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October 24, 1928 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-24

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OBER 24, 1928






. "


Big Sisters Will Greet Freshmen
At Door Of Gym And Help To
Organize Grand March
Plans for the Freshman spread
to be held Friday evening in Bar-
bour gym have been completed;
more than 550 invitations have
been sent to freshmen of the Lit-
erary college and the school of
nursing, junior advisors, faculty
advisors, and patronesses.
All of the freshmen Will come
to the gym in their original groups
and will meet their "big sisters"
at the door. This will serve as an
easy means for the freshmen and
their "big sisters" to get acquaint-
ed, and start the ball rolling so
that none will feel left out or un-
comfortably strange.
Shortly after everyone has arriv-
ed and successfully passed the re-
ception line there will be a grand
march. The party throughout will
be very informal; there will be
games for those who do not dance
and dancing for those who do, so
everyone may have a good time.
The committees for the spread
are as follows: general chairman,
Eleanor' Cooke; favors, Isabelle
Rayen and Janet Woodmansee; in-
vitations,, Jane Yearnd, chairman,
Bertha Howard, Marie Willstead, 1
and Josephine Turko; finance, Hel-
en Wilson, chairran, Frederica'
Baeslack, Alice Charles, Ruth Ellis,
Louise Rorabacher, Pauline Stroup,
and Elizabeth Wood.
Refreshments, Elizabeth Sunder-
land, chairman, Marion Brock,
Edith Higbie, Marjorie Rehfuss,
and Alice Sunderland; attendance,'
(each girl to have sub-committee
of 3 members), Hilda Braun, chair-
man, Kathleen Clifford, Helen
Dominie, Ruth Ellis, Helen Humph-
rey, Hattie Krye, Margaret Morin,
and Janet Woodmansee;
P r o g r a m, Margaret Eamon,
chairman, Frances Jennings, Marie
Eddington, Albertina Maslen, and
Mary Stuart; publicity, Katherine
Wilcox, chairman, Edith Higbie,
Beth Valentine, and Elizabeth
Wood; decorations, Marion Gimmy
and Barbara Swift, chairmen, Vir-
ginia McLaren, Jeanette Dale, Phy-1
liss Moore, Florence Frandsen, and
Dorothy McGuffie.
American beauties are provided
an opportunity of visiting CubaF
this winter as the guests of thea
Cuban National Tourist commis-]
sion. Invitations were sent to nu-
merous cities in the United States
to send. their prettiest girls there.
as guests of Cuba for the carnival
parade February 10.

China Is Experiencing Rapid Changes,
States Miss Ao Dju, Barbour Student

China experiences such rapid'
changes that a statement which
might be true one day might well
be false the next, according to Miss
Ao Dju, Barbour scholar from Pe-
king, who is working here for a
Master's degree in history.
"The older generation may' be
conservative and slow to accept
new movements but when changes
come, it is with rapidity," Miss Dju
said. "For instance, until three
years ago, the educational system
which is not compulsory, was di-
vided into two sections, the gov-1
ernmental and the missionary, yet
today, through the influence of the
nationalist trend, the system is
quite different.
"At that time, I was attending
missionary school," Miss Dju con-
tinued,, "and the government and
the missionary school which give
training through the grades, high
schools and college, were supple-
mented by the so-called popular
education movement. By this plan,
one thousand Chinese characters
were to be taught in the free pub-
lic schools to which the poorer
classes not attending the private;
institutions, could go. Then, the
newspapers, text books, and other
publications were to be printed us-
ing only these fundamental words,
the object being to give every man,
poor or rich, some idea of condi-
tions existing in his native coun-
"Added to these, there was the
tutorial system, most often employ-
ed by the richer classes. Under this
method," Miss Dju explained, "the
tutors came to the house and in-,
structed the children at home. Be-
fore co-education became general-
ly recognized in China, this was;
almost the only way in which wom-;
en could receive an education."
When asked whether she liked
our foods, Miss Dju replied that in
the first weeks of her visit to this
country her diet consisted largely
of oranges, rice and tea, though
she now enjoys almost everything.
Rice in China, is used as we use
potatoes in the United States, the
annual consumption being about.
400 pounds per person every year.
Dishes combining other ingredi-'
ents with rice form a staple part3
of the Chinaman's diet, which con-
trary to the average American's
idea, do not resemble Chop Suey
except in a slight degree.'
"I have to smile often," Miss Dju
said laughingly, "when I think of
a girl I knew who said to me that
she had a whole book of Chinese
recipes from which she could pre-
pare real Chinese dishes. For Ii
know that in China, cooking is an]
art, and though the cook may put

