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May 12, 1929 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-12

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S U 'DAY, MAY 12, 1929



Publication in the Bulletin is cons
of the University. Copy received1
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m.

Sigma XI Lecture: Mechanical Engineers '29, '30, and '32:
n r IProfessor H. S. Jennings, henry Walters Professor of Zoology and
H ., yrZ y irecto 1of thc Biological Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University will An inspection trip to the General Motors Proving Ground has been
U LL Ispeak, tinder the auspices of the Michigan Chapter of the Society of arranged for Monday afternoon, May 13, for students in the above
the Sigma Xi, on "What can we hope from Eugenics," at 4:15 p. mf classes in automotive engineering. We will leave from the rear of
tructive notice to all members Monday May , in the West Physics Lecture Hall. The publicis: the laboratory at 1:00 o'clock. We can expect to retrn by 5:30 or
by the Assistant to the Presi- invited,.,i ii et Letr1h pbi s6:00 o'clock.

1 _.._ a __..®.

. aturdiay.)

No. 164

Carl E. Guthe, Secretary

W. E. Lay


SUNDAY, MAY ut, 1929


Automobile Regulations:
With the approval of the Dean of the School or College in which
the student is enrolled, the following disciplinary actions have been
taken for violations of the Automobile Regulations:
James O. Brown, '29 Lit-probation for the balance of the current
Joseph M. Campbell, 31 Lit-probation until the end of the first
semester of the year 1929-30.
Josephine Carey, '32 Lit-probation until the end of the first semes-
ter of the year 1929-30.
Ledru E. Davis, '31 Lit-probation for the balance of the current
Arthur P. Grigg, '29 Lit-probation for the balance of the current
semester, and diploma withheld.
Lawrence M. Ball. '29 Eng-probation for the balance of the current
Edward M. Spencer, '29 Eng--probation for the balance of the cur-
rent semester.
James J. Webb, '30 Eng--probation for the balance of the current
Francis E. B. Roehm, '31 L-probation for the balance of the current
Elwood D. Gue nsey, Grad.-probation for the balance of the cur-
rent semester.
Neil Kunze, Grad.-probation for the balance of his enrollment in
the Graduate School.
George L. Morse, '29 Dent-probation for the balance of the cur-
rent semester and his diploma withheld.
W. B. Rea, Assistant to the Dean of Students
University Senate:
The fourth regular meeting o the University Senate for the year
1928-1929 will be held in room C Law Building, on Monday, May 13, at
4:15 p.m.
Order of business:
1. Memorial to Professor Ziwet.
2. Memorial to Professor Schneider.
3. Annual Report of the Board in Control of Student Publications.
4. Annual Report of the Committee on University Publications.
5. Election of Secretary.
John W. Bradshaw, Secretary of the Senate 1
University Loan Committec:
The University Loan Committee will meet on Wednesday, May 15, at
2:00 p. in., in room 2, University Hall.
All students applying for loans should call at the office of the Dean
of Students to arrange for an appointment with the committee.
W. B. Rea, Acting Chairman
University Lecture:
Professor C. Delisle Burns, of the University of Glasgow, will lecture
on the subject "The British Labor Party," Monday, May 13, at 4:15
p. m., in Newberry Hall. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins
University Lecture:
Professor W. Meyer-Luebke, of the University of Vienna, the fore-
most living authority in the world on Romance Philology, will lecture
in French on the subject: "L'Histoire de la langue et l'histoire de la
civilisation" in the Natural Science Auditorium on Monday, May 13,
at 4:15 p. m. The public is cordially invited.
F. E. Robbins
Henry Russel Lecture:'
Aldred Scott Warthin, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., Professor of Pathology
and Director of the Pathological Laboratories, will deliver the Henry
Russel Lecture for 1929 at 4:15 p. in., Tuesday, May 14, in the Natural
Science Auditorium. Professor Warthin's subject is "Researches on
Spirochaeta Pallida," and the lecture will be illustrated+ by stereopticon.
At the time of the Henry Russel Lecture public announcement will
be made of the Henry Russel Award for the year 1928-1929. The public
is cordially invited.
C. C. Little
Romance Club:
Members of Staff and Graduate Students of the Department of
Romance Languages are reminded of the regular meeting of the
Romance Club in 408 R. L. on Wednesday, May 15, at 4:10 sharp.
Lafayette Dow will speak on "A Recent Edition of the Sainte Foix
Manuscript" and Julio del Toro on "Jose-Maria Heredia and the United
W. F. Patterson
Research Club:
The Research Club will meet in room 2528 East Medical Building1
on Wednesday, May 15, at 8 p. m. The following papers will be pre-
"The Vibration of Bridges," by Professor Stephen Timoshenko.j
"The Michigan Expedition in Mesopotamia" (Illustrated), by Pro-
fesqor Leroy Waterman.t
A meeting of the Council will be held at 4:30 p. in., in room 1053
East Physics Building.I

