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May 29, 1929 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-29

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13 AE Y"


---______________________________________I___________ - - M-C HI--N --UR--A-_.MAY 16, ---- i

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the*use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, ua second class matter. Special rate
of postag' granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subsciption by sarrier, 4:.00; by mail,
ies:Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
surd Street.
Phone.: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4921 T
ditor...................Nelson T. Smith
City Editor .............. '. Stewart Hooker
News Editor-----------..Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor.............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor...........George Stautet
Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.......... Robert Silbar


Prohibition, as an issue in the
next British Parliamentary elec-
tion, has been definitely repudiat-
ed. The leaders of the three par-
ties now fighting to win a major-
ity, Prime Minister Baldwin, Ram-
say MacDonald, and David Lloyd
George, have agreed to instruct all
candidates to ignore any questions
raised on this subject, thus pre-
cluding the possibility of prohibi-
tion being brought in as an artifi-
cial issue.
The reason for this action is per-
fectly evident to any observer on
this side of the ocean: England is'
merely frightened by the prospects
of starting anything it can't finish,
such as has been done by the
United States. The very thought
of huge rings of -bootleggers, fierce
battles, lethal machines, th6 hip-
pocket flask, speakeasies and the
other evils brought in by high-
minded temperance legislation no
doubt freezes the blood of the less
adventuresome British.
It is true that England is at-
tempting to make some changes in
its liquor laws, but the analogy be-
tween the question in America and
England is constantly becoming
less recognizable. Even the en-
thusiasm of the temperance work-
ers for the American system has
been decreasing after such inci-
dents as the I'm Alone affair. and
continuous stories of violence here
without any diminution of boot-
. England is following the wise
course when it refuses to elect its
Parliament on any basis which.
takes into consideration the wet or
dry inclinations of the candidates.
If America would do the same, it
would learn an invaluable lesson.
- o



Music And Drama


This By A Lady

We were reading a newspaper
today, Lark, pardon us, we were
reading the Boston Evening Tran-
script, when we ' came upon that
immortal head,
Shucks, Lark! How DO they do
Here we've missed weeks and
weeks and lost hours and hours of
credit for it, and WE never, never
broke into print!
Underneath this lead we read
that it was planned to "explore the,
deep well on the ground of the Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity house"
They'd better look under the beds
and in all the closets, too, Lark.t
You just never can tell about those
Phi Gams.
We turned a page.
What do you suppose greeted our

oseph E. Howe
DonaldJ. Kline
Lawrence R. Kl
Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexantde
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwit
Louise Behymer,
Arthur Bernste
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. 'Chubb
Frank E. Coope
faelen, Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edward
Valborg Egeland
Robert J. Feldna
Marjorie Folime
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David. B.Hemps
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kauf
Ruth Kelsey

Night Editors
ell Charles S. Monroe
Picrce Rosenberg
ein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Donald E. Layman
t? Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDonad
It Henry Merry
Elizabeth Quaife
Victor Rabinowitz
Joseph A.eRussell
Aidne Schell
Rachel Shearer
r Howard Simon
Robert L. Sloss
Ruth Steadman
Is A. Stewart
d Cadwell Swansea
an Jane Thayer
r Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine,
Gurney Williams
tead Jr. Walter Wilds
George E. Wohigemuth
man Edward L. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie


of Homer and Longfel-I

Telephone 21214
Iaubtant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER

Department Managers Today-if the mislaid permission
Advertising................Alex X. Scherer
Advertising..............A. James Jordan to fly over France has been located
Service................Herbert E. Varnun -the Graf Zeppelinewill leave Ger-
tCirculation ................ George S. Bradleymaywtffy-ieh anbng
Accounts...............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications..............Ray M. Hofelich and a gorilla on the start of its
fsants second trip across the ocean. A
Mary Chase Marion Kerr year ago the world was agog with
ernotr Davis Bernard Larsony the news of its first flight; today
esie eand oliste bey there is scarcely a ripple on the
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose . front page of the papers concern-'
Geosrge Hamilton George Spater ing the giant airliner. Develop-
Lack Hor*ich Sherwood Upton metixYuibein edyrasoainae
x Hur~:hrey Marie Wellstead mns in speedy transportation are
THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 being taken for granted.
THUR_ DAY,__ AY__ ,__92_9 Several days ago a Stinson-De-
Night Editor-William C. Gentry troiter, powered by a Diesel engine,
flew from Detroit to Langley field
in seven hours. A Diesel engine
runs on crude oil--a fact that will
THIS GAME OF POLITICS result in revolutionary advances in
Into the wee small hours of this the world of aviation; yet in the
morning student councilmen tabu- workaday world this development
lated painstakingly the results of in economical transportation was
yesterday's poll. Finally, with the taken -for granted.
feeling of virtue that comes when Speed and economy must go
hand in hand always; for speed,
a task is done, they gave the tabu- in order to survive, must be eco-
lation to The Daily (see page one), nomical. The engineers and scien-
and the political machine that tists who are able to correlate
whipped into line the more fol- these two in the realm of air trans-
lowers yesterday saw its candidates portation are performing a service
ride into office. Outside of a thou- that few people consciously appre-
sand or so bits of friendly advice ciate. But we are all rapidly be-
about who to vote for, and nearly coming air-minded in spite of our-
that number of future nomination selves, and in an era in which we
promises, yesterday's polling and are virtually drenched with air
last night's counting comprised the news it is not to be wondered that
spring campaign. we take all records of speed and
There are one or two comments economy-no matter how impor-
that we would like to make anent [tant-pretty much for granted.


