DEAINS CH1JSN Pilot Of Record-Breaking Question Mark Will Try Pan FFRLATHROP PRIZE
Texas To Canal Zone Hop In New Model ArmyPle
"To encourage student foresters ath
IN NO E__SEM L in the art of writing about forestry ed t
subjects in a way that will appal'cn
ASA CIAT ETIS SPONSORING 'to the general public and help
ASSEMLAGE O BI ASLDenlist their co-operation" is statedca
as the purpose of the Charles
Lathrop Pack prize of $50 being of- WO
6 C1,LEGESVOLUNTEER fered for essays on forestry. Ti
.."'The prize is being offered by firs
Conference Will Present Policies Cish
Of Countries And Individual Charles Lathrop Pack, president of he
Views Of Delegations the American Tree associationW.
who is interested in furtherng;it
~a knowledge of forestry. The local int(
Assignment of delegations froSchool o Forestry
those colleges participating in the Scono of ty an C os i
odel Assembly of the League of Pack to so benefit an- -
Nations, to be held here on April The Pan-American, first model of the new P-12 a rmy pursuit planes, in which Captain Ira C. Eaker, nually from the interest on per-
ChristiandAssociation, was the uinset, chief pilot of the record-breaking army endurance plane, the Question Mark, plans a dawn-to- manently invested funds.
principal work of the last weekly I dusk hop from Brownsville, Tex., to France Field in the Canal Zone. Eaker expects to stop five times any junior or senior i t Scool
meeting of the agenda committee on the 2,000-mile flight to take on fuel. of Forestry and Conservation and
of the assembly. are-nott exc-- -- - ---d--,-----_rds.The-._y1Subrbe to the M ichigan
are vailblefor the - ,should be handed in to Prof. D. V.i
Colleges which volunteered to p s are available for the Uni- Subscribe to the Michigan Daily. aru e nttonxced 3,00 ords. D.he.
send more than one delegation O ErsIPies of Berlin, Bonn, Breslau, Only $2.50 for half year. Baxter by Feb. 28.
were assigned more than one na- HiebrLisg uih n
tion to represent. The colleges!HiebrLisg uih n _____
wich t e t te nfege several other leading institutions.
which hav'e to date signified theirIFellowships and scholarships
intention of being present and the are offered for the various univer-
ae:g sities and colleges in Vienna, Pra-
are: gu'udps,-n--ruhotH
Many Representations Announcement has been made gue, Budapest, andthroughout
Adrian college--Abyssinia, Ar- by the Germanistic Society Fel- be submitted on or before March
gentine, Austria; Albion college- lowship Committee of the Institute 1 with the exception of the Ger-
Germany, Spain, Uruguay; Alma I of International Education of a aHh
college-Canada, Lithuania, Pan- fellowship to the value of $1,500 man and Hungarian on which the 1
ama; Bay City Junior college- which is available'for an American limit is March 15.
Norway; Central State Teachers student who contemplates studying SUGGESTS TAX ON
cpllege-Nicarlugua; Detroit 'City. some phase of German civilization
college-Poland; Grand Rapids-It a German University. The In- GAS FOR PLANES
Junior college-Belgium, Holland: stitute also offers a limited num--
Highland Park Junior college-- ber of fellowships and scholarships F;," A, ted Pres)\
Portugal; Hillsdale c o l1 e g e- to various other foreign countries. KALAMAZOO. Feb. 22.-A gas
F r a n c e; Hope college-Jugo- These scholarships have been tax for airplanes, similar to that
Slavia; Kalamazoo college-Italy, established as an international ex- now levied on fuel used by auto-
Sweden; Michigan State college- change in appreciation of those nowiles, on fuesed by auto-
Switzerland, Bolivia; Michigan t offered by American colleges to day at an aviation conference of
State Normal college - Chile,) the nationals of the countries. state officials and aviation enthu-
Greece; Port IHuron Junior college These opportunities are open to siasts as a method of financing-9
-Australia, Persia; University of both men and women under thirty state airports.
Michigan-China, India, England, years of age. In all instances the - The plan was advanced by Claude
Japan; Western State Normal col- tuition is provided, and in the S. Carney, who was host at a din-
Ig'--Czecho-Slovakia, Cuba. majority of cases room and board ner to members of the state legis-
This number includes only those is covered. lature, state officials and business
colleges which have formally an- To be eligible, a candidate must men of the state who attended
swered the questionaire sent, out. present proof of American citizen- the conference.
The delegations are preparing at ship; good health, moral character, 'Airports bear the same rela-
present the three main problems and 'adaptability; graduation, at tion to aviation as do highways to1
which will be discussed at the the time of making application motoring," Carney pointed out,
model assembly. These questions from a college of recognized stand- "and it would be but logical that
qre: Admission of Russia (which is ing; ability to do independent they be supported by the sameE
hypothetical), Mandates, and Dis- study and research; have a prac- type tax." Exercise is most help
armament. Delegates to the assem- tical reading, writing, and speaking' Two years ago Mr. Carney fostered ful to bodies made '
bly are to present viewpoints i knowledge of thelanguage of in- in the house of representatives the
which, while being individual, will struction in the particular country. present state aeronautic laws, strong by proper eat
be consistent with the policies of For study in Germany, fellow- --ga
the nations represented.STeg. Nature has placed
Rapporteurs Assigned Sate Dormitories Detroit Theaters avaluable store of pro-
Rapporteurs for the three topics i BillIsIntroduced
to be discussed were also assigned. BId__teins, carbohydrates,
The rapporteurs will present their T H EA TRE vitamins and bran in
particular reports to the assembly LANSING, Feb 22-The sta CASS THEATRE
in fifteen minute speeches, which board of education would be LAST WEEK
will be followed by the main empowered to lease land at state Evenings-1.00 to $3.00;
speeches from other delegations. educational institutions and to wa b M ine- nde1 present
Then the questions will be OPe1 enter negotiations for the con-
to discussion from the floor, but struction of dormitories which "GOOD NEVS
each speech will be limited to eventually would be paid for out ~L
three minutes. of earnings and become the prop- SHUBERT
The program for the business erty of the state under a bill in LAFAYETTE
sessions of the model assembly troduced in the house Thursday Stratford-Upon-Avon Festival
by a banquet and otheryprogra m s'rAsm la t aiete stao n te e p .blat dal" i smmN gh'-re m
was also. arranged. These busi- by Representative Joseph E. War- company
ness meetings will be supplementedf ner of YpsilaIti. Sat. Mat.-Feb Z3
'yabnutadohrporm A similar plan is contemplated at -Midsummer Night's Dream" 1
primarily arranged for the enter- University of Michigan. The board Sat. Eve.-Feb. 23 EAT IT WITH WHOLE M L-
tainment of the visiting delegates. of education has control over the "Merry Wives of Windsor" A
This model assembly has for its state normal colleges._ __ _
end a definite educational purpose___
for all thoseparticipating in ort
visiting the sessions. In addition -" ir2Jl
to its value in aiding the visuali- TO THE SUN.
nation of the League at work, it WHITNEY MAR.
serves to illustrate the broader
idea that nations can clear up ALL NEXT WEEK
their difficulties by conference =
rather thmn by conflict.;I
UTAH--Coeds at the university _
have no specified hours or days/'H " l- l!iI
for dates. It is claimed that this ^ , "
arrangement results in more self- I$1 TO $3. ALE ONDAY