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October 30, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-30

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. r. .-

hed every morning except Monday
the University year by the Board in
of Student Publirations.
er of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
the use for republication of all news
es credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper and te local news pub-
ed at the prsto'lice at Anti Arbor,
n, as second class matter. Special rate
aegranted by Third Assistant Post-
ription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
s: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
:ree ..
:s Editorial, 4925; Bussnes', 212.,.
Telephone 4925
.. ....'...e aul J. Kern
itor...... ........Nelson . Smith
ditor.............Richar'd C. Kurvink
Editor... .... .....Morris Quinn
's Editor........Sylvia S. Stone
Michigan Weekly.. .J. Stewart Hooker
nd Drama......... ...RZ. L. Askren
t City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
e N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
E. Howell Pierce Ro-nberg
j. Klin( George U. Simnona
George C. Tilley

T,. Adams
is Alexander
r Anderson
-am Askwith
se Behymer
ur Bernstein
a C. Bovee
-1 Charles
R. Chubb
k E. Cooper
n 'Domine
las Edwards
org Egeland
ri J. Feldman
orie Follmer
iam Gentry
ence Hartwig
and Jung
es R. Kaufman.
id 1E. Layman

C. A. Lewis
Marian MacDonald
flenry Merry
N. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strubel
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Robert Woodroofe
Joseph A. Russell
Cadwell Swanson
A. Stewart
Edward L. Warner Jr.1
Cleland Wyllie

from today, would far surpass any
other, both in number of votes cast
and in public interest. The bare
fact that 14,000,000 more signified
their desire to vote next week
stands as evidence that the ap-
proaching battle has drawn the
public's interest to candidates and
national issues as none before.
From coast to coast, men and
women have thus signified their
intentions to take an active part in
the campaign. Never before have
two such candidates as Hoover and
Smith been in the public eye, and
to even a greater degree, have vital
issues played such an important
part in determining the direction of
casting votes. The radio, the news-
papers, even the talking movies and
newsreels, have done their part in
interesting the American citizen to
a degree where he is willing to add
his little ballot to the millions of
The women voters represent ap-
proximately 36 per cent of the total.
This is enough to give them the
balance of power, and there is no
doubt but that the women's vote
will decide who the next President
is to be. It has been estimated
that in some of the larger cities,
the women's vote may go as high
as 45 per cent.
In the "solid South" and in the
home states of the two presidential
candidates, the registration has
taken noticeable jumps. The in-
tensive campaigns in doubtful
states have also materially aided in
boosting the total. Very few neg-
ative effects have been even no-
ticeable in working against the
tide of rising registration figures.
One week from tonight, the
country will be in the midst of one
of the most exciting times it has
experienced. The. candidates will
be through with speeches. The cam-
paign managers will have started
to regain weight. The nation will
be beside radio and news office to
cheer the successful man. But the
last strenuous week is still ahead.
Campus Opinion
.Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 3oo
words ii ~possible. Anonymous com-
munications will 'be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Ietters published should not be
construed expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.

Stands for Tillotson, Tickets, and
Twenty-yard line seats-twenty
yards back of the goal.
s * *

( "Gee," said thesixyear-on-
six ya-nthe-campus man yesterday,
( "next year I can really get
( seats on the goal line. My
( freshman year I didn't get any
I seats at all, the next two years
( I sat back of the goal posts,
( and the next year I sat on the
( curve with the rest of the
( seniors."
a o
* * *
Freshman, filled with hesitation,
Fraught with fearful aspiration,
Blighted with scornful
Cheer! Take heart, the seats you
At last week's contest, seats you
took with grimaced protest,
Three years from now will be no
** *
Yes, our name was wrong in
the directory, too.
Either the directory comes out
January first and has three out of
the five items after your name cor-
rect or it comes out November first
and leaves your name out entirely.
* * *
L Lark Opines
Well, my dear, as the one per-
son who reads Cora's quarter-'
column spasm told us yester-
day, this here Cora the Co-ed
is the MOST tautologous per-
son ever, I mean she actually
IS. For example she said right
out in her column: ". . . where
reverse English covers a subtle
hidden meaning.. ." Oh, girls,
isn't she just the most redund-
ant thing EVER?
And about us she said that
reverse English we couldn't
write. Throw over the fence
the cow some hay. Toss me
from the porch down a nickel.
* * *

