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May 29, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-29

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Published every morning except Monday
diing the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled 'to the use for~ republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub.
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, re second class matter. Special rate
of posta granted by Third Assistant Post-
wzaster ,General.
Subsc7iption by sarer, $4.0O; by mail,
$4(gfces: Ann Arbor Press Building, May,
sand Street.
Phone: Editorial, 426; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
3ditor.............. ..-..Nelson J. Smith
City Editor. ..... ...... Stewart Hooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..............W. Morris Quinn
Womten's ditor.........S.ylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor....... ...George Stautet
Music and Drama............R. 14. Atkren
Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar
Night Editorsj
oseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe i
Donald J. Oline Pierce Rosenberg I
Lawrence R. KI-in George E. Simons
George C. Gilley

Wieman was given opportunity to
resign and did not take it is not 1L
known, but we feel sure that Yost
gave the opportunity.,
If this explanation is plausible, OUR OWN
then it should explain the over- PICTORIAL REVIEW
publicized fiasco last fall. In all OF LATE EVENTS
events it does and should absolve
Director Yost from the charge of LINDY TIES THE KNOT; BALL
deliberately "firing" Mr. Wieman AND CHAIN FIRMLY ATTACHED
b ms hp, did not like him That




--. -. c


Music And Drama
0 0
TODAY: Matinee and evening
performances of "Nightstick"
in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theater, curtains at 2:30 and
* * *

ec ulr 11 l 1Gir,111. lll
charge will bo made but will prove

E 0

- Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexandl
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwits
Louise Behymer
Arthur ]lernsteu
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chubb
Frank k .,Cooper
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valbnrg Egeland
Robert J. reldman
Marjorie Folimer
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempstei
Richard Jung
Charles R.Kaufm
Ruth Kelsey

Donald E. Laymas
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonald
H'enry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitg
Joseph A. Russell
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Howard Simhon
Robert L. Slos
Ruth Steadman
A. Stewart
Cadwell Swansm
dith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Willnams
ad Jr. Walter Wilds
George E . Wohlgemuth
an, Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie

Telephone 21214
Assistant Managr-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers.
Advertising.............Alex X. Scherer
Advertising.......C......A. ames Jordan
Advertising........ ......Car. W. Hammer
Service................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts............Lawrence E. Wal0icy
Publications........ ..... Ray M. Hofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Bessie Egeand
pally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
Irak Horwich
Vix Huraphrey

Marion Kerr.
Lillian KovivskY
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
1. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl r-. Schemul
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead.

Night Editor-WALTER WILDS,
The dismissal of Coach Elton E.
Wieman from the coaching staff by
the Board in Control of Athletics
is blighted with unfortunate an-
tecedents. The general public will
connect it directly with the'inde-
cision coicerning the identity of
the head coach of the Michigan
football team last fall, blowing in-
to the affair the smoke of personal
strife between, Director Yost and
Coach Wieman. In reality, the
Alphonse and Gaston comedy of
last year is only remotely a factor
in the decision of the Board to dis-
pense with Mr. Wieman'srservices
as a member of the Michigan
coaching staff. The fact that Mr.
Wieman was dismissed and did not
resign is another corollary to the
hypothesis that the release was
at the personal instigation of Di-
rector Yost and that objectively
the matter was one of spite or at
the least of whim.
"Hurry Up" Yost's fidelity to
Michigan is well known, but it will
always justify repetition. Such a
man would never fire a fellow
coach because of personal indiffer-
ences. His blood is so enriched
with Michigan spirit that he would
not allow it to be diluted with the
ennervating influx of personal
likes and dislikes. It was not that
he loved Wieman less but that he
loved Michigan more.
The relationship between Direc-
tor and Coach began as a master
and pupil affair when Wieman
played on the Varsity football team.
Director Yosts' regard for his pupil
must have been high or the pupil
would never have been appointed
to the coaching staff when he was.
But what obviously occurred was
the realization on the part of the
master that the pupil did not pos-
sess certain characteristics neces-
sary in a man who would assume
the responibilities not only as a
technician and analyst (in which
capacity Mr. Wieman is excellent
beyond reproach) but also as an
administrator and a leader. These
qualities Mr. Wieman regrettably
lacks in a sufficiency that would
allow him to succeed in entirety a
man who possessed them to the de-
gree that Director Yost did. The sit-
uation was sad but Director Yost
was placed in one even more sad.
His loyalty to Michigan told him
that Wieman was noti the man for

