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February 22, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-22

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t U











James Schermerhorn Main Speakers
At Banquet; Two Meetings C
Scheduled for Today
Climaxing a day of technical ses-s
sions, the annual banquet of the
conference of highway engineer-F
ing, which is meeting in Ann Arbort
this week under the direction oft
the \College of Engineering, wass
held last night in the Assemblys
hall of the Union. Gathered for
the main social event of the con-c
vention were more than 350 road i
commissioners andengineers, sett- o
ing a record attendance for affairs
of its kind.
Signs Displayed1
James Schermerhorn, of Detroit, I
speaking on "Signs of the Times,
used four types of signs, familiarv
to travelers along the highways, toF
illustrate four points of his talk.t
"The green lights," he said,
"which means go to the driver,
signifies the power and authority-
which has been responsible for the
rapid development of the country,
but which must be used with mod-
eration. The slow signs which
marks hills, surves, and school*
hquses signifies humanity and its
protection, while the quiet signs
which mark hospital zones are sig-
nificant of the serenity of the
His. fourth illustration, the red
light meaning stop, he affirmed,
was a sign which was inevitable to
everyone and everything, and
which we must be ready to obeyI
when it flashes before us. t
Commissioner Speaks
M. E. Cooley, Dean Emeritus of
the College of Engineering andu
Architecture, was the guest of hon- i
or at the banquet, and he re-t
sponded with a few' remarks wheno
called upon by William M. Con-t
nelly, toastmaster of the affair.
Grover C. Dillman, Statet High-I
way Commissioner, delivered an
address in which he commendedt
the engineers and commissionersf
for their cooperation in a workc
which had lead to the developmentr
of a highway system in Michiganf
second to none in the Unitedg
W. W. Cox, of Port Huron, pres-N
ident of the County Commissionersv
and Engineers association, presided:
over the affair, while Horatio S.
Earle, first State Highway Commis- a
soner of Michigan, made a fewl
pertinent remarks.
Hold Special Session d
Two sessions which were devoted I
to technical discussions of high-
way development were held yes-
terday morning and afternoon, re-a
spectively, in room 348, of the West
Engineering building. Sp e a k e r s
from the 1tate highway depart-C
ment occupied the morning meet- i
ing, while three men from out oft
the state were on the afternoon
program with lectures on develop-
ments in the United States andt
Beside the lecture at 8 o'clock i
tonight in Hill auditorium, to bet
given by Prof. William HerbertC
Hobbs, of the geology department,
two meetings are scheduled fora
room 348 of the West Engineering
building today.
Will Discuss Problems
J. H. Dennis, engineer of the
Genesee county road commission,'
will discuss small bridge .and cul-
vert problems, while Ralph A. Ul-
bright, engineer of the Sanilac
county road commission, will talk
on "County Road Maintenance, Or- i
ganization and Costs." "Roadside
Development," will be the subject-
of a talk by J. M. Bennett, super-
intendent of parks and forestry on3
the Wayne county road commis-.
sion, and Otto S. Hess, engineer

with the Kent county road com-
mission will explain the develop-
ments in the township road situa-
The afternoon program is de-
voted to a business meeting of the
Commissioners and Engineers as-'
sociation of which W. W. Cox is1

The Regents of the University
are not mixed up in politics, and
they form the most competent
board in control of any state uni-
versity in the country, in the opin-
ion of Prof. James R. Pollock, of
the political science department.
He is annoyed, and even surprised,
he says, to find statements to the
Professor Pollock believes, that
the statement of Governor Green,
at the opening of the state Re-
pubican convention Wednesday, in
which he asserted that he never
had attempted nor ever would
attempt in any way to influence the
actions of the Board of Regents, is
of considerable significance and
should be accredited by the people
of the state.
"I am quite annoyed," the po-
litical science p-ofessor said "by
statements in Eastern newspapers
and local publications that the
Board of Regents are mixed up in
politics. Such statements are en-
tirely untrue, and those, making
such serious charges should cite
specific cases."
"I have been unable to find any-
one of knowledge of Michigan po-
litics who will say that the Board
of Regents has at any time in the
last 25 years-to state a definite
period-been mixed up in politics.
"The way in which the Repub-
lican state convention, which met
Wednesday, filled the two positions
on the board which are coming
vacant, disproves the charges of
politics completely, and such ac-
tion has been typical over a pe-
riod of 25 years. Regent Walter H.
Sawyer was accorded a re-nomina-

