driving back-
field and overpowering line. It
was a starless Zuppke-coached'
eleven that plowed its way
through the line, tore around ends
and slipped passes for a total of
328 yards for the line of scrim-
mage, while holding the touted
Ohio running attack to a 168
yards. Illinois' attack netted 15
first downs to four for the Buck-
In the final minute of play Ohio
State resorted to passing from be-
hind its own goal line, and one
toss, Holman to Apber, netted a
gain of 60 yards. On the next play
Mills intercepted Holman's pass
and the game ended before the Il-
lini could put the ball in play.
Indiana Annexes Conference Title
By Nosing Out Ohio
(Special To The Daijy)
MADISON, Wis., Nov. 24.-With
Monroe running a brilliant race to
finish in fifth place, the Michigan
cross-country team showed unex-
pected strength today in the West-
ern conference harrier race and
tied with Iowa for fourth place.
Each team secured 112 points.
Indiana won the title by taking
five places thus depriving the Wis-
consin harriers of the champion-
ship for the first time in five years.
Abbott of Illinois took the indi-
vidual honors by setting a new rec-
ord for the Wisconsin course. His
time of 26 minutes and 42 sec-
onds was remarkable in view of the
fact that the cou~rse measures more
than five miles.
The first ten to finish included
Abbott of Illinois who was first,
Martin of Purdue, second; Fields
of Indiana, third; Anderson of
Minnesota, fourth; Monroe of
Michigan, fifth; Baker of Ohio
State, sixth; North of Minnesota,
seventh; Leas of Indiana, eighth;
Claphan of Indiana, ninth and
Brady of Iowa, tenth.
Ohio State trailed Indiana with
71 points and took second place
with Wisconsin next with 110
points. With the Michigan and
Iowa harriers tied for fourth place,
Minnesota took fifth with 124
points and Illinois seventh with 128
points. Purdue, Chicago and
Northwestern finished in the order
named, with the Purple squad in
last place.
The other Michigan entrants
who placed besides Monroe were
Austin, fifteenth, Jesson, seven-
teenth, Gunlow, twenty-fourth
and Aubrey who was forty-first.
Nearly all the runners suffered
considerably due to the weather
Nel "Shorty" McMillan, '13, of
Detroit, former varsity quarter-'
back and shortstop, was elected
president of the "M" club follow-
ing the annual luncheon yesterday
in the Michigan Union. Other offi-
cers were named as follows: Vice-
presidents: Football, Paul Jones,
04, of Cleveland; Baseball, Edgar
M. Carruthers, '07, of Tulsa, Okla.;
Track, Martin H. Daane, '07, of
Grand Rapids; Basketball; Walter
B. Rea, '22, Ann Arbor; Minor
sports,'Paul Sampson, '26, Ann
Arbor; and secretary-treasurer,
Homer Heath, of Ann Arbor.
A resolution passed by the club
unanimously was read to the mem-
bers of the team between the
halves as the climax of Coach Wie-
man's talk to his men, and helped
inspire them to play as few Michi-
gan teams have played against
odds. This resolution was as fol-1
"'Be it resolved, that the "M"
club, in annual meeting hereby
tenders to the coaches and foot-
bal squad of the University of
Michigan its sincere congratula-
tions on their splendid work this
season, and particularly on the re-
markable spirit shown throughout
the year."
Director Yost, Ed. Shields, form-
er baseball captain, "Jimmie"
Craig, and Norman H. Hill, retir-
ing president of the club, gave brief
A committee was named to meet
with the Board in Control of Ath-
letics to discuss seating accommo-
dations for "M" club members and
other matters in which the club is
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Nov. 24.-After passing
a fair night, King George had im-
proved today, although for the
first time it became known that
pleurisy was present.
Announcement in the official
bulletin at noon that his majesty's
improvement had been maintained
gave further relief to public anxiety
over the monarch's illness. De-
spite the appearance of the word
"pleurisy" in the physician's re-
port, the palace household gave no
evidence that this had caused any
additional concern.
