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October 25, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-25

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ublished every morning except Monday
ing the University year by the Board in
trol of Student Publications.
ember of Western Conference Editorial
'he Associated Press is exclusively en-
d to the use for republication of all news
patches credited to it or not otherwise
lited in this paper and the local news pub
ied herein.
ntered at the pnstoffice at Ann Arbor,
higan, as second class matter. Special rate
postage granted by Third Assistant Post.
ster General.
ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
)ftlces: Ann Arboy- Press Building, May-
d Street.
hones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2214.
Telephone 4925

be encouraged. At the present
time, however, the chief encourage-
ment needed is financial. That
this encouragement may be forth-
coming, is seems well to suggest to
the Athletic association that the
time has come for action.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than oo
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be rgearded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.



To the Editor:

Editor.................... . Paul J. Kernt
City Editor.................Nelson J. Smith
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
S orts Editor.................Morris uinn
W omen's Editors ............ Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama..............R. L. AskrenI
Assistant City Editor....Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe -
oseph E. Howell Pierce Roo-nberg
onald J. Klin George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul If. Adams C. A. Lewist
Morris Alexander Marian MacDonald
Esther Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schellt
Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton C. BIovee Robert Silbart
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chubb Robert L. Slossbe
Frank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
Helen Domine Edith Thomas
Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig Joseph A. Russell <
Richard Tung Cadwell Swanson 7
Charles . Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising.......... Alex K. Schererl
Advertising... ......A. James Jordan
Advertising.. ..........Carl W. Hammer
Service........... Herbert E. Varnun
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts.............Lawrence E. Walkley1
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich
Irving Binzer Jack Horwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Alai-ion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Vernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwig YMarie Wellstead
Walter Yeagley

In a current issue of "The Na-
tion" is an article entitled "College
Morality" which says, in part:
"But the sex problem is by no
means the most serious problem
in our college life; the outstanding
sin is the undergraduates' absorp-
tion in triviality. Practically every
college in America has its under-
graduates/ overorganized in a hun-
dred varieties of 'student activity'
which assume a higher place in the
estination of !the students than
class room distinction. In most
colleges thought outside the class
room is positivelyunpopular. Only
the 'radicals' and a few isolated,
brilliant students enjoy the give
and take of fundamental conver-
sation. 'You might as well be at
a summer resort,' said one student
in describing his college."
Being acquainted with but one
university, I should not feel justi-
fied irn making such an inclusive
generalization as the above; but
insofar as that one university is
concerned, I could easily appear
infinitely more gloomy and pessi-
mistic and at the same time slight
not a whit my fairly evenly-tem-
pered optimism. I speak, of course,
of Michigan.
The student naturally has his
handicaps, which might be classi-
fied thus:
(a) Self-imposed

The name of the new Union
Opera is "Rainbow's End," and that
leads one to believe that there will
be a pot of gold at the finis. Don't
think it for a minute, people, for
you won't find a single pot of gold
in the entire show. But the Union
And The Polite Campus
Never, Never
Dear Lark: And ha you
noticed, Lark, that the b & g
boys seem to have got their
calendar wrong side out, or
something? Here they have
gone and spread their college
atmosphere around the door of
the Romance Languages build-
ing, so that even the birds fly-
ing at an altitude of twenty
feet collapse and fall to the
Furthermore, there is strong evi-
dence that there is something more
rotten on the campus than a class
* * *
Instead of placing those
"Please Do Not Make Paths On
The Campus" signs on the
lawn the department should
advertise the beauty with some-
thing like this: "Grass from
contented cows."
ib * *
Ode On Intimations Of Fertility
Here, where the air is laden
With putrifactive breath,
Strange odours-not of Aiden-
(Aromas born of Death)
Lurk while the campus dozes.
Strange odours; not of roses
But stifling halitoses,
Where feotor conquereth!
And here, with pain'd expression,
Maids tread with noses high;
And mighty males no less shun
These perfumes of the sky.
Here is a smell of spring, or
Some imitative thing! . . . er
Yet no one cares to linger
But hastens, breathless, by!
Tom Dickon Harrie.
Two Wisconsin regulars have
been suspended from the squad.
Well, only nine more suspen-
sions before Saturday and we'll
beat Wisconsin.
What with Federal agents on the
campus things have come to a
pretty pass, which the football
team might well use.
* * *