A proposal to defer the display of
>ledge buttons, at least for the
luration of Freshman week next
all, was definitely opposed by the
[nterfraternity council yesterday.
Prof. Philip E. Bursley, who prof-
ered this suggestion to the coun-
A11, feels that the wearing of pledge
auttons creates ill feeling among
the new students and proves a
tumbling-block to cooperation of
the leaders of the various groups
with their members.
By the proposed plan, rushing
and pledging would proceed as for-
merly, but no buttons would be
worn on the campus. It is un-
doubtedly felt that this would keep
from the freshmen who were not
taken into fraternities the realiza-
tion that any distinction had been
made in favor of their fellows and
would effectually guard them from
any feeling of inferiority.
However, with rushing in its
present highly-competitive condi-
tion, any scheme which would
make it more complex should be
definitely rejected. Cut-throat tac-
tics have characterized rushing
methods for so long that it is a
shortsighted policy which would
substitute easier button-lifting
greater uncertainty about just
what is going on, and hardship in
the long run for both freshmen
and fraternities. The deferred
wearing of pledge buttons, more-
over, would simply defer one week
the arrival of the inferiority com-
plex and the realization on the
part of independents that they had
failed of fraternity recognition.
If Professor Bursley's idea is the
abolition of social distinctions
among freshmen, he would do bet-
ter to abrogate fraternities than
to do away with pledge buttons.
No one will dispute that the fac-
ulty committee of the Big Ten act-
ed in pursuit of a correct principle
when they voted to. oust Iowa from
the conference for hiring athletes.
Professionalism should not taint
intercollegiate athletics, and we
may assume that before casting
their bomlbshell the committee
weighed carefully the evidence of
professionalism that came into
their hands. It would seem, how-
ever, that before taking drastic ac-
tion against one university, the
committee might first have re-
viewed the whole conference sit-
uation and drawn a warning line.
It is no secret that athletes are
being subsidized through college.
First a promising football player
has his way paid through college
by his father; no rats are smelled.
Another high school star may be
financed by his uncle, and the cloak
of consanguinity completely hides
any incipient professionalism.
Then a next-door neighbor, who
happens to be a loyal alumnus,
sends a quarterback down to his
Alma Mater. Subsequently a fel-
low townsman, who does not know
the boy except by reputation, will
forward him prepaid to the old col-
lege for athletic purposes. Still, in
the technical sense, there is no pro-
fessionalism here.
A more dubious case arises when
fraternity alumni pool funds to
bolster the prestige of their house
with ,prominent athletes, financed
sub rose, no matter where they
come from. This practice is gen-
erally; frowned on but not -penal-
ized. And then there are the uni-
versity athletic associations that
find, or make, for good athletes
snap jobs which carry stipends all

out of proportion to the work done.
Here is a method of keeping good
material off yet on the payroll
which is employed commonly by
Big Ten universities and surely de-
serves investigation quite as much
as Iowa's infraction in the next
degree. It seems unduly harsh that
Iowa should be expelled for simply
being less euphemistic about pro-
We cannot feel that Iowa is
permanently out, or that the Big
Ten is on the verge of a break-up.
Their expulsion is too obviously an
effort to make an example of one
offender to be a permanent and
blackening blot on the Iowa ath-
letic escutcheon.

Well, Charlie and Anne certainly
scooped the boys! None of the
newspapers even got in on the big
news, except The Daily, which pro-
cured a snapshot of the Lindberghsl
setting out on their honeymoon.1
Mr. Lindbergh is the smiling gen-
tleman in the center.
The headline on a story about
the Lindbergh marriage yesterday
morning tells us that the loving
couple "roared secretly away."
The Mrs. will do all of her roar-
ing openly on mornings such as the,
above, when she's trying to get
Charlie up for a trip to China
some day.

