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February 23, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-23

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Sir.. IAI





RATKirby Pag
In Hill
SCORE IS 17-11

e TioSpeak AUHREIO


Spectators And Sportsmanship

I LilIL I IIUH II I thatDRecently Coach Fielding H. Yost stated that "Sportsmanship is
that quality of honor that desires always to be courteous, fair, and
respectful, and it is interpreted in the conduct of players, spectators,
coaches, and school authorities." Michigan, has been pointed out in
these column, has for some time been acclaimed by officials in secret
C N E Eballotat the school where spectators and players combine in.a finer
attitude of sportsmanship than is to be found anywhere else in the
Tonight a team that has met two recent defeats will play before
the home crowd. The game will be a test for the spectators as well
as the +players, a test of whether or not they can conduct themselves
ATTENDANCE AT CONVENTION with true gentlemanliness just as they have always accepted continuedl
HAS BROKEN ALL victories with diffidence and modesty.
RECORDS - There are concrete benefits to the ranking schools in the officials'#
ballot each year with the resulting benefits of getting the most highly
O CBBS DELIVERS ADDRESS recognized officials. In addition, the high respect of all the otherf
schools and players naturally comes to any school with a reputation
Prof. t. J. Emmons Will Preside for sportsmanlike players and spectators.
Prof.W.Emmons Will Preside At any rate, it is tobe sincerely hoped that thespectatorston
Over FinalSsso will realize that a student spectator represents his scatostonighte
At Ul1nion sschool just the snnl+In tnr zil n i.. -n-1-A41 ...A







