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September 28, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-09-28

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
A tcanber of Western Conference Editorial
1he Associated Press is 'exclusively en-
ttled to therise for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished =herein.'
Entered at the postofice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
inones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor. ........... ......Paul J. Kern
City Editor...........NelsonJ. Smith
News Editor-...--Richard C. Kurvink
Sprts Editor............Morris0Quinn
Women's Editor. . ...SylviaS. Stone
Editor Mkician Weekly...J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.....Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
Joseph E. Howell Pierce Rosenberg
onalJd . Kline George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paulr I .'Adams Donald E. Layman
Morris Alexander C. A. Lewis
Esther Anderson Leon Lyle
C. A. Askren Marian MacDonald
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Fenelon Boesche N. S. Pickard
Louise Behymer William Post
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Isabel Charles John T. Russ'
L. R Chubb Harold Saperstein
Laura Codling Rachel Shearer
Frank E Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Edward Efroymson Arthur R. Strubel
Douglas Edwards BethrValentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Roert 3. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Follmer fdward Weinman
Oscar Fuss Robert Woodroofe
William Gentry Seton C. Bovee
Tom Gillettrlnseph A. Rusell
Herbert E. GCrossherg William Shaughnessy
Lawrence Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
Willis Jones A. Stewart
Richard Tung Charles Swaby
ICharles l.'Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
"Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wllie
Telephone 2124
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
'Department Managers
Ad ertising . .. Alex K. Scherer
Ad'ertsing:. ........A. Tames Jordan
lAdvertising... .......... Carl W. Hammer
Service.....Herbert E. Varnum
Circulatiorf.. ...George S. Bradley
Accounts..... .......Lawrence E. Walklev
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich
Mary Chase Bernard Larson
Neanette Dale Leonard Littlejohn
Vernor Davis Carl Shemi
Kasper Halverson Robert Scoville
George R. Hamilfon Arthur H. Smith
Dix Humphrey Walter Yeagley
5 !
Should this editorial be a de-
fense or an attack? Has the Uni-
versity come to the point where
issues of clear moral value need
defense? Is there among this
University community an element
so perverted as to defend drink-
ing at fraternity parties (or else-
where among students)?
If, excessive student drinking,
then, is indefensible (for so it
must be held until the moral
standards of society as a whole
suffer a complete revulsion) it
must be admitted that any effort
on the part of the University ad-
ministration to curb such drink-
ing is commendable. There will be
a natural outburst of supposed in-
dignation at first, quite naturally,
at the idea of federal agents in-
vading the local campus, but such
opposition can scarcely be reck-
oned as the soundest of student

In spite of the prestige or lack
of prestige which student opinion
may have hereabouts, that opinion
is, on the whole, a rather sane and
equable thing. Thousands of stu-
dents in attendance here seriously
endeavor to attain the best stan-
dard which the University'can set,
and this class of students can not
help but favor regulations so bas-
ically sound as those proposed to
curb the drinking at fraternity
parties. The same student opinion
which has consistently opposedi
the automobile ban and similar3
measures (opinion represented by
these columns) will not, and can1
not, on any reasonable basis op-
pose the new anti-liquor proposals,
except on the ground of ex-E
This editorial is not a plea forT
support from the student body,
nor a moral excoriation; it is an1
expression of confidence. It isc
a confident statement that the,
opinion of the student body at thec
University of Michigan is a sound
and stable attitude which will sup-t
port the interests of the Universityt
and the laws of the state andI
There is no middle ground in j
regarding this latest move. Thev
onl, nasitio noieitif +rt +he . r

