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November 16, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-16

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ir i gttn Baitt


Published every. morning except Monday
ruring tne University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
fThe Associated Press is exclusively en
itled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and Me local news pub-
ished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
taster General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail,
ffices: Ann Arbor Press Bilding, May-
niard Street.:
Jnones: Editorial, ,5; Busies, .21.
Telephone 4925
Editor. ;........,..Paul J. Kern
City' Editor., ......Nelson J. Smith
News Editor .... Richard C.:Kurink
S ports Editor.... Morris Quinn
Women's Editor .....Syvia S. tone
Editor Michigan Weekly.J .Stewart ooker
Music and Drama... .M L. Askren
Assistant City Editor ....Lawrenc I Kleinf
Night Editorsl
Clarence N Edelson Charles S. Monroe
joseph E. Howell Pierce Ronberg
Donald F Kine George 1+. Simons
eorei. Tilley
Paul 1. Adams C. A. Lewi
iorz s Alexander Marian Maclonald
Esther Anderson enrrv Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwitt Victor Rainowni
Louise Behymer Aune 8 cll
Arthur Bernstei" Rachel Shearer
.Seton C. Bovef, Roer, Sibar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chub Robert L. Sos
Prank Z. Cooie Arthur R. Strubel
Helen fDmine Edith Thoas
xDouglas Edwards eth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. eldmnev Walter Wilds
Marjorie Folme George F. Wohgemuth
William Gentr Robert 'Voodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig foseph A. Russell
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald ,E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAMOND WACHTER
AdvrtiingDepartment Managers
Advertising....Alex K. Scherer
Advertising...... . . ..A. James Jordan
Advertising..........Carl W. Hammer
Service..... .. ......ierbert E. Varnum
Circulation................George S. Bradley
Accounts.......... ...Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelicli
Irving Binzer Jack HorwichI
DonaldBlackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egelad Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann'Goldberg" Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwig Marie Welstead
Walter Yeagley
De mortuis nihil nisi bonum
Captain William Carey, master of
the ill-starred Vestris, true to the
gallant tradition of his calling, has
gone with his ship. The succession
of blunders that brought death to
more than one hundred passengers
and crew should not be levied
against his memory.
But there is a lesson and a warn-
ing to be drawn from the Vestris
disaster that should not go un-
heeded in shipping circles. When
his ship began to list dangerously
on Sunday, Captain Carey had two
things to consider. If he broad-
cast his SOS too soon he would
incur a huge salvage bill against
his company; if- he sent it too late,
he would risk the lives of all on
board. The human factor entered
the equation, judgment erred, and
a hundred lives were lost. Per-
haps, as a result, other captains
will not be called upon in the
future to exercise such close dis-
crimination in attempting to cut

their companies' sahvage bills.
Perhaps, also, more attention will
now be paid to checking bulkheads,
drilling life-boat crews, inspecting
life-boat equipment, and comput-
ing its adequacy to meet an
emergency, before a passenger ves-
sel is allowed to clear a port. Six-
teen years ago the Titanic disaster
had the effect of making owners
look more closely to their live-sav-
-ing equipment.
If there can be a silver lining to
the loss of a hundred lives, it will
be found in the sudden shock ac-
companying the realization that
the sea has not lost its perils. The
fact that a stout vessel can spring
a leak and go down in mid-ocean
despite the mechanical perfection
of the age will help to correct the
criminal carelessness of ship own-
ers who fail to provide adequate
life-saving equipment..
When Congress convenes in short
session next month another of
those hardy perennials, this time
sponsored by Senator Norris, is'
destired to flower again in the
Congressional Record. Condition:,
. . . .. , .,.. i . ..L ..