It is understood that pleurisy in
the King's type of lung congestion
is nothing out of the ordinary and
there need be no anxiety on this
The visit of Lord Dawson of Penn
and Sir Stanley Hewett, the King's
physicians, to Buckingham palace
this morning was rather an ex-
tended one. They arrived shortly
before 10 o'clock and remained
about two hours. At noon they
issued the following bulletin:
"The King passed a fair night
and improvement was maintained.
Pleurisy which commonly accom-
panies this type of congestion of
the lungs continues prominent."
Marks Third Straight Defeat In
As Games For Class: -x
Of 1931
March Down Field; Gembis
Boots Field Goal
Despite vivid pink-hued posters
prophesying a merciless slaughter
of the yearlings and a Daily edi-
torial exhorting the class of '31 to
victory, the freshmen triumphed
over the sophomores in the fall
class games yesterday morning on
South Ferry Field by the margin
of four points to one.
Although outnumbered by the
freshmen, the sophomores tried to
atone for their minority represen-
tation with alleged music, having
the only band present. The com-
batants began to gather about
9:30 and provided some excitement
for the early spectators with a
lively snowball battle and a few
scattered attempts at individual
fights before the main events
started at 10 o'clock.
Freshmen Take Cane Spree
Green triumphed over red in the
first encounter, the freshmen tak-
ing six out of the nine contests in
the cane spree. The feature strug-
gle between the two captains, Ray-
mond Priest, '32, and George Ryer-
son, '31, was won by the latter giv-
ing the sophomores one of their
two contests in the event. The
ninth struggle resulted in a tie,
neither man having gained pos-
session of the cane at the end of
five minutes.
Inspired by their first success,
the yearlings were again victori-]
ous in the pillow fight capturing
three of the five contests. Some
confusion resulted in this event as
the rules were changed from last
year's, contestants not being given
back their pillows if they dropped
them while attempting to bat their
opponents off their saw horses.
One Flag Captured
Checked temporarily when the
sophomores succeeded in captur-
ing , the first flag, the freshmen
rallied to defend the other two suc-
cessfully after fifteen minuts of
bitter struggling before a noisy
gathering that had grown to ap-
proximately 2,000 people. The red
besmirched men of '31 won their
lone point in less than three min-
utes by a brilliant bit of strategy,
but failing in their effort to seize
the other two flags, went down to
their third straigh~t defeat in as
many class games.
Purdue 14, Indiana 0.
Minnesota 6, Wisconsin 0.
Illinois 8, Ohio State 0.
Northwestern 27, Dartmouth 6.
Ohio "B" 6, Illinois "B" 6.
Drake 18, Iowa State 0.
Rutgers 13, Swathmore 2.
Harvard 17, Yale 0.
Brown 33, Rhode Island 7.
Allegheny 27, Alfred 0.
Navy 9, Princeton 0.
Boston Col. 52, Conn. Ag. 13.
New York U. 27, Carnegie Tech 18.
Georgetown 20, Fordham 7.
' 1
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By Morris Quinn
Attaining their best playing form of the season, a golden-
jerseyed pack of Wolverines fought their way to a glorious victory
in the final tilt of the 1928 season yesterday afternoon by repulsing
the invasion of a formidable Hawkeye eleven, 10-7, in what was
undoubtedly their most thrilling performance of the year. About
50,000 spectators braved the coldest weather of the season and
occasional snow flurries to see Michigan dispell any hopes that
the Black and Gold team might have entertained of sharing the
While the Wolverines were taking the measure of the Iowans,
Minnesota forced the title-bound Cardinal machine out of the run-
ning at Madison, 6-0, and the Illini of Coach Bob Zuppke hurdled
prostrate Buckeye gridmen, 8-0, to gain the Big Ten title for the
second consecutive season.
