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February 17, 1929 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-17

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Publicationin the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the niversity. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. .(11:30 a. in. Saturday.)


B fotatnical Semilnar:-
B~otaical Scmiina r imeets WX (Jj day, 'F'chriiay 20, al, 4':30(, lroom
1139 N. S. Bldg. Paper by C. A. Arnoldl---"Anatomy and relationships of
some rcccntly discovered Cordaitcein wood froze the Devonian of New,
B. M. Davis

Vol. 39.


No. 100.

University Lecture:
Dr. Ernesto Nelson, Director of Secondary Education in the Argentine
and President of the Argentine Mission to the United States, will give.
a University lecture in English on "Argentine Education as seen through
North American Eyes" in Natural Science Auditorium, Thursday, Feb.
21, at 4:00 p. m.
The public is cordially invited.
Charles B. Vibbert,
Chairman Reception Corn.

Colloquium in Applied Mechanics:
1 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 19, at 8:00 p. nm.
in room 284, West Engineering Building. Mr. J. Ormondroyd, Research
Engineer in charge of -the Mechanical Design School of the Westing-
house Electric and Manufacturing Company, will speak on "Vibration
in Diesel Engines." All interested are cordially invited to attend.
W. M. Coates
Economics Club:
Meets Monday, February 18,' at; 8 o'clock in Room 302 of the
Urnion. Professor R. V. Leffler will speak on "The Elasticity of Money."
Members of the staff and graduate students in Economics and Business
Administration are invited.


Seniiior 1Vechan icaIlEngine ers:
Mr. T, C. Rathborie, '16E, Mechanical Engineer for the Westinghuse
C ompany, will be in Room 221 Monday, Tuesday and Wednecsday, Feb.
18, 19, and 20 for ti-i purpose of interviewing Senior Mechanic:?1l
Faculty Women's Club:
The Play Reading Section will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:I ")
o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. A. Frayer, 1617 Granger..
Mr s. W. J. Marshall
Eta Sigma Phi:
Trhere will be a special business meeting of Eta Sigma Phi on Mone
dlay, Feb. 18, at 8 p. m. Tickets for the banquet may be secured.
Una Van Riper, Secy.

Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: __4____________A
The February meeting of the Litera ,y Faculty will be held Mnl0-day,1 The Graduate Luncheon for Chemical Engincers:
February 18, at.4:10 p. mn. in Room 2225 Angcel lHall. Will be held on Tuesday, February 19, at 12 o'clock in
Order of business: East Engineering Building.
1. Proposed change in ClaSssifwation. U. L. Rich. IAlfred IH.
2. Entrance rcquircments ini Biology. J. B. Pollock.
3. Proposed increae in -cquircie n's for admission to the Course in Prescott Club:
Library Science. W. W. Bishop. Dr. Frank M. Kirby, Salesnanager for the Abott Laborat
4. Preliminary report of the Committee on Relationis with thc School e ago, will address the club on "Alkaloids, Anaesthetics, and At
of Forestry and Conservation. J. WV. Clover. 'Pnuesdav, February 19'. in Room 303 Chemistry Building, at 7:3(

f vul IU&&

room 3201


Ed. D106, The Teaching of Zoology:
C This course will meet in roomi 2116, Natural Science Bldg., at 11,
Friday, February 23.
George PI. LaRue f
Monday Evening Drama Section-Faculty Women's Club:
The Monday Evening Drama Section will entertain their husbands
at the Betsy Barbour House, Monday evening, Feb. 18, at 7:45 prompt.1
Mrs. U. E. Eckstein
Northern Oratorical League Tryouts:
The preliminary tryouts for the Northern Oratorical League will be
held the first week in March, and the final tryouts the last week in
March.. The contest is held at Hill Auditorium, in May.
Anyone wishing to try out for this contest must leave their nan-i
with the Speech Secretary before Thursday, February 21.
Elisabeth Bacheler, See.

.onics, Chi-
Lntisep tics,"
30 p. n-.

Jobe It. Effinger

iliLd7 bi S4 a'7 iLNl N lJ iV, lAi iVV Vdda MVV Vaa4aaaadlVA J1 L4.aaVAa4Ab V "VV rl. aAa"
Fred H. Weinmann, Pres.
1 'i
:Den's Educational Club:

Faculty, School of Education:
A regular Faculty meeting' of the School of Education will be held
Monday, February 18, at 4:05 o'clock, in Room 109 Tappan Hall. A
full attendance is desired.
C. 4. Davis, Secretary

! The Men's Education Club will meet at 7:00, Monday evening, Feb.
13, in Room 304 *of the Michigan Union. Dr. Shirley W. Allen will! Chemistry 3-I Make-up:
speak on Michigan Forests, and will illustrate his talk with a new 1 The make-up test for those who missed the test on January 22,
t-ecliin~g device. All men who are interested in education arc invited. ; will, be given on Wednesday, February 20 at 2 'p. im. in room 410 Chem-
j .Jobn D. B. Luyendyk istry Building.
D. M. Lichty

