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February 24, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-24

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~UWDAY, B!~t7A~ 24,


+ -eg.,ata:iaen - a way a 1ommon
UI! wa 0ldiisense rather than Prmitive bruta
blished every morning except Monday ,Iity would di tate
dring the Universit y year by the Board in YW i . ., ad. her. lI-
Member of Western Conference Editorial the dignity of the occasion. Ic an
Conrooiti dnonbiato.. t ams ould asi onh faneI~
Association. honest effort were made to live up """"'""....................................... ...........
The Associated Press is exclusively en- to this ideal, initiations programs HARRIS PLAYERS CAST "'German Fairy Tales" (orches-
titled to the use for republication of all newsI
dispatches 'edited to it or not otherise could never sink to an objectional The Harris Players have announ- trated by S. P. Lockwood); Saint-.
riited in.this paper and the n al news pub- level as in certain eases in the ced their cast for Evreinoff's "The Saens, Rapsodie d'Auvergne; del
Fndereaepast. Cheif Thing" which is being pro- Falla, Nights in the Gardens of
Michigan, ;seco nd class matter. Special rate -o duced for a run of four nights be- Spain; Liszt, Fantasia on Motives
of pasta ' gra:te'd by Third Assistant Post ANEW THEATER! ginning Wednesday, February 27. 'from Beethoven's "Ruins of At--
master General. NWTETR
SSubscriptony carrierIn the news colums of this edi- Dr. Fregoli........... James Dahl1 hens" (Mr. Lockwood).
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May; tion of The Daily will be found a Manager of a Provincial P. L. A.
trd Street. Theater......... Fred Crandall; ,.
Phones: Editoral, 4925; Business, 2r4. descriptio f the new audito..F.TT
decrpto-adioru A Director ...... Alfred H. Golden1 A MASTrER PLAYWRIGHT
EDITORIAL STAFF ajns fctes s theyre eg A Prompter..........,.Don Stoner Barrie has meant many things
T'elephone 4925 building. Electrician.........Dean Currie to many people. But , in the main,
Rumblings of discontent with the An Actor .................Joe Smith people associate him essentially
MANAGING EDITOR Rmlns. icotn ihte
KENN G. PATRICK past situation and clamoring for His Wife..........Mildred Todd iwith one of two things: either they!
lsomething better can be softened A Comedian.... Leonard Hartmann ;know him as the author of "Peter
City Editor ........+"...............3.Nesnlo Stewart HSithoHooker somewhat by the fine theater to bel Landlady....... ....Mr's. dlel Toro Pan", or they have a fondness for!I
News Editor.........Richard C. Rurvink HrDuhe . lao circ
Sports Editor ......... orris c.Qinn found in the League building. The Her Daughter...Eleanor McKitrick things that have since come to be
Women's E ditor.. . Sylvia S. Stone new edifice will henceforth offer Retired Government .called Barrie-esque. The first class
Tesic ad Edrm.......Gerge.asken its auditorium at a nominal cost to Clerk ................ Frank Legg pays too strict an attention to the
,!4istant City Editor..........Robert Silhar- any worth-while group desiring the A Student.............Vernon Dick particular, the second too readily
Right Editors finest in "little theater" accommo A Teacher........Dolly Crowder generalizesa to produce what is at
' osel~h E. TTowell Chlarles S. Monroe dainIn aiiis oevr The total cast, however, includes i best only a :half truth.. And it isj
)oanald J, Kline Pierce' Rosenberg 'ain adfcltes Moov,
LawrenceeltLleinrGeorgeyg.in mon plays will be produced their by all- some twenty-three characters. the second class that have treated
aeorge C. Tcrbey at The Harris Players are very anxi- Barrie so exclusively as fantasy
Reporters Lyan Thmplangrps of the dous that the editorial error made and mei;e whimsy that they have
Morris Alexandce Charles A. Lewis many persons who have struggled in the last notice given them be failed to see that underneath the
Certramn swara yMcsy Merry might be rectified. It is not only the obligation mask of fuin and banter there is
fouise Behyme- F lizabeth Qnfe an adequate theater with the very of the editor but his sincere pleas- the sarcasm and the irony of the
Seton C. Bovee Joseph A. Russell newest features are certainly de- ure to announce to the public that cynic and the sophisticate-the
Isabel Charles Aie Schellto
L,. R. Chuhh lRachel Shearer serving of the congratulations and
-Frank E. Cooper Howard SiI fojplcitat~*io of the mcamusmad ths grith any church organization. above the world and laugh,

