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October 20, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-20

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Vol. XXXIX. No. 24.



Discuss Advisability Of Preventing
Foolhardy Attempts To
Cross Ocean
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Oct. 19.-More than
two days have passed since Lieut.
Commander H. B..McDonald, young
British naval officer, started on his
long and perilous flight from New-
foundland for England, and still no
news has come except an early re-
port from the steamer Hardenburg,
which yesterday located him about
700 miles east of St. John's.
Hopes now have almost'vanished,
but the aviator's young wife and
some of his friends, looking back
to the providential rescue by a ves-
sel in mid-ocean of Harry Hawker
some years ago, refuse to give up.
TAey are hopeful that he has been
rescued by a vessel which has been
unable to communicate its good
Sharp Lookout Kept
Had McDonald succeeded in
landing anywhere, however remote,
in the United Kingdom or France,
it is hard to conceive that he would'
not by this time have been heard
from. Reports of his flight must
have reached the out of the way
'places everywhere. Particularly in
Ireland and Scotland, a sharp look-
out has been kept.
Flares that had burned all night
at Croydon and other airdromes to
guide Lieutenant Commander Mac-
Donald to a safe landing were ex-
tinguished at dawn today and hope
that he had survived et out of]
the hearts .of many. It was the a
general belief thatnhe had become
the nineteenth person to perish
trying to fly the Atlantic.
At the most his tiny Moth plane
in which he risked his life in an
attempt to fly alone from New-
foundland, could hold only enough
gasoline for 35 hours of flying and
the thirtyfifth hour passed at 3:51
(10:51 p. m. Thursday, eastern
standard time.)
Officials Pessimistic
Airdrome 'officials were decided-
ly pessimistic regarding the air-'
man's fate, saying that there were
only two slight possibilities now
-that he had alighted on some,
remote island off 'the west coast'
of Scotland or had been picked up
by a boat unequipped with wire-
If, as it is beginning to be cleared,
another tragedy must be added to
the history of trans-ocean flight,
there will doubtless be a renewal
of the recent press discussion on
the possibility of preventing such
attempts without the most ordin-
ary precaution for the avoidance of
diaster. The general cencensus of
Wie press, however, is that author-~
ity cannot properly step in to pre-
vent risks inevitably attendant up-
on such developments in science.
Eighteen Lost Lives
Prior to Lieutenant Commander
1$. C. Maconald's flight, 18 persons
+ lost their lives in attempts to cross
the Atlantic ocean by air. They
Capt. St. Roman, a French offi-
cer, and Commander Mounevres,
started from St. Louis, Senegal, May
5, 1927, for Buenos Aires. Never
heard from again.
Capts. Charles Nungesser and

Francois Coli, French, lost their
lives trying to fly from France to
America the same month.
Aug. 31, 1927, Capt. Leslie Hain-
ilton, Col. Frederick F. Michin and
Princess Lowenstein-Wertheim took
off from Upaven, England, in the
St. Raphael for Ottawa and disap-
Americans,Lloyd W. Bertaud,
James Hill and Phillip Payne, per-
ished when they flew from Old
Orchard, Me., Sept. 6, 1927, in an
attempt to reach IRome.
Capt. Terry Tully and Lieut.
James Medcalf were lost after
leaving London, Ont., Sept. 7, 1927,
for London, England.
Capt. Walter Hinchliffe and thel
Hon. Elsie Mackay vanished after]
leaving Englapd on a trans-Atlan-
tic flight on March 13, 1928.
Mrs. Frances Grayson, in "The'
Dawn," left Roosevelt Field, N. Y.,!
with three companions-Oskar Om-
dal, Brice Goldsborough, and Fred
Koehler-for a flight to Newfound-

