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October 23, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-23

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flATLY TIT~ThAV T~C~W~ ~ I~2R'

NO= -

ished every morning except Monday
the University year by the Board in
I of Student Publications.
fber of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
:0 the use for republication of all news
;hes credited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local news pub-
red at the p-sto'fice at Ann Arbor,
an, as second class matter. Special rate
tage granted by Third Assistant Post-
cription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
es: Ann Arboi Press Building, May-
es: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
...................Paul J. Kern
dtor............Nelson J. Smith
Cditor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Editor .. ..Morris Quinn
is Editor........Sylvia S. Stone
Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
and Drama.. ........R. L. Askren
nt City ditor. Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
e N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
E. Howell Pierce Ropm~berg
J. Klinc George E. Simons
George 0. Tilley
,. Adams Ruth Kelsey
Alexander Donald E. Layman
Anderson C. A. Lewis
Askren Leon Lyle
n Askwith Marian MacDonald
Boesche Henry Merry
Behymer N. S. Pickard
Bernstein William Post
Charles Victor Rabinowitz
Chubb John T. Russ
Codling Harold Saperstein
'R. Cooper Rachel Shearer
Domine Howard Simon b
I Efroyxnson Robert L. Sloss
s Edwards Arthur R. Strubel
g Egeland Beth Valentine
J. Feldman Gurney Williams
e Follmer Walter Wilds
Fuss Edward Weinman
n Gentry Robert Woodroofe
,illett g oseph A. Russell
ice Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
Jones A. Stewart
I Jung Edward L. Warner Jr.
1 . Kaufman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Department Managers
sing.................Alex K. Scherer
sing................A James Jordan
sing.............::**Carl 'W. Hammer
-- - -- - --..H erbert E. V arnum
tion...........-.George S. Bradley
its ............Lawrence E. Walkley
tions.........Ray X .Hofelich


have been without foundation, and
rumor hath it that the story origi-
nated in the office of that paper.
IThe story was headed so as to give
the idea that the story originated
in this city, but the fact that it was,
has been denied by the local cor-
respondent of. that paper. Evident-
ly, the news was manufactured on
the basis of occurrences of last
week which shook the campus
from Monday to the week-end. But
that development is too long; the
coaching staff still appears to be
functioning as a unit, Yost is back
and smoking black cigars, and
Wieman is head coach. "Beat
Wisconsin" is the watchword.
The student body is experiencing
an entirely new sensation for it-
self. It is one that has been famil-
iar to students of other schools, but
not to those of Michigan. It has
what is apparently known as a
"losing team." At least it has lost
three games and has yet to win
this season. But Defeat is the test
of Loyalty, and it has done little
to Michigan spirit except to
strengthen support for the Univer-
sity and prove that our teams are
not infallible. The general idea
that Michigan never loses has been
smashed to pieces, and a new con-
ception of loyalty has taken its
place in the student mind.
Perhaps at this time a Michigan
team has never before needed
such stout backing as the present
one does now. The coaching staff
needs to be shown that the stu-
dent opinion is not one of its in-
efficiency but of its inability to find
yet a winning combination from
material which is admittedly below,
standard. The student body has
received a jolt to its idea that "We
always win; why don't you go to
Michigan and support a winning
football team?"
Wisconsin university plays here
next Saturday. Team and coaches
will need something more than de-
termination to win-they will need
encouragement and a different
mental attitude. This can be im-
parted only from the campus. May
the toast be "-to the Teams and
the Coaches."-m

The winsome Lark is on a Lark.
Behold you'll see him stark.
Mad, for the humour above
Is the specie I love.


Music And Drama

Good News
Regular Dinner 35c
Regular Supper 30c

No, that passing
wasn't a cloud.
* * *


For the Wednesday Twilightt Re- S. 5th Ave. Home Cooking
cital of this week Palmer Christian ___________________
has turned over his role of organist
to a prominent Italian visitor, Sig- ,tl , ,ltiIf1, t111
nor Fernando Germani. This
young disciple of St. Cecilia has (d y
amazed both his ecclesiastical and!
secular hearers in all the important
cities. In May of this year heSp
played at the Pontifical School of
Sacred Music on the occasion of
the birthday of His Holiness, the Highest quality :
Pope. His audience included four
Cardinals, as well as the distin- of work
guished among the nobility and
the officials of the Vatican. The - r Cf' -
Osservatore Romano credited him, 21A. T. C =
following the performance, with'S
"calm assurance" and "a gigantic= & SON
power which was tremendously 1109 So. Univ.
impressive."2 Half Block from Campus =
For the Ann Arbor concert he! H Bm
has arranged the following pro-

Lo, I have come to shake the
foundation of this erstwhile insti-
tution and my name is God Forbid,
b u t Forbidding is forbidding
enough for convention runs riot.
* * *
Neither have the depths of the
sports staff been attained nor has
the fluttering influence of Sour
Sue intervened to terminate an
inspiring career.
* * *
Heaven forbid or Roll forbid.
Why was part of Vachel Lind-
say's lecture carried on in secret?
Perhaps his whispering was to help
him over the rough parts accumu-
lated while visiting the "Gargoyle."