By downing the powerful Hawkeye aggregation, the Maize
and Blue eleven established it with the receiver and Michigan
self as one of the hardest fight- was given another first down on
ing teams that has even repre- the Iowa 42-yard line.
sented Michigan. After four early Gembis ploughed through the
season reverses the Wolverines center of' the line for a third first
have finished up in great style, down on the 29-yard mark. Dah-
winning three and tying one of lem picked up 2 at right tackle and
their last four contests. Truskowski made 6 through the
It was the second time in four same hole. Then the husky left
weeks that thi Wieman-coached end ,plunged off Iowa's left tackle
eleven had taken the field against for Michigan's fourth first down
a Big Ten leader favored to go on Iowa's 19-yard strip.
down to defeat, but, as was the Old '83' Successful
case Nov. 3, when Illinois invaded A line buck by Gembis was good
the stadium, the Wolverines for 6, Rich added another at right
achieved the seemingly impossible guard, and then Truskowski faked
and sent 1927-1928 champions back a line buck and Dahlem took the
home on the short end of the ball on told 83' around Iowa's left
count. end for a touchdown. The play
Iowa Goal Line Following
Captain George Rich
who played his last game for
Michigan yesterday and turned in
one of the best games of his ca-
reer. Rich sharei offensive hon-
ors with Dahlem besides running
the team in excellent manner as
quarterback. An injury forced him
to leave the game before the final
whistle sounded.
Program Of Orchestra To Range
From Symphonies To Old
Time Jazz Music
"Wonder what that piece "Free
Air, a variation based on noises
from a garage' will sound like,"
mused a student yesterday on see-
ing the program that Paul White-
man has anounced for his concert
next Thuesday night in Hill audi-
Among the numbers on White-
man's concert will be George Ger-
shwin's latest attempt at raising
jazz to a symphonic state, "Con-
certo in F." The concerto, scored
by Frede Grofe, is in three move-
ments, allegro, andante con moto,
and allegro con brio. Roy Bargy
will be the soloist for this number.
Grofe's name appears in the sec-
ond half of the program when his,
number "Metropolis" will be played.
Whiteman recently recorded it,
and it has brought forth much
favorable comment from the
critics. These two will be the main
numbers of the program, but those
I who love the simpler tunes will
find satisfaction in "Melancholy
Baby," "Gypsy," "Tiger Rag," and
Contrary to rumors which have'
j been prevalent on campus, there
are yet many seats unsold, an-
nounced Thomas Denton, local
publicity director, yesterday. Local
authorities have pointed out that
there will probably be a large
crowd buying seats for a last min-
ute rush for the concert.
The concert is being given for
the benefit of the Women's league,
and marks a return after three'
years' absence from Ann Arbor for
Whiteman. He has just returned
to the concert stage after a long
absence, and has been acclaimed
everywhere for his playing.
Delta Upsilon Takes
Cup For Decorations
Glassgow Scores
Big Joe Truskowski brought the
stands to their feet early in the
first quarter when he threw a 35-
yard pass to Dahlem who barely
missed holding the ball with a
clear field ahead of him. A few
minutes later the invaders drew
first blood, Glassgow; Iowa's flashy
halfback, sliding off his own right
tackle for 55 yards and a touch-
The Black and Gold speedster
was aided by perfect blocking in
his dash through Michigan's sec-
ondary defense and with only Sim-
rall, between him and the final
chalk mark, he executed a perfect
sidestep and galloped down the
field for the first score of the aft-
Michigan -came back strong a
few minutes later, however, and
started a march that ended on the
Hawkeye 17-yard line, where the
invader's forward wall held for
three plays and then Joe Gembis
dropped back to register a perfect
goal from placement from the 27-
yard mark with Dahlem holding
the ball.1
Wolverines Threaten
The Wolverines threatened again
in this quarter after Simrall had
punted to the Hawk 2-yard strip.
Cooley's punt from behind the goal
line was returned from the 38- to
the 28-yard line by Simrall. Three
passes failed and Simrall punted
over the goal line.
Taking the ball on their own 20-
yard mark, the Hawkeyes institu-
ted an offensive that netted 40
yards before the half ended. Oran
Pape, who replaced Glassgow in
the Iowa backfield, featured this
advance with two long gains of
15 and 25 yards each.
After an exchange of punts as
the third quarter began, Michigan
opened up with a running attack
that ripped the ponderous Hawk-
eye team to shreds, and resulted
in four consecutive first downs and
I a touchdown that .gave the Wol-
verines the lead, 10-7.