bangs open his last session. Sen-
ator Norris will argue with effec-
tiveness that Herbert Hoover, en-
gineer, president-elect, an' one of
the principles in making Boulder'
Dam a campaign issue, should be'
on the job instead of resting in the
Another campaign issue, farm re-
lief, will probably be considered in
the short session, and there again
the president-elect stands commit-
ted and would find it advantageous
to pitch himself into the problem
instead of letting his luke-warm
farm-relief colleague lead the fight,
possibly necessitating an extra ses-
The delayed inauguration is a
hang-over from the days when it
took a week to go or to send a
message from Boston or Savannah
to Washington. The interim be-
tween election day and March 4
was necessary to allow the votes
to be counted, presidential electors
to reach their state capitals, the
election to be decided and an-
nounced to the winning candidate,
and finally for that candidate to
travel to the capitol for the instal-
lation ceremony.
Today the results are known to
the nation within a week of the
first Tuesday after the first Mon-
day in November, and the presi-
dent-elect could reach the capitol
from any city in the world before
the short session of Congress con-
venes in December.
Among other things to which Mr.
Hoover stands pledged to accom-
plish when he gets into the White
House is the same business-like re-
organization of departments of
government to which the party
pledged Coolidge in 1924, and Hard-
ing before him.
Perhaps under Hoover we will get.
the long-promised reorganization.
In his methodical, autocratic, per -
sistent way, he seems to cat up
problems of organization and re-
organization-and it will be a
glorious day for United States
The past eight years of Republi-
canism have been shockingly in--
adequate with regard to the preser-
vation of wild life-especially
bears. With amazing disregard for
the dictates of economy and effic-
iency, the flower of our national1
wild life, our bears, have been al-
lowed to shift for themselves as
best they could under the cross
purposes and discordant views of
three departments.
The departifient of commerce has1
been detailed to watch over the
preservation of Arctic Bears, the
department of interior to exercise
jurisdiction over the preservation
of Grizzly Bears, and the depart-
ment of agriculture to protect the
lives, interests, and welfare of
Brown Bears.
May this travesty on efficiency,
that has so long allowed our bears
to go to seed, be speedily ended.
We trust that little bears, medium-
sized bears, and big bears, arctic,
grizzly, and brown bears may soon
see the light of a more prosperous
day when the Great Miner places
them under the responsibility of
a single department.
We have finally located Coolidge's
campaign speech for Hoover. It
seems that the Vermont economist
uncracked enough to say, "Good-

bye, Mr. Hoover, Good luck!"
when the nominee left the White
House to board the train for Palo
Smith men are looking for some
sort of Dawes' plan to liquidate
election bets.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to he brief,
confinig themselves to less thanS 30
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as condential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.




P IhrA~~~~rrmmar jJnmrniuf,,

It scams as iff Rols is about the
the only colum in the paper nowa-
days that exscapes mutilation at
the hands of the proff readers.
Spelling, grammer, punctuation and
dicshun in Rolls is always perfect
because we proof-read it ourself.
* * *
Yesterday's editorial on gun-
play presents a bizzare, if novel
use of the comparative of real.
"Gunplay is not all in the hu-
mor magazines. It is realer
than most thought, and some-
thing that cannot be solved
by placing a ban on it."
Well, Well! This Is Sad Sad
Headline in yesterday's Daily
says that Graham McNamee "Com-
bines Seven Numbers With Popular
Talk Talk."
This is a" second cousin to the
Pow-wow, or else he hails from
Walla Walla.
Furthermore, "the lava flow,"
said the Mt. Etna eruption story in
yesterday's Daily, "was decreasing
steadily today. The main stream
was slowly moving along withmth

slowly moving along."
We never heard lava
we've always imagined
something like that.

flow, but
it sounds

The Terror.
* * *

The editorial staff
Daily may be terrible

of The

but the advertising all week
has been screeching about
"The Doctor's Dilemna," "Mer-
chendising," "Susscribers," "su-
berb," and "ak."
* * *
Isn't it a shame that there
weren't enough formal dances this
year so that every Student Coun-
cil member could be appointed to
a committee?
* * *
Complaints have been pour-
ing into the Rolls office, criti-
cising the editor for not mak-
ing the column more literary.
To quiet this tirade of protest
and abuse we have planned a
little sketch entitled "Getting
Goethe's Garter."
* * *
Let us all stand with bowed
heads and the salem brfore the
great Tillotson. Our seats came
today, and they were ON THE
Tillotson fellow is really a great.
chap when you get to know him and
the students are all wrong in their'
violent criticism of him.
* * *

Music And DramafLo
The Division of English announce
the completion of plans for the pro- Les
duction of student-written dramat-
ic material.
Finally, 'and at long last, this
move has been taken, as a culmi- Larus
nation of plans begun some years Gentler
ago with the amalgamation, still I ha
more or less incomplete, of the de- Tobacc
partments of Speech, English and Two
along o
Rhetoric with the view of concen- revel i
trating the various efforts in each mixture
of these departments into con- did not
1 little bhi
structive educational activity. From joke wa
this point of view the above an- worth,
nouncement is incidental. It is for a 1i
merely one of the results sought Englan
after. was sur
But from the point of view of tion an
Gret IB
student dramatics at Michigan it is iar sn
a most important step. cities in
For a long time this column hasannoun
been suggesting some sort of uni- I the hon
fication which would permit plays very gr
written byustudents now enrolled!
to be produced by student organiza-
tions, with student casts and tech-
nical men. This in an effort to
build up for Michigan a dramatic'
tradition, as well as a dramatic
workshop, which would equal that Sm
of Princeton, Yale, University of___
North Carolina or Wisconsin. Co-
incidental with the several essays
on the subject which appeared
early in the Fall, there was con-
siderable activity among the de-
partments included in the Division
of English directed toward the same
end. The services of Mr. Kenneth
T. Rowe were secured for the
Rhetoric faculty to handle a course
in dramatic writing. Mr. Valentine
B. Windt was secured to take the
place of Mr. Fleishman, now on
leave, to direct the activities of
Play Production. Conferences be-
tween these two men, the one with +
a knowledge of the creative ability
shown in play-writing classes, the
other sure now of student ability
in the synthetic field of produc-
tion, have developed a number of
plans for immediate execution is ci
which should provide a tremendous. but
advance for the drama locally, and tizin
should pave the way eventually for Yo
still more constructice efforts. I ente
The first step to be taken is the Sp
announcement of a play-writing:
competition, open to the entire
membership of the University ex- I L
cept taking instructorial work, with
the view of discovering any dram- 5
atic material that may be worthy
of production. The. form of ma- N
terialdesired, however, is the one-
act play-this for the purposes of
simplicity in production, balance
in program, and to give a larger
representation of authors on one
evening's bill. The judges for the
contest will be announced at some
later date, but they will certainly
include the most expert'of the fac-
ulty in matters of production, and
dramatic and literary merit. Plays
to be submitted should represent,
not the author's idea of what l
amateur actors could do best, but
his honest effort to treat a dram-
atic idea. Judgment will be based
on literary and dramatic merit,
with problems of production coming
The contest does not offer a prize
-in the accepted sense of the word.
The gratification of public atten-
dance should however, have a
strong appeal. But from the sin-