Concerto in D, minor



lecture shouldthave been
altogether for there was no
Not even a suspicious

* * s

The polite lecturer never of-

Jack Horwich



Blackstone Dix.Humphrey
'hale Marion Kerr
Dale Lillian Kovinsky
Davis Bernard Larson
Eeland Leonard Littlejohn
3eer Hollister Mabley.
dberg Jack Rose
Halverson Carl F. Schemm
Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Herwig Marie Wellstead,
Walter Yeagley

he events of the past three
rdays have been the proving
Ind for the University's foot-
teams, for the student body,
for the coaching staff. In de-
all three have had their met-
tested in a manner in no way
parable even to last year, when
team dropped two games out
ight. Three losses on consecu-
Saturdays is an unheard-of
g for almost any school, and
cially the University of Michi-
nong the events to which one
point with pride is the success
he Varsity "B" team. In its
e battles, it has won two. Last
rday, it supplied balm to
he the savage breasts of
higan partisans by winning
i the Ohio reserves while their
hers were losing at Columbus.
"B" team put up a fine exhibi-
of football, and won deserved-,
It also proved at its first game,
nn Arbor that it was worthy of
tort. The idea has been cur-
that the team was nothing
the leftovers from an exceed-
y poor Varsity squad, but such
ot the case. While as yet, it
not bear out the plan as
ident Little first conceived it:
of having two teams to play
e-and-home games, and for
e teams to be divided into
;weight and heavyweight
dAs so as to give the lighter and,
r men a chance to star, it
help to give the stay-at-home
ent a chance to see an exhibi-
of his favorite Fall sport. It
acts as unofficial ambassador,
maller colleges not ordinarily
in the midst of Conference,

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible.' Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be rgearded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of 'the Daily.
To the Editor:
At the time my friends and I
grouped together to compose the
article entitled "Immaculate Al"'
we had no idea that our opinion
and sentiment would give rise to
so widespread a furor and panic.
Suffice it to say that these
opinions must have had some ele-
ments of facts in order to strike
home and register in the fashion
that they did. We take great satis-
faction in noting that but one of
all these critics undertook to re-
fute and disprove these statements.
Others merely contented them-
selves with calling them "absurdi-
ties" and thus showing themselves
as shallow thinkers and immature
debaters, leaving meanwhile the
rest of the Campus in the predica-
ment of hearing only one side of
the question.
After much toil and research,
G. C. T., '30 quoted articles and
amendments from the Constitution
which were entirely irrelevant to
the point in question. My state-
ments were grossly misrepresented
by W. J. G., '31. He claimed that I
"abhor" Catholics. As a matter of
fact many of my best friends are
Catholic, and nothing in the article
could be taken in other than the
political sense.. Both the writers
W. J. G. and N. R. N. produced
replies so utterly absurd that they
do not merit further attention.
H. S. H., '29, gives us a truly wel-
come reply, the only one of the
entire series which used clear and
fair-minded refutation.
Those persons who wrote to the
Editor of the Daily criticizing him
for publishing such "rubbish" are
extremely narrow and selfish.
Campus Opinion is open to opinion
of students, free speech being a
prized liberty by most of us; and
those who would attempt to pre-
vent the exercise of that right are
the highest type of bigots. The
rules at the top of the column en-
titled Campus Opinion expressly
state that letters published should
not be construed as expressing edi-
torial opinion. Anyone who disre-
gards this and critizes the Editor

"Bring, bring the wonders down."
Why didn't Hill auditorium come
down brick by brick? We would
have helped !
The potent combination of the
"Inlander" and the galloping
Vachel as he crept through the
Congo managed to make each a
financial success, incidentally ad-
vertising the Hut and a prominent
lady "who for four years has re-
sided in Ann Arbor."
The polite halfback never of-
But Mr. Eby, a football affixture
at Ohio State, showered Otto, the
Michigan squad, (He's promoted)
with respect by going back and
obligingly letting himself be tack-
led a second time, the first at-
tempt being a realistic example of
Michigan football offensiveness.
* s s
A simile-as slow a the Mich-
igan backfield.
* * *
* * *
Rolls is going to hold a conven-
tion and award a medal to the
person who has contributed the
worse rot, wash, and guff to Cam-
pus Opinion. The factions are so
evenly divided that one doesn't
know which feud to favor.
* * *
The religious side is too danger-'
ous as it might result in conver-
sion. The strain of contributing
every Sunday would be too great.
* *
Lasts night Galli-Curci fluttered
and was noted to high note her
way about between the flutings of
her accompanist and, the pedalings
of her husband on the piano.
* * *

