HOCKEY COMPETITORS Galli-Curci Trains For Concert Pianist; Initiates Will TalkACora Opines 'N
n ArA t en M e tinVAtlast, my dear, I have found a
WIL0AH-1 ONG Thad likewise a good musical heriU I ULEGATES Following second tryouts for man in this university who really
tage. Athena literary society, which took appreciates women. I mean some
Very often with her father, the- one who appreciates us as a whle
Betty Smithers, W. A. A. President Representatives for the Michigan place Tuesday night, the organiza- and no merely as a in- Wyver
Will Address Meeting girl Amelita attended opera per- tion has announced the names of and not merely as scattered in
WlAdsMenformances at Milan's historic La Interscholastic Press Association three new members They a(ag dividuals, Long and diligently had son of b
After Dinner Scala Theatre. There she heard Convention will arrive today and Florence Hiscock, '32, Grace Leon- I searched for such a man to ap- noon. A
the foremost singers, and her am- be directed to register at the Un- ard, '30, and Elizabeth Quaife, '30. pear among the masses of cynical ciety wil
SEVENTY - FIVE EXPECTED bition to enter on an operatic ca- ion. More than 300 representa- Impromptu speeches by the new and snooty males, and now my between
........... .....reer grew and grew. Mascagni, tives are expected to attend the members will be a feature of the search is ended and I can rest in thirt
An Inter-class hockey spread to I composer of "Cavalleria Ruzticana" convention. program of the next meeting of the peace, or maybe pieces, depending thirty
which all women interestfd in had pronounced her destiny as Marion Searles, '30, a member of society, which will be held on Tues- on how many of the aforemention- dpeupoe
such, but her father wished her ed men read my little musings.~
competing for any team in the in- Theta Sigma Phi, will assist the day of next week. The regulardtde musings. cam
f y io become a concert pianist, and irls after they have registered, in business meeting will also be held Anyway I can rest after this vigi-
ter-class tournament are invited, in pursuance of his desires, she -lant search, secure in the knowl- For a
will be given by W. A. A. at 5:45 ' continued her studies and gradu- fdn om o h he aso usa.eg htalhsntbe nvi.hsgv
atedfombohthe______ndth edge that all has not been in vain, has give
wilhbe i en bye W om eA'. A h e at54o ed m h tue sLy and g a ue ofthe co ve ni . Other The m an I have reference to is ties, and
tonight' in the "Women's Athlet- ated.frm:both:he<Lyce:and.th bers of the sorority will organize i( 11 oeohrta orPeyhm eeo
lbid Milan Conservatory, where she re- .S none other than our Prexy him- lege . of
lng.ceived first prize for piano. groups of girls which later they rself. From now on he has my full books.
The main purpose of this infor- - ceverist prize will take through the W. A. A. . and undivided support in all mat- selling i
rnal dinner is to allow the members cultivate the voice that she felt d the Womens league building r ters-except that of a certain irri- graduat
of the different classes to become sure she had, Amelita Galli-Curci on a tour of inspection. tating ban. Really, my dear, any the pro
suesehdAeiaGliCriTeaSgaPiadSgaDl A cquaint~ed with each other before ITRtl '::"hpdta h ol ea-mnwoapeits wmntelau~
lowed to follwCherwambitin.oButaIe HA
reuitdwthec te bfr .39now hoped that she would be al- tTheta Sigma Phi and Sigma Del- IIIIiI llman who appreciates womern the league.
they meet to try out for places on r Chi will co-operate in giving a tplloinway he does, should have their is in ch
he four class teams. An the Inter- business troubles of her father, a dance from 4 to 5:30 o'clock Friday everlasting has ann
binstrulsohefahra That Freshmen women are nowevratn allegiance and so forth. has tunmn ilann.N-ateno tBty abu os.