low! The Transcript has gonef
high-brow! All right, then, Lark!
Read it for, yourself.I
Who:,row Harvard in triangular
Races 'on the Charles tomorow.
Oh, shrdlu, shrdlu! It must be
spring in Boston.
Let's put out our Saturday ei-
tion in pale mauve ink with violet
punctuation marks and write the
ads in iambics and anapests!
(Denoting a lapse of inspiration)f
The glad news comes from Vir-
It seems that the boys have an-
nounced "their intention to coop-
erate in the observance of the uni-s
versity rules against drinking."t
First thing they know, Lark, some-
body's going to up and tell tem d
about the eighteenth amendment.d
They probably already have hearde
the wisecrack was it Noah madet
about the road to hell.n
And from Paris the bareface an-I
Who said join the navy and seea
the world? l
And This By A Gentleman d
Dear Lark:s
Our brain child for tomorrow It
enclose herewith. Why not estab-a
lish a Robert Henderson Theaterr
on the campus?' It would be a verys
simple matter. The Romance lan-t
guage building could be utilized.J
It's not good for anything, anyway.
And for another thing, it would re-e
lieve the Roquefort Players fromi
hopping all over the state. They
could play to small houses here all1
year as well as in Lansing or Grandc
Rapids or Kalamazoo. And itp
would save traveling expenses at,
the end of each week.I
Another thing is the tolerance of
Ann Arbor audiences. They cant
stand a lot. And besides duringI
the last four years they have be-t
come more or less inured to theI
The really brilliant idea, though,l
is to have R. Leslie Askren, campus
dramatist, campus dramatic critic,
and campus drama write the playst
for the new theater. How does
that strike you?
Mr. Askren has clearly demon-f
strated what ability he has in the
line of play writing with the littleI
piece he thought would have at
chance to win first place in the
one act play contest. The play
was called Passion's Progress and
R is quite suited to the thing thatx
the- Roquefort Players are used toe
The Roquefort Players' publicity
genius, Sir Thos. Benton, has ac-
claimed the company as the great-
est collection of actors for their
age anywhere.
If the Romance Language build-r
ing cannot be procured at once for
the early performances, a chau-
tauqua tent could be used for a

TONIGHT: Play Production
presents the Kaufman-Con-
nelly extravaganza on corn-
monpiace things, "The Beg-
gar on Horseback," in the
New League Theater, begin-
ning at 8:15, curtain at 8:30
* *
The undersigned, who was the
writer of the article in yester-
day's Daily entitled "This New
League Theatre," hereby re-
tracts his unwarranted criti-
cism of the action of the Exec-
utive Secretary of the Alumnae
Council.i Hemacknowledges that
this criticism was due entirely1
to a failure on his part to as-
certain the facts.
(Signed) R. Leslie Askren.
Reviewed by R. Leslie Askren
As their final bow to a public
that has ben following their labor-
atory efforts with more than keen
interest Play Production last night
drew the curtain on the first pres-
entation of that most ambitious
extravaganza, "The Beggar --"
And be it said in this colunin that
it is the most amusing and
genuinely good fun show that has
appeared locally in years. Play
Production have taken the Kauf-
man-Connelly book, which is bril-
liant writing in its own right, and
turned it on the stage of the new
League Theatre with all its many
theatrical facilities, in a spirit of
mad folly that makes the show
absolutely one not to be missed at
any price.
What seems to me a unique fea-
ture in the whole production, and
by far the best thing in a series
of "bests" is the "Michigan Doily"
which is- issued at the intermission
to add veracity to the fantastic
murder in' the plot. In the issue
appears the Music and Drama col-
umn satirized, under the by-line of
R. Pester Ashcan. And thereby
hangs a tragedy, for this Ashcan's
work does not at all deserve the
ash can. It is brilliant stuff, writ-
ten by a man who should long ago
have sought the editorship of this'
column. The campus has missed
an Alexander Woollcott but the
show has gained a writer who made
the whole intermission worth while.
The play itself is a test for the
director. It requires careful inter-
pretation, intricate work, but it is
essentially a problem for the direc-
or. It is a cock-eyed puzzle in all
manner of moods and styles, and
Director Windt has mastered the
puzzle with a finish that is far be-
yond his usual capacities. He de-
serves fully the accolade of merit
which his laboratory shows have so I
long demanded.
Another feature which has again
deserved the encouragement given
some weks ago was the dance pan-
tomime which was staged under
the direction of Miss Ione Johnson
and included a number of Orchesis
members. It was one of the most
successful features of the play,
thoroughly delightful, with Velma
Johnson again prominent.
Members of the cast who were
outstanding, some of them appear-
ing twice or oftener, were Kenneth
White a particularly persistent
phantom in the evil dream, Trues-
dale Mayers whose delicacy of
health was in direct contrast to