tion as a matter of course, because
of his highly satisfactory service
during the 24 years that he has
served as a Regent.
, "The new member of the board
s e c u r e d his nomination not
through his influence of the Gov-
ernor, whom he did not know when
his candidacy was announced, but
through the efforts of Alumni and
friends of the University.
"Of course, one may call the
dealings of the board with the leg-
islature political but this is a dif-
ferent matter from saying that the
Regents are mixed up in politics.
I suggest, to those who say that
politics influence the board, a read-
ing of Article XI of the Constitu-
tion of the state, and a study of the
methods by which the Regents are
nominated and elected.
"We have developed a tradition
to keep the Regents out of politics
and the method of election of the
Regents has been devised with this

Doak, Lewis and James Mentioned
for Possible Appointment to
Serve As Advisers
(By Asso iated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Inten-
sive consideration of the selection


Latest deyelopments in the plans'
for the annual Grid-iron Banquet,
to be held April 3, at the Union,
under the auspices of Sigma Delta
Chi, national honorary profes-
sional journalistic fraternity, in-
clude the mailing of invitations to
prospective speakers for the affair,
by the committee in charge of se-
curing noted razz masters for the
While the lists which will include
the names of more than 400 promi-
nent faculty members, students,
and more prominent state and na-
tional characters, are still in the
invitations in the mail early in,
March. Those who are, favoredi
with 'invitations will be asked to
communicate their acceptance or
rejection immediately after re-
ceiving their bids so that the few
extra places may be given to the
many applicants for places who
cannot be included in the first list.1

Naval Appropriations and Private
Lands Condemnation Bills
Are Filibustered
(Bye Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-The us-1
ual signs that a session of Congress
is about to end became more dis-
tinct today with two major pieces
of legislation-both susceptible toE
the filibustering tactics-up forf
consideration in the Senate and
One is a difference in views over
the proposed $24,000,000 increase
for prohibition enforcement; an-
othei revolves around the navy de-1
partment measure carrying fundsf
for the cruiser construction pro-
grani and the third hinges on the
opposition of Senator Thomas J.1
Walsh, (Dem).. Montana, to a pro-
vision in the interior department
bill which would authorize the sec-
retary of the interior to condemn!
any privately owned lands in pub-
lic parks. All the bills affected are'
appropriation measures.
The prohibition item was added'
by the Senate to the first deficien- -
cy bill and Republican leaders
have decided to let that bill diej
and to leave the $24,000,000 out of1
the second deficiency bill. Senator
Carter Glass (Dem). Virginia, has
declared that if this program is'
followed that the second deficiencyI
bill would have a hard time getting
through the Senate. This was in-
terpreted as a filibuster threat by
the Virginian.
Yesterday Senator John J. Blaine
(Rep.), Wisconsin, block an at-
tempt by Chairman Frederick Hale1
of the naval affairs committee, to
get the naval bill before the Sen-
ate. Later in the day Senator
Claude A. jSwanson, of Virginia,
asked for unanimous consent to
take up the naval bill. Senator
Blaine, an opponent of the cruiser
program, again objected and forl
the second time it was decided that
a filibuster threatened.
The Gargoyle Business Staff an-
nounced appointments to the lower
business staff, according to Carl U.
Fauster, '29, business manager of
that publication. Ten sophomores
who have served as tryouts during
the past semester were named on
the official staff of' the magazine.
The men have been assigned to
the several departments of the
Gargoyle to serve as assistants to
the department managers. Those
__L _ 1 . -1 . ... A ,. 0 .,.