Mme. Gai-Curci banker, interfered, and Amelita t o a s a he eligible to play in intramural hock- If you missed hearing President may be
ember 1, this is the last opportun- -stepped into the breach and acted coton wil s at th ey teams was announced at a meet- Little the other night, you have been pa
ty for the entire group of hockey Far away in the city of Milan, as breadwinner for the family by dance. ing of athletic managers of sorori- no idea how really thrilling it was Two s
nthusiasts to meet together until rgiving piano lessons in Milanwhileties and dormitories Wednesday at to discover that we are appreciated present
he hockey banquet which will be Italy, and in the last few years giigpaolson nMln hlP_________
her father went to South America, Theta Phi Alpha announces the Barbour gym. There will be no here on the campus. and thr
iven at the end of the season, of the Nineteenth Century, a wee hoping to regain his fortune, Dur- and thrucesth
Ovr eenyfiear ltlegrlwa or-esiedt igth hreinitiation of Doris LaCore 28 of group teams for freshmen as was -_____________________
Over seventy-five are expected to little girl was born-destined to ing he three years he was gone, Muskegon, and the pledging of previously announced, as there
e present at the spread, and after become one of the most renowned Amelita not only gave lessons, but Helen McCarthy '32 of Ann Arbor. were not enough freshmen inter- Distinctive
he dinner Betty Smithers, '29, singers of her day-Amelita Galli- at the same time trained her own '_'_ _ ested.
>resident of W. A. A. and some Curci, who will sing here in con- voice for opera. When he return- in America for the next succeeding All teams which find it necessary
aember of the faculty of the school cert Monday night. ed, Miss Galli-Curci, freed from eight seasons, instead of returning to default must notify the gym
>f Physical Education, will address As a tiny tot, Amelita seemed duty, made her operatic debut at to Europe in the expected few office before noon of the day on
he meeting. Those on the com- always to be possessed of tireless Trani, Italy, with such success that months. which the game is scheduled to be
aittee for the spread are Dorothy energy although frail of physique. she was immediately called to the Madame Galli-Curci has now al- played. Postponements must also
ouff, '30, chairman; Dorothy' Though very dainty in appearance, Constanzi Theatre, Rome's fore- most completed the entire circuit j be made through the office. In
'lynn, '30, has charge of the floor, she had such a store of reserve most opera house. of the world and after the season case of rain, houses which have
'rancis Miller, '30, the service, and strength and was so constantly en- Followed several years of per- at the Metropolitan Opera House, games scheduled are asked to call
thel Klanderman, '29, the food. ergetic even in the land of blue formances in Italy, Egypt, Spain, which is concluded in February, the office between 3:30 and 4 o'clock
skies and balmy days that she was Russia, South America, Central she sails for a six months tour of to find out about the game.
Nnicknamed "the volcano." America and Cuba. Then in 1916, the orient.The elimination tournament will
Notces -At the age of six, her musical she came to America. She purpos- Before starting the opera season, begin on Monday, and will consist
training began with the study of ed only to visit here and a little however, Madame Galli-Curci is do- of two parts, the A and B tourna-
The fourth round in the upper- the piano and her general educa- later leave for Europe. But she ing some concert singing, and in ments. Those teams which are de-
lass tennis tournament must be tion was gained in Milan in a Ger- was scheduled for two guest con- this role she will appear Monday feated in their first games play in
layed off by Sunday evening. Any man school and later at Lyceo. Her certs in the Chicago Opera House night in Hill auditorium, in the the B tournament. The chart will epine
om father and mother both being very and her performances there were second concert of the Choral Union be posted Monday on the bulletin . .
oncerning the tournament may I musical, her environment was con- such a sensation that she remain- series. board with the game schedule.AP
nall Margaret Ohlson at 3 m18 a ducive to good training; and as her ed in Chicago for the season, went __ fall afternoon wear. A sm
a Mrrrandmoshr ha ben h hra+. to New York with more trinmnhs: I
n society will opel
lue-book selling th
k representative o
l be at Barbour gy
the hours of f",r
day and tomorrov%
of distributing su
s from various he
number of years
n the dormitorie
I League houses V
keeping a stock
The project of 1
s one in which a
e women co-oper
ceeds go to the
Dorothy Woodrow,
arge of the sale t
ounced that no t
obtained until t
id for.
izes are availabl
time, two for fi
ee for ten cents.
design for
art Cuban
Genuine La Mur
Permanent Wave
For a Limited Time Only
All Work Guaranteed
Miladies Beauty
-that are just the thing for
tea or informal dancing are
arriving daily. In many delight-
ful manners they have incorpor-
ated every detail that Paris has
declared fashionable.
Satins and crepes are subtly
draped; velvets a r e simply
fashioned, with just touch of
lingerie lace, and chiffons are
combined with satin or velvet.
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