i Already the Student Council has
given its unanimous sanction to
any reasonable measures for the
enforcement of prohibition and
the prohibition laws in Ann Arbor.
Let this editorial be tantamount
to a similar endorsement by The
Daily. Without a high moral' con-
sciousness on the part of the stu-
dent body neither this measure,
nor any measure so designed can
succeed; but that such a conscious-
ness exists is to be presumed on
the face of the situation.
The measures proposed are dras-
tic, without a doubt, but the fra-
ternities and the students them-
selves have brought about the situ-
ation which makes drastic meas-
ures necessary. To oppose this
measure on general principles
merely because the automobile ban
is unpopular, finally, would be
nothing but the height of folly;
for once let the University admin-
istration become convinced that
student opinion is sound and stu-
dent opinion will have gained just
that much prestige thereby.
Again the Oratorical Association
has announced an excellent series
of lectures to be presented to Ann
Arbor audiences by nine men and
women, nationally and interna-
tionally known as entertainers of
the highest degree. It is a
schedule rarely, if ever, equalled in
its variety of famous speakers, and
it should therefore attract many
students, faculty members, and
citizens of Ann Arbor.
Heading the list of celebrities is
Count Felix von Luckner,, known
as the "Sea Devil," who will speak
on his adventures on the sea. An
unusual feature will be the lecture
on "Telling the World," by the ra-
dio announcer, Graham McNamee.
Madam Sun Yat-Sen, China's
"First Lady" will speak on "My
Country," filling the place on the
program usually reserved for out-
standing foreign diplomats.
Stephen Leacock, Canada's fore-
most humorist will be an outstand-
ing numbe'r on the program which
will be completed by three people
prominent in dramatics, Zellner,
Phidelah Rice, and Peggy Wood;
Homer Saint-Gaudens, director of
fine arts at Carnegie Institute;
and Richard Halliburton, one of
the unique figures in the literary
field today.
The Oratorical Association is to
be congratulated upon a program
of so high an order, and it is to
be hoped that it will receive proper
support. Of all organizations de-
pending upon the campus for sup-
port there is none more deserving
or more worthwhile than the
association which makes possible
an opportunity to hear such un-
usual speakers as are those who are
on the lecture series. It is indeed
queer that an organization so
closely connected with campus life
should have to depend on others
for support as it has during the
past few years. It is a fact that
only about one out of ten season
tickets sold are sold to students1
the, rest being taken by faculty.
members and townspeople.
The program this year has such
variety as should make it attrac-
tive to students who are interested
in the best class of lectures, and
it is to be hoped that, the serir
will receive the support it so richly

OF COURSE YOU all must have
read in the rest of this noozepaper
what Prexy Little said yesterday.
* * *
THAT MEANS ONLY one thing1
as far as we're concerned, Either,
we'll have to change our name
from Three Star Hennessey to
Scott's Emulsion or Chocolate
Milk Shake-
OR ELSE WE'LL have to fall
back on the alibi that the three
stars you see running down the
colyumn gave us the hint for our
AND IF PREXY'S prohibition
agents get after me-(you see the
matter is now personal and I have
to drop the royal editorial We)-
why, then-I can just say that the
stars are merely the censor's mark,
and they are, and not a reflection
from the label of good old three
* * *
THE AWFUL PART about the
whole matter, though, is simply
that if we must change our name,
what will we change it to?
* * s
* * *
BECAUSE OF ITS autobiograph-
ical significance we had been
seriously contemplating Claret as
a monicker, even before the booze
trouble-but that's just as bad.
HERE THEY COME now, those
prohibition agents, droves of 'em-
with dum-dum bullets flying thick
and fast about us we're pounding
out the rest of this stuff.
* * *
IT'S TOO BAD that Lark isn't'
around again today to do it for us.
Did you like his wise crack's yes-
terday? And if you didn't, he
wouldn't last long in this hell-fire.
* * *
WE HAD A HUNCH that all this
was coming up, brewing, so to
speak, and so we stayed away yes-
* * ,
* * *
us envy Larry Gould more and
more. He's in New York now,
ready to leave with Dicky Byrd for
God knows where this time.
* * *
THE REASON WE mentioned
Prof. Gould is simply that upon
authoritative information we
know for a fact that over 300 gal-1
lons of sherry, not to mention allf
the other XXX, were included in1
the supplies for the expedition.
* * *
WE'LL BET THAT if that bunch
of scientists ever try to take a snap
of an Eskimo, they'll get some-

Music And Drama
With Grant Mitchell closing out
the second week of a successful
run for George M. Cohan's "The
Baby Cyclone," the Detroit Civic
theater announces a mixed bill for
the next fortnight. Maxwell An-
derson's "Saturday's Children" car-
ries the major part of the burden,
with the Shaw treatise on the
cleverness of women-"Candida"-
offered Wednesday matinee and
evening of each week.
The Anderson show, coming as
it did the season after its author's
success in collaboration on "What
Price Glory," seemed at first to, be
the usual effort to cash in on old
glory but a successful season. in
New York and a huge success in
Chicago dispelled the blot and
earned it recognition as a serious
attempt to deal honestly with the
modern problem on Saturday's
Children. Decidedly less theatrical
than the war opus, it is a much
more penetrating chiticism of life,
and Miss Bonstelle's success in
procuring it for Detroit is by way
of being a minor triumph.
George Blackwood carries thej
Rims O'Neill part, playing opposite
Miriam Sears who will have the
part Ruth Gordon made famous.
Lorna Carroll is scheduled to do
the interesting part of the older
The cast for "Candida" is head-
ed by Vera Allen, q New York im-
portation for the season, in the
title role withCraig Ward and
George Blackwood playing opposite
as the two men who loved her,
wisely but far too differently. iT
Marc4hbank's part is the fulfill-
ment of a life-long ambition for

