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May 21, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-21

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TUESAY, MAY 21, 1929

1H E



Seventy Members Were Present To
Hear Speeches On Problems
Of Professional Life
The Women's Research Club of
the University of Michigan cele-
bratedits"25th anniversary on Sat-
urday, May 18, at ,the Michigan
League Building. Four tables were
arranged in one of the smaller din-
ing ooms, and decorated with
spring flowers. Seventy members
were present.
After an informal reception and
dnner, Dr. Bessie B. Kanouse, pres-
ident of the club and assistant to
the director and curator of the
University Herbarium, welcomed
the guests most cordially and pres-
ented some interesting statistics
Sinee its inception in 1902 it has
had 3'76 members, and supports a
loam fund ,for graduate women en-
gaged in research. Of the nine
biarter members, Miss Frances
Dunbar, who is in charge of the
Lantern Slide Shop on campus, Dr.
Iva Lickly, practicing physician of
Mtuskegon, Mich., and Miss Ellen
Bach of Ann Arbor, were present
at the reunion.
Junior Club Develops
D.r Kanouse introduced Miss
Dunbar who spoke briefly on the
beginnings of the club. The Re-
search Club was formed first, and
admitted only seniors on the fac-
ulty. - It was followed by the Junior
tesearch Club who admitted men
of somewhat less exalted rank.
Both societies excluded women, so
It was quite- in order that the
women should have their own
meetings, from which men were
excluded. Meetings were held in
86uth Wing of University Hall, and
liter"in the Histological Laboratory,
and it was at this time that the
historic two-yard tablecloth was
pirchaded. Some members had
*een elected from fields outside
fhe Qriginally limited one of biol-
ogy and medicine, and confessed to
uhpleasant reactions towards re-
1:eshments served on uncovered
Sboratory tables reminiscent of





t t


Holder Of Record


i :

"Aria Da Capo" Is Play Chosen For
Presentation Following
The Breakfast

recent laboratory sessions. Tne
historic tablecloth was used at the
reunion banquet.
Dr. Jeanne Solis, practicing phy-
sician of Ann Arbor, was introduc-
eed next and spoke of the wide
range of activities of the members
of. the club, past and present
Questionnaires had been sent wit
the invitations to the dinner and
from the replies Dr. Solis indicated
that the largest number of women
were interested in botany. Next in
numbers came zoology, psychology,
medicine, pathology, chemistry,
physics, astronomy, law and many
other professions.
Dr. Rhoda Farquharson, physi-
cian of Detroit, Mich., and an hon-
orary member of the club, gave a
more formal talk on the problems
which women must meet in profes-
sional life. She stressed particu-
larly the interdependence of study
and practice for the physician-~ the
3 limitation of each. field and.4 their
mutual necessity. Dr. Farquharsor
apointed out some of the essentials
_ for success including a good gen-
eral education, a thorugh scientific
training, and an ability to meet
people. The physician, she said.
must realize constantly that this
problem differs from research in
laboratory in that conditions are
not controlled and complications
are always at hand in the many
* unknown factors of physical, men-
tal. and emotional make-up of the
Members Meet Informally
After a few concluding remarks
by Dr. Kanouse the members ad-
journed and met informally in the
Among the visiting members were
t Miss Clara J. Allison, teacher of
Latin at State Normal College Ypsi-
lanti, Dr. Helen Cannon Burnfield.
M. D., of Pontiac, Mich., Miss Helen
Esser, Psychologist of Detroit, Mich.,
Dr. Rhoda Farquharson, M. D., of
Detroit, Mich., Miss Mary Goddard,
teacher of Botany, State Normal
College, Ypsilanti, Mich., Miss Edna
Gordon of the Juvenile Court,
Detroit, Mich., Dr. Pauline Buck
Hoakley, Psychologist 'of Wayne
Training School., Northville, Mich.,
Mrs. Doreen Potter Hanna of De-
troit, Mich., Dr. Iva Lickly, M.D., of
Muskegon, Mich., Mrs. E. B. Mains.
from Pirdue University, Lafayette,
Ind., Mrs. Fred. Marine of Detroit,
Mich., Miss Adelia McCrea, Mycol-
ogist of Parke, Davis & Co., Detroit,