-- -
Evrmgret ettote
Every garment s e nt to the'
SVarsity Laundry i an
dered with a personal in-
terest-a ega r o owner- -
r hip and i s returY'ned In
perfect c ondi typical of
rVar sity Service..=
Phone 4219'
~Corner Liberty and Fifth
.I lfOis Ij I _______________________________________

Hlelen Dosine
Margaret EccelS
Doulglas Edwards
Valborg Egeland
Robert J. Feldman
Ald "rorie Follmer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David 1. 1iempste
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaufm
"Ruth fKelsey

Robert tL. Sinss
Ruth Steadman
A.- Stewart
Cad well Swanson
I ane Thayer
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Caurney Williams
ad Jr. W.ter Wilds
George Wohlemth
an eIdward I1. Warner J
Cleland Wyllie


Telephone 21214,.'
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
\ SlDepartment Managers
Advertising....Alex X. Scherer
Advertising.... . ... James Jordan
Advertisin.-Carl W, Hammer
Aeu..................I e
Circulation......-........eorge S. Bradley
A4ccounts... ...... ...awrernce E. Walkley1
Epuhlicatickns........... ...R ay MI. Hofelicht
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
leanette fole Lillian Kovins.ky
Vernior Davis lBernard I.arsor4
Bessie Egeland IHollister Maliley'
SallyUFaster 1, A. Newman
Anna Goldberg Jack ose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Scbemm
George lamilton George Spater
Iack Hiorwich Sherwood Upton
ix Humphrey Marie Wellstead
Activities related to informal ini-
tiation programs of fraternities on

whole on their efforts in the pro-I
But that is not all. Though the
auditorium will be a campus thea-
ter only in the sense that it will
be for the use of the campus as a
whole, it is but a step, a really
big step, however, in the progress!
towards bringing to the powers:
that be a realization of what can!
be accomplished in the way of
dramatics in this institution. '
Many artistic treats which could
be brought to Ann Arbor if a
proper house were provided, diffi-
cult bills that would be produced
by campus talent if a University
I theater with an able director were!
here, and other easily conceived
advantages will come with a thea-
ter when we shall have it.
That there will be a University
theater some day is a fore-goneI
conclusion. It must come. The onlyI
question is a question of time, a
question of when the authorities in
whose hands the function lies, will
realize the existing necessity, the
value of giving students something
fine in the way .- of dramatic art
and theatrical experience that can
come about only with a University
theater. Let us hope that realiza-
tion of the long-acherished idea of:
such a structure 'is not far off in
the future.