Ilewitt, Dougavito And Captainj
Warren Win By Large
Time Advantagres



State-Wide Conference
Methodist Church

Opens At

Coach Veenker's Squa4
Condition Except

In Perfect

Kirby Page
By Morris Quinn Noted lecturer and journalist, I Kirby Page, author and journal- With the final lecture on this
Michigan's wrestling team regis- editor of "The World Tomorrow," ist, will deliver an address on morning's program will come the
tered its fourth consecutive victory, who will speak on "Personal Reli- "Personal Religion in a Social close of the fifteenth annual con-
last night in the field house, com-I gion in a Social World" at 'an all- World" at an all-student convoca- ference on Highway Engineering,
pletely outclassing the Ohio State student convocation tomorrow tion at 11 o'clock tomorrow morn- -sponsored by the College of En-
matmen to win by a 17-11 score, morning in Hill auditorium. ing, in Hill auditorium. The con- gneering in cooperation with the
It was the third successive see- vocation is the principal event in Michigan State Highway depart-
with striking distance of their the state wide convention spon- ment and the Michigan Associa-
tional win for the Wolverine grap- ( sored by the Student Christian as- tion of Road Commissioners and
plers and enabled them to advance 'sociation. Engineers, which has been in ses-
third straight championship in this U I Page is one of the leaders of the sion since Wednesday afternoon.
division of the Conference. progressive group in America, and This year's conference attendance
In adding the Buckeyes to their is editor of "The World Tomor- surpasses any of the previous con-
rapidly growing string of victims row," a liberal publication devoted ventions of this nature held in Ann
which already included Chicago 11111111HERUSVO Ito discussion of economic and so- Arbor.
Michigan State, and Purdue, the cial problems and to the further- More than 700 have been in at-
Maize and Blue matsters captu, ed ane of international g ill tendance at the various sessionsI
five of the eight matches, winning Cramer, Saved By Professor Hobbs and world peace. The founder -iand which were taken up with discus-
one by a fall and four by time de- In Greenland, Will Speak first editor of the magazine was sions of the tehnical develop- i
cisions. The Bucks registered one Here Tuesday Norman Thomas, who will speakments i highway engeermg m
fall and won two decisions to total here on Monday, the United States and Canada. An
their 11 points, attendance record was also set by
Invaders Take Lead W Is Peace Proponent this group on Thursday night'
The invaders went into an early Page, during and since the war, when more than 400 assembled in
lead when Cushman managed to Parker Cramer, known through- has been one of the outstanding the ball r'oom of the Union forI
pin McGillard, M i c h i g a n 115 out the world as the navigator on proponents of world peace. He has their annual banquet.
pounder, in 5:04. The Ohio vet- the attempted Rockford flight to made several trips abroad in the The climax of yesterday's pro-
eran obtained the advantage soon I Sweden last summer, will lecture last few years, studying social and gram came last night when Prof.
after the match began and al- at 4:15 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon religious problems. On one of his William Herbert Hobbs delivered a}
though VfcGillard sueceeded in es- in Natural Science auditorium on tours to the Orient, he was accon- lecture in Hill auditorium on the
caping twice, Cushmans' experi- fphases of his experiences as a flier. panied by Sherwood Eddy, with Greenland expeditions of the Uni-
ence was too great a handicap for it has been announced by Prof. whom Page has collaborated on versity of Michigan.
him to overcome. William H. Hobbs of the geology several books, including "Makers of . Describes Expeditionsi
Bud Hewitt, star Wolverine 125 department, who was instrumental Freedom" and "The Abolition of
pounder, gained back three of these in securing Cramer to speak he-e. War." Page "has also written, aid of moving pictures and color-
points in the special weight match in connection with the bureau of among others, An American Peace ed slides, a graphic account of
by completely outclassing Silber to aeronautics of the School of Engi- Policy" and "Recent Gains -inted sliesthic a t of
win decsionwit alladvatag 4 perin. fAmerican Civilization." He is also the work of the three past Green-;1
win a decision with an advantage neering. -ln xeiin ic hi ne-
of 9:12. The unusual strength of: Cramer, who with Bert Hassell a contributor to several of the pro- tion in the sumner of 1926.
the Ohio wre tIer was al -that pre wa srescued by the staff of the Uni-. gressive American magazines. A He briefly explained to the large
vented Michigan's Olympic repre- versity Greenland expedition after present, he lives in New York City audience, the theories of the
sentative.from pinning him on sev- 'aforced landing on the ice-cap, and is a non-resident lecturer at ,weather throughout the earth andI
eral occasions. 'Jhashad a varied'career in aro- Columbia university, the importance that Greenland
Michigan went into an one point nautical work. For a number of Banquet Opens Conference plays as a polarity region for