on "Belgiu~m a5 a Colonial Power" Monday, February 18, at 4:15 p.i., There will be a meeting of the Army and Navy Club at 6:15 in the
in the upper lecture room, Alumni Memorial Hall. The public is cord- Michigan Union on Tuesday, February 19. Dean Cooley will speak on
ally Invited. "The Navy Fifty Years Ago" l-io~ eleg 2A~ ? I E N ''O I
College of Engineering; Lecture: ; Romance~ Club: -
Mr. J. Ormondroyd, Research Engineer at the Westinghouse Electric, Graduate students and staff of the Department of Romance Lan- c
and Manufacturing Company, will lecture on "Mechanical Problems in Cguages are reminded' of the meeting of the Romance Club in room E All you men with a "husky" appetite-all DsgadtePoiin aefrTerSlto yteWsigos210 .L r ensaFbur 0 t41 ,i.J laaeowl
Company," at 4:15 on Monday, February 18, room 348 West Engineering I ,Speak on "Gabriel y Galan: Bucolic Poet" and A. E. Mercado will dis - flo sthtwn! ra e
Building. -cuss "Some Recent Spanish Text Books of Interest to Teachers."2Y
S. Timoshenko , W. F. Patterson =e@Stepaet e
Lecture by Professor Churchill: Lutheran___ H re'ttheplaest:ge
Prfso lrdV. Churchill, Head of the Dine " Arts Department ILtea tdns
ProfssorAlfrd I The Lutheran Student Club will meet every Sunday evening fiomr
ine Smi hb l le e i l l c u e o : " o e n R mnic Paint ng"tneth 5:30 to 7:30 in the Zion Parish H all, 309 E. W ashington S t. n excellen t F
Natural Science Audito ium at 4:15 Monday, February 18. Illustrated.!pormhsbepeaedtouottesmse.Tnittee G OD-
The ubli isInvied.will be discussion of interesting reports from the regional Luthean"
..G Witr istudent conference held at Wittenberg College last week. Plenty to eat a a reasonable rice-andi all
Litr yD. a lbee Philip D. Martens, Presidentofi isc ke wthar'e 2
De 'Adolphe Van Glabbeke. of Brussels, will lecture on: "Leonardo) -ch=iofenitonsoweroStafswith-spe ca e -you
da. Vinci" in the West Lecture Room, Memorial Hall, Tuesday, February TihiaeesioL eameigo h ower staffso heMcignnia_
19, at 4:25. The public is invited. Thr ilb etn ftelwrsa-~fteMciaesa sure of etn la ndW oeo ema
J. G. Whiter j Monday afternoon, February 18, at 4:15 'p. in. Especially everyone who' etn lenadw oesmIeh
was present at the last meeting should be at this one.-
Exhibition of Mr. Chamberlain's Etchings: J~ . Franklin Miller, Bus. Mgr. We'll all meet t
From February 1 to February 25 there will b^ on view in Alumni
Memorial Hall an Exhibition of recent Etchings and Lithographs by Round Table Crub:=-
M. Samuel C. Chamberlain. The Exhibition i under the auspices ofj There will be a meeting Sunday, February 17, at 2:30 p. in. in Room K ~iv ~ J T D U l T t
the Ann Arbor Art Association. !302 Michigan Union. Mr. MClusky of the School of Education will - TH E C IH U BBJ .H OU SE
J. G. Winter lead a discussion on "Th-i Present State of Liberalism on the Campus." w
- Members are urged to be present as there will also be an important=2 209 South State Street
Engineering Mecbanics 3a, Experimental Dynamics: business session. Visitors are cordially welcome.=
nesdavs The first. classes will be held on Feb. 20. Information about --_--__________________

A Comedy in Three
Acts, by
Elliot. Lester
7with a Popular Cast
E, Thurston Thieme
Elizabeth McCurdy
Robert Adams
Florence Tennant
Charles Peake
Jeannette Dale
Alfred Foster
Thomas Yates
Dirctlion by
Thojmas Dou gall
r b.1 9
For a Week's Raun
75c 8:15 pom.

this course can be obtained fr om any of the Engineering Mechanics
L. IH. Donnell
Chemical Engineering Seminar:
Mr. Marvin C. Rogers will be the speaker at the Seminar for Cheni-
cal Engineers on Monday, February 18, in room 3201 East Engineering
building. His subject is, "Equilibrium Between Natural Gasoline Hydro-
carbons and Absorption Oils."
Alfred 11. White
Physics 207a (Continuation of 207):
Will meet Mondlay at 11 in 301 West Physics.
Physics 216 will meet Monday at 10 in 1041 East Physics.
G. E. Uhienbeck
(;ardejii ecion--Faculty Women's Club:
The members of the Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club
will be the guests of Mrs. U. B. Phillips, 1954 Cambridge Road, Wednes-
day, February 20, at 3 o'clock. This will be a catalogue meeting.
Mrs. G. A. Lindsay, Secy. {

}Graduate Men:
If interested in Volley Ball, call
5313 any evening. Ask for under- j
Roy J. Burroughs
Michigan Dames :
IThe next meeting of the Michigan
Dames will be held Tuesday, Febru-
ary 19, at 8 o'clock at the FacultyI
*Women's Clubhouse, 226 South In-
galls Street. Professor Peter M.
Jack will talk on "Best Books and
x Best Sellers."
Mrs. C. W. Ferris, Pres.
Archery Class:
Theme will be. a meeting of ti-e
Archery' class Sunday afternoon at}
a Frank Lynam

h , hI IMMw#~~ldll wn F ~ a o e t







1'" -'I


1 u r n_

A lex

pt s
Pleasant Prospects
as usual every day. Here's an
idea. Some evening after the
show, lead

../ ao~rf

To Curtail
expense at
605 Church Street
Just off South U.

W 4atchi
A lex-

to see that most of his good
friends survived and are enjoy-
ing the

Your Sweetie
in here for some of our Fa-
mous Chocolate Cake and as
you sit down be


you will be glad you dropped
inl here for refreshments. Let

you any kind of a sandwich or
whatever your heart desires and
you'll see it is easy

- .. -- ~--
I 0 , ..U -

I _ __ _ _ __ _ _





this week, with the
Omer-Loomis Orchestra
"Bill" Suthers, Director

The, IpsI Fond at the~

II Tb A'M * I nr Alp

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