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November 13, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-13

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T Ham'



Leaves Tobacco


lished every morning except Monday
g the University year by the Board in
"ol of Student Publications.
mber of Western Conference Editorial
eAssociated Press is exclusively en-
to theuse for republication of all news
.ches credited to it or not otherwise
ed in this paper and the local news pub-
ered at the pr-stoff ce at Ann Arbor,
igan, as second class matter. Special rate
stage granted by Third Assistant Post-
!r General.
scription by carrier, $4.oo; by snail,
ices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nes: Editorial, 4925; Busines,, si21.
Telephone 4925
r.....................Paul J. Kern
Editor.................Nelson J. Smith
Editor...... ....Richard C. Kurvink
s Editor........ ...,Morris Quinn
en's Editor..........Sylvia S. Stone
Michigan Weekly. ..J. Stewart Hooker
and Drama............R. L. Askren
ant City Editor...Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
ice N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
h E. Howell Pierce Ro.,mnberg
d J. Klinc George R. Simons
George C. Tilley

iul I. Adamst
orris Alexander
;ther Anderson
A. Askren
'rtranx Askwitb
uise Behymer
thur Bernstein
ton C. ovee
abel Charles
R. Chubb
ank E. Cooper
len 'Domine
uglas Edwards
lborg Egeland
be. 3. eldmat+
arjorie Follmer
illiam Gentrv
wrence Hartwig
chard Jung
arles R. Kaufmn
.Ib Kelsey,
onald E. Layman

C. A. Lewis
Marian MacDonald
Flenry Merry
N. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strube)
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Robert Woodroofe
foseph A. Russell
Cadwell Swanson
A. Stewart -
Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214
Asistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising. ......Alex K. Scherer
Advertising............A. James Jordan
Advertising . ......Carl W. Hammer
Service..... ...Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation...... ...George S. Bradley
Accounts .......Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich
Irving Binzer Jack Horwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr'
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vrnor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlej ohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
gasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agpes Herwig Marie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley
Announcement at the Alumni
banquet in Baltimore last Friday
night concerning the Alumni fel-
lowships for which the Regents
have appropriated $12,000, marks
the ,first step taken in bringing
Micig'an's alumni back to Univer-
sity contacts. The creation of the
fellowships marks the second part
of cooperation between alumni and
the University: that of the latter
aiding the former, instead of the
first or more common conception
of that cooperation whereby the
alumnus gives and gives without
receiving anything more than the
satisfaction and maybe a memorial.
The duty of the holders of alumni
fellowships is uncertain to most.
The money will be used to create
two Alumni fellowships which will
be held by members of the faculty.
This will enable the holders, who
are to be Michigan alumni and
therefore acquainted with campus
matters, to obtain from authentic
sources information needed and re-
quested by alumni. In this way,
they take some burden from the
shoulders of the deans and the ad-
ministration. Michigan's 68,000
alumni and former students can be
informed concerning matters of
vital interest in the University in
a quicker and fuller way than ever
before. The alumni fellows will
form a long-needed contact be-
tween these former students of the
University and the present Univer-
sity. To serve the alumni will be
their chief duty.
Over a year ago, the Regents
adopted and supported the idea of
an Alumni University. In this,
they proved themselves more far-
seeing than the officials of most of
the other universities. The plan
is based on the fact that once a
man enters a university, he never
leaves it. And it is a fine concep-
tion. For a long time, the Michi-
gan alumni have been loyally sup-
porting the University without re-
ceiving much in return except good
seats at football games. Now they
are able, or will be as soon as the
plan is effective, to gain intellec-
taal benefit from the school of I
their choice, even if not in atten-
The Alumni university will also
bring the alumni into better un-

will be maintained, and better un-
derstanding developed.
Governor Green's proposal to
unite the governing boards of alli
state-supported colleges appears to
be a sound scheme in the interests
of economy and business-like or-
ganization of the state's activities.
If the taxpayers are now support-
ing two institutions for the same
purpose where only one is neces-
sary, some central authority is
needed better to coordinate the
educational program of the state,
and the governor's proposal to cre-
ate such an authority deserves the
support of all those who have ed-
ucational interests at heart.
In their support of the plan,
however, they must constantly be
on their guard against a serious
menace that Governor Green has
either failed to detect or deliberate-
ly condoned. Before the governor's
proposal is adopted, adequate
asssurance must be given that the
board in which he proposes to unite
the present decentralized govern-
ing boards of the state's various
colleges will not become a political
football to be kicked about for the
sake of a party majority. s -
Some idea of the disastrous ef-
fects of making a board of regents
subserve political ends can be
gained from a consideration of the
bitterness and lack of effective ad-
ministration that surrounds the
presidential chair at Michigan
State college. Four presidents have
resigned in five years due to the
narrowness of a governing board
composed of gubernatorial ap-
Election of regents by popular
vote has assured this University an
able and earnest government with-
outpolitical feeling. On a compari-
son of results secured at this Uni-
versity and at Michigan State, the
new combined board should cer-
tainly be popularly elected. Provi-
sion must also be made to place
men on that board of high charac-
ter and ability comparable to the
Regents of the University. Every
attempt to permit smaller issues
than the welfare of the state's edu-
cational program to influence the
board must be vigorously eradi-
Because of the marked prefer-
ence of newly graduated teachers
to obtain positions in large cities,
the Upper Peninsula is often left
unconsidered. In the small towns
of the Upper Peninsula, where
there is quite a regular demand for
teachers, are found the best oppor-
tunities to get practical experience
with all types of pupils and become
thoroughly trained in all varieties
of teaching methods. Besides these
advantages, there is the added in-
centive of a much lower cost of liv-
ing with practically the same sal-
ary as would be received in larger
As a result of too much geo-
graphical limitation, the prospec-
tive teacher is often disappointed
at the end of the year. In Detroit
or in other large cities in the state
there is little or no chance for the
inexperiened teacher to get work,
principally because in those places
high school and junior high school
positions are filled entirely from
those who have been promoted
from the lower grades.

