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November 09, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-09

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Published every r rning except Monday
luring the Univeraity year by the B:ard in
Contro ofStudent Publications.
Member ,f Western Corihrence Editorial
The AssQcidd res i, exclusively en-
aled to the ii> to, ublicatio of all news
ispatches cre~i . it 'r not -otberwise
redited in thi, A, d tr local news pub-
ished herei
Entered ti h - \bc a nrn Arbor,
Miehigan, a c as,. tir Special rate
f postage .<mn ? by Tird Atltant Post-
Laster t;<reral.
Subscription ..;arifT. $4.00; by mail,
Offices Axn' Arhm Presi fluilding, May-
ard Stret,.
P ones: Editriwal, a ,uso ',
Telephonte 1925
Editor .... ..............Paul J. Kern
ity Editor. . ,,. .Nelson J. Smith
News Editor.. Richard C. Kurvink
ports Editor............... Mtorris Quinn
Women's Editor .... ,..... Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama..........R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Ilarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
J oseph E. Nowell Pierce Ro#^.nberg,.
Donald J. Klinc George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul T.. Adams C. A. Lewis
Morris Alexander Marian Mac~lonald
Esther Anderson l'enry Merry
C. A. Askren N. SPickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar
sabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
Firank F. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
HIelen Domine, Edith Thomas
Douglas Edwards. Beth' Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig Joseph A. Russell.
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R. Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Adverisin ....... <...Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................A. James, Jordan
Advertising...............Carl W. Hammer
Service.'.. .......... .. .Herbert 1:. Varnum
Circulation...... .... ..George 5. Bradley
Accounts.. ....... . ...Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelicl

phecy, if one may use the word,
the personnel of the incoming cabi-
Whether Mr. Hoover will see fit
to retain as nearly intact as pos-
sible the present cabinet is of
course uncertain. Both Secretary
of State Kellogg and Attorney
General Sargent, it is understood,
desire to retire with the close of
the Coolidge administration.
The remainder of the cabinet of-
ficials, it is supposed, would be
willing to continue in office during
the next four years. Of these sec-
retary of the treasury, Mr. Mellon,
is considered as especially likely to
retain his position even though a
general shakeup of the cabinet were
It is customary, however, for the
victorious candidate to place his
campaign manager in a cabinet
post, usually that of postmaster
general because of the large pat-
ronage which it entails. Hubert
Work left his place in the Interior
department to assume this func-
tion. Whether he will return to it
or whether he willbecome the next
postmaster general is a matter
which only Mr. Hoover can decide.
That he -will be given a place in
the cabinet seems virtually certain.
In view of the probability of
Kellogg's resignation, it does not
seem at all impossible to look upon
Senator Borah, one of the fore-
most Hoover campaign speakers, as
the next secretary of state. And
with Borah directing the foreign
affairs of the nation, it is not hard
to believe that it would be but a
short time until all of the American
marines are completely withdrawn
from Nicaragua and the foreign
policy of the state department per-
ceptibly altered.
Radio programs from Morris hall
travel 100 miles before they are
heard in the next room. A good
example of modern efficiency.
Too bad that the Administration
doesn't read Gargoyle. Wonder if
they enjoyed the editorial 'cartoon
as much as some students on the
Interfraternity council
The Student council will not at-
tempt to recount the Hoover vote,
it being Republican.


± ttrtirrt'0
Orq 1 L


If Mary Heaton Vorse had cared
to add a sub-title to her recent
novel, "Second Cabin" she might
well have appended, the one made;
famous by Thackeray, "A novel
without a hero," for in this re-
markable book there is neither1
hero or heroine.
Not that this novel is at all Vic-1
torian in flavor; on the contrary!
it is distinctly modern. Mrs. Vorse
has placed her story in the second
cabin of a transatlantic liner where
people of all classes and races meet
and play out their moment of
Her style is at once, bewildering
and enjoyable in its swift changes.
She is sincere and keenly penetrat-
ing of human relations, giving a
skilled development of characters
who are human-both good and
bad; and again she is remote,
ironical, supurbly achieving an ef-'
fect that makes the reader feel the
whole earth is a mere microcosm,
and that nothing matters regard-
less of how significant things may
The book is written with a com-
pression which is astounding when
one reviews the larger number of
characters which are presented,
and the great bulk of drama both
tragic and comic which is put into
it. "Second Cabin" has a climac-
tic development which grips ones
interest at the very beginning and
carries the reader throughout.
Life is surveyed from every angle
and philosophy through Mrs.
Vorse's characters; but one is left
with the ironic thought, after
reading a story that is exceptional-
ly moving, that after all nothing
matters. Human events may have
their moment, but then they must
move cn. By all means, do not
miss this book.
P.L. A.
*By Mary Heaton Vorse. Horace
Liveright. New York. $2.00.
* * *