EI V 3

end in view and has been sucess- of the members of his cabinet oc- The list of men who will receiveI
ful," he concluded. cupied President-elect Hoover to- invitations to speak at the popu-
day in the course of lengthy con- ___
ferences with advisors, political
leaders and persons under consid-
eration for appointments.
Friends of Senator Borah of [[ 0 S-1
Idaho, simultaneously announcedA
that he had definitely refused anI
offer of the attorney-generalship
which Mr. Hoover had made him.
The Idaho senator, they said, al-I
though attracted by the offer, had
United States Cruiser Sails Tcome to the conclusion that he Peloponnesus Section Of Greece I
Urcould be of more use to his party And Thessaly Stricken By
ChefoI Because of Revolt of and to the country by remaining in Overflowing Rivers
3000 Chinese 1 his present powerful and influen- -
Jtial position.
Senator Borah, it is understood, By Associated Press)
acquainted Mr. Hoover with his de-(
MANILA Feb. 21. -The light cision last night in the course of LONDON, Feb. 21.-Floods and
cruiser Trenton left Manila to day"an after dinner call he paid the avalanches have taken a heavy toll'
under ordersnto proceed toyChefoo, president-elect in his home. of life apd property in the Balkan
uprising Henry M. Robinson of Los An- states and neighboring countries.,
as the result of a reported uprising geles, an old and close friend of Disrupted communications pre-
TheTntn s de t Chefo Mr. Hoover, spent most of the day vented the full extent of damage
The Trenton is ueat oo with the president-elect at his "S" I
stretnesdene.Inoddtiontgbe.Ibeing known here today.
Reports from Chefoo 10 days ago street residence. In addition to be- Particularly was this true of the
said 3,000 former Peping (Peking) ing himself permanently mention- area through which the Danube
soldiers who had been mustered in for a cabinet position, Mr. Rob- and its tributaries run, but enough
to the Nationalistbarmy had revolt- inson was reported to have carried was learned from Thrace and
ed at Lungkow Shantung. There out a canvas of the availability of Macedonia to indicate almost
was fear then that the mutiny various individuals for the post of calamitous inundations there.
would spread to other towns and secretaryof labor with which r The Peloponnesus section of
garrisons. I his Floridatrip.dGreece and Thessaly also were
Later reports indicating this may Mellon Is Conferee stricken with the overflow of the
have happened said that a battle crtV Mellon oferhe yardar, the Struma,rNestos and
was imminent west of Chefoo be-!I Secretary Mellon of the treasury Maritza rivers. Several villages in
tween loyal Nationalists and rebels. department, who, according to all the valley of the Struma were en-
Missionary women were evacuat-. reliable reports, is looked upon as tie
ed from several towns in the'af- certain of reappointment, also tiresyavmilithrwaeryand
fected area, though men remained' conferred with Mr. Hoover for more Serres a military bakery and1
at their a posts g than an hour and three quarters. large railway bridge were carried.
atheirpFb.2- a i The secretary was rather secretive away. Thousands of acres of val-
SHANGHAI, Feb. 21.-Reliable in- after his conference and would not ley landare under water.
fo mation at Dairen, Liaotungleven disclose in general terms So great is thegrd
(Japanese territory) today said that! subject discussed. tion and disturbance of communi-
Chang Tsung-Chang war lord and Mr. Robinson, who acquired na- I cations that the Grecian govern- i
former military governor of Shan- tional and international promin- ment has postponed the impend- !
tung, left 'that city yesterday for ence first as a member of the ing senatorial elections until April
Chefoo, Shantung, center of anti- Dawes reparations commission and, 14.
Nanking maneuvering. later as head of the American dele- I Zero weather still prevailed in
Chang's whereabouts heretofore gation to the Geneva economics parts of the continent with no
have been something of a mystery.' conference, is known to have fig- sign of abatement. In England,
He was accompanied to Chefoo, it ured prominently in Mr. Hoover s however, the mercury stood 10 de-
was said, by Ataman Semenoff and plans for the organization of his grees higher than Wednesday.
three other Russian generals for- administration. In addition to ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., Feb. 21.-
merly associated with the White holding a very high opinion of his A caravan of 23 big Keiser Trans-
Russian army in China. ability as a banker and economist, portation Co. trucks which left
Chang Tsung-Chang was one of Mr. Hoover is represented to have Rawlins, Wyo., westbound for Rock
the most powerful of the old north- great confidence in Robinson's dis- Springs,
em ar ord. Aseres f rverescretion and tact and to consider Sprigs Monday and later report-
Sern war lords. A series of reverses himrdealnands forandhecnasred lost in a blizzard sweeping the
last summer preceded his flight to him ideally suited for the canvas continental divide, have been lo- i
Port Arthur and later, it is believed, of labor secretaries with which he cated at Table Rock 55 miles east
to Dairen. Nationalist troops never was said to have been entrusted. of here
were able to capture him. Many Names Mentioned o
His return to Shantung might be The names which have been
regarded as significant in the light mentioned most as possibilities for NO MAIL DELIVERIES
of mutiny of former soldiers of his the labor secretaryship have been IN ANN ARBOR TODA
army. W. N. Doak, vice-president of the
Brotherhoop of Railway Trainmen;
FEATHER John L. Lewis, president of the No mail will be delivered over city
THE WEAH United Mine Workers of America, or rural routes today, it was an-
and James J. Davis, the incum- nounced last night by Postmastei
(By Associated Press) bent. No information could be de- A. C. Pack. Carriers will be given
Lower Michigan, partly cloudy to rived from Mr. Robinson himself a holiday for Washington's birth-
cloudy Friday, possibly snow in ex- regarding his conferences with the day anniversary. All windows at
treme west portions; colder; most- president-elect and concerning the both the main office and station
ly fair and continued cold, Satur- report on his mission which he is number one will be closed through-
day, supposed to have made. out the day.