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Dark for a week, the Cass The-
atre plans for next week to do
some shining business with Phil
Goodman's sturdy one-year old,
"The Five O'Clock Girl." New York
applauded it for a year but there
seems to be some "fight in the old!
girl yet" on the strength of which,
and with the help of some nice
publicity in the way of a new angle
to the bathing beauty contest
racket for which see the Free Press
daily, Mary Eaton, beautiful and
talented, and Oscar Shawn ditto
but not so beautiful, will try to put
the show across. The score is a
Harry Ruby-Bert Kalmer affair,
from which originally sprung three
song hits, and woven in with it is
a story about the four-flushing fe-
male dry cleaner's clerk who
throws a ritzy line over the tel-
ephone and then has trouble mak-
ing .good on the dog when it comes
to a show down.
Others in the cast include Pert
Kelton, Jack Norton, the Shaw and
Lee team, and Danny Dare.

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thing like this
* * *
- -

The new school year has started
out well for student auto drivers
in one instance at least, and that
is in having a new courteous ad-
ministrator of the automobile ban.
The new assistant to the dean of
students is Mr. Walter B. Rea, '22,
who this year, left a position in
the Treasurer's office to become
the officer in immediate charge
of ban enforcement.
Mr. Rea undoubtedly gathered
much valuable experience in en-
forcing the ban during the summer
session, but the new term has
brought him many new problems
and applicants to face, and he is
accomplishing things with little
excitement and bother, and with
courtesy. In almost every case,
Mr. Rea has given due considera-
tion and courtesy to the many ap-
plicants who have flocked to his
office, and has combined fairness
and politeness with his other
The ban is extremely irksome to
the student body, and the assistant
to the dean is in no bed of roses.
He loses much sympathy with the
student body, and becomes the ob-
ject of abuse. The situation was
very difficult to face in its first
nerind during t+e vnm.1997-_ ant

NOTE THE STRAW hat on the
Eski. Room for a PINT of sherry,
* * *
tioned flyers and expeditions and
booze and everything was just that
we wanted, an excuse for printing
the following poem which refers
of course to Prof. W. H. Hobbs and
his summer escapades in Green-
TO F. T.
Greenland is the kind of place
Where members of the human race
Can study storms, prove others
Rescue transatlantic flyers,
Suffer shipwreck with defiance,
Risk their lives to further science,
Have their private, radio stations
To tell the world of their ex-
Forget their pasts, live down their
Get headlines in the New York
And find their soul's felicity
In columns of publicity.
Guess Who?
** *

An offering in Detroit which has
hounded me for years-or so it
seems at least, for its advertise-
ments have been gnashing at the
national consciousness ever since
the Johnsons returned from Africa
-is this film "Simba." Never hav-
ing been a devotee of animal
crackers I cannot work up enthu-
siasm over the naivete of a lion
getting dinner. Incidentally, "lion"
is the translation of the title. But
there undoubtedly are people who
find enough interest in animals
for their own sake to do without
such effete things as a story and a
player's personality. For them
"Simba" should be a treat. The
photography is superb and the
whole film is daringly intimate-
when you consider that the actors
are lions, and not from Hollywood
R. L. A.
One of the more or less signifi-
cant events in Detroit recently was
the opening of The Little Theater,
a small playhouse seating some six
hundred and showing only a spe-
cial series of more or less arty re-
leases which are unpalatable to the
general public. Unless our infor-
mation is mistaken the backers of
the venture are, the Famous Play-
ers-Lasky corporation who are,
starting a chain of these small
houses for the more obvious pur-
pose of providing an outlet for
specialties which will not appeal in
the larger program houses, and for
the less obvious but certainly more
noble reason that the movies need
saving from the unintelligent hoi-

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