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February 24, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-24

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--- -_--
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LIOH ATIOAL r Resuming social activities in a
snrwrsemester the interest of all

"Iater-Relations Of Women Are
Apt To Be Less Genuine Than
Those Of Men"
Discussing the two factors which
- form the potential causes for the
pitfalls and the saddened outlooks
on life which deans of women
some times fall. into, President
Clarence Cook' Little spoke Febru-
ary 22 in Cleveland before a meet-
in g of the National Association of
Deans of Women._. He classified the
potential causes for these troubles
into the biological and sociological
factors, and proceeded, to- discuss
these two causes.
"Among the biological factors is
theprocess of natural selection
which for. centuries has been ope-.
rative in producing a centralization
of the activities of women and a
decentralization of the activities of
men. Throughout the course of a
series of man-made civilizations,
woman has been the breeder' and

animal world, play serves as a weeks, on rushing and pledging
training school for behavior in the new members. Washington's birth-
serious activities of adult life, so day suggested the motif for decor-
in the training of man, organized ations.
play teaches him how to adjust Zeta Tau Alpha announces the
himself without disaster to unex- pledging of Miriam Carey, '32, of
pected situations which may leave Ann Arbor, and Dorothy Sieser-
him on one occasion a loser, and lien, '32, of Saginaw.j
on the next a winner. Inter-rela- A formal dinner will be an un-I
tions of women are apt to be stu- usual;feature Monday night at the
died, deliberate, artificial, calculat- I Zeta) Tau Alpha house. The tables,
ing and less genuine than are those 'will be charmingly decorated with
among men. In no field does this tulips in jade bowls.
show up more clearly than in the Mrs. C. M. Erwin, of Harbor
relation between 'women students I Springs, has been a house guest
in our colleges and women admin- ; of Zeta Tau Alpha Wednesday,
'strators in charge of them. i Thursday, and Friday of this week.
Refutes Objections to Advisors Pi Beta Phi entertained two
"A great advantage possessed by faculty members at dinner Tues-
the committee system over that of day evening. The guests were
a single dean is the fact that it Professor Rene Talamon and Mrs.,
forces a cooperative attitude on Talamon, and Professor William
the part of the administrators McLaughlin.
themselves. It also provides a test Kappa Delta is pleased to an-
that will show when such coopera- nounce the pledging of Frances
tion fails. It may be accurate and Buthene, '31. Mr. and Mrs. Brad -
I believe'that it has been advanced ley Davis acted as chaperones for
by some that the committee sys- an informal dance which the sor-
tem is harmful because it tends to ority gave Thursday night. i
decrease the dignity possessed by1 Delta Delta Delta had as dinner
the full fledged and solitary dean guests Wednesday evening Mr. and
of women.dMrs. Horace King, of Ann Arbor,!
On ofhen wand Miss Inez Bosaith, director of
One of the-worst enemies which ,A_ ___