A Review By William J. Gorman
A large cast under the direction
of Reynolds Evans labored last
night with some success to prove,
with a melodrama as a vehicle, a
sociological thesis dedicated to the
police department: ' "after all, a
crook's not a hero but a crook."
The usual number of thrills, large-
ly gained in the usual way by mo-
ments of suspense ending in pistol
shots, were dealt the audience
during the process of the proof.
Though an ordinary one, the
climax, the villain trembling at the
point of the hero's gun, was re-
freshing to those who had expect-
ed the fadeout to picture the rep-
entant heroine in the arms of the
detective who had saved her from
the murr-rderer. In spite of prev-
ious statements to the contrary,
the play is not wholly electric and
finely constructed. The first act
notably and parts of the third act
have ruts, moments of delay and
weak dialogue, which no perform-
ance could smooth.
The production had a balance
that the previous two did not at-
tain. It has no strikingly bad
spots and a few very successful
ones. In those aspects of the
melodrama, like the speed of Act
II, where interpretation was pos-
sible, the conceptions of the Di-
rector seemed intelligent. Reynolds
Evans, though he was probably
slightly miscast, gave a workman-
like performance modulating his
voice and movements quite subtly
into his two roles as lover and de-
tective; everything in his technique
even when used as in this play in
I bad lines .end situations shows care.
Robert Henderson rendered well a
difficult few minutes which re-
quired him in rapid succession to
wabble and jabber as an inebriate
to hold three crooks at bay, and
to die dramatically. Thomas Den-
ton offered a highly amusing bit
as the boob criminal-the only
,part with ,any really original writ-
ing in it. Arthur Kohl and Suz-
anne Freeman are still unsatisfac-
tory;, they, both adopt at their
first appearance on the stage man-
nerisms of technique (the one a
long stricng gait and the other
an innocent, pathetic shade, in the
voice) which they think fit the
part, and, then they remain con-
tent with these mannerisms
through parts of the drama that
clearly require complete disappear-
ance of them Undoubtedly neither
of them has a very flexible voice
but indifference to the possibilities
of variety that lines afford accent-
uates their limitations.
Though the play provides enter-
tainment, its choice is none too
flattering to campus taste.
* * *








Of course, every good pictorial
section must have its sports events.
Here are ours. The headline is not,
however. It ran on the sports page
yesterday to let everyone know that
Georgie really is not particularly
interested in tennis, but he plays it
so he can psychoanalyze his op-
ponents. Or maybe he wants to
study geological conditions as rep-
resented by various kinds of clay
and grass courts.
This is the office cynic. He
wanted to find out if all this stufl
about Iowa playing ringers was
true so he looked up their footbal:
record of the past season. He
simply cannot understand yet hows
they could have used any ringers
and played that kind of ball. The
doctor has hope for his recovery.
+ A-
55 ~
"Heflin to be slain, letter to solor
says"-headline in one of our con-
temporary publications. "Detroit-
ers on way to Capital to do job, ant
the police yawn." What's unusual
about that? , This is merely an at-
tempt ,to obtain as much fame foi
Detroit *as Chicago now claims.


In response to requests from
various sources, the Glee Club un-
der the direction of Theodore Har-
rison has prepared a concert for
this evening to be given in Hill Au-
ditorium at 7:30. The program is
popular in nature containing in
addition to several groups of num-
bers by the Glee Club featured nov-
elties by Sidney Straight and .
George Johnson and a group of
tenor solos by Odra Patton., The
program, affording an hour and a
half of entertainment, is as fol-
Laudes 'Atque Carmina, ;Stanley)
The Victors (Elbel) and Varsity
(Moore, '12) by the Glee Club; The
Musical Cigar Box by Sidney
Straight; Where'er You Walk,
(Handel) and Now Let Every
Tongue (Bach) by ' the Glee Club;
Tenor Solos: Elucevan le Stella
(Puccini). Where My Dear Lady
Sleeps (Breville-Smith) Lift Thine
Eyes (Logan) by Odra O. Patton;
Ole Gray Robe (Huntley) Swing
Low Sweet Chariot (Huntley) and
Promis' Lan' (Burleigh) by the
Glee Clul5; selections by the Mid-
night Son's Quartet composed of
Catchpole, Straight, Brown, and
Peterson, The Cossack (Monuiszko-
MacDowell) and Morning (Speakes)
by the Glee Club; Monolog by
George Johnson; 'Tis of Michigan
We Sing (Arr. by Moore '12) I
Want To Go Back to Michigan (Arr.
by Moore, '12) and Friars Song
(Dykema) solo by Otto Brown, with
Glee Club; and The Yellow and
Blue (Balfe.)
Walter B. Angell, pupil of Pal-
mer Christian, will give the follow-
ing program this afternoon in Hill
auditorium beginning at 4:15.

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