Choral Union:
There will be a rehearsal of the Choral Union at 2:30, Sunday, May
12, in Hill Auditorium. Earl V. Moore, Director
Boy's Glee Club:
There will be no rehearsal of the Boy's Glee Club Monday night,
May 13. Theodore Harrison
English Honors Course:
The written examinations in the English Honors Course set for May
16 and 18, will cover respectively from the beginning to 1700 and from
1700 through the Nineteenth Century.
.Louis R. Strauss
The diploma fee of $10 is payable now! Early settlement is neces-
sary for the preparation of diplomas. In no case will the University
confer a degree at Commencement upon any student who fails to
pay this fee before 4 o'clock p. m., May 23. In case the Faculty does
not recommend any payer,,the fee will be refunded on surrender of
receipt for payment. The above applies also to fees for all special
Candidates for degrees or certificates should at once fill out card
at office of the Secretary of their college or school (College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, Recorder's Office), pay the Treasurer of
the University and have card receipted, and file indicated section of
this receipted card with the Secretary of their College or School.
Please do not delay till the last moment, but attend to this matter
at once. We must letter, sign, and seal approximately 2500 diplomas
'nd certificates, and we shall be greatly helped in this work by early
payment of the fee and consequent longer period for preparation.
Shirley W. Smith. Secretary of the University.
The treasurer's office will be closed each Saturday afternoon.
Poetry Contest:
The Inlander poetry contest will close Wednesday, May 15. A first
prize of $10 will be awa'ded for 'the best piece of poetry, and a second
prize of a book will be given. In addition, a special prize for the
best sonnet contributed is being given by Mrs. C. C. Little. All con-
testants should have their poetry in at the University press building
or at the rhetoric office in Angell Hall by Wednesday. The name of
the contestant and the title of the verses should appear on a separate
sheet of paper. Only the title of the poem should be attached to the
poem itself. Contestants may submit as much verse as they choose, and
are restricted to no definite form save for the sonnet prize. About twelve
of the best poems will be published in the final issue of the Inlander.
Inlander Staff

Junior Mechanical Engineers:
Mr. R. K. Mangan, representing the Budy Company of Harvey, Illi-
nois, will be in room 221 West Engineering Building on Monday, May 13,
for the purpose of interviewing Juniors interested in employment for the
summer. *
H. E. Keeler, 11. C. Anderson
Aeronautical Engineers, Seniors and Graduates:
Because of the excursion to the Stinson Airplane Company's plant
on Friday, May 10, the arrival of Mr. Hicks, Chief Engineers of the
Aircraft Division of the Ford Motor Company, to interview applicants for
work with him, has been postponed until Monday, May 13, at 2:00-
p. m., at which time applicants will be interviewed in room 304 East
Engineering Building. Juniors seeking occupation for the summer vaca-
tion period may also apply.
F. W. Pawlowski
Chemical Engineers:
The student chapter of the A. I. Ch. E. will hold the last meeting
of the current year on Tuesday, May 14, at 7:30 p. m., in the society
room in the East Engineering Building. A special program of enter-
tainment has been arranged and a large turn-out is expected. Members
of the staff are particularly urged to attend.
R. C. Adams, Jr.
Highway Engineering Lecture:
Mr. W. A. Hogue of the. Warren Bros. Company will give a lecture1
on bituminous pavements in room 1213, East Engineering Building, at
4:15 p. m., Monday, May 13. All who are interested in this subject are
invited to attend.-,
R. L. Morrison
Senior Education Students:
Unpaid dues and Special Assessments will be collected in University
Hall all day Tuesday, May 14. Seniors are'required to pay this on the
above day.
R. G. Johnson, Class Treasurer
Senior Education:
There will be a very important meeting of Class Officers, Group
Leaders, and Committee Chairmen on Monday, May 13, at 4:00 o'clock
in room 4020 University High School. Everyone is expected to be
Dan Rose, Class President
jCostumes for Freshman Pageant:
Ist is vitally important that all girls, whose costumes have, not been
cut, notify me by calling 6816 before 6:00 o'clock Sunday so that I]
can have your costume ready for Monday's dress rehearsal. Milkmaids
will call for their costumes late Sunday afternoon, as previously arrang-
ed, at room 106, Betsy Barbour House.
Sallie Ensminger, Chairman of Costumes
Mathematical Club:
Regular meeting will be held at 8 p. m. Tuesday in room 3201
Angell Hall. Election of officers, report of the committee on constitu-
tioh, paper: P. M. Swingle "A certain type of continuous curve and
related point sets," W. D. Baten "Some theorems on probability func-
N. C. Fisk, Secretary