ORK O Detroit Alumnaee IORE LCURES TO
S [A C 0 LPUPILS o Spa r Cy,1lM l
turinMrunn ToCSoOLotPlay ea, ha ve you heard the AAU~ N I~lL~l
Wil tae enfi Prfrnane f perfectly intiguing rumors about P N AfIlhlf'O
uII~UOJIU ~I JWl eteft CssTere n the Penny Carnival? It sounds as
'o teonda Tight though this is to be the best and -
Mrs. R. T. Bittinger Has Directed biggest carnival in the history of Illustrating with slides his talk
Art Pursuits of Toledo Coquette will be presented at the University, I mean it really ,"Ca
Childrenthe Cassu etre i De r oit ont does. O f course, not all the plans o f C rillons", Prof. Earl V. M oore
ithe Cass Theatre i Detroit Mon- and features have been divulged of the School of Music spoke to
day night, uender the auspices of by
the:Detroit group of the Alumnae ' y the committee as yet, but the I the members of the A. A. U. W.
WILL CLOSE TOMORROW h oitouioteAena rumors are awfully interesting. yesterday afternoon at the Betsy
--Association. It is to be given as a OfcrsteeWlbete aboreidnenrltono
Bright crayon sketches, stencils, benefit performance, and it isO course, there will be the Barbour residence i relation to
and Christmas cards made by the hoped that many from Ann Arbor booths where one may see .all sorts the alumni project to build the
little girls of the Smead School for j will attend. Tickets, which are one of queer things-I can guarantee Burton Campanile.
Girls, at Toledo, are being exhibit- dollar and up, may' be reserved that you really may, for the trif-
ed in the first floor corridor of the either in room A of Alumni Memo- in ee of one penny. And there "e arillo oia e n an-
Architectural Building until to- rial Hall or at Wahr's bookstore. will be some sort of unusual enter- 1 dersand has a y been an im-
rmorrow. "Coquette" had a season's brit- tainment, though its exact nature portant feature Hof community life
The art work in this school is liant run on Broadway last year, has not been disclosed as yet. It's, in the lowlands," said Prof. Moore.
under the direction of Pauline and has been hailed by manyrit, sure to be good, though, because "There is scarcely a human activ-
Hatfield Bittinger, wife of RossPau ics as one of the best and most the committee has been working ity that hasn't been associated
IT. Bittinger, instructor in theasuccessful plays, of the year. The on it thoughtfully and for a long with bells, and the carillon is a
T.Btigemtuto h ucesu laso h ya.Tetime. symbol of the spiritual: bringing to-
Architectural school of the Univer- play centers around small town so- Ai d symbol of t srual bringinget.
sity of Michigan. She is respon- cial life in the South, and is con- And of course, the most thrilling gether of a group" he continued.
sible for the remarkable work of cerned with country clubs, flap- thing of all will be the basketball Various carillons at Oxford, bell
these children, who are between pers, old-fashioned fathers, and game to decide the women's intra- towers, the claviers for playing the
the ages of 7 and 13. codes of 'honor. Norma Besant, the mural tournament. This is a reg- chimes, and the processes of bell-
Take Scenes From Stories daughter of a southern gentleman, ular annual feature, and is always!making'in the foundries were de-
Many of the drawings were in- fals in love with Michael Jeffrey, intenselyexciting, I mean itreal- scribed bydProf. Moore with the
spired by the story of Hansel and; who is a roughnecks and roust- ly is. Just think how much de-° aid of slides. ITe told of the se-
Gretel. According to Mrs. Bitting- about. Her father disapproves o pends on the outcome of that sin- cret foimulae in the English bell
er, after about half a, year of prep-( young Jeffrey and finally shoots gle game. Why it's almost as good foundries for making the caril-
arations, -the girls of the school him. This is an unforgettable por- as a conference game. Ions of an alloy of copper and tin
gave Humperdink's adaptation of trait of a coquette's progress from So, my dear, get your boy-friend and the precision necessary for
the opera Hansel and Gretel in superficial flirtation to a situation to save a whole lot of pennies so tuning the bells perfectly. Music
IJune, 1928. Before any work on wherein tragedy is preeminent. that he.can take you to the carni- has to be specifically arranged for
the play was begun the children!Though the plot is truly tragic-the I val and to all the sideshows or each carillon according to the
Tohmrlot ruytgi what ha.V u m ehr of bollq but the result is

' .

