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November 13, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-13

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Elizabeth Risdon will play in the
Repertory company, which will 1
open its first presentation here
next Wednesday, Nov. 14, at the Orders For Cards Will Be Taken
Whitney Theatre. ,Shaw's "Doc- I At the League Table
tor's Dilemma', will be the first of All This Week
a series of four plays which the
Guild will stage in Ann Arbor. 'STORES OFFER DISCOUNT
Miss Risdon is a young EnglishI
actress rapidly earning -a definite Christmas cards may be ordered
position in the theatrical world. at the League table in University
Coming over from London ten Eall all this week. The committee
years ago to play in "Fanny's First
Play," also by Shaw, she has since on the undergraduate campaign
remainded in America acting with for League funds has succeeded in
such players as Otis Skinner, obtaining a display of infinite va-
George Arliss, and William Gil- riety this year, including not only
lette. Recently she appeared in cards, but Christmas seals, ribbons,
the Guild Productions of "The d Cs,
Silver Cord," "Pygmalion,'' and and novelties as well.
"Right You Are If You Think You Engraving of the cards is also
Are." Miss Risdon also played in being handled by the League com-
the Theatre Guild production of mittee. Frances Novy, '31, who is
Shaw's ""Heartbreak House," which -
marked the worldt premiere of that in charge of the sale of Christmas
play. She is the wife of Brandon articles, has announced that No-
Evans, also of the Guild Repertory vember, 18 is the last possible date
Peg Entwistle is one of the more j( Christmas cards may be
prominent of the cast's younger ordered between the hours of I
leading women. After her start(. 8 and 12, and 1 and 4 all this
with Walter Hampden, she played ( week at University Hall oppo-
with the Jewett Reportery Theatre( site the candy booth.
in Boston. Her first play in New o -o
York was "The Man From To- that orders for engraving can be
ronto.' Here she also established filled. The sale of Christmas cards
her reputation as the leading lady will continue, however, until a
in "Tommy," which had a long later date, which will be announc-
Broadway engagement. Her hus- ed later.
band is Robert Keith, one of the The League secured its unusual
outstanding actors in the Guild, selection of cards from Mrs. Gutge-
NOTICE sell of Minneapolis, whose name is
known throughout the United

My dear, weren't you positively
thrilled to death over the way the
team performed Saturday? When
I heard the score, I felt like cheer-
ing right on the spot, and only re-
strained myself with great diffi-
culty. Since I was home, I thought
perhaps the neighbors wouldn't
understand. If I had been in Ann
Arbor, I would - undoubtedly have
had support had I started a cheer-
ing section or something.
Anyway, I get prouder and
prouder of our team all the time.
They certainly deserve lots of
credit for the way they are going
at things. What with everyone
more or less against them and ev-
erything there at the start, it's a
wonder they just didn't give up
and tell the student body and all
the alumnae and everybody else
to go far away and see if they
cared. Me being a lady, I can't
express myself as forcefully as I
might were I a member of the
team, or even editor of Rolls.
Really, you know, if the team
could do as well as they did Sat-
urday when they had all of thirty
people out of the 10,000 or so stu-
dents on the campus down to see
them off when they left for Balti-
more, there's no telling what they
could have done had the remain-
ing few students gone down to
wish them luck, too.
be more strenuous this year than
ever before.
To foster the Christmas card
sale, several arrangements have
been made as a particular service
to patrons. Foremost of these is
the fact that a table will be main-
tained in University Hall through-
out the entire week. Purchasers
are not being asked to pay for
their goods until their order is re-
ceived. The committee is doing ev-
erything possible to make for
rapidity in the filling of orders.
Two weeks at the most is the time
require for the filling of even the
largest order.
Another source of funds in which
the women of the University have
been offered to: the League by Jac-
curing of the discounts which have
been offere ;dto the League by Jac-
obson's dress shop and Goodhue's
flower store. Both have offered
five percent discounts, which is to
be granted only on condition that

Alterations and Dressmaking
Choose your Costume Jewelry
from our stock
fIIdJ11111111lifiillillli llllllll iiillil1111 11U 1111111I11 l11l Yli ill ll lll iillll 11l 1::
Exquisite Formals
The Large
Georgeous gowns of Tulle and sequins. Satins
and lace, chiffon and taffeta. Beautiful shades of
Gold, Green, Flesh, Maze, Peach and Black, also
Wraps for the Ultr4 Smart.
Black satin and velvet comb high heel, one strap
Brown calf skin Oxford 4 eyelet, medium heel.
Some in brown suede................$7.00

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