jMusic And Drama
York Theatre Guild Present
"Porgy" at the Whitney the-
ater, beginning at 2:30
o'clock, as well as
TONIGHT: when the curtain
rises at 8:15 o'clock.
TONIGHT: Comedy Club pre-
sent Sardou's "Diplomacy" in
the Mimes Theatre at 8:15
Tonight Comedy Club officially
opens the amateur dramatic sea-
son in the Mimes theater with the
Sardou melodrama, "Diplomacy."
Done from the script which George
Tyler used last year in his all-star
revival of the play, the effort has
been to produce a play which will
support Comedy Club's reputation
for offering a high class bill, while
at the same time achieving some
box office success-the most neces-
sary thing on this Campus as mat-
ters dramatic now stand.
Direction of the production is
perhaps the most promising factor
in deciding the success of the play.
The atmosphere of intrigue, with all
the usual trappings of polished
malice and evil aforethought which
are so dear to the author of melo-
drama and to Sardou in particular,
who is a master of "theatrical"
technique, makes the director not
only the interpreter of the play-
wrights idea, but often a creator
in his own right when bits of signi-
ficant business can be introduced
to give point to the dialogue. It
would be unfair to Sardou to ignore
the facile wit of his dialouge or the
satiric implications it carries, but
George Tyler's production with all-
star. cast is a guarantee that every
part is an important part-as much
as the actor and the director care
to make of it-and that the balance
of importances is so nicely held
that stellar dignity need feel no
hurt if the number of speeches is
not overly large.
R. L. A.


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Cravenetted gaberdine with attractive plaid
lining-the ideal school top coat

L - .



Jor Men c 2S ~f~nce 1g4gf


Clssifie d Ads Pay






Telephone 21214
osistant Manager-RAY MOND WACHTER
Department Managers
dvertising.................Alex K. Scherer
dvertising.................A. James Jordan
dvertising..........Carl W. Hammer
ervice. ......:. ....erbert E. Varnum
irculation..............George S. Bradley
lccounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
ublications...............Ray M. Hofelich
rving Binzer Jack Horwich
'onald Blackstone Dix Hurmphrey
Mary' Chase AMariona Kerr
eanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard 'Larson
lessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Ieldn Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann. Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwig r arie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley'
fight Editor-JOSE'H E. HOWELL


Conference champions in 1927
nd well on their way to a duplica-
ion of that title this fall, Coach
Bob" Zuppke's Illini are coming
: Ann Arbor Saturday highly
outed and doped to win.
Before a crowd of 87,000 includ-
ag. a 'solid block of 5,000 Illinois
ooters, Michigan's "Fighting Wol-
erines" will take the field with but]
ne thought, one purpose, and that
s to "beat Illinois."
That Michigan team proved
aturday that it has learned much
bout football in the past month
,nd that it has the capacity and
he will to learn a great deal more
t proved, moreover, that it could
ight as few Wolverine teams have
ver fought. In defeat it won a
eal moral victory. Jt will give its
ast ounce of strength this week in
rder to more perfectly cope with
he Orange and Blue.
Against Wisconsin, it received
oble support from the Michigan
tands. Every day this week it will
seed and appreciate the same sup-
>ort. No greater tribute can be,
aid to it and no finer recognition
iven it than for Michigan's stu-
lent body to jam Hill auditorium
o the doors Friday night at the
econd pep meeting of the year.
Last week, unfortunately, the pep
ssembly program was planned for
;oo late in the evening and many
tudents who would have liked to
ttend were forced to remain
way on that account. To remedy
his situation the Student council
as announced that the Illinois pepj
neeting will begin at 7:15.
Too long this fall Michigan has
een content to sit back and play
he game from the stands, criticiz-
ng each act on the field with sec-
nd guesses. It is an attitude
which was wiped from the face of
Michigan supporters Saturday but
t is one which must be forgotten
or all time. Michigan teams are,
vorthy of support and student loy-
Illinois is not invincible. The
Michigan team will go into the!
ame determined to prove that fact.
t deserves to be backed by a stu-
lent body which has forgotten its
ceptism and is ready to say and
eel whole-heartily, "Beat Illinois."

