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May 21, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-21

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TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1929

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Westera Conference Editorial1
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwiseX
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
dished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor,l
Michigan, so second class matter. Special rate
of postap granted by Third Assistant Post-I
master General.
Subscription by carrier, 94.00; by mail,
I4. o
ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
bard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 49:2; Business, 2=214.
Telephone 4922
Eotor .......................Nelson 1. Smith
City Editor............. Stewart Hooker
News Editor............Richard C..Kurvink
Stp orts Editor.............W. Morris Quinn
women's Editor..............Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor............ George Stauter
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren,
Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
Toseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Picece Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simon
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layma
Morris Alexandal Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Louise Behyme' Elizabeth Quaife
Arthur Bernstei Q Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Bce Joseph A. Russell.
Isabel Charles Anne Schell
L.R. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank E. Cooper Howard Simon
Helen Domine Robert L. Sloss
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edwards A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansea
Robert J. Feldman Jane Thayer
Marjorie Follmer Eiith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Williams
David B. Hempstead Jr, Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George E:. Wohlgemuth1
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising. ............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising................. A. James Jordan
Advertising............. Car: W. Hammer
Service..................Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation................ George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications...............Ray M. Hofelich

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
~ernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
George Hamilton
jck Horwich
ix Hum~phrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovuisky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Weilstead

Although the Hawley-Smoot tar-
iff bill is still unsettled weather
in the legislative skies, there has
emanated from Washington enough
debate to indicate tha the primary
purpose for tariff revision is not
likely to be served. The tariff bill,
in fact the entire extra-session, was
designed in compliance with a
much propaganded Republican
pledge to aid the farmers. But the
present tariff proposal will go far
from placing the farmer in the se-
lect position tha the campaign car-
toons pictured him.
The Hoover tariff promise was in-
creased duties on only agricultural
cpmmodities, guaranteeing that
farm "equality with industry."
When the bill emerged from the
Ways and Means committee, it con-
tained higher rates for food stuffs,
but the raised were short of the
farmers' demands.
But even with this slighting, the
farmers might have "let well enough
alone," and remained quietly at
their plowing had not the House
raised the duties on a sweeping
number of commodities. Textile
goods, sugar, lumber, bricks, chem-
ical products and other products
necessary to the farmer, were also
given higher duties.
The increased rates on agricul-
tural goods are offset by the extra-
protection afforded manufacturers.
Furthermore, the resulting high
prices on building materials, sugar,
and clothing will be a greater bur-
den on the farmer as a consumer
than the increased rates will help
him as a producer.
The farmers are "kicking dirt,"
and rightly. During the campaign
they were dosed with fluge Republi-
can promises, under the influence
of which they voted Hoover into
the White House. Now it is the duty
of the administration to get control
of Congress, and make good its
promises. Farm relief is-no longer
merely a legislative question. It is
becoming a moral issue as well. It
is the test of the responsibility of
the Republican party to meet its
political obligations.
1 0
Three tragedies, each involving
the deaths of two or more human
beings, were prominent in yester-
day's news. In Muskegon two men
were killed when a homemade
monoplane crashed to the ground,
one wing missing. At Inkster, an en-
tire family of six were wiped out
when the driver of the car in which
they were riding tried to beat a
sixty-mile-an-hour train to a cross-
ing. In the Yankee stadium, New
York, two people were killed and
many injured when a crazy mob-
like dumb cattle-rushed, trampled
while endeavoring to rush from the
ball park-because it was raining!
Blind stupidity. Every one of
these tragedies was caused directly
by violations of the laws of common
sense; by a total disregard of the
phrase, "Safety First," which has
unfortunately become somewhat
hackneyed. Every one of these ac-
cidents could have been averted had
those who caused them utilized
half the intelligence with which
man Is endowed.
People, it seems, will never learn.
While fishing the other day
President Hoover stumbled over a
rock and received a black eye in

a fall against a tree. The black
eyes he received last fall were a
lot blacker than this one, though.
We learn that nearly 1,500,000
people are engaged in the grape in-
dustry in France. Yes, and they
have the American tourists to
thank for that.
Every other college and univer-
sity seems to be doing it. Who is
Michigan prettiest coed?
More than 8,000 lawnmowers
were shipped this year from Amer-
ica to foreign countries. That
means we'll have 8,000 less back-
aches in the United States this