Every year the Bureau of Ap-
pointments receives from 900 to
1,000 calls for teachers to fill va-
cancies in high schools, small col-
leges, and universities which are
located in small towns. Every man
or woman who expects to teach in
the near future should seriously
consider taking a position in the
Upper Peninsula or in schools
throughout the state, and they will
much more probably find them-
selves recommended to a position
in June.
Broadway is featuring a new coat
for collegians: It has a snow white
collar and was designed to take the
place of the raccoon. What if you
haven't a raccoon, and what will
happen to that snow white collar
after it has drifted around Ann
Arbor for a semester?
kellogg signs a peace pact and
Coolidge advocates a bigger navy.
Somebody has to give up, that's all.
The dormitory system plans are
coming all in good old orthodox
shape. More girls are objecting to
it every day, and by the time the
first dorm is completed everybody
will be heartily opposed to it.

Once in a while our own Michi-
gan Daily rises to heights thitherto
undreamed in the realms of belles
lettres. Sunday morning The Daily,
which is, as you may have been in-
formed, Ann Arbor's only morning
newspaper, aroused a drowsy cam-
pus with the following contribu-
tion to the language and to Eng-
lish literature: "Whiteman recent-
ly concluded a tour of the Para-
mount theaters on which he re-
ceived more than any other stage
attraction has ever." Toss me
down from the porch a nickel.
* * *
It must be the degradating
influence of Cora that causes
things like that.
* * *
0 0
I (
( The editors of Rolls call to I
I the attention of its readers two
I things. The first of these is
that the sentiment expressed in
( this column on Tuesday morn-
m ing of last week was by no
means the sentiment of the
{ Rolls staff. The error is to be
r The second is that several
( communications received in the
( last two days have been un-
I available for publication in this
column because of a ruling of
I the Board in Control of Rolls
I (which states that all communi-
cations must be signed by the
I writer.
( Managing editor of Rolls.
* * -*
Some eccentric old lady in
Wisconsin has bought 30 old
pianos and 50 organs. We im-
agine that she has some diffi-
culty playing all the pianos, but
the organs should be pipes.
* * *
We were reading in a hygiene
book the other day that a bad egg
sinks and a good egg floats. All
of which proves that it's hard to
keep a bad egg down.
* * *
Athiest Hopes To Explain
Views To 5,000 Teachers.
We have been trying to ex-
plain our views to teachers for
nearly three years, but it hasn't
done a bit of good.
* * *
It has been announced that some
Yale students work their way
through college as artists' models.
Now it can be told! That's
where they get the models for the
Fisher body ads.
* * *
o .00
I Where is Tom Carr? For
( his little sweetheart life has
come to a stop. What should I
( she do? What would YOU I
I do in the case of Mary Gold? {I
0 01