By Lark
As the golden morning sun tints
the battered bleachers of old Ferry
field this morning, those ancient
relics of the past which have seen
so many grid heroes rise and fall,
and which for the past two years
have been forsaken and forgotten
for the splendors of our newerj
structure, once more there will be1
enacted upon it a battle of super-
men, of giants.
This morning at 10:30 o'clock the
Executive Staff of the Michigan
Union, known familiarly as the
"Tap Room Boys," will meet in a
football encounter the upper staff
of The Michigan Daily, Ann Arbor's
only morning newspaper.
All Ann Arpor was in uproar last
night in tense anticipation of the
forthcoming battle. The mere
tiffle the 'varsity will have this
afternoon with Ohio was forgot-
ten before the expectation of the
thrill of seeing William "Wee
Willie" Nissen and Kenneth "Boo-!
boo" Schafer lead their cohorts out
on the green for the Union, and
longed-for sight of the Gallant
Lark trotting out in front of the'
big Daily team.
The Daily squad, 37 strong, re-
tired last night to the Barton Hills
country club to rest for the coming
vame_ ThP Unin rnr is rntd

- -



Captain Lark, all Washtenaw
county quarterback, announced his
lineup as follows, subject, of course,
to change without notice: left end,
"Killer" Kern; left tackle, "Bloody"
Monroe; left guard, "Rutheless"
Rosenberg; center, "Gorilla" Sim-
ons; right guard, "Gyp" Howell;
right tackle, "Butch" Patrick; right
1 end, "Buck" Tilley; quarter-back,
"Dynamite" Klein; left half,
"Spike" Hooker; right half, "Slug-
ger" Kline; full, "Wildcat" Smith.
Substitutes' "Pinkie" Askren, "Kis-
ser" Kurvink and "Tubby" Edelson.I
The Union lineup is being with-
held until game time.
Any one who is strong enough to
referee should report at the field
at 10:00.
Coolidge, Hoover, Davis, Whiting,I
And Clark Receive Eckener
In Quick Succession








guuir . ie Union gang is repurea
to have spent the evening in (By Associated Press)
Ypsilanti, from which point track WASHINGTON, Oct. 19-Hurry-
was lost of them. ing from border to border and
around the heart of the nation's
capitol, Dr. Hugo Eckener was kept
busy today receiving the official'
IMIPA a homage of the American people for
:loting the Graf Zeppelin across the
I The veteran builder and com-
mander of dirigibles, accompanied
High School Journalists Hear Profs. by several of his aides and passeng-
Densmore And Carrothers erson the recent voyage, enjoyed
Densore nd Crroters a New England breakfast at the
Give Talks White House, paid his respects to
Herbert Hoover at the Republican
FINAL SESSIONS TODAY nominee's personal headquarters,1
and was received in quick succes-
Following a full day's program of sion by Secretary Wilbur, Secretaryl
addresses and discussion sessions Ruben Clark, acting secretary of
pertaining to journalism and the state.I
problems of publication, more than The European visitors were thenr
225 menbers of the Michigan In- 'escorted to. the Lincoln Memorial.
terswholastc Press Association held hich they admired from the base;
terchoastc Pes Asocitio hed(and to Arlington national cemetery,
their eighth annual convention { where Dr. Eckener placed a wreath
banquet last night in the ballroom bearing the German Republic col-
of the Union. Prof. Gail E. Dens- ors, on the tomb of the unknown
more, of the department' of speech, soldier. Next, in turn, was a wide
moreswing to Bolling Field, where Count
first speaker on the program de- Ernest von Brandenburg, in charge
livered an address on "Getting of German Civil aeronautics, and
There," and Prof. George E. Car- some others of the party, donned
rothers spoke on "Being Alive." parachutes for an air tour over the
ProfessorCarrothers se ssg e.''h capitol in an army plane; while
Professor Carrothers stressed the Dr. Eckener, in the company of
necessity of being alive to benefit those friends remaining, crossed
by the multitude of experiences over to the Navy air station for a
which are offered by present day similar trip in a naval plane.