M cdusic and Drama
....... p t..+.M+~.+ l. .+ .. ..+f"+ye...t~e.e.+......+..S..r. ~e............ ee.+
TONIGHT: A presentation of "The Green Goddess" by Wm.
Archer in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, beginning at 8:15. with i

the curtain at 8:30 o'clock.

smooth, facile thing expectedo

of a

professional company.
. The scenic production was ex-
cellent in shape and color and
richness. The original form of
entertainment during the, acts was
(mdltiovs Yote.---This is I the first of a eries
of artices dealing with such of thc composers
and musical tumtbers on the May Festival iro-
11gra1 as we tlink may e of in; e rst to the
: ;At times, there arise deeply emo-
..:.. tional and inspirational geniuses
who are artists despite themselves
and who insist upon creating just
as the are moved, without the
.^'.:....::>:.: ::;".:":.::::}:;:;::; modification forced upon them by
Stheir classical art ancestry. Mous-
. sorgsky, ardent radical and im-
pressionist in every treatment, may
i be regarded as high example of his
school (if indeed it may be called
a school.) In fact the Slavic race
Nevada Van der Veer, the Dutch has produced more untrampled
contralto, who wil sing the role of radicalism in the , arts than any
"Delilah" in the Saturday evening other people-their emotion andf
concert of the May Festival, taking desire for ardent expression runs
the place of Marion Telva, orig- so high 'that any mold or channel
inally announced.. The substitution is regarded as an imposition.
was occasioned by Miss Telva's re- Moussorgsky is not great. Per-
haps it is that very disregard for
abroad. It was quite fortunate that technique and medial formulae
she was available as she has sung which has given him the distinc-
the role several times and is cred-
ited w tion of being the first musical Ni-
ited with being admirably adapted hilist which has kept him from the
vocally and artistically for this im-(Parnassus of his m'ore conventional
portant part. forerunnoi-e TTohae naccued



TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1929
Night Editor-Gurney Williams, Jr.

A Review By William J. Gorman
Only Mr. Archer, with years and
years of analysis and dissection be-
hind him, could have accomplish-
ed the feat of writing a play with-
out a scrap of inspiration in the
plot conception. Of course it is
quite possible-and an infinite
number of New York audiences
have provec this perhaps more
substantially than last night's au-
dience-to give up to the prevail-
ing excitement, to wipe a moist
brow at the Rajah's cruel and most
improper proposals to Lucilla, to
tremble at the buzzing barbarians
silhouetted' againts a burning sky,
to shout at appearance of rescue
party, with complete collapse, the
sign of the play's success, as- a re-
sult. That is the privilege of the
unsophisticated and they, off
course, are responsible for the
play's popularity.
The more cynical playgoer will
be quite confident in Lucilla's pow-
er to resist even the most sinister
suggestion, and will claim power to
time to the minute the arrival of
the whirring rescue planes and the
smart young 'leftenant' The play
Idoes have a throu ahly a nn 7inv

of actual deficiency in knowledge
and ability of composition. Even
if this is false, as has since been
proven, the disregard for form is
carried to excess in much of his
work. This handicap is evidenced
by the fact that he excelled in
operatic composition and in his
songs, very obviously because they
offered him a maximum of free-
dom in. his expression.
Two of Moussorgsky's orchestral
songs' will be sung by Miss Braslau
in Thursday's concert. The two,
"The Classicist" and "On the
Dnieper" are widely different in
scope and neither are representa-
tive of the composer. The wild ex-
pression of the Slav in the opera
"Khovanschina" - the legendary
fourdain with an infiltration of
realism which makes it stark; this
sponsorship of growing national-
ism is -much more of Moussorg-
sky than the satirical and the le-
gendar'y songs to be offered.
After a lull of every forty years
since his death in 1881, the Rus-
sian radical has had a rising pop-
ularity in the last few seasons and
his presence upon the Festival
program is an indication of the
sweep it is attaining. L. P. BI.