manth 'builder'," President Little women have in the field.ofexecu- the Lawyer's Club. Yellow tapers were a m oe cmpt ey famiiar play is equally touched with tears
began. He continued this discus- tive work and administration is the I and spring flowers were used in with the story. After months of and laughter, and is well worth "
sgn. with coniderati dof t e onsciousness on dmsx n w ich d the table decorations. training they began to actually seeing
inheenitha mchnsmerhtionh adconsciousness of sex which de- Alpha Xi Delta gave a formal visualize the Black Forest and the
inherent mechanism whi ch mands all the rights, digmties an dance Thursda evening. Gold characters who roamed through it.
is that moons with black silhouettes in An outlet for these imaginings Class Games Begin
Distinguishes Between Types monopolized. The trouble keeping with the design on the was offered by the art department
"At present 'natural selection is these rights and privileges are real- program shaded the lights. The where each child tried to show the
hibernating. A complex, unnatural ly hollow and useless. To find patrons and patronesses were Mr. settings and characters as she
and unhealthy civilization has al-: women taking them seriously and and Mrs. Hugh Keeler, and Mrs. thought they ought to look. Criti- After a longer practice season
Slowed the survival and develop- in fact at times apparently consid- Wendell Moore, house chaperone. cisms were made in the form of than usual, the nterclass basket-
ment of wide variants from both ering them a criterion of success yr Miss Jean Joiner of Oberlin col- asketuhes on the blackboard. ball teams will open their annual:
of the primitive types. Serious failure is a discouraging factor. lege, and Lucille Althaus of Tol- Children Dramatize Scenes tournament at 4 o'clock Tuesday
complications of both a physiologi- Urges Proper Environment edo, Ohio, were guests at the If a child was in doubt as to a afternoon in Barbour gymnasium.
'a cal and psychological nature have "I do not wish what I have said dance. certain action she was told to The personelle of the teams, two
resulted. There is, for example,; to be construed as in anyway an Several members of Delta Gam- dramatize the part. One little girl of which will be selected from each
a little effort on the part of society attempt to belittle a very wide- ma entertained English Honors nine years old, made a drawing class, has not yet been determined.
to distinguish between the woman spread and natural desire of every students at tea Thursday after- of Hansel sitting in the cage. Announcement of the teams will a
who is struggling rightfully to normal woman for a home and for noon. Mrs. LeRoy Cordes, '21, is a While working at this, she was in be made in the Tuesday morning
a throw off useless social inhibitions the outlet to self-expression which guest of her mother, Mrs. Reynolds doubt as to just how Hansel would Daily.
which should never have been im- that home involves. It is a fact ; this week.{ look. First she tried sitting down - The schedule of the games is as
a posed upon her sex and the woman; that many of the most highly train- Gamma Phi Beta announces the herself, but this did not help, so follows: Tuesday, February 20-
who is aggressively and tenaciously ed women in the professions will niedging of Emma Frances O'Hara, at last she had another little girl Junior I vs. Senior I, Junior II vs.
- trying to throw off the normal bi- derive far greater real pleasure '33, of Ann Arbor. sit on the floor while she carefully Senior II; -Thursday, February 28
t ological inhibitions of her sex," he from the purchase of curtains or Pledges of Gamma Phi Beta drew her. Each illustration ex- -Freshman I vs. Sophomore I,
continued. the choice of silver for their flat entertained the actives with a hibited, is the child's individual Freshman II vs. Sophomore II;
"The former type is greatly to be or home than they do from the mock style show at the annual interpretation. Attractive stencils I Tuesday, March 5-Freshman I vs.
desired. She is a person of vital im- professional honors. -;Washington's birthday party of' and Christmas cards of unusual . Jiiio I. Freshman II vs. Junior II,
-- terests, of alertness, of charm, and It would seem logical therefore the sorority on Wednesday even- ability are also being displayed. Thursday, March 7--Senior I vs.
a of great appeal to normal girls be- to 'urge- that every woman in col- ing. All of the actives were clev One child, eight years old, has Sophomore IL Senior II vs. Sopho-
causein her they.see their own im- lege administration should live in erly dressed for the - affair was a made a stencil worthy of an ad- more II; Tuesday, March 12-a
mature hopes fully realized. The; such surroundings that she may costume party. vanced student. She was so little F Tv S I h
latter is at, best a poor imitation have a fair chance to derive the A 1912 alumna of Kappa Alpha that she could not hold the knife. 1TI vs. Seior II;TursaMarc
of a man, troublesome and weari- beneficial results of freedom for Theta, Mrs. Gordon Kingsbury, Mrs. Bittinger cut out the stencil 14-Sophomore I vs. Junior I,
some. She enlists support by domi- self-expression which the building was a guest of the sorority last but let her do all the rest herself. Sophomore II vs. Junior II
nation. Such. women in the home up of a 'homey' atmosphere pro- Tuesday. --
'ssend their husbands to state's vides. Xi chapter of Delta Omicron,
prison or else to the great open Predicts Personal Faculties national musical sorority, enter- MRBARTLETT
spaces.oe "I believe that a careful study tamed with formal dinner Feb. 11, M
K "There is another natural attrib- should be. made of .points in which at the Lantern Shop in honor of of I-he J. L. Hudson Beauty
ute of the pseucdomasculine wo- women students difner from men the national president. Parlor, is now located 1 i
an which works unconsciously in students, to give women the proper 'at the
her favor. She is possessed fre- opportunity in college administra- I
quently of a physique and power Ition. I believe that we cannot lose
of voice which makes her contacts sight of the fundamental fact that HnAoB BIRD
r with situations involving vigorous!I women have long been and will al- Liquid Henna 5 Nickels Arcade
and rough handling more success- ways continue to be in positions of I 7
ful than is justified by her ability absolute authority as far as the ShamPoo-7 c specializing in Frederic's Permanent, $8.50
and wisdom. Most normal wom- intimate human relationships are Shampoo and Marcel Women's and 'Children
en are handicapped in a rough and concerned. rFoerWn$ auCildrPE A
______ ____ ____ aor ringer vWave--$ 1 l-Haircutting 'SPECIALI,
tumble situation by their personal I g
charm and delicacy. This is not Permanent Waves Mr. t Next and Tuesday
true of the warrior type to which $artlettN Mondaya
' 1,ree and itgiveshe an unue 1Srig3upplesBetil
I refer it her d S Beautiful Marcel Effect with was formerly with the . Marcel and Shampoo-$1.00
.~temporary and temporal advantage ** iRnge EdsuI Arcade Barber Shop
over hermore normal sisters."p . Phone 21478 25 E. .ierty of city. Phone 7561 1110 5. University
Discusses Sociological Causes for all Musical Instruments
" Turning from this biological dis-
cussion, President Little discussed'i I
i the sociological side of the ques- ebOereUSa
a ni q"The education of women
has until quite recently included MUSIC HOUSE Simpicity heKeynote o
, only the poorest sort of skeleton 110 S. Main St.I
for a program 'of relaxation and
organized play. Just as in the'.

WI~,1UUyU. n , 1I171 I3Cta U IGLiUV1
o as far superior to organ music in
Junior women: Please look at grandeur and magnificence as or-
the noticet in 1Barbour gym- gan music is to piano.
nasium before noon on Monday. I;"'Bells range in size from the
The new choruses and the time I128-ton bell of Moscow, down to
of rehearsals have been listed small bells of a few pounds each,"
and will start Monday at the l he went on. In the foundries an
exact minute stated on the ! element of medieval mysticism re-
schedule. No . excuses for ab- mains, in that the smallest bell of
sence will be accepted. a set is still always cast at mid-
} night.

; i





. ..


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