1. Volitional.
2. Hereditary,
(b) Super-imposed

or constitu-
(by the uni-

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 192$ By those under (a) 1, ymean sim-
________----__ ply that the students may deter-
Night Editor-JOSEPH E. HOWELL mine his objective himself, yet, I
fear, unconsciously. He may have
chosen freely to subordinate knowl-
edge to publicity, social prestig-,
DO WE QUIT? athletics, a life-mate or any num-
ber of things similar. By those
bod Twmllrhaveigtfirsthandeofunder (a) 2I mean simply this:
body will have its first chance some of us there are who were
the year to display its support of born brainless, who for some rea-
the Michigan football team, at a son have remained brainless, and
pep meeting in Hill auditorium. It brainless ever shall remain. For
is years and years since a Michigan all the "B. M. 0. C." I cannot name
team has needed student support one single intellectual leadernwho
as badly as the squad of this fall. A has genuinely influenced under-
good old fashioned pep meeting, graduate thought. "B. M. O. C."
packed to the roof with students is a misnomer, naively considered.
who believe in standing behind a If it is NOT a misnomer, the word
Michigan team in victory or de- campus has undergone a great
feat, can not help but reflect itself change in meaning. Intellectual
in the morale of the players them- energy is spent extravagantly on
selves on Saturday. The Michigan politics and various managerial
student body has never yet "quit" enterprises. It is spent in frater-
behind a losing team. ity management, when the very
o-best that fraternities can give to
THE FIRST OPPORTUNITY their members is some little golden
Blue Key will be afforded its first token, the meaning of which is
totally unknown to the wearer in
opportuty of the year to function out of seven instances.
Saturday when the Wisconsin cross By those under (b) I mean a
country team comes to Ann Arbor B hs ne b ena
ontry eamcoe teAnArsminor number of things, but shall men-
for what will be the firstmiog tion only a few. First of all, in the
sports event of the present college very attempt to be of assistance
year.. to the student in giving him great
Composed of the membership of freedom of choice of subject mat-
the two junior honor societies, ter, the university is of a positive
Sphinx and Triangles, Blue Key hindrance. Concentration should
will recognize the opportunity to be insisted upon. I take this course
entertain the visitors. But Blue I take that course. At ,one hour I
Key, unless some sudden miracle take, for example, the geography
is performed, is going to find itself of Michigan. The next hour I take
in the same condition of financial celestial mechanics. And the fol-
embarrassment Saturday that has lowing hour I take the 'theory of
persisted since its organization oral reading.' And yet, I am ex-
three years ago. pected to retain in an orderly fash-
If Blue Key is able through some ion the information-or call it
means to entertain the Wisconsin knowledge if you will-which has
cross country team even to a com- been spat out at me. Little won-
paratively slight' degree, it will be der I find the movies inveigling!.
deserving of commendation. But Secondly, our present grading
the possibility that Michigan will system does not seem to be design-
be in any degree the same gracious ed to encourage the .student to
host of her first visiting minor take the right attitude towards the
sports team that it will be of acquisition of knowledge. In oth-
Coach Thistlethwaite's football er words, grades, rather than the
squad is very small. real knowledge which is' attainable
The reason for this obviously to from courses (?) become our aim,
be deplored situation lies in the our objective.
fact that Blue Key does not have Lastly, inasmuch as a general
and never has had any means of exchanging of views makes for'
securing the necessary funds. In breadth of vision, range of per-1
view of the fact that it is our ath- spective, and depth of integrity, I'
letic teams which are entertained think the university should finance
on other college campuses, it would a medium of expression. Until we
logically seem the duty of the Ath- Iknow what our fellow-students
letic, association to recognize so think, we cannot know our college.
apparent a need and to make defi- We cannot increase our horizon.
nite provision in its budget for the We cannot be abreast of what
entertainrn+ pn +w h mhao- f should be the soundest vonan