Lecture: Seniors:
Professor Avard T. Fai. banks will lecture on "The Technique of Mr. F. E. Richardson, Vice President of H. O. Stone and Company
Sculpture," and give a demonstration of modeling, Wednesday, May 15, of Chicago, will interview seniors interested in investment banking, real
at 4:15 p.m i., in the West Lecture room, Alumni Memorial Hall. The; estate, brokerage, and sales work in room 201 Mason Hall, Tuesday and
Spublic is cordially invited. Wednesday, May 14 and 15. Seniors wishing an interview should make
J. G. Winter appointments on Tuesday, May 14, in this office.
W. E. Parker
Tickets for Individual May Festival Concerts:
Beginning Monday, May 13, at 8:30 o'clock in the morning tickets Senior Mechanical Engineers:
for individual May Festival concerts may be purchased at the Univer-
sity School of Music, Maynard street, at $1.50, $2.00, and $2.50 each Mr. R. K. Mangan, representing the Buda Company of Harvey
A limited number of season tickets at $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00 are Illinois, will be in room 221 West Engineering Building on Monday,
still available. May 13, for the purpose of interviewing Seniors interested in positions
Charles A. Sink Iwith this company.
___H. E. Keeler, II. C. Anderson

Phi Kappa Phi:
Phi Kappa Phi initiation bat-
quet will be held at 6'30 on Thur.-
day, May 16, at the Michigan Ui;
ion. Members may secure reserv8-
tions by calling campus phone
R. S. Swinton, Scrta- y
Men's Education Club:
The Men's Education Club wl1
hold its spring picnic at the Sagi-
naw Forest Monday afternoon, May
13. Be -at the Union at 4:30 p. ii.
and bring your car if possible T1,
is the last event of the club this
J. R. Pollock
Pi Lambda Theta:
A meeting will be held at 8:00
o'clock, Monday night, in the Tea-
room, first floor, of the Women's
League Building for the purpose
of electing officers for the coming
Bernice MCHale, President
Masonic Students:
Election of officers for the coni-
ing year will be held in the Ma-
sunic Temple on Monday evening,
May 13, at 7:30. All members ate
urged to be present.
R. W. Webster, President
Tau Beta Pi:
The spring initiation will be held
at the Michigan Union on Tues
day, May 14, at 5:00 p. ,.
Wm. R. Hough, Secretary
Varsity Glee Club:
An important rehearsal will be
held Monday night at the usul
time and place. Every member
must be there promptly. Announce-
ment of banquet date will be made
at this time.
L. M. Goodspeed
Freshman Pageant:
Dress rehearsal for the Fresh-
man Pageant will be at 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon at Palmer Field.
Every one must be present and t
costume. Those who have no cos-
tumes yet will receive them in the
main locker room of the Woman's
Athletic building, where they are to
lone Johnson, Director of Dances
Aeronautical Society: y
There will be an important meet-
ing of the Aeronautical Society on
Tuesday, May 14, at 7:30 p. m. in
Room 348 W. Engineering Building,
at which time officers for next year
will be elected. All members are
urged to be present.
S. B. Chadman, Treasurer.
Chemical Engineering Seminar:
Mr. Reginald Rickett will be the
speaker at the Seminar on Monday,
May 13, at 4 o'clock in room 3201
East Engineering Building, on the
subject, "The Effect of Gases on
Heat Resisting Alloys at High Tem-
Alfred H. WhIte
IF -



All University Service:
Dr. Edward A. Steiner, internationally prominent author, lectu
and educator, will speak in Hill Auditorium Sunday evening, May
at 7:45 o'clock on "The Making of a Creative Personality." You
cordially invited to attend.
Leo T. Norville, Chairman of S. C. A. Speakers Commit tee


Senior Education Students:
All Senior Education students who have not made reservations for
the Class-Day banquet to be held May 15 please do so by calling Helen
Light foot at 813.


Chairman of Reservation Committee


- I


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We invite you and your Mother and Father
to enjoy our
Special Home Cooked Dinner, 50c
Today from 1:30 to 10 p. m. at
Specialty of
Delicious Salads and Sandwiches

Across from

The Majestic



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Michigan Daily

Accounts Carried on Conservative
First Nat'l Bank

Phone 4294

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Delicious Strawberry Shortcake

Everett S. Brown, Secretary


Y. a '. O1. . /. . i '1, 'l. . , f , dl®d ' 'd .' ' . . 1. i'. / . A': I,1. ®'. a. ~. . , 'a / 'd. o

t '!

._ _ ._


1 ex

To Lead Their Dad
around the Alma Mater and to
lead their best girl to the gay


May Party
amid the furturistic atmos-
phere. This week ends the
humility of wearing a pot by

/ \

The Light

A lex


Alive and Kicking
Frosh sure had a great time
breaking the rope and giving
the Sohphs

A Ride
towards the river. It has been
a great week-end for all the
fellows who were able

The Frosh
promises a big fire
movie for the rest

is always welcoming

you to


and a
of us.

have a bit at
605 Church Street
Just Off South U.

your own good remember

I ____


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