lar razz-fest includes many person-
ages of some note in nearly every
profession. They are: Frank Wil-
lard, creator of the popular comic
trip, "Moon Mullins"; Senator
Arthur W. Vandenburg, of Grand
Rapids; George Pierrot, editor of
the "American Boy" magazine, and
K1rk Bradner, columnist in the
Detroit Free Press.
William Comstock, defeated can-
lidate for governor of Michigan on
the Democratic ticket, and refer-
red to at the affair last year as
'Michigan's other Democrat," has
eceived an invitation to be pres-
nt again this year. H. L. Men-
ken, editor of the "American Mer-
ury," and noted critic, is also on
the list. Grantland Rice, America's
foremost authority on sports will
receive a bid, as will Harvey T.
Woodruff, editor of the "Wake of
the News" column in the Chicago
Among the famous politicians
who have been invited to speak
are Gov. Fred Green, of Michigan,
Al Smith, ex-governor of New
York, and William Hale Thomp-
son, mayor of Chicago, and Sen.
James Couzens, of Michigan.
Richard Henry Little, the "R. H.
L." of the column called "Line o'
Type or Two" in the Chicago Trib-
ne, and Franklin P. Adams, the
F. P. A."' of the New York World,
re the other men who are on the
ist of prospective speakers. It is
expected that about five will be
hosen from this group who have
been asked whether or not they
ould arrange to be present.
Will Deliver Illustrated Talk Before
Highway Engineer's Conference
In Auditorium Tonight 1
As an added feature on the pro-
gram planned for the conference
on highway engineering, Prof.
William Herbert Hobbs, of the ge-
ology 'department,' will deliver a
popular lecture at 8 o'clock tonight
in Hill auditorium, on "Greenland
Expeditions of the University of
Michigan." Although a special sec-
tion will be reserved for partici-
pants in the conference, the lec-
ture will be open to the public.
Colored slides and motion pic-
tures will be used to illustrate the
lecture which will be the only pub-
lic appearance Prof. Hobbs will
make in Ann Arbor this year. The
talk will be centered around the
problems and accomplishments of
the annual voyages to Greenland,
the establishment of the perma-
nent station at Mt. Evans, and
the work of the permanent staff
located there.
One of the features of the lec-
ture will be a complete account of
the rescuing of the Rockford fliers,
after their failure in attempt to
fly to Sweden last summer in the
ill-fater plane, Greater Rockford.
The aviators who were brought
into the camp of the far-north ex-
plorers were Bert Hassell and
Parker Cramer. Staff members of
the camp discovered their signals
which utimately led to their rescue.
Another phase of the lecture will
treat on the advantages to be gain-
ed by flying to Europe via Green-
land. This should be of special in-
terest at this time due to the fact
that Hassell and Cramer have sig-
ified their intentions of making
another flight over the same route,

which, according to Prof. Hobbs,
has great possibilities as the future
northern *air route.
(Byl Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 21.-Col
Charles A. Lindbergh has accepted
his first official post with the gov-
ernment-technical advisor to the
aeronautics branch of the com-
merce department.
Secretary Whiting announce
the appointment today, and sai
that Col. Lindbergh had agreed tc
hold himself in readiness to re
spond to any call from William P
MacCracken, Jr., the department'