cere dramatist's point of view
laboratory production, in which the
author can remold his lines, alter
all the business he imagined would
be so effective, and generally fol-
low the best traditions of dramatic
creation which are based on the
axiom that plays are not so much
written as rewritten, would be more
to his advantage.
The casts required for production
will be drawn mainly from those
enrolled in the Play Production
group, working under the direction
of Mr. Windt. .- The success with
which this group gave "The Little
Journey" is an index of the calibre
of work which will go to produce
the amateur plays, and promises
sincere and adequate treatment of
any play submitted.
If response to this contest is suf-
ficiently enthusiastic, it is further
planned to conduct a similar con-
test for full length plays, for which
the rules outlined above will hold
true, but announcement of this will
be withheld until the one-'act play
contest is completed and student
sentiment can be measured.
Student cooperation should be
immediate, and it is hoped that theI
purpose of this step, which is
toward bringing the different divi-
C- - n a o I Q c ,4 4 41 .---- .

. . ..

cal Smoker
harns Bitter
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New York,
March 13, 1928
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ve used Edgeworth Smoking
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years ago I took my trusty briar
)n a trip abroad, intending to
n the delights of the famous
es in London. I confess that I
carry along with me any of the
lue tins of Edgeworth. But the
s on me. I went back to Edge-
only this time I had to pay 45c
c tin of Edgeworth! roug
entally, on a trip through
id and later through Ireland, I
prised to find the wide distribu-
d ready sale of Edgeworth in
Brta~in.A frequent and famil-
ain Dublin, Cork and other
n Ireland was a white streamer
cing a new shipment of Edge-
To make such a conquest in
me of smoking tobacco must be
atifying to your house.
J. T. Kelly
krewx Grth
Extra H~igh Grade
oking Tobae


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To H. W. H., the red-headed
jailbird of the English depart-
ment, of you we ask the ques-
tion, what would YOU do in the
case of Mary Gold?

Comfort and Protection

o 0
* * *
The mud bath that a deluge gave
Los Angeles the other day is prob-
ably the result of the prayers of
1,000,000 Florida residents for the
past three years.
"Greets Wife With Bullets
and Shoots Himself, Too," reads
a headline in a Chicago paper.
She probably said, "Hello your-

. LETS GO, '31
The last year has seen the class
of '31 go down to defeat before
the onslaughts of the class of '30.
In the coming week you are going
to meet the freshmen on the tra-
ditional battle-ground of Ferry
field. To beat them will require
men who are willing to fight for
the preservation of the glory of
their class. At 8 o'clock, Monday
night,, November 19, your class will
rally together in the Union ball-
room to discuss their future plans.
Every man must be present, for it
is only through cooperation that

Aimee S. McP's invasion of the
British Isles is leading the British
to believe that St. George didn't
complete the efficient job that is
accredited to him.
* * *
Well, anyway, we can call
her the Good Aim ambassador.
As an example of the progress of
the Student Council in their cam-
paign to eliminate graft in class
elections and appointment, they
can point with pride to the fact
that one man who has flunked two
economics courses and dropped a
third has been a'appointed to the
auditing committee of the junior
* * *
We hope that when the honor-
able Mr. Charlie Dawes presents
the honorable Mr. Charlie Curtis
with the honorable Vive-presiden-
tial gavel, the honorable Mr.
Dawes doesn't lose his temper and
tunk the honorable Mr. Curtis over
the head with it.
* * *
mnip M~ lnriim.. hoa .

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Every genuine Alligator carries the d
tinguishing mark of authentic style. Here
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