lead when Red Elliott outfought years he was connected with the The state conference, under the northern winds. He traced thei
Forteza, Ohio lightweight, by a United States Bureau of Commerce auspices of the S. C. A., opened pioneer work of the first expedi-j
wide margin to annex a decision in the aviation department; and with a banquet last night in the tion at which time the founda-i
with an advantage of 8:48. The [was directly in charge of the Texas Methodist church. About 150 dele- tions were laid for the subsequent
lead shifted again, however, after division. At present he is connect- gates representing 12 Michigan work.
the welterweight match, Benz los- ed with the Spartan Aircraft com- colleges are attending the con- The necessity for a base closer
ing a decision to Hall of Ohio State Ipany of Tulsa, Okla. . vention. After the banquet, Ralph to the ice-cap caused the establish-1
by a margin of 6:18. Competing in Cramer's lecture, which is open Hollinger, national Student Y. M. ing of Mt. Evans, he explained.
his first Varsity bout in place of to the general publi, will have to C. A. secretary for the central re- The result of the more satisfactory
the injured Kelly, Benz showed do mainly with the air-routes to gion delivered the opening address station has caused the obtaining
'plenty of fight but lost largely be- Europe via Greenland, and he will I at Lane hall. He spoke on "The of very accurate . meterological
cause of inexperience. . tell of the flight of the Greater Meaning of Life," which is the sub- records.
Wolves Regain Margin Rockford in connection with this. ject of the convention. The program for the morning
With the score 8-6 in favor of the While in Ann Arbor Cramer will The convention will be continued meeting was filled with discussions
Scarlet and Grey team, Captain 'give seveal technical talks to- stu- today and tomorrow, all of the of technical problems relative . to
Warren defeated Demboski in a dents of aeronautics. He will also meetings being at Lane hall, ex- the building and maintenance of
fast bout in the middleweight di- confer with Professor Hobbs con-, cept the convocation tomorrow public highways. George W. Mc-
vision to regain the lead which the cerning plans for next summer's morning. Most of the time will be Calla, vice-president of the Com-1
Wolves held for the remainder of flight over the same route which devoted to informal discussion missioners' and Engineers' associa-t
the meet. After the advantage had was attempted last year. periods under the direction of tion, presided over the meeting,I
changed three times in the first Cramer will probably fly to Ann Page. Two of these discussion while the speakers included J. H.a
minute of wrestling, the Wolver- Arbor Tuesday. - periods will be held this morning Dennis, Ralph A. Ulbright, J. M.'
ine leder went behind and wrest-' and afternoon and two more to- Bennett, and Otto S. Hess.-
led cleverly to pile up a big time ! Purdue Wins Again; morrow, before and after the con- Hold Business SessionI
margin, winning the decision with, vocation. The meeting will close The afternoon meeting was given1
4:20. Defeats Ohio, 39 to 23 at 4 o'clock tomorrow. Tonight a over to a business session of the,
Carl Dougavito annexed the sec- Lake Geneva banquet and reunion Commissioners' and Engineers' as-
ond victory of his Varsity career will be held in the Methodist sociation of which W. W. Cox, of
by handing Tarr, Ohio 165 pound- ; ( .a church for all those who have at- Port Huron, is president. Besides
er, a bad beating. The Wolverine COLUMBUS, Feb. 22.-Purdue tended the conferences at Lake the reports of the various commit-
won by the widest time advantage University's basketball team gained Geneva, Wis. tees of the association, an electionj
of the entire meet, 9:41. Ray undisputed possession of second of officers for the coming year was
Parker cinched the Michigan vic- place in the Western Conference Harris Players Wocll held.r
tory a few minutes later by throw- race tonight when it defeated Ohio lThe final meeting of the confer-
ing Conn, Buckeye lightheavy- State, 39 to 23, in a listless exhibi- Stage R.issian Drama ence, of which Prof. R. L. Morrison
weight twice. Parker's first fall tion. of the department of highway en
came after 1:56 of the first four Taking advantage of the poor More than 20 persons are in- gineering, has been geral chair-
minute period had elapsed with a defense put up by the Buckeyes: eluded in the cast of the Harris man, scheduled to begin at 9:30'
double arm lock, and his second the Boilermakers at the end of the Players' production of "The Chief o'clock this morning; will be pre-
after 2:00 of the second four min- first half, led 25 to 8. "Stretch" Thing," a modern Russian drama sided over by W. J. Emmons, asso-
ute session' with a half nelson and Murphy, Purdue's lanky center, in- by Nicolas Evreinoff which will oc- ciate professor of highway engin-)
body hold. creased his chances to break all- cupy the boards at the Harris eering and director of the state!
With the victory safely stowed time Conference individual scoring: Guild theater for four successive highway laboratory at the Univer-
away Hager took the metTEAOIN by registering 10 points for a sea- nights starting Wednesday, Feb. sity. Three speakers are scheduled