' down the essential ingredients of a
dish, because he is an artist, he
cannot transfer his individual touch
asuccessfully to paper.
Family life in China is a com-
plex problem, according to Miss
ju, for all of one's relatives live'
together in one large establish-
ment, the ruler of the house usual-
ly being the eldest brother.
"In my family, my uncle is the
head of the family; he is a scholar
and by this," Miss Dju pointed out,
"I mean that he studies literature
and the arts. He is like a profes-
sional man of the United Statesl
only his profession is literature. In
this field, he was preceded by my
grandfather and great-grandfath-
er. In, his generation, the children
of the family were sent to Japan
to complete their education, but in
my generation they come to the
United States.
"The contracting of marriage is
much easier than in the past. The,
young man has only to become ac-
quainted with the father, brothers,
and other male relatives of the girl
whom he wishes to marry," she
said in conclusion, "and then there
is only a simple matter of gaining
their consent and approval before
the marriage is completed."
Adviser Of Women
Will Give Tea For
Oriental Students
Oriental women students will be
the guests of Miss Beatrice John-,
son, adviser of women, at a tea!
from 3:30 to 5:30 o'clock tomorrow
in the Women's Athletic building.
This tea is an annual affair, but
this is the first time that it has
been given in the athletic build-1
ing. Hitherto it has been given in
Barbour gymnasium, and it is ex- I
pected that the use of the new field
house will add much to the attract-
iveness of the occasion.
The members of the world fel-
lowship committee of the Women's
league are to assist Miss Johnson
as hostesses at the tea. About 70
guests are expected to attend.)
Among them will be wives of fac-
ulty members and women instruc-
tors who are interested in foreign
s t u d e n t s and in international
Memphis, Tenn.-The so-called
jazz age is an important contrib-
uting factor in the alarming in-
crease in deaths from heart failure
here, according to Dr. L. M. Graves,
superintendent of health.

The play is sponsored by the
Michigan women, who have
brought 'Porgy' to Ann Arbor
for the sole purpose of giving
the citizens and students of
Ann Arbor an opportunity to
see the greatest dramatic pro-
duction of the day.
There is only one 'Porgy,
cast. Unlike many plays, nu-
merous casts have not been
put on the road for the pur-
pose of making its fame more
The cast of 'Porgy' is an all-
colored cast.
The story is as true of negro
life in the South today as of
any other period.
Dramatically, 'Porgy" is
perfect. It combines sadness
and gaiety with just the right
proportions of each.
In no locality does 'Porgy'
appear as a regular number
of a Theatre Guild series.
'Porgy's' negro spirituals
are sung by the entire coin-
pany. .Not only have the ac-
tors received specialized train-
ing in acting, but the voice of
every member in the cast is
The fact that Ann Arbor
people who saw 'Porgy' when
it was in Detroit in the spring
are consistently ordering tick-
ets to see it for the second
time and even for the third
time is the best advertising
that such a play can receive.