his virility of pantomime, Arthur
Hinkley who may be judged splen-
did, Lillian Setchell whose ingenue
technique triumphs as always, Edna
Mower as the often upset Mrs.
Cady, and the charming Dorothy
Beck who played sweetheart to a
naturalistically unconvincing com-
poser, Charles Silky.
Especially good work was done
with the scenery, particularly in
the mays - production - fine - arts
scene, and Art Director Charles
Holden deserves a world of credit
for cleverly executed ideas.
A particularly effective line in .the
play-and it is full of them, only
this came most aptly-was "we
only hurt' people by being senti-
mental about them." For that line
alone Messrs. Kaufman and Con-
nelly belong in the halls of lit-
The Alumnae Association of Ann
Arbor, having pledged to the
League Building a large sum of
money, are engaging Robert Hen-
derson to direct and produce four
shows in the Women's League The-


Jno. C. Fischer


I. . . :

. /


k . J'




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this absorbing game of campus
politics: Under the present rules it
is futile, wasteful, occasionally
vicious, and supremely petty. This
arraignment, however, is not the
opening bang of a Daily crusade
for the abolition of the campus
politician. He is a species of col-
legian somewhat overinflated with
self-importance, rather prone to
foist his friendship on those who
do not crave it, and lacking in that
saving grace of judicious self-ef-j
facement, but withal a congenial'
fellow and one who is likely to
haunt this town as a permanent
institution, however obnoxious on
occasions. The problem is not to
exterminate him, but to make him
a bigger and better politician.
Politics being at the present time
a rather unsavory excresence on
student life, as we have remarked
before, this may seem paradoxical,
but it is not impossible to visual-
ize future elections involving more
than personalities and opportun-
ities to gratify the vanity of vic-
tors. The two parties now existent
have already acquired certain dif-
ferences characteristic of the social
attitude of their members whose
outward and visible separateness
must connote inward opposition of
opinion on certain campus issues
of the day. And given party plat-
forms, the campus could turn some
attention to the fitness of candi-
dates to administer their party
principles. 4"
Campaigns, moreover, might'
evolve from the silent canvasses
and the private appeals to personal

Passage of the farm relief meas-
ures, with the anti-Hoover de-
benture clause attached, by the
Senate yesterday mainly through
the efforts of the Democrats and
Republican insurgents, seems cer-
tain to place the national legisla-
tive policy in a precarious situa-
tion. A real issue exists between
the two houses, and an equally sig-
nificant one is coming to the fore
between the White House and Con--
When the House of Representa-
tives took up farm relief some
weeks ago it listened quite atten-
tively when Hoover henchmen
spoke on what their chief wanted.
As a result the House bill that was
approved by the Representatives,
was really a Hoover bill.
But when the Hoover men at-
tempted to tell the Senate how the
farm problem was to be settled,
they were met by the wrath of the
gods of Washington. Telling the
Senate what its duties are in a
sacred prerogative of the Senate it-
self. Further, that august body is
not at all eager about relinquish-
ing this traditional right, even to
a President himself.
Which all goes to prove, that Ad-
ministrator Hoover may be able to
feed the starving Belgians, or even
hold back the devastating waters
of the southern floods, but when he
attempts to crack the legislative
whip over the Senate, he and he
alone, is to be snapped one.
The sonnr that Administrtnor

S pringtime!.
swimming --all vie for attentiot
during that last crowded month
sefore examinations.
Don't forget that the folks at
Home are anxious to hearfrom
you. They'll app reciate a tele-
phone call.
Long Distance Rates are Surpris-
ingly Low and You Can
Reverse the Charges,

I I} .



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