as does the atniete and tiat they will continue to uphold the good
reputation of spectators at Michigan home games. y Morris Quinn
Confronted with the task of
scoring a victory over the invading
Hawkeyes to retain, their present
position in the hectic scramble
for the Big Ten basketball crown,
I Coach George Veenker's Wolverine
cagemen will take the floor at
7:30 tonight determined to repeat
theimpressive win registered at
theexpense of the Iowa quintet
Rehearsals Held For Pageant Under President-Elect Hears Newton And last month at Iowa City.
Cosmopolitan Club Auspices Tabor On Tariff For Although the Illinois reverse in
Are Progressing Fast Farmers the overtime tilt at Chaipaign
Monday night tumbled the Wolves
from the top rung of the ladder
Coach Meanwell the sole occu-
"Humanity" is the title of the (PyAssciated P es pants, the championship is a long
International Night program to be WASHINGTON, i'Feb. 22.-The way from being "sewed up," and if
presented Thursday, March 7, in complexities of farm relief, one of the Maize and Blue basketeers
Hill auditorium under the auspices the problems for which Herbert find themselves tonight they will
of the Cosmopolitan club, it was Hoover will call a special session of still have an even chance to finish
announced yesterday by Maximo Congress, were brought to the at the top of the heap.
Bueno, Grad., general chairman. sharp attention of the president- Considered one of the strong
Rehearsals by the various groups elect today in conference with iteamis in the Big Ten at the outset
participating in the production Louis J. Taber, master of the Na- of the present race, the Hawks
have been under way for several tional Grange, and with Cleveland were somewhat slow in starting,
weeks past and group rehearsals; A. Newton, former Missouri repre- but have gradually progressed to
welding all individuals into the en- sentative and now general counsel within some degree of their pre-
tire presentation will be held soon. for the Mississippi Valley Associ- dicted strength. Although practi-
The theme of the play will be "The ation. cally eliminated from the chain-
upward trend of Humanity from Taber told Hoover that his or- pionship consideration, the Bar-
pre-historic age to the Cosmopoli- ganization favored an increase in ry-coached combination, like the
tan ideal of unity and peace." agriculture tariffs to extend to the Northwestern combination, like the
Contrary to the five previous In- farmer the same protection which feared as a. dangerous rival b
ternational Night programs, the the industrialists enjoy. He said the Conference leaders.
event this year will be more than that the "weighted average" of Victims of Wolverines
simply a group of separate acts and 'custom duties on industry is 42 per After handing Ohp State a bad
will form a c6omplete unit h vhig a cent whereas for agriculture it beating at Iow City, the Hawkeyes
central idea which is carried forth amounted to only 22 per cent. 1 were the victims of the Wolverines
through the entire program. Mr. Hoover, Taber asserted to on their own court, 36-25. Chicago
Brilliant costumes representing .adMneoahv ohfle
the native habilements of the newspapermen after his confer- and he rushes of the Black and
many participants form the dif- ence, would surely make a heroic Gold quintet, while Northwestern
ferent countries will characterize ,effort' t solve the farm prabhmsI pulled a surprise victory at their
many of the scenes. Many of the The Grange head added that his expense by a single point, 29-28, at
costumes were brought from the organization is in favor of improv- Evanston.
cosums er bouhtfrm he::ing the agrarian situation by-
native countries ad a number of ig ag an i y Until Monday night the Barry-
them are being made especially for adoption of a plan comprehensive men were reckoned title contend-
International Night. enough to embrace not only tariff ers with only the Michigan and
revision but amendment of the na- Northwestern reverses chalked up
tional land policy and greater fa- against them, but invading Min-
Carrothers Selected cilities for marketing with more neapolis after a wearisome journey
credit opportunities. from'Iowa City they suffered a bad
As Director Of High Newton presented to Mr. Hoover beating at the hands of the Goph-
the views of his organization, er quintet, 37-22, in one of the
School Inspections which is interested in the develop- biggest upsets of the present title
ment of water transportation on race.
Dr. George E. Carrothers, asso- the Mississippi for development of The impending battle should find
ciate professor of Education, has the middle west, and for the relief I both teams on edge. The Wolver-
been selected as the Director of - of agriculture by providing cheap ines as well as the Hawkeyes, have
the Division of University Inspec- water transportation for agrarian had an opportunity to recuperate
tion of High Schools. The appoint- products. after their tiresome trips earlier in
ment of Dr. Carrothers was ap- Although a supporter of water the week. Hampered by injuries
proved at the monthly meeting of development, the president-elect! early in the season, the Hawks
the Regents Thursday night. Due has been represented as opposed to are now reputed to be in the best
to an error this was omitted from consideration of that problem de- of shape and the Veenker-coached
the report of the meeting as given velopment at the coming special squad with the single exception of
yesterday morning, session of Congress. He and his Joe Truskowski who is still both-
In Friday's Daily there was also politicial advisers apparently have ered by an ailing ankle, are like-
the erroneous statement that Dr. agreed that the extra session wise "fit." A Hawk victory tonight
Carrothers had been granted the should be devoted exclusively to will deadlock them with the Wolves
degree of Doctor of Philosophy at tariff revision and to the enact- with a standing of five victories
the meeting ofrthe Regents. Dr. ment of a farm relief measure and three losses.
Carrothers has had the degree of which shall deal with the immedi- Have Two Veterans
Doctor of Philosophy for five years, ate problem of credit facilities,' The invaders will be headed by
it having been granted to him by cheaper afid easier marketing, and a pair of capable veterans, 'Capt.
Columbia University in 1924. ;surplus disposal. Rags Wilcox, center, and Forrest
In assuming the position of Di- Twogood, forward, who captained
rector of the Division of University- The !last year's team. To date Wilcox
Insecto ofh ig Scoolsn DrrtThe.eather has been the biggest threat in the
Inspection of High Schools, Dr. BI kadGl cm;i a i
Carrothers succeeds Dr. James B. Black and Gold camp; it was his
CEdronswhoesiedDr.nJ is B.(IN Associated Press) consistent shooting that was large-
Edmonson who resigned upon his. ly responsible for the weak threat-
appointment as Dean of the School Partly cloudy to cloudy, slightly that the Hawks made against
of Education. Dr. Edmonson had ,warmer Saturday; Sunday prob-'Minne .Hsadedagainst
hel th psiton ;'Director forI ably snow, warmer in south por- { Minnesota. He accounted for four
held the position o yerio yn field goals, the same num er he
more -than fourteen years. tion. scored against Michigan at Iowa