New Election Date, As Decided By
Student Council, Set For
Monday Afternoon
For the second time within eight
days, a class in the literary college
will next Monday hold a second
election to select a president for
the coming year. Because it saw1
insufficient evidence to declare
either Edwin B. Poorman, '30, or
William Farrell, '30, elected as pres-
ident of the Junior class, the Sen-
ate committee on Student Affairs
yesterday decided that a new elec-
tion should be held and asked the
Student council to set a date. The
new election will be held at 4 o'clock
next Monday in the Natural Sci-
ence auditorium,it was announced
last night.
Recounts Made
Last Wednesday, the junior liter-
ary class held their elections for
class officers and J-Hop committee-
men. Two offices, those of presi-
dent Id J-Hop chairman, were
counted before the Student coun-
cilmen went to supper. Afterdsup-
per, they returned and counted the
remainder. At the insistence of
certain of the Council and some
outsiders, a recount was made of
the vote for president and J-Hop
On the afternoon count, Poorman
had led Farrell 282 to 247, and Har-
ry. Wallace, '30, had led Richard
Cole, '30, for J-Hop chairman, 272
to 247. The recounts showed Far-
rell returned as president by a vote
of 267 to 263.Wallace in the short
time since the other count had
dropped 24 votes somewhere, win-
ning again by the close count of
248 to 247.
Council Decides Issue
The Council decided at a special
meeting Thursday afternoon that
on the face of the vote, Farrell
should be named as president. The
matter was taken further to the
Senate Committee on Student Af-
fairs, with the result that they vot-
-ed to have a new election. At the
same time, the concensus of the
Senate committee was that it had
full confidence in the way in which
the Council handled the matter.I
The other members of the class
who were elected to office last
Wednesday will however hold their
offices, and the election on next
Monday will be one for the office
of president only.j
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications is offering
scholarship prizes under the fol-
lowing resolution:-
Resolved: That the Board in
Control of Student Publications;
shall for the current year offer
cash prizes of $100 each for
scholarship attainment, accord-
ing to the following rules:
1. Every student who has done
substantial and satisfactory work
on any student publication or
publications under control of the
Board, for four or more semes-
ters shall be eligible for one ofj
these prizes. The Summer Ses-
sion shall be rated as a half
2. Every such student who has
attained an average scholarship
1 of B or better during the period
above specified shall receive one
of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
prize shall file an application
4 for the same at the Board office
in the Press building after the
Iopening of the University in the
fall and before November, and
the prizes shall be awarded and
paid before the Christmasholi-

4. No student shall be an ap-
plicant for any scholarship prize
more than once.
5. The scholarship standing of
each applicant shall be estimat-
ed in accordance with the sys-
tem of grading employed in the
various schools and colleges of
the University.
The Board requests applicants
for these prizes to file their ap-
plications as soon as possible at

Otto Pommerening
Wolverine tackle, may meet Ras-
kowski, star Ohio tackle, and one
of the main-stays of the left side
of the Ohio line, as reports say that
he may be placed directly opposite
Raskowski. Pommerening has re-
ceived much of the individual
praise accorded Michigan players.
He is an Ann Arbor resident.
President Defines Common Heritage
Of Schools Of Canada And
United States
Linking the educational systems
of Canada and the United States
by pointing out their common heri-
tage from those of Great Britain,
}President Clarence Cook Little yes-'
terday addresseda large audience
gathered in London, Ontario, for
the Golden Jubilee of the Vniver
sity of Western Ontario and for the
inauguration of William Sherwood
Fox as president. President Little
was the spokesman for the univer-
sities and colleges of the United
Opening his message he said, "If
I had been asked to present to you,
on the happy 'occasion of your
Golden Jubilee any detailed educa-
tional or sociological, message to
which all the Universities of the
United States' could subscribe, it
would be next to impossible."
From this point, he went on to
a criticism of the educational sys-
tems of this nation and a compari-
son of those of Canada, Great
Britain, and this country. "In a
large, comfortable, and prosperous
country such as my own, the atti-
tude toward education is apt to be
agreeable instead of questioning,
and complacent instead of critical
..... We are apt to forget that the
reproduction of a standardized
product so highly successful as a
business method is fatal in educa-
tion. We are, as a result, in danger
of forgetting a magnificent heri-
tage given to the United States by
! our common mother."
For the stay-at-home Michigan
students, the Ohio State football
game will be vividly protrayed at
the gridgraph to be shown in Hill
auditorium under the auspices of
the Alumni association. The grid-
graph shows the game, play by