They are an independent producing In "The Plays of J. M. Marrie"*
unit using the second floor of we have the collected dramatic
Harris hall under the kind permis- works in an attractive form. The
sion of Rev. Dr. Lewis, and any volume contains twenty plays, and
association which may have grown !a reading of the table of contents
out of the name Harris should be convinces 6ne of Barrie's power in
examined and corrected. the dramatic world. From "Peter
Miss Edna Mower is the director Pan" to "The Old Lady Shows Her
of "The Chief Thing"; a very cap- Medals" one finds Barrie in all
able young lady, the fact that she moods and being many men to
was one of the original founders many readers.
of the Harris Players should give I One cannot ignore Barrie in con-
additional impetus to her efforts sidering the literature of the last
at directing. decade. His productions are some
R. L. A. of the best examples of what has
*' been called lately a literature of
SYMPHONY CONCERT "escape." But it is always escape
Fourth in the series of Faculty that has with it the disdain of the
Concerts will be the University !world as it is, and the desire for
Symphony orchestra concert which 'the world as it exists in the mind
will be given tomorrow afternoon of the artist. Not to know Barrie
at 4:15 o'clock in Hill Auditorium is to have missed a very great in-
under the direction of Samuel P. fluence on the romantic literature
Lockwood. of the stage of the last two de-
Albert Lockwood, pianist, and icades.
Nicholas Falcone, clarinetist, who i Charles Scribner's Sons, the pub-
is probably better known as leader lishers, deserve commendation for
of the Michigan Band, will be the I this excellent volume. Following
soloists. Mr. Lockwood ..will play the excellent collection of the plays
three short works by Saint-Saens, of John Galsworthy which appear-
de Falla, and Beethoven-Liszt, ed late last year, this volume pre-
while Mr. Falcone will give one of sents in an attractive format the
the Mozart clarinet concertos. complete dramatic works of Barrie,
The program is: Mendelssohn, many of which have never before
War March of the Priests from j been published.
"Athalia"; Mozart, Clarinet Con- I N.J. S.
certo in B flat (first two move- "Charles Serilner's Son. New ork CitN.
ments) (Mr. Falcone); Bendel, two $5.00.

f ,.


__ .. ._
a d
;; .

the campus have brought to mind.
the undesirable results of which we
sometimes hear during such peri-
ods, and in consequence the Sen-
ate Committee on Student Affairs
has adopted a resolution contain-'
ing suggestions for the regulation
of "Hell-Week" that are not with-t

Editorial Comment

-I l

LITTLE SHADOWS I ' ' 'f"" .vs '=
(From the Chicago Tribune) The Alumnae Council have an-
The address of Dr. Clarence Lit- nounced a revival of Isben's "The
tle to University of Michigan Vikings" which is literarily known
alumni in New York was intended y ,,
to explain his resignation as presi- as "The Warriors at Helgeland", to
dent of the university. The talk be given two nights, March 14 and

out merit. appears to have thrown some ad-
The committee has made frater- ditional light on the reasons for
nities which are guilty of certain his retirement, but there remain
practices subject to disciplinary ac- a good many shadows. It is evi-
tion. These practices include phy- dent that Dr. Little did not share
sical mistreatment of initiates, the the views of the Michigan regents
destruction of property, public on a number of questions of policy!
disturbances; and 'the interruption and in these differences, some -of
of class attendance. It. is to be the alumni appear to have sided
regretted that such things must be with the regents but the policies
enforced by an agent outside the upon which Dr. Little met opposi-
fraternity, but it is none the less tion remain to be stated explicitly.

15, in Hill Auditorium. Thomas
Wilfred will direct the production
and invest it with a "living light"
accompaniment through his color
organ, The Clavilux.
The presentation of "The Vi-
kigs" .is one of . the Important
theatrical events, not only in this
locality but in the generality of
dramatic events. Only two similar
productions have been seen in the
world. The first was last March
when Mr Wilfr dd edro.ptri "Thi

of light and an inventor of strik-
ing originality, Wilfred is also a
thorough .student of Isben, and
"The Vikings" presents the man
in an unusual combination of the
many brilliant phases. of his per-
sonality He is no less able a di-
rector of purely theatric produc-
tions, and on the musical side his
complete rapport with Prof. Moore
guarantees that the whole produc-
tion will be a balanced use of the
three factors of the stage, music
and lights to portray the Isben epic
with the heroic sweep that has
kept the old Icelandic or VolsungE
Sagas a vital part of world litera-

IF. .their finest fabrics were available to all in-
stead of being confined exclusively to them
IF.. .their detailed instructions and blueprints of
operations were public property instead of being the
private results of their own findings . . .