To the Editor:
It is a notorious fact that em-
phasis in college education in Amer-
ica is tending away from the
scholastic idea ,and more and
more toward the production by the
thousand of what is popularly con-
ceived as the "successful" man. A
student considers himself educated
when he has become competent to
remove an appendix with neatness
and dispatch, draw up presentable
plans for a bridge, or wheedle a
jury into returning a favorable
verdict. Those amenities of cul-
ture which make life more than a
battle of hogs about a trough are
either completely neglected or

The Michigan Dames gave a party1
for their husbands the other day.
Bet that the favors were great big,
round, solid rolling pins.
* * *

treated simply as interesting hang-
overs from days when people were
all a little queer.-
Of course the net result of this
state of affairs in a vast middle class
of Babbits and Main Streeters, who
after, making their economic posi-
tion secure, spend the best portions
of their lives in a state of mental ac-
tivity slightly less than that of a
fish. These people vaguely realize
that there is something lacking in
their lives, a void they vainly try
to fill by going to hear a gentleman,
discolored with burnt cork, sing
mammy songs which any self-re-
specting negro would repudiate as
idiotic. This or some such mental
narcotic is the fare of the average
American mind outside working
hours. Every normal human mind
possesses certain capabilities for.
cultural pleasures which deserve
development, but in the vast ma-
jority of cases the intelligence is
clubbed into a state of servitude to
the stomach.
Now all this inattention to cul-
tural values applies with marked
emphasis to the genuine under-
standing and admiration of music.
A depressing example is the lack of
attendance at the weekly Twilight
Recitals. They are held at an hour
which permits the attention of al-
most any student, the music is al-
ways ably and sympathetically'
treated by an organist of unusual
talent upon an instrument which
is probably without a peer in this
country. Modern music carries a
great wealth of meaning; a proper
inr, avnrii+io f t ei grravt mch

I The primrose path of folly
I and transient joy or the l
straight and narrow path, to
I which course the instincts of
I her fine nature dictate . . .
What would YOU do in the
1 case of Mary Gold?
* * *
The scenic artist of a Chicago
club hung himself at a dance hall
yesterday. Probably he looked at
one of his own paintings by mis-
* * *
Modern Nursery Rhyme
Little Miss Muffet,
Sat on a tuffet,
"Eating her Vitamin A.
"Devil may take me,
"Freud may forsake me,
"But don't take my yeast cake
4 ** *
"An educated women," said Miss
Beatrice Johnson, advisor of wom-
en," does not necessarily have to be
college trained."
Our dear Miss Johnson, is the
college trained " woman ever edu-
* * *
President Little told us all
the other day that "Machinery
of the University should be used
toward the end of cooperating
with the state."
Very true, perhaps, President
Little, but in actual practice it
is just the opposite. State
machinery is being adapted to
the use of the University-in
the form of two motorcycles!
* * *
Hope-to-be-President Hoover is
undecided about whether to call an
extra session of Congress about
farm relief. At any rate, Herbert,
don't call it before March 4.
k * *

Under the auspices of the Michi-
gan Women, a body composed of
University Alumnae and the wives
of University Faculty members; the
New York Theatre Guild produc-
tion of Dubose Heyward's "Porgy"
will appear at the Whitney theatre
for matinee and evening perform-
ances today only.
Offered last Spring in Detroit
at the Masonic Temple with an
identical cast, "Porgy" made an
immense "hit." Its appearance in
this town is one of the most im-
portant events theatrically that
seem to be forecast for the local
season. Avoiding all the formal
banalities and artificialities of the
operetta, "Porgy" still contains all
the attractive qualities of music
with the additional advantage of
novelty in the Negro spiritual form.
Offering a story of great drama-
tic interest, there is still a huge
background of authentic Negrolife
that approaches cosmic proportions.
R. L. A.
* * *
With his usual reliable produc-
tion of at least one or two worthy!
numbers on each Twilight Organ
concerts, Palmer Christian will play
again this Wednesday in a program
of which the outstanding features
will be Bach's "Toccata, Adagio and
Fugue in C," and Wagner's "To the
Evening Star and Pilgrim Chorus,"
from Tannhauser.#
Both of these works are too well
known to need any discussion here.
It will be remembered that the
Wagner selection was played last,
year by Mr. Christian in a program
composed completely of Wagnerian
music. The organ rendition was,
at that time, strikingly beautiful
for a transcription from Wagner's
famous opera.
The other numbers on the pro-
gram are from the pens of modern
authors. Especially( intriguing is1
the Dethier number, "The Brook."
A "Prelude on an Ancient Flemish
Theme" by Gilson, and "Sonata 1,."
by Guilmant will round out the
program. These modern pieces
should be of as much interest as
the moretried masterpieces, if for
no other reason than as indications
of present day trends in music. 1
Faithfully rendering his concerts
each week, as Mr. Christian does,
it is to be regretted that this really
notable feature on the cultural side
of Ann Arbor entertainment, is
constantly spoiled by unconsider-


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