Committees have already been
appointed and plans for the Senior
Breakfast, which is being held on
June 15, are progressing rapidly.
Ellen Grinnell, chairman of the
ticket committee, announces that
tickets will be sold from Mon-
day, May 27, through Wednesday,
in the lobby of the Women's
Both Seniors and gradaute wom-
.;en are welcome at this last "get-to-
gether" of the senior women. The
breakfast, at which engagements
and marriages are customarily an-
<r '<< rnounced, will be held in the assem-
bly room of the Women's League.
"Aria da Capo", by Edna St. Vin-
cent Milly, play that will
be presented after the breakfast,
according to Elaine Gruber, gen-
,eral chairman of the event, and
Edna Mower will direct the play.
Those who wish to try out for parts
will meet on Saturday at a place
and time to be announced later.
y~ yri . Any. women who are interested in
costuming, lighting, and 'staging,
are requested to apply to Edna
1 p Mower at the same time.
UIAlhough tickets will be sold until
the Thursday preceeding the break-
Elinor Smith, 17, holder of wom- fast, those who apply first will
en's endurance flight record, obtain the best seats. The reserved
snapped enjoying a book at Roose- tickets for the play will be clipped
velt Field, L. I., between flights, to the tickets for the breakfast.
After the regular sale, tickets may
STUDENT IS AVIATRIX be obtained by calling Ellen Grin-
.___nell, 3218..
Miss Bertha C. Flo, '31, who is As in the past, all who attend
the only woman pilot in the Uni- Ithe breakfast have been requested
versity, and the -sister of Leonard 4 to wear caps and gowns to add to
Flo, of the new Municipal Air Port, the dignity of the occasion. The
is the only University student i1, program is scheduled to begin al
the Women's Aeronautical Associa-j9:30 on June 15, and further de-
tion of Detroit. I tails in arrangements will be an-
This organization is interested in ;nounced later.
promoting aviation, particularly in!'
relation ta women, and also in I London: English women's schools
starting a similar movement in the are stressing humanistic ideals. In
University next fall. London full-time day classeskare
(held for women in dressmaking.
Miss Anne Dodd, of Winchester, millinery, embroidery, hairdressing,
Mass., whose respect for observance cookery, and catering.
of Sunday is so strict that she de- Some employers allow girls. to
clined to celebrate her 105th birth- attend trade schools without loss
day on May 12, and celebrated it of wages for two sessions a wrrk.
on May 13 instead. Others attend night classes.

1 Tryouts for the Senior Play
will be held Saturday, May 25,j
from 9-11 A. M. and 1-5 P. M.
(( The morning tryouts are in the
( Committee Room, second floor
of the League building and the I
afternoon tryouts in the Board I
room on the first floor.
At these times all the offices J
for the play will be filled of I
which the following are needed, 1
cast, costumes, properties, make-
up, art director, and stage man-
( agter.
I Women for cast read before
trying out "Aria da Capo" by I
( Edna St. Vincent Millag, copies I
( of which may be obtained in the
Rhetoric library.
Rehearsals will not be held I
I during final examinations. The I
( play is to be given June 15 after I
I the Senior breakfast. 1
A meeting of Mummers society
will be held at 5 o'clock Wednesday,
May 22, in the cave on the fourth
floor of the League, Building. All
members are requested to be pres-
ent. Election of officers will be held.
Individuals or house groups who
have donated books to the J. H.
Koessler Library of the League will
have an opportunity to autograph
their copies betwen 2 and 5:30
o'clock today and tomorrow in the
League library.
Initiation for Orchesis will be at
1 o'clock Thursday. Watch the
Daily for further notices. Anyone
21se interested in tryouts, see Miss
tone Johnson at Barbour gymna-
*~ * * ,
The old board of the Women's
Athletic Association will meet at 12
o'clock today in the Tea Room of
the League building. All reports for
the past year will be due at this
The Interclass baseball schedule
for today is as follows: Freshmen
play juniors at 4 o'clock; sopho-
mores play seniors at 4 o'clock;
freshmen play seniors at 5 o'clock;
sophomores play juniors at 5
Social ActivitiesI
Continue At League

Inaugurate New !AF PIW ll O P S
Athletic Award'i I I WILL
Board Will Present 1000 Point lA TAI ALPHA NINE
Letter For First Time At
Banquet May 22 '
Winners Of Semi-Finals Will 11old
At a joint meeting of the new and Deciding. Contest
old W. A. A. boards, regulations
concerning the new 1000 point BETSY . ARBOUR LOSES
award, which has been under di- d~R IJ~WJI
cussion for some time, were passed. Zeta Tau Alpha and Alpha Epsi-
Any girl possessing 1000 W. A. A. lon Phi are contenders for the in-
points is eligible. The award is to tramural baseball championship
be given along the basis of three after winning in the semi-finaia
honor lines, sportsmanship, service yesterday afternoon. Zeta Tau Al-
in W. A. A., and leadership pha took Betsy Barbour down 7-3
The committee to discuss those in order to enter the semi-finals,
who are eligible is composed of five then the same team defeated Sig-
members are the head of the Phys- ma Kappa, 8-1. Alpha Epsilon Phi
and two students. The faculty took a 25-6 victory over Chi Omega.
members are the head of the Phys- The Alpha Epsilon Phi Chi Omega
ical Education Department, the contest was the most decisive that
head of class sports, and the advisor has yet been played. During the
of W. A. A. The president of W. A. first inning A. E. Phi put 21 players
". and the point recorder are the J across the plate, to Chi Omega's
student representatives. one. In the next section the A. E.
The aard s a mallfelt of ,phi's let up on their fielding and
The award is a small felt "M" of ae1iOtg ern efr
maize color, made in the form of gave Chi Omega five runs. The first
maisting W, mAd. A.heawar Itoisthree hitters fanned in the initial
the existing W. A. A, award. It Is5 jhalf of the third inning, leaving
to be worn on the left pocket of the the score 26-6.
new W. A. A. blazers. 1 After defeating Betsy Barbour,
Thissaward will be presented for Zeta Tau Alpha played one of their
the first time at the banquet which' hardest fought contests with Sigma
is being held on Wednesday, May Kappa. The teams were well
22, forming a part of the official matched, both pitchers knew how
closing of the baseball season. As to hurl a fast ball, and all the play-
many awards will be given as are ers could connect with the ball.
merited by the quality of the girls After a short first inning in1 which
eligible. the teams shared the honors, Zeta
W. A. A. has been preparing for I Tau Alpha came across in the sec-
just such an award, a number of ond with four runs, shutting Sigma
years. It represents a type of award Kappa out from their only chance
to girls who are interested as well at score by a double play, putting
as skillful in sports, and to girls a hitter out at first and tagging a