away Hager took the mat against ; son's total of 108. 27.f
Fairall of Ohio in the heavyweight
match in place of Ed George. INLANDER TO SPONSOR SHORT STORY r
Neither man gained an advantage'
in the first two minutes and Hager CONTEST BEGINNING NEXT TUESDAY0
went underneath when Fairall fail-4
ed to call the toss for choice of Opening next Tuesday, and run- issue following the contest will be1
positions. He escaped for a short n rkr exceptionaly large one
time but was unable to hold his ing for three eeks, will be a short anete o-
advantage in the second four min- story contest sponsored by the In- ing the interest shown in the con-
ute session, losing the decision in lander, literary magazine on the will have about fifty pages in order
5:18. campus. Judges and prizes for the to allow writers to attempt short
contest have not been definitely ! stories of a reasonable adequatei
Congress Stops Work decided yet, but it is understood length.t
that three capable judges will se- The stories will be judged en-t
To Honor Washngton ILect the winning stories, and that tirely on literary merit with noc
one or two prizes will be offered. special premium placed on length
(t1 Associated Press) An additional inducement to or shortness. The system of se-.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22.-With I students interested in writing to lecting the winners will be similar
but ten days remaining until they enter the contest will be publica- to that used in the recent one-act

for this morning. Prof. Morriso
will discuss the question of auto
matic signals on state and count
highways, while Robert H. Ford
assistant chief engineer of th
Chicago, Rock Island & Pacifi
Railway, will explain .the method
of railroad crossing protection.
The final talk on the prograr
will be one on airports by Stanle
E. Knauss, of the Stout Air Serv
ice, Inc., of Detroit. This las
meeting, as has been the case wit
the others, will be held in room 34
of the West Engineering building


_ City.
y PROFESSOR HOBBS WILL REMAIN AS At tle other forward, Coach Bar-
LEADER F GREENLAND EXPEDITION ry has been using Nelson, a prom-
e I A E FG E N A DE P DTO ising sophomore, with Spradling,
c a brother of the star who cap-
s. Due to a demand both in Amer- logist, who is returning to Amer- tained the Purdue team a few
ica and in Europe that Prof. Wil- ica after a year of active work at 'years ago and led the Conference
Sliam Hobbs, of the geology depart- the station. scorers. At the guards are David,
y ment, remain directly in charge Although Professor Hobbs will go Farroh and Kinnan. The first two
- of the work of the University to Europe next summer to super- had been performing regularly un-
*t Greenland expedition, which he in- vise the work, he will not go any til the Minnesota tilt when Coach
h augurated and has been in charge farther than Copenhagen unless Barry shifted his front and sent
8 of for the last three years, the ge- something unforeseen develops ,Kinnan into the lineup in place of
g. ologist has decided to remain as which will necessitate his presence Farroh.
. director of the expeditions for Y at Mt. Evans. # With the single exception of
next summer, he has officially an-' A feature of the expedition next left forward the Wolverine lineup
nounced. summer which will undoubtedly l is practically certain to remain
Active plans for the work next bring it again into world-viide unaltered. The condition of Trus-
summer have already gotten prominence is the decision of the kowski makes it - possible that

o- {
Comedy Club will hold the
curtain for "Take 'Mv Advice"

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