I ,'.
Attacks Hubert Work In Chicago
Speech For Renewing
Oil Lease
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 19-In America's
second city, Alfred E. Smith tonight
wound up his last campaign swing
into the mid-west with an attack
on Hubert Work, chairman of the
Republican national committee, for
renewing the Salt Creek oil lease
and then trained a; verbal machine
gun fire on Senator Borah of Idaho,
now. stumping the country in be-
half of the Republican ticket.
Before a crowd which packed the
131st Regimental Armory to over-
flowing, the Democratic nominee
before turning eastward to wind
up his drive for the presidency in
home territory along the Atlantic
seaboard, warned his hearers to re-
member the Republicans were
promising the nation a continua-
tion of the records of the last four
Frequently the nominee was in-
terrupted by applause, cheers, the
tooting of horns and the ringing of
cow bells. When he said "let us
talk a little about prohibition,"
there was another demonstration.
A few minutes later the crowd yell-
l ed again when he promised, if
elected, to do his best to enforce


By Morris Quinn
COLUMBUS, Oct. 19-Thirty-one determined Wolverine
football players invaded the Buckeye stronghold this afternoon and
went through their last workout in preparation for the traditional
tussle with the men of Wilce in the giant Ohio Stadium, while the
Scarlet and Gray squad also held its final practice behind closed
The utmost secrecy surrounded the actions of both squads,
neither coach choosing to formulate 'a definite lineup before game
time. With this fact in view, it will not be surprising to see several

advancement, and spoke of the
desirability of a broad knowledge
on which to base the reaction to-
ward those experiences. He also
stressed the value of expressing
honest, individual opinions based
upon facts considered in the light
of experience and education. Prof-
essor Carrothers told the school
editors that their opinions founded
upon sincere consideration of facts
relating to problems rather than
upon prejudices expressed in the
editorial columns of the school
paper was perhaps its most impor-
tant phase. He said that even
though the opinions expressed
might not be altogether compli-
mentary to members of the facul-
ties 'or others whom they might
concern such people should be
big enough to accept an individual
opinion sincerely expressed.
Professor John L. Brumm, of the
'department of journalism, who de-
livered an address at the morning
session on "School Leadership," in
which he brought out the point
that the editors through their pub-
lications could assume the role of
big enough to accept an individual
'at the banquet.

Results of the Opera poster con-
test will not be announced for sev-
eral days, according to E. Mortimer
Shuter, director of the opera. The1
contest closed last Monday, but due
to the number of posters submitted'
it will take longer than usual to
make a selection.
The first prize for the contest
will be a special die for a watch
charm, cast in gold, while the sec- I
ond 'prize will be a silver cast of
that design. The prize has been,
designed by Theodore Rogvoy, 28A,
Students will be admitted to the
Michigan "B" team-Ohio State re-
serves contest this afternoon, on
their athletic pass books. This is
the first home game for the Wol-
verines second. General admis-l
sion is one dollar.

On water power, one of the last
subjects touched upon, the nominee
said that if the water power re-
sources were let in Republican
hands for another four years, they
would "be under private ownership
and operated for private profit."
Starting off his address by rap-
ping the Republican farm record,
the governor said that that party
this year had given the farmer the
same pledge they had in 1924. He
urged farmers, however, not to be
discouraged, declaring President
Coolidge had given them "sympa-
thy" in a message to Congress.
A reference by the nominee to
Senator Borah's activities in behalf
of the Republican ticket was "boo-
ed" by the audience. When he
quoted Borah as proclaiming Hoo-
ver to the countryside as the great-
est man in the United States and
the one who should be the nextc
president, more "booes" were heard.j
Particular enthusiasm broke out
when the presidential nominee con-
sented on the withdrawal of Law-
den at the Kansas City convention.