They are proud of their no-
madic life and of their knowl-
edge of how it should be ac-
complished. After all, if one
goes about a bit, a home at-
mosphere that is informal and
comfortable has its advantages.
Evening decollete and dinner
coats are not a requisite when
one travels to Europe TOURIST
Third Cabin. That pretty well
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ture of being very inexpensive,
which is a big item in modern
travel. Round-trips cost from
$184.50 up.
In our fleets we offer you a
choice of such famous liners
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land, Lapland, etc.-and two
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Touarsr Third.Cah assen-
gers excilpsiaeln.
4i (up)
Accommodations are reserved exclusively
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people you i'l enjoy rav~elig wiifs.
Tourist Third Cabin Dept., No.1Broadway,N.Y.,
our offices elwewhere or authorized S. S. agenat.



to rooms and sun room.
Lot 2oo x 167 . feet.
Beautiful trees a n d
r; shrubs. Double garage.
Every convenience,in-
eluding automatic heat-
er, cistern and water
lift. In superb condition.
Location the city's very
best. Priced attractive-
" ly; exceptional terms.
9 rooms, plus lavatory,
sun parlor, breakfast
room and two tiled
baths. Oil burner-vapor
steam heat. Automatic
water heater and soften-
er, Kelvinator, double
garage. Lot 8o x 132.
Price reasonable; fine
terms.:: Y. ht
Brooks Bldg., Liberty at Fourth Ave.
ITelephone 22571

How to keep alumni interested in
their Alma Mater, conscious of
their debt of gratitude, and above
all, financial assets to the institu-
tion, seems to be one of the major
problems that face our universities.i
One ancient method of accomplish-
ing this important end, the class
reunion, has just taken a rocking
uppercut from a Columbia graduateI
telling in the June Harper's why
he does not care this year to "in-
fest the campus on the stipulated
date and do his part toward the
perpetuation of a senile American
tradition." The truth of the reunion
picture he paints, plus the plaus-
ibility of his argument, more than
half inclines us to agree that the
campuses of our colleges in the fer-
ment of Commencement should not
be "tuned into an approximation
of the yard of a British pub on Sun-
day evening."
The author probably exaggerates
the element alcohol in class re-
unions, for a good many alumni can
enjoy a visit to their Alma Mater,
be immensely, but withal genuinely,,
cordial cold sober, and stimulate
more youthful days without a "bath1
in a Scotch-flavored fountain of
temporary youth." But the author is
dead correct about the hollow pre-
tense with which the majority of
alumni indulge in rum and riot, be-
lieving implicitly the doctrine that
those who have been exposed to
education togethertmust henceforth
be fife-long brenthren. He points
out brilliantly that reunion commit-
tees cannot tour our Amreican
genius for mass production to pro-
ducing sentiment for dear old Alma
Mater; this sentiment, if it is to be
real and valuable, must be a sub-
jective creation of the heart and
not a surrender to reams of mimeo-
graphed invitations.
President Little, before his ideas
began to be coldly received, wasj
feeling after a solution to the
alumni problem. He sensed the
shallowness and inadequacy of the
class reunion, and tried to substi-
tute for it an intellectual contact
with the University. Few have ever
gained more than a hazy notion of
what his Alumni University was to
be, but this much every one could
understand: that it aimed to pro-
duce alumni loyalty on the basis
of the permanent, rather than the