whose leadership and sportsman-
ship deserve some recognition.
W. C. A. occupied the spotlight yes-
Three charming luncheons took
place at the noon hour. Thirty
members of the Women's Education
Club were entertained, and two pri-
vate luncheons were held, one by
Mrs. E. S. Brown for 25 guests, and
the other by Mrs. R. W. Bunting for
Miss Stella Brunt and Mrs. Glover
are hostesses at two more luncheons
taking place today. Mrs. Glover isI
entertaining for 40 in a private din-
ing room, while Miss Brunt is en-
tertaining a few friends in the tea
room. Miss Caroll Osmun will be
hostess this evening at bridge in
the Alumnae room. Miss Margaret
Stearns will entertain 10 guests to-
night in the Tea room.

runner as he slid over the plate.
Their victory was insured with
two more runs in the next inning
they made -sure of their victory.
The final game of the tournament
will be played tonight at 7 o'clock
Broadcasting with her feet causes
her no end of embarassment as-
serts Miss Wilda Kimball of the
NBC studio of San Francisco. She
broadcasts tap dancing.
New Hats
in New Pastel Shades
Made to Order
227 South State

Luncheons, dinners, and
parties of all kinds continue
given at the League in large
A dinner for 14 members of

to be
the Y,



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-Iww 'it brinlgs profits to In-
dustry in countless ways

You'll Be
Smart This
Summer if
You Choose
Prints and
Pastel Tones
At A n Eye to
he Color that
3ecomes You

L ET'S take a minute
or two and see what we'll gain when
we put in gas heat. Call in the cost
Iirst: No fuel stocks to maintain.
Check of investment, cost of handling,
cost of storage space, interest.
Then, relative efficiency. Gas will save
us money here: put a gas flame right
where we want it; waste no time, no
fuel, in building up to maximum
efficiency. Shut it off instantly when
we're done.
Better working conditions. No soot,
smoke, coal dust.
Gas is flexible, too. We can apply it
economically; we can maintain our
temperatures accurately; we can control
it accurately. That-llc-t down spoil-
age losses and build up production.
Gas is all fuel; no waste. Every cubic
foot we buy will produce profitable heat.
Let's get that book, "Industrial Gas
Heat" from the American Gas Asso-
ciation, and see what other people are




t..z..u.s .. _ ...... _.,

The following articles are priced at

S Ummery Frocks
Tell a story of smartness as they run the gamut of
the mode. Patterns in chiffons and crepes are in the
spirit of the season-Brilliant colored, lavishly drawn
novel in outline. There are sleeveless frocks for day-
time wear, sleeved frocks for traveling, modified
sleeveless frocks for afternoon occasions. The popular
jacket gives an added distinction to many models.
All Sizes
to75 $4975

1'oiigre ajamnas
Two piece style bou nd in con-
trasting shades, all sizes-
very heavy quality-sizes 15,
16, 17.
Crepe De Chine Gowns
Every one daintily made-
tailored and lace trimmed-
sizes 15, 16, 17-all pastel
Dance Sets
Fashioned of crepe de chine
in all the new summer shades
-green, peach, lavendar and
Crepe De Chine Bloomers
In flesh and white only-

Shorts and Brassiers
Stripped and checked, made
of the very finest material-
the colors are in the finest
combination-just the thing
for summer wear.
Flesh and white lace trimmed
top and bottom-all sizes-
shadow hem-very heavy ma-
Flesh and white lace trimmed
top and bottom-all sizes-


doing with gas. It's free... and there's
no obligation in asking for it.
S A S S I A T eYoN
Avenue, New York

M iE I I C

420 Lexington

Below: sales of manufactured gas in the United States for
industrial and commercial purposes from 1921 to 1928.










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