Irving °Binzer
Donald Blackstone
Mary Chase
J eanette' Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Helen Geer
Ann Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
Agnes Herwig

Jack Horwich
Dix Humphrey
Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Leonard Littlejohn
Hollister Malley
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead


A few more han 30 loyal Michi-.
gan students and two high school!
girls gathered at the station yes-
terday to give Michigan's Varsity{
team, which last week beat Illinois
and is now to meet the Navy, a
royal sendoil, Pride in the teaml
and best wishes for their success'
tomorrow appeared to be the main9
reasons for this rousing demon-,
As the demonstration of the fifth
largest university in the United
States in sending off its Varsity
football team, the sendoff was a;
failure and a black mark against;
the Michigan student body. Illin-
Qis sent more than 2,500 to the?
station to see the team off for its
battle with Michigan, last week.
Michigan, sending off its team to
the East to battle the Naval acad-
amy, sent less than 50. Illinois had
a champion team, which at that
time was picked to win handily in,
its battle with Michigan. Michigan
yesterday was sending off a team
that had fought against odds ,and
handicaps all season and that had
reached the heights last Saturday
by beating that Illinois team. Il-
linois had nowhere near the in-
centive that Michigan had. Is it,
then, a question of Spirit?+
The spirit that has been shown
at the home games, both in at-3
tendance at the pep meetings and'
at the games, has no resemblance '
to that shown at sendoffs. There
can be no complaint against the
former, for the backing given to a
losing team this season has been
splendid. But why do not the stu-
dents give the team last-minute
encouragement from the station
Did they not know that Michigan
is to try and break tradition to-
morrow by winning in the East?
Cannot they see that this Michi-
gan team needed encouragement
in the Navyencounter? Do they
not know that any team needs
more backing in an away-from-,
home game?.
"Sink the Navy" the few on the
platform yesterday shouted. As for?
the rest of the student body, they
quietlv turned to study or con-

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
worde' iz possible. Anonymous corn-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as contidential, upon re-
qluest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing theeditorial
opinion of the Daily.
Dear Sir:
A great wave of indignation has
passed over the campus concern-
ing the front page of Wednesday
morning's Daily. In every class I
have heard the general remarks of
"Terrible!" and "An outrage!"
coming up. Even the most rabid
supporters of Governor Smith
admit that the front page of that
issue took the defeat of their can-
didate a little too hard and with-
out even a mitigating element
known as a sense of humor. I have
heard those on the other fence
call*'it everything from bad sports-
manship to sedition.
The Daily is supposed to print
strict news, and in proportion to
its universal value. What place has
a Smith editorial on the front
page? I quote from the paragraphs
under the picture of Wednesday
morning: "From Hoover we can
not expect the brilliant construc-
tive administration of a Roosevelt
or a Wilson." What business has
the front page caption for a cut to
do with this? The whole tone of
that caption is one of bitter char-
grin at the result of the election,
one of bitter dislike for our Presi-
Very truly yours,
E. C. B., '30.