:.. Oi


Reviewed by Herbert Schwartz
The concert at Hill auditorium
last night opened with the Overture.
from The Secret of Suzanne by
Wolf-Ferrari, a swift moving af-
fair obviously aware of the Mozart
tradition but unfortunately lack-
ing in Mozartian simplicity.
Tchaikowsky's Fourth Symphony
was interpreted very appropriately
by Mr. Kolar; there was much;
sympathy for every melody born:
of the sad Russian's tragic life,
most unftting to everything that
had gone before and what was to
come-not to speak of the other
things going on at the same time.
The result was a most sentimental
and incoherent performance which
the audience thoroughly enjoyed-
as no doubt the composer himseelf
would. The orchestra's tone was
admirable if one overlooks the very
bad work of the brass, a difficult
task with Tchaikowsky. The wood-
wind was especially praiseworthy
in the Andantino, and the violins
for their precisions and quality in
the very difficult passages of the
It was 'unfortunate that Mr
Horowitz chose to play so uninter-
esting a work as the D Minor Con -
certo by Rachmaninoff. This
pianist has remarkable equipment
both musical and pianistic and one
regretted a lost opportunity to see
these put to better use. The music
is brilliant but not completely so.
It wants to be otherwise and can-
not. Sudden spurts of short rhythm
savour much of Stravinsky but soon
the demoniacalbvoice of Liszt calls
the composer back and many fast
notes with little backbone other
than metronomic rhythm appear,
much to the virtuoso's gratification.
Mr. Horowitz has a very sensitive
tone, not without percussion, but
the more desirable for it, since it
lends an added tang to an already
incisive rhythm. The chiseled
fineness of release in the tremen-
dously fast tempi of the passage-
work was phenomenal. This pianist
attacks the instrument with auth-
ority but without any of the un-
controlled noise that so often pays
for this virtue. In the few passages
that permitted it, Mr. Horowitz
showed an altogether joyful aban-
don; this did not interfere' with a
sensitive response to the rubato so
dear to Rachmaninoff. The en-
semble was very precise, quite con-
tradicting reports from New York
concerning the young pianist's
wildness. Indeed the artist's res-
traint and poise were comfortingly
noticeable. A little more care
should have been taken in tuning
the orchestra to the piano, which
was pitched higher than the or-
chestra, enough to be annoying and
even weird before the cause was
made apparent.
Mr. Horowitz was received with
great applause and after much
bowing consented to give the ap-
lauders what they wanted. He
played a Chopin Mazurka, in C
Minor. It did not seem that he
wanted to play so it would be un-
fair to criticize any undue haste
and carelessness here. We hope
that this very unusual artist will
play here in recital shortly, when
he may be more adequately ap-
preciated and judged.

Wednesday afternoon, Palmer
Christian will again officiate at
the organ for the regular Twilight
Recital series. The program in-
cludes Mozart's Overture to "The
Magic Flute," which, written in
1791 and the last of his Operas, is
a treatment musically of some of
the symbols employed in the ritual
of initiation to fremasonry and
according to critics, presents the
master not only skillful in his con-
trapuntal devlopment of the theme
but fluent in his knowledge of
ritualistic symbolism.
The Bach Prelude and Fugue in
B minor, which is the fourth num-
ber on the program, presents Bach!
in the crowning period of his ca-
reer when he was Cantor of the
Thomas-School in Leipzig. The
Prelude is considered the finest of
any of this type of composition in
the Bach library.
For the last part of the program,
Mr. Christian has selected a num-
ber of modern composers for the
organ. "Pensee d'Automne" by
Jongen is a modernistic spirit given!
expression in a delicate and refined
way that is more distinctly in the

Music And Drama


Calgary, Alta.,
March 4, 1928

Larns & Bro. Co.,
Richmond, Va.
U. S.A.

While in Banff, Alberta, in 1909, I
climbed Tunnell Mountain. On top of
this mountain there is a cairn of stones
where tourists leave their cards with
remarks about the scenery, etc. Not
having a card with me, I left a tin of
Edgeworth Sliced, scribbled my name
and address on a piece of paper, and
said, "Have a fill on me."
I have kept up a haphazard corre-
spondence with one of three who wrote
me thanking me for the Pipeful of
Edgeworth. What makes me write
you is that today from Australia I
received two slices of Edgeworth with
the words, "1Have a fill on me," so you
see Edgeworth keeps friends friendly.
Yours sincerely,
P. B. Johnstone
E dgew orth
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Advertising Copy -
writing contest
$3O in cash prizes,


I Payments on unpaid sub- j
I scriptions to The Michigan I
I Daily are due not .later than I
Nov. 15. After that date the I
subscription price will be ad- 1
I vanced to $4.50 on all unpaid I
I subscriptions.
j Rank Rating. *
0 0
* * *
The young prof fell into his chair
And in his frenzy roared these
"Investigating us ain't fair,
Try the old guys-they're the birds.
"Those profs whot dodder in and
And mumble off their foolish note,
Whot don't know what it's all
Who make 'em learn their course
by rote.
"Those profs with lectures decades
Who never add a single find,
Those profs who never can be told
About the newest, latest mind.
"Investigate them for a while,
We young ones have ideas new.
You'll find they think they know a
And that their thoughts are dog-
gone few.
"The students run from this to

1st prize $15

2nd prize $10

3rd prize $5

A contest to stimulate interest in
practical copy writing applied to


Judged by committee headed by Prof. J. L. Brumm


Open to University students only.
Contest to close December 22nd.
Contestants may submit as many layouts
as desired.
Each contestant eligible to only one prize.
Subject of all copy to be "Wagner's
Hickey-Freeman Clothes."
Preferred size of layout 10"x3 cols.
Call at our store and read our ads for
information and ideas.
All copy to become our property.

Z- 4H717n , f (If.' ir)n 1 X VA Q

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