- d..Grave..... vivaiai-nan
Scena Pastroale...... M. E. Bossi
Fantasia and Fugue in G minor..
..... . .Bach
Colloquy with the Swallows.....
G.g. ..(.. ..). M . E. B ossi
Gigue (MSS).........F. Germani
Saetas (MSS) ...........E. Torres
Studio da concerto (MSS).....
.-..-. -. ....... R. M anari1
* **
A Review, by Herbert Schwarz
Mme. Galli-Curci presented a
strikingly trivialuprogram at Hill
auditorium last night. If there was
a fortunate absence of discomfort-
ing colaratura it was compensated'
by an altogether too partial indul-
gence in triviality. Mme. Galli-Ctr.-
ci does these unimportant things
very well but one feels the pity of
the choice all the more for that
reason. Her voice is a very re-
markable one, more so for its sen-
sative employment than for any
unusual richness. This sensitive,
unforced quality was, naturally
enough, more complete in the mid-
dle register and the low tones too'
were attacked with admirable ease;
the tones of the highest octave
were not so happy and their diffi-
culty wag'only too apparent. But,
as a purely physical demonstration
the performance was superb and!
whatever criticism is made in this
respect can be of little moment. In
the light of this sensitive response
to the demands of her voice, Mme.
Galli-Curci's uneven respose to the
demands of the music was more ob-
vious than it might have been. At
times one felt that the singer was
a little too careful of her voice, as
in the Cantata by Scarlatti, and
that the notes became a little too
important as notes, which is an-
other way of saying that they were
over-emphasized and lost their sig-
nificance as part of a musical idea.
This is a danger inherent in col-
oratura singing and in virtuosity
in general. It is the artist's dis-
tinction that she did the simpler
songs like Brahm's Sandman, en-
cored after the Scarlatti Cantata,
without any attempt to make them
or rather to remake them for a
coloratura. A pardonable trace of
self-conscious artistry was the only
hint of the demonstration that had
Mme. Galli-Curci was very gen-
eerous with her encores. After the
Adieu Notre Petite Table from
Manon she sang a Serenata by Tos-
ti, then the above-mentioned Sand-
man and, just before the intermis-
sion, La Paloma, with much seek-
ing after hidden beauties brutally
ignored as beauties in folk songs
are wont to be and perhaps should
be. This was followed by two more:
Donnez-vous by Weekerlin and
Petite Jeanneton, an old French
Mr. Samuels, the accompanist,
played three rather inconsequen-
tial pieces after the intermission,
followed by a Reverie by Debussy.
He is altogether too careful to be
an important pianist. One says of
him rather charitably that he may
not have great technique but he
is so musical.
For the rest of her program,
Mme. Galli-Curci chose to sing un-
important English songs and less
important American encores, like
Just a Song'at Twilight and Old

Kentucky Home. The only com-
position of any significance was a
Theme and Variations by Mozart-
Adam. Here the colaratura pas-

should be
preserved I

What is the Nation's
Favorite Flavor?
.amrte B' ck Of
A Branch of Birney's
Distinctive S t o r e in
Grand Rapids Opens
This Week at 516 Wil-
liam, One Block Off
Chocolate CamP

Don't waste esthetic effort on the
kind of slicker that won't last. Use
a genuine Tower's Fish Brand
Slicker-a background worthy of
your masterpiece.
Fish Brand Slickers are not only
better looking-they stay that way.
They're built to take any sort of
beating you or the weather can give
The "varsity" model is a big,
handsome, roomy coat, full-line
It has a corduroy-faced collar, with
or without a strap.Buttons or
buckles as you choose, and the
patented "Reflex" edge that keeps
water out of the front. The pockets
are wide and deep and rip-proof.
Your choice of colors.
Best of all, a Fish Brand Slicker
"The Rainy Day Pal"-costs not
a bit more than others. And you
'an buy it anywhere. A. J. Tower
Company, Boston, Mass.






407 p


to The Michigan Daily




jor Ti/en z 9AS'nce Jg4g


Ani ideal fall


never be

s * s

in a

If such a thing must come to
pass, give the male an even break
and the loudest instrument.
* * *
How high is a Chinaman?
* * *
The "Gargoyle" is darkily mus-1
tering its forces and will soon gas
the campus with a new conglom-
eration of concotions.
* * *
Among other saddening
events of the week-end was the
influx of future Daily editors
and Campus vote-scatterers
who attended the M. I. P. A.
* * s
They all mixed in a tea dance
Friday but no one was injured and
the visitors failed to show any new
high school tricks.
* * *
A fond au revoir-That's high
Polish for it's lucky if we meet
* * *
they are seniors, however, they may

An attractive
a -neat stripe



grey mixture with
effect is an ideal
,sy camel hair or


A dark, dres

lama mixture is suggested for

the topcoat.


Black Scotch grain oxfords in a
medium wide shape are popular
this fall. $10.

coaches have been most un-
late in receiving publicity of
rong sort. Several metropol-
newspapers have made it
chief aim in life to rag the
fan team, and more particu-
the coaching staff of the
sity. Michigan and its
es have been placed in the

Quality Consistently High
Price Surprisingly Lolv




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