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the modern prospector

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g Av av y g InON JUAN
ity for fulfilling all ex- Tue favorite love t ie n of the
ons, even to Watkins' un- Tefvrt oeteeo h
te "sheer drop of a hun- nineteenth century is constantly'
eet." The play is saved! found iAthe musical literature of
emet.Te anayissyvMr.the period. It is rare that a con-
omplete banality by Mr. cert series of any length is done
's keen instinct for the without one of the compositions
ylte has made a stupidly drawn from the genius attracted to
y plot the vehicle for some its possibilities. The May Festival
ent writing. The entrances will contain two, perhaps th e
t re superbly well-planned examples of the them: Mozart's
Sardou manner. The dia- Don- Giavanno; and the Strauss
is generally vigorous. But tone :poem, Don Juan.
dge of the theater was to be Although Strauss now occupies.
d. Mri. Archer, the trans- the somewhat pitiable position of
f the grim old Ibsen, will aI uia eouinr rw
be forgiven for writing of a muicg revolutionary grown
conservative through the advance
ne wrecks, sheer drops, and of the contemporary field, this
g rescue parties. same corposition was the storm
)urse, there is that delicious center of his period. Written when'
n, the Raja of Western ve- he was -aid upstart of twenty-four,
,nd ultra-Himalyan heart, the fam iis tone poem is not at all,
elicate combination of wit, characteristic of the fluency and 1 1
and culture is somewhat mature coloration of the later
ompensation. His brilliant Strauss. It shows very clearly the
ation in the thoroughly un- influence that Mozart, Beethoven,
icated surroundings gives Berlioz, and Wagner had upon the
lreen Goddess" a tang that young composer. He is not quite
ad melodramas don't have. sure of his radical psychology, the
s the most satisfying thing later solidity and emotional-tone
whole play is delightful color are but suggested in the
escape from Lucilla and her splendid continuity and terseness
His pretty piece of Stoicism with which he develops his theme.
a delightful curtain:b"Well, le refuses to be decoratively con-
he'd probably have been a ventional even in his early orches-
A nuisance anyway." tral experiments and upon a con-
production, at least the act- ventional theme. The polyphonic
as curiously unprofessional. structure, the fearless use of seem-
ds Evans, as was expected, ingly discordant transitions, the
d the Arliss role with pli- sympathetic and radical treatment
nd precision. He gave just of the material at hand; all are in-
ht quality to the sinister dications of revolutionary im-
and maintained the neces- pressionism which has been since.
tificial tone of voice with a universally accepted. In Don Juan
e degree of success. Hen- he goes to poetry to obtain the
too, as Watkins his Prime emotional pitch he desires from a
r, cocktail shaker, and kindred art, in combining voiceI
was adequate, though he with orchestra he attempts nothing,
me difficulty in bending his new, but he dares to stress the
ly heroic physique into a narrative as well as the lyrical
c one. Miss Freeman' s iiiomine. ;a r

' 4 ".. ,

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STOUT heart; a burro laden with pick, :shovel,
and the bare necessities of' life; and-the-pros.
pector vas ready for the gold rush'-Sutter's Mill;
the Pike's Peak country, Cripple Creek, Klondyk.
A scattered trail of . half-worked claims markcd
his sacrifices.
To-day mining is a business, with electricity
replacing wasteful brawn in mine and rnill,
The deep mine, with electric lights, hoists': and
locomotives; the surface mine with huge electric
shovels scooping up tons of ores in a"single bite;
the concentrating mill with its batteries of elec
trically driven machines; the steel mill with its conr
stant electric heat-here are but a, few of elec-
tricity's contributions to the mineral industries.
So in every industry, electricity increases produc.
tion and cuts costs. It is the modern prospector.
leading the way into wider fields and tapping
undeveloped resources-that we may enjoy a finer
civilization and a richer, fuller life. -


E _



Editorial Comment


(The New Yorker)
We look for a law prohibiting the
use of the new pocket tester for
liquor. We would like to see our
government remain consistent ini
its attitude about life and death.!
If it's a crime to give birth-control
information, it ought to be a crime
to give death-control information.'
Nature, having endowed us with the
mvovtrinus ohilit t in norn lifo rnd

..r.....w. ' !
q.....R + y
. . 4.
.1, /
'fib.. , . ; + ;fib " (
M''"f*a... a... .,,


,, ,
,- , _..
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You will find this mono
gram on powerful motors
that drive heavy mining;
machinery and on tiny,
motors that drive sewing
machines. Both in indust
and in the home it is the.
mark of an organization.a
that is dedicated to elec.
trical progress.



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