Simrall took McLain's punt on
was perfectly executed and caught
the Hawkeye defense napping,
Dahlem's speed carrying him
across the final chalk mark before
a Hawk tackler laid hands on him.
Gembis' kick for the extra point
was good.
Iowa kicked off and Michigan
took the ball on her 32-yard line
after an exchange of punts. A
series of end runs and off-tackle
plays with Ricn and Simrall do-
ing most of the ball toting carried
the oval to the Hawk 38-yard line.
Truskowski hit the line for a 7-
yard gain, another line play failed
and Truskowski's pass was incom-
Fake Kick Fails
On fourth down Gembis dropped
back into place-kick formation but
it was a fake and Simrall was
thrown for a loss-of 8 yards. Iowa
took the ball on downs on her own
42-yard mark and unleashed a
series of line plays that carried the
ball to Michigan's 47-yard line as
the quarter ended.
The final period found the in-
vaders desperatly attempting to
push over another touchdown, only
to be thwarted time after time by
the stubborn Michigan forward
wall. When Glassgow failed to
gain consistently, Nelson was in-
jected into the backfield and
threw a barrage of forward passes
that kept the Wolverine secondary
on the alert throughout the great-
er portion of the period.
With the ball on Michigan's 27-
yard line and only a few seconds
of the game remaining, Nelson
dropped back to the 35-yard strip
and attempted a drop kick that
would have knotted the count had
it been successful, but it was short
and the game ended shortly after-
wards with the ball in Michigan's
possession on her own 20-yard line.
As a unit the Michigan team
turned in what was undoubtedly
their best game of the season. In
addition to the stubborn defense
Lone Cheer-Leader Leads Inspired Yells
(By Associated Press) A Ids as "Sl
MADISON, Nov. 24.-A roughAmidst Vast Sie
young man named Bronko Nagur-
ski as tough on the gridiron as A great Michigan pep meeting
his name sounds, ruined Wiscon- composed of one small cheer lead-
sin's chance of winning unchal- er and himself, predicted a great
lenged possession of the Western Michigan victory yesterday. The
Conference football champsion- great victory came, but not because
ship today, when Minnestota wal- of the pep meeting.
loped the hitherto undefeated The little cheer leader, the one
Badgers, 6 to 0, before a record with the auburn locks, ran out on
breaking crowd of 46,000. the middle of stage and called for
Nagurski, Minnesota's pulveriz- "a 1-o-c-o-m-o-t-i-v-e." There
ing fullback, scored the touchdown was no response. The vast vacuum,
that tumbled Wisconsin out of the of vacant seats stood speechless
championship, early in the second and as the tiny cheer inspirer
period of a bitterly fought game, swung into action, the deep tones
after Rebholz, the Badger full- of his soprano voice came sweetly
back, fumbled on the Wisconsin back from the depths of the sec-
18-yard line. Pulkiabek, a Minne- ond balcony.
sota guard, who rarely gets his! It was a great pep meeting. After
name in the papers, either in Min- the little cheer leader had led him-
nnf Anfat nr virtAri. nnune- -f in few veils the Varsity
Dnce of Hill Auditorium
and worse yet a graduate of
Princeton came forward to testify.
He seemed to think Michigan was
going to win if all the vacant seats
in the audience supported the team
with constant cheering.
Then the main speaker of the
occasion, John R. Watkins '17L, of
Detroit was introduced as the rep-
resentative of the alumni who
would occupy more than half of
the seats in the stadium.
Watkins likened the situation to
one four years ago when a Michi-
gan team "like the teams Minne-
sota usually has" lost to Iowa, 9-2
on Ferry field. He then predicted
that Michigan, occupying the op-
posite role before the game, would
turn the tables and win. Evi-
.| N
Army 13, Nebraska 3.
Lafayette 38, Lehigh 14.
Tulane 47, Louisiana 7.
Missouri 25, Kansas 6.
Vanderbilt 26, Centre 0.
California 13, Stanford
First Downs
10 Ic
By Rushing
8 Io
By Passing
2 Ic
wa 9 I
owa 8 .
owa 1 I
I Delta Upsilon fraternity won first