changes in the Michigan front, as
well as that of Ohio State, when
he teams take the field tomorrow
A host of Michigan, and Ohio
football enthusiasts has been pour-
ing into the city all day, and by to-
morrow afternoon the throng will
have increased to porportions suf-
ficient to fill the huge double-deck-
ed Memorial stadium to the ut-
With victories over Wittenberg
and Northwestern.to their credit in
the first two games of the season,
the Buckeyes will enter the battle
decided favorites over the Wolver-
ines. Ohio rooters are jubilant
over the -fact that their team is con-
ceded its best chance since 1921,
the last time that a Wilce-coached
eleven downed Michigan, to whip
the invaders.
Michigan, on the other hand,
will take the fielddetermined t
upset the dope and hand the Bucks
their initial defeat of the year, and
Wolverine fans are pinning their
hopes for victory on the remarl.
able improvement evidenced in the
Indiaia game over that with Wes-
Improvement Expected
Fighting with their backs to the
wall, the Wolves will have every-
thing to gain and nothing to lose,
for a victory will give the squd the
degree of confidence that is neces-
sary to a successful team, while an-
other defeat may prove disastrous
in view of the fact that five hard
games still remain to be played.
Just how the Wolverines will line
up against the Buckeyes will prob-
ably remain more or less uncer-
tain until the teams take the field,
although the practices of the week
have given strong indications of a
possible shift in the Michigan
backfield in order to gain the of-
fensive strength lacking in the first
two games.
May Shift Lineup.
It seems likely, unless the field
is so heavy that running game is
out of the question, that Joe Gem-
bis will be replaced by Captain
Rich at the fullback post, and tlat
Jack Wheeler, sophomore triple
threat artist, will be sent to the
halfback berth formerly occupied
by the Michigan captain. Wheeler's
speed and all-around ability may
lend the punch that has been lack-
ing on the offense.
If the field is sodden, on the
other hand, it is not at all im-
probable that the backfield will re-
main the same, because the line
plunging combination of Rich and
Gembis is one that would be cer-
tain to cause the Buckeye forward
wall plenty of trouble.
Ohio Positions Uncertain
Ohio's lineup is also more or less
uncertain, although 'there will
probably not be more than one or
two changes from that of last
week. Kruskamp, one of the great-
est blocking backs in the Middle
West will be back at thepfullback
post, greatly increasing the power
of the Buckeye running attack.
While Holman, and Coffee look
like the other starters at,the pres-
ent time, Coach Wilce has another
quartet of capable performers wait-
ing to get into action. Cory, Mc-
Clure, Krissnand Fouch and Hus-
ton are all ball-carriers of merit.
The forward wall is built around
Leo Raskowski, giant tackle, who
won the all-American honors last
seeason, while a former Michigan
State college player, Fred Young,
will perform at center.
Michigan Ohio State


play, as soon as the details of the
game are received by wire from the
Columbus stadium.





Making a concerted effort to City, Ind., Gary, Ill., and Milwaukee.
have Dr. IHugo Eckener, commander At first thought it might seem im-
of the Graf Zeppelin, arrange a possible to cover all these cities
route f tewithout unduly prolonging the
route for the big trans-Atlantic tour, but inspection of the map
airship on its trip across Michigan shows it quite feasible if, as it is
from Detroit to Chicago and re- quite probable, Dr. Eckener plans
turn the next week to take in as to touch Detroit, the site of the
many places as possible on the only anchorage mast in the Middle
lower peninsula and give 700,000 of West, on the west and east bound
the 800,000 Wolverines in the south- trips. .
ern Michigan industrial centers a Seymour Beach Conger, who has
chance to see the giant airship in been chosen to take personally the
flight, the mayors of many cities telegraphic invitations to the at-
and the representative business or- tention of Dr. Eckener, is connect-
ganizations of these towns have ed at nresent with the Booth news-

Amelita Galli-Curci who will be
heard in a concert here Monday
night has had a spectacular career,
beginning in Milan, Italy early in
her life, and carrying her to the
pinnacle of fame in the operatic
and concert world.
In Milan it was where Mascagni,
noted composer of "Cavallerie Ris-
ticana," predicted a musical career
for her. There she studied inten-
sively from childhood, knowing
how to speak five languages at the
age of thirteen. Three years later,
she graduated from the conserva-

in "Rigoletto.".After her great suc-
cess there, the ascent on the ladder
of fame was rapid. She had great
triumphs at the opera houses of
Turin, Cario, Alexandria, Barcelona,
Madrid, and St. Petersburg, where
she sung before the Czar.
Despite all these triumphs in
other countries, Madam Galli-Curci
was hardly known when she arrived'
in the United States. Twelve years
gao, she was engaged by the Chi-
cago opera company as a guest
singer. The morning following her
concert, headlines in newspapers
proclaimed her triumph and Chi-

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