[DAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1928
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MWA ma
PLAN 0Paul Whiteman and his orches-
PLIOCORATIONS'tra will appear on November 271
at Hill auditorium in a concert
Pan-Hellenic Ball Accepts Floral the proceeds of which are to be
Company's Idea For Decorating used by the League. The Michigan
Union Ballroom women are bringing to Ann Arbr
an entertainment of a totally dif-
TO HAVE ORCHESTRA PIT ferent nature than "Porgy", their
last successful enterprise.
According to Eloise Harnau, '30,1 Authorities of the concert stage
chairman of the decorations com- have said that " no one exceeds
mittee for the Pan-Hellenic ball Mr. Whiteman's ability in arrang-
ing a program which will catch the
which will be held Friday, Novem- public attention and interest."
ber 30, a general plan for the dec- After a long tour of the Para-
orations of 'the Union, designed mount Picture Theaters, Mr. White-
by Goodhew's Floral company who man and his orchestra has again
are under a contract with the com- returned to the concert field in an
mittee, has geen accepted entirely new program. He is rec-
mitte, as Ben cceped.ognized all over the world as the
As the greatest point of interest leading exponent of the only music
at the ball will of necessity be the which maybe surely called Amer
orchestra, the present plan in- ican In the last three years, hi;
cludes the construction of a regu- famous orchestra of thirty piece:
lar orchestra pit which will be dec- have given over 600 concerts ir
orated with long vines hanging to the United States, Canada, Grea
the floor, through which will befBritain, France, Germany, Holland.
scattered yellow and white mums and Beligum.
As the last opportunity for
freshman women to try out for
their glee club, Miss Crane Hunt,
director of the University Girls'
Glee club and musical supervisor
of both organizations, has made
arangements to have further try-
outs at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon
in the School of Music.
Owing to the interest and en-
thusiasm that has been shown in
the club, the membership limita-
tions have been increased from 40
to about 50. It is expected that
this will widen the appeal and in-
crease the advantages of the or-
After the final try-outs this aft-
ernoon; the members will be no-
tified, and an announcement will
be made of the successful candi-
dates and the date of the first
meeting, which will take place next
At this organization meeting, the
club will set its own date for prac-
year. The director, chosen from
the faculty of the School of Music,
will also be presented.
0 0
I All junior women are re-
quired to pay their $1.00 class
f fee for the support of the
I Junior Girls' play today. No
girl can try out for the play
f without first having paid this |
I fee. There will be a table I
stationed in University hall
from 9 to 4 o'clock today at I
I which junior women may pay
their dollar.-,
rrr.rrrrrv irrr
Sophomore Score in Last Second
Makes Game With Juniors
End in 1 to 1 Tie
Coming from behind in a 2 to 0
count during the last half of a
fast game, the undefeated senior
hockey team downed a lively fresh-
man squad 5 to 2, yesterday after-
noon. The seniors were decidedly
outplayed in the first half of the
contest, the accurate stopping per-
formed by La Rowe keeping the
ball away from the freshman goal
many times. The freshmen also
completed some fine passing that
kept the ball going up and down
the field in rapid manner. For
the seniors, Zauer was beyond
doubt the outstanding player, al-
though Hawkins did some excel-
lent work.
A goal by Eaman for the Sopho-
mores in the last second and a
half of the junior-sophomore game,
,making thescore a 1 to 1 tie, was
all that kept the juniors from win-
ning their first game in the tour-
nament. During the first half of
the game, the action was rather
slow, but as the contest went on
things pepped up. The juniors
lost a large number of chances to
score, but at the same time they
saved many goals by knocking the
ball over their own goal line. There
was no outstanding player on
either team
The Motley club-freshman sec-
ond team game was discontinued
when Campbell was injured.
Freshman Glee Club INIOR TEAM lAKES
Plans Last Tryouts,
Surounding the pit will be hugc
iron standards, and Spanish vases
filled with red maple leaves and
the mums. Two spot lights will
be on the orchestra pit during the
entire evening.
The chaperone's booth is to be
effectively screened, and disguised
with tall palms, and other tall vase,
filled with flowers. The fireplace,
at the opposite end of the room,
will also have palms on either side
and the mantle will be banked high
with the yellow and white mums.
Huge clusters of red maple leaves,
mums,. and tall silver grasses which
have been specially imported from.
Florida for this occasion, will be1
grouped around the walls of the
Union on the panels, and fresh
flowers will be substituted for the
artificial ones now in use. Soft
shaded lamps will shine down on
the dance floor from the balcony,
and the iron; railing will be draped
with oriental rugs.
In addition to this report of the
decorations committee the prograr
for the ball has also been selected,
,ccording to Ailene Yeo, '30, gen-
eral chairman of the ball. They
will be white leather, and will have
the Michigan seal in gold and cords
of the maize and blue.
Hair Shoppe
707 N. University
Permanent Waving
Rain Water
And all Beauty Work by
Expert Operators
Hours: 8:30 to 6 O'clock'
Chi Delta Phi Society
Chooses New Members
Chi Delta Phi, national literary
sorority for women, will initiate
three new members at 4 o'clock No-
vember 11, in Martha Cooke build-
ing, contrary to a recent announce-
ment in The Daily. The new mem-
bers are Alice Stevenson, '30.
Eleanor Parker, '30, and Jean Marie
Boswell, '31. Mary Belle Long, '30
former member of the Black Quill.
will also be initiated at this time.
NEW YORK.-Jack Dempsey con-
tinues to deny he will return to the
Beauty Shop
Special for November
Finger Wave or
Marcel including
a Shampoo with
Lemon Rinse, $1
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