Dean Bursley Is Granted Leave Of
Absence; Nine Appointments
Are Announced
Appointment of a committee to
consider the appointment of a new
.president of the University was an-
nounced at the February meeting
of the Regents, held last night.
The formal resolution passed by
the Regents is as follows: "Re-
solved: That Regents Clements,
Sawyer, and Beal be appointed a
committee to report to the Regents
for their consideration names of
suitable persons for the office of
the presidency of the University."
Taylor Will Leave
Resignations' of five University
professors were accepted by the
Regents, to take effect at the end
of the present school year. Prof.
Frederick M. Taylor, of the econ-
omics department, resigned from
active work and was created pro-
fessor emeritus, Professor Taylor
taught at Albion college for 13
years before coming to the Uni-
versity, and has been teaching here
for 37 years. Prof. Horace L. Wil-
gus, who has been professor of law
here since 1895, now having the
subjects of torts and corporations,
also resigned, as did Prof. Robert
L. Masson, of the Department of
Finance, School of Business .Ad-
ministration, and Prof. Carl N.
Schmalz, of the retailing and ad-
vertising department of the School
of Business Administration and 'as-
sistant director of the Bureau of
Business Research. Prof. James
B. Edmonson, newly appointed dean
of the School of Education, re-
signed as director of the Division
of University Inspection of high
Wilson's Leave Extended
J. A. Bursley, dean of students,
was granted a leave of absence ex-
tending for one ya- frz- March
15. Dean Bursley, together with
his wife and family, plans to make
a six-months' tour of Europe. Prof.
Frank N. Wilson, of the depart-
'ment of Internal Medicine, was
granted an extension of his leave
of absence until Sept. 1.
1 Howard M. Jones, professor of
English literature at the University
of North Carolina, was invited to
come here and deliver three lec-
tures in March.
Nine appointments were an-
nounced by the Regents. Charles
Knudson, who for the last year has
been at Buffalo university, was ap-
pointed assistant professor of
French. Herman C. Hoskier was
granted the title of honorary cura-
tor of the museum of classical
archeology. Charles E. Nelson is
to be a research assistant in the
department of engineering re-
I search.
More Changes Made
c Elizabeth C. Crosby was advanc-
ed from assistant to associate pro-
fessor of anatomy, and Leonell C.
Strong, research associate in can-
cer research was made assistant

professor. Margaret Effinger was
appointed curator in the division
of fine arts and in the general li-
brary. J. E. Maddy 'was appointed
1 professor of extension work for
music in the school of music, and
Avard Fairbanks was made asso-
ciate professor of sculpture in the
division of fine arts. In addition
Wilfred B., Shaw, general secre-
tary of the Alumni association, was
appointed a new post in the alumni
organization. George E. Carrothers
was granted a degree of doctor of
. philosophy.
Ticket sales for Harris Players'
d production of "The Chief Thing,' by
o Nicolas Evreinoff which will run
- Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and
. Saturday nights, February 27 and
28 and March1 and 2 at the Harris

Deans of three colleges of the
University provided the feature of
the eighteenth Michigan Night
! radio program which was broad-
cast between 7 and 8 o'clock last



night from the new Morris hall
studio thruogti WJR, the "Good
Will Station" of the Richards Oak-
land company, Detroit.
"The Graduate School of the
University of Michigan" was the
little of the three talks and was
given by Dean G. Carl Huber of
that school. Dean Huber traced
the development of the school from
the time when the first graduate
student attended the University in

to 1892, when the Graduate School
was organized in connection witt.
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts; and finally, two dec-
ades, until 1912, when the Gradu-
ate School was constituted S
separate unit.
The Medical School of the Uni-
versity was ]thoroughly discussed
by Dean Hugh Cabot of that schoo:
in his talk. Dean Cabot told of the
great benefits of the medical school
at Michigan due to the presence
training place for the students.
of the University hospital as a
"The University medical school is
one of the largest despite the fact
that it is located in a small town,"
he said. "Nevertheless, it has been

'leering and Architecture. Dean
Sadler mentioned the change in
>ur industrial life of today and told
)f the problem of the engineering
school-first, to rtain the type ofl
nen needed for the general opera-
,ions of industry; second, to turn
amt what might be called the real
or professional engineer, capable of
solving the new problems of de-
3ign; third, to train men for the
technique of research and give
ahem the type of training to en-
able them to take advantage of the
new advances in the realms of sci-
ence; and finally, to give a man
a broader general education.
During the interim of the talks,
a musical program was presented

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