Music And Drama
Play production announces that
the first complete bill of a series
to be presented this year in the
forms of Rachel Crothers', "The
Little Journey," which will be pre-
sented in University Hall auditor-
ium the evenings of November 8,
and 9.
The Crothers opus is a three-act
comedy which, when produced in
1918 at the Vanderbilt theatre in
New York, turned out to be a not-
able success and maintained its
author's reputation for sincere and
amusing dramatic writing. Other
hits, which have furthered this
reputation, are "Mary the Third,"
and "Old Lady 31." The cast is
rather large, numbering 18 speak-
ing parts.
Admission to the production is
by invitation only, as is proper in
case of laboratory work, and this
policy will continue for some time
yet until technical problems are
sufficiently mastered for public of-
R. L. A.
** *
By Paul L. Adams
With an :ncoent, captivating
personality, Fernando Germani,
guest organist yesterday afternoon
for the Twilight organ concert, gave
an impressive though not startling
performance which revealed a
masterful technic and at times an
astonishing interpretative skill.
The opening movements of the
"Concerto .in D Minor" by Vivaldi-
Bach were rather phlegmatically
rendered but the adagio was ex-
quisite, and the allegro was also
well done.
The two Bossi numbers, "Scena
Pastrole" and "Colloquy with the
Swallows" were delicate, rather
beautiful tone gems appreciatively
rendered, but suffered in contrast
with Bach's "Fantasia and Fugue
in G Minor" which was probably
the high spot of the program. Mr.
Germani is not the youthful prod-
igy which pre-press reports would
make him. He is not in fact to be
compared with Palmer Christian,
but he did do this number with
excellent skill, and an intellectual
His own composition, "Gigue,"
was a pleasing, light number whim-
sically played without any pretense
at being a sensation, which was re-.
The Torres number, "Sautas," be-
longing to the modernistic school
was an interesting portrayal of a
cathedral atmosphere, but, like so
~much of the modern tonal music,
it possessed a suspension or rather,
lack of amination in mood which is
at once its chief charm and defect.
"Studio da Concerto" of Manari
revealed to the full the astounding
technic of Mr. Germani. The pedal
passages were nothing short of
marvelously done, considering their
difficulty; and the piece as a whole
was rendered in a masterful fash-
ion which the mere technical diffi-
culty of it did not obscure.
* * *
By Herbert Schwartz
Dalies Frantz played a Brahms
program last night in the School
of Music auditorium, the first con-
cert of the season in this series.

Mr. Frantz returns to Ann Arbor
fresh from performances in several
of the larger musical centers of
A recital restricted to Brahms is
a very hazardous undertaking, even
for the most experienced artist.
The music, for the most part, is
not obvious and if it is to escape
heaviness and thick vagueness it
must be done superlatively well.
Mr. Frantz did not play the music
superlatively well and the results
were at times, frankly boring. His
inadequacy was twofold: technical-
ly, solidity of tone and accuracy of
rhythm was limited to chord and
octave passages, which assuredly
constitutes much of Brahms' music
but by no means all of it; musically,
the artist was very much at home
in more buoyant moods, as in the
opening chords of the F Minor
Sonata, much of the G Minor
Rhapsody, several of the variations!
and especially the fugue in the
Variations and Fugue on a Theme
of Handel, but there is much in
Brahms that is not buoyant and
here the pianist seemed lost. In the
Andante of the sonata, this was
particularly noticeable.
But Mr. Frantz has many valu-
able qualities, more than enough
to make a very exceptional pianist
h~av worn- rmnan+.a y fPvPnnPer1I


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0-o -
* * *
In the case of Mary Gold, what
would YOU do?
* * *
A headline in a Chicago
newspaper tells us that "5 Co-
eds, Driver of Car, Hurt In
Auto Crash."
That's easy to see. One
co-ed driver is bad enough.
* * *
A man in Montana is supposed
to have saved his life from the at-
tack of a grizzly bear by remaining
motionless, pretending to sleep.
Not for a minute was he pre-
tending. He was so scared he
couldn't move.
* * ,
High diddle, diddle,
Clarence Cook Little
Called in the Federal men.
They came for a day
And then went away,
So fill up your glasses again!
* * *
Last night Dr. Robinson was sup-
posed to have his conversation
with that "big-eared woman" on
Mars. Ten to one she said, "I'll be
down in a min-n-ut!"
* * *
The question is not whether
that one man made the request
for the recount, but whether
the one man made the recount.
* * *'

One thing our rival, Cora, the
nr- r rtrtcn et.c in %- ^A +- - I

I i

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