After a flood, last year and the
year before, of the naturalistic
type of legendry in which John
Erskine stood out with his treat-
ment of Helen of Troy, and of Gal-
ahad, the White Knight, the shreds
of this literary fad linger in Wash-
burn's effort to rehabilitate the
"Samson"* legend. To do this he
has invoked Freud for assistance
with some of the more extraordin-
ary sex phenomena of the giant,
and the spirit of Gin Rickeys to
provide the proper atmosphere of
timeless eternity brightened by a
slightly ' alcoholic form of wit,
which is so necessary to the crea-
tion of a novel-length story out of
nothing more than the Bibical nar-
But its literary demerits have,
oddly enough, the effect of making
the book really fascinating reading.
Perhaps this is due to its innate
poorness. Out of pity you demand
nothing more than mere amuse-
But then again, perhaps the en-
joyment comes from its really
clever pornography (pornography,
no less). The episode with Rachel
the second time in the vineyardl
when all heaven and earth seemed,
crying for love, is in its way a
beautiful thing. There is more
tragedy in Samson's idealistic im-
potence than grotesque irony.
The Delilah puzzle, however, still
remains unanswered. Washburn
has elaborated an interesting the-
ory of destiny, personified in the
beautiful body of Generalissimo
Wittol's mistress, and suggests that
Delilah wormed Samson's secret
about his strength from him for
A O R7~ PEr A~.~~-

the simple reason that she did ac-
tually love him so much that a
secret between them was unbear-
able to her. The fact that she had
conspired with Wittol to seize Sam-
son made no difference.
The book enas, ater some un-
necessary retrospective dialogue in
the dungeon between Samson and
his former mistresses, in the giant's
triumphant death-a magnificent
gesture of the futility that haunted
his life except for the few years
when he was able to forget it in
pettiness of Babbittry.
R. L. A.
*Samson, by Robert Collyer
Washburn; J. H. Sears & Co. New
York. $2.50.
* * *
Every age, and, incidentally, the
journalism of that age, produces'
some one man, who, through con-
stant contact with figures and
facts, is placed in the peculiar posi-
tion of being able to interpret
(from the surface, of course) that
age to mankind. This service,
while it is not by any means as'
great as the service rendered by
a spiritual diagnostician, is still
highly important. It provides a
rapid and authoritative survey
from which individuals can drawI
their own conclusions, and it leaves
to posterity the written record of
a time which is certain to be of in-
terest and importance in the future
progress of the world.
Such an important record is
found in "The American Omen."*
Facts are the very esser.ce of this
work; Garet Garrett being one of
the better type of journalists who
works for the weeklies and is able,
through more time and high pay,
to secure evidence which a cheaper
and more incompetent writer would:
merely invent or assume.
In the main this book concerns
itself with the change that has
come over the United States in the
present age of machinery and pro-
duction, and with the forces,
mental and physical, which have
made this change possible. But
more than the mere facts of the
advance find their place in this
work. There is also something of
the spirit of the men and women
who find their places in this order
of things. In the proper place
Garett treats of the social implica-
tions of such an order and makes
quite a strong case for the libera-
tion of the individual by this sys-
tem. It is an interesting thesis,
which smacks of the recent cries
of "Prosperity" which came from
the Republican camp, but which,
never the less, establishes an in-
teresting and novel point of de-
parture for discussion and thought.
This book should be valuable for
students of contemporary life and
civilization. It contains more good
sense and practical information
than anything of its kind that has
appeared in late years, and it forms
an excellent survey of the present
age in America-an age which, in
th future, will forever be hailed as
one of the greatest ages in history.
*By Garet Garret. E. P. Dutton
and Co. New York. $2.50.
* * *
When what's-her-name, the
Muse of History, turns her stylus
toward the recording of financial
annals she is usually a sluggish
jade. But when to the stolid reci-
tal of debits and credits, expan-I

sion and contraction, is added, a}
figure as dramatic and reckless as
the amazing John Law* the tale
assumes a vigor seldom equalled
by the most virile fiction.
George Oudard, the biographer,
jams all possible color and action
into this financier's life. From the
moment we meet Law, standing
over the body of his opponent, to
the day of his death, bankrupt in
Venice, the man is ever traveling,
gambling, loving, scheming. As
controller-general of France, Law
fell a victim to the lure of. the
printing press, issuing more notes
than thedtotal wealth of Europe I
could redeem. He engineered the
Mississippi Company, a project
which soared to unbelievable
heights, then crashed with an echo i
in every Bourse through Europe.
Despite his failures Law formulat-
ed sound principles-the basis of
modern credit money-and clung to i

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