ciyi S P 0 R Ts
Daily Bulletin of SportswoHers

Freshman Athletics
Were Most Enjoyed
Just a little more than a month
ago Freshmen who are now sophis-
tocatedly breezing around the cam-
pus, were rushing madly from clas-
sification committee to parties in
their honor, from library trips to
Palmer field, trying desperately to
get places on time, and to keep
from getting lost during that per-
iod called Freshmen week. Now,
such memories of times when they
were lords of the campus are hazy
and reminiscent of blunders they1
made on entering their college ca-{
reer. ,
However, according to Miss Ethel
McCormick, assistant head of the
physical education department,
'who arranged the athletic program,
for the Freshman women, the
games' and demonstrations of skill-
ed athletics on Palmer field, are
the part of Freshmen week which,
most of the women who attended,
them enjoy remembering. Never-.
theless, although practically the
entire body of Freshmen women.
were at the field to witness the
exhibitions, a considerably smaller.
number participated in the sports
themselves during the next two
days. Out of three hundred and
sixty-five freshman women on the
campus during Freshmen week,
only one hundred and seventy-
nine are recorded as having taken
part in the meet.
This difference in figures is par-
tially explained by the fact that
many of the contestants entered
the meet late, joining their groups
after the time of starting, and no
attendance for these women was
The final scores of the meet were
so close that Groups 87, 103, and
99 were all asked to come back and
compete again. The final scores
showed Group 87 to be the winner,
with 103 a close second. In an-
nouncing these scores Miss McCor-
mick added that' group 87 was
made up of almost entirely major
physical education students who

Try-outs for membership in Or-
chesis, natural dancing club, will
be held soon for the group of girls
who are interested in meeting the
entrance requirements of the or-
ganization without taking any1
more work in dancing, it was an-
nounced yesterday. All those who
are interested in trying out at this
time are requested to see either
Janette Saurborn, 29Ed, or Miss
Ione Johnson, immediately.
This yeear part of the time at
the meeting of Orchesis on Wednes-
day evenings will be given over to
a study and discussion of all
phases of natural dancing. Miss
Johnson will instruct the girls.
Saturday morning classes will be
organized, beginning on Dec. 8, for
girls who are new at the Univer-!
sity or who have never had an op-
portunity to take elementary
dancing. They will meet from 10:30
until 12 o'clock. The only require-
ment for attendance is that the
girls should have some kind of cos-'
tume for the classes. They may
come to the class any time they
wish and stay as long as they wish.
have undoubtedly had more ex-
perience and practice in the events
than the members of any other
group can possibly have had, and
as they had no handicap whatso-
ever, the department decided to
announce the two groups, 103, and
,87, as the winners.1

Well, my deear, we will have a
chance to see today whether the
sophomores will follow the noble
example set them in how to con-
duct class elections by the two up-
per classes or whether they will go
their own sweet way and be origi-
nal in the matter. It seems to me
that it is really about time that
someone around here did get or-
iginal in the matter of politics and
pulled off a really clean election.
What I mean is that everyone is
just a little fed up on having to
have recounts and reelections and
things and that it would be quite
a change if there was an election
held that wasn't crooked. Really,
my dear, I think quite a few people
feel that way about it.
Anyway, if the sophomores have
to have several recounts and maybe
have to vote on their president or
somebody a second time because
both factions suspect each other of
doing them dirt it will prove that
there is something in the power of
suggestion after all, and that it
wasn't a mere coincidence that the
juniors followed the seniors in
their methods. I'm interested to
know justwhat the results will be,
because I always did think there
was something to psychology, and
this will probably prove that I am
right. Or else, maybe a sociologist
would blame it on environment.
Anyway, I think the whole situa-
tion is just another of those vicious
circles, like which comes first,
the hen or the egg. I mean this
is a question of whether dirty cam-
pus politics come before dirty civic
or national-or whatever they are
-politics, or whether it is the other
1 way around.

-- __ -r-fol


There will be a meeting of Pe-
gasus at Barbour gymnasium at 5
o'clock this afternoon.
Orchesis will meet in the Wom-
en's Athletic building at 7:15 to-
W. A. A. will sponsor a steak
roast at the, fireplace on the island
on Saturday morning if the weath-
er is good. The girls will leave the
field house at ?8:30 o'clock. All who
are interested are invited.
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