To be sure, a little paddling doesj
not cause permanent injury to ini-
tiates, neither does it add greatly
to the dignity of a ceremony which
should be of a solemn and impres-
sive nature, that of being initiated
into a college fraternity. The dis-
truction of property is inexcusable
at any time, and is especially so
when young men are compelled to
do it as a part of a ceremony which
holds a sense of honor in high
Public disturbances caused by
initiations are no less a breach' of
the peace than a small riot, and
certainly it is not the aim of the
average fraternity to make rack-
eteers of its initiates. To go furth-
er on this point, can there be any
sane reason why an initiate should
be publicly humiliated by those
who are to receive him into the
bonds of a sacred friendship?
Certainly there is justification in'
the stand taken by the committee
in regard to the interruption of
class attendance by these informal
initiation stunts. One of the aims'
which is granted as a reason for
the existence of college ,fraternities
is the promotion of education, and
to cause a man to miss classes is
certainly not in accordance with
this aim. Still such abuses of the
fr...4. ,., 44., v,,',. n n " in.,n MCI"-

Both sides in the controversy*Vi n s a th Go d n Me ri
h aveoversyI
have displayed a regard for the Vikings" at the Goodman Memori- Critical reaction to the less per-
sensibilities of the opposition that al Theatre i Chicago, and the see- fected Chicago -performance lastI
would be wholly commendable did ond was last summer when Wil- year gives an index to the im-
fredwas pruae o eet h
it not leave the points of issue ob- iredu persuaded repeat tmensity of effect achieved with the
scure. After all, the administration production under the auspices of combination of the stage play and
of a great state university is a the Summer Session in Ann Arbor. the color organ. There was no mu-
matter of deep concern to all citi- This last production had the addi- sical accompaniment at the Good-
'zens of the state and scarcely less tional feature of Professor Earl-V. man theatre, nor were some of
so to citizens of other states which Moore of the School of Music play- ;Wilfred's latest developments com-
also support universities. The rea- ig an organ accompanment of pleted at that time. Ashton Stevens
sons for Dr. Little's resignation Ir and Wagnerin hmusi of speaks for the Herald Examiner:
constitute a chapter, and perhaps e "Isben attempted this rationali-
an important chapter, in the cur- conceived i his writing. zation of Volsung saga and Ice-,
rent history of higher education' ed for the Ann Arbor opening of landic folk tale when he was a
and of public education in this i its middle-western tour will bedi- backward youth of 29. It was pretty
country.retmddbe-omsrW ildseld - wild melodrama- then-back in
It as eenintmatd tat r.rected by Thomas Wilfred as well
It has been intimated that Ds as accompanied by his color organ, 1857-according to the Norwegian
Little felt the opposition of his and will feature Miss Katherine iAmy Leslies, and it is extremely
alumni body. What did they op- Wlck Kelly, leading lady for the operatic, not to say operose, today.
pose and how did they make their Cleveland PlayhousegRo- But it is a well built old curio
opposition effective? The answer Bohne leadg mn r with a blood-curdling female pro-
to these questions would provide i Goodman Memorial Theatre in tagonist beside whom Shake- I
important material in determining Chicago, Reynolds Evans, once fea- speare's Lady Macbeth is a trust-
the proper relations of alumni totured player but now no longer ng ingenue. I refer to that super-
university administration, a prob- with Walter Hampden in his New Brunhilde, Hjordis, eater of the
lem of growing complexity. There YwkthWatrHapdeens Ndw.wolf's heart and slayer of the great
have been hints that Dr. Littl's rector of the Grand Rapids Com- pirate, Sigurd, who won her with
attitude toward athletics and to- emunity theatre and familiar local- his sword and turned her over to
ward the organization of student y thetre n failia ocdI his Pythian pal, Gunnar."
life was also opposed but again in the di re , sh d roed In regard to the color organ:!
the specifications appear to be Hnde Mimes theatre, and Robert this ingenious lighting device gave i
Hnderson. The musical accompani- 'tTeVkig"sc saadsy
lacking. ment, which includes mainly Wag- to The Vikings" such sea and sky
It is our impression that thereiW and firelight as Isben never dream-
h bVtndgr rakyrie music rwith oca-ed. Wagner, you felt, would have
has been too tender a regard for sional passages from Grieg will be n iht h
I perso nal feelings, on both Qsides. If played on the Frieze Memorial Or-I given his flife-or that of the ,mad.

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