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May 04, 1929 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-05-04

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Receives Third uivvDNT
Place In MeetkIUIJ)'uu lifOAL

!Lloyd George A A IHER
In New Battle 'run AE CULTILMI

Hope For Deadlock Between Labor
And Conservatives To Put
Liberals In Office

[Rua IVILL1111ha

League To Hold
Of NewBuilding
tsEYT rv-% "W 1 T9W%. R+"I

SI(P.y Associated Pnr o bl~lbsII
LONDON, May 3.-Over the
length and breadth of the country CLERGYMEN MET TO DEBATE
Liberals are battling for a return PROBLEMS OF CHURCH IN
of ntr in fhp l P a l i.n cn x .Y







ERADICATION IOF $3,000 GOAL "~''~' ~ ~ ~ M~C t I "U NU
EAIAINo pwer in veenera eecions on AMERICA
OF _$,000_OALMay 30 with Lloyd George at theirj_____
Ru)ShrrO icosnTksFo By Pierce Roseni
WeVith speech n kes[Tg Day To Be Held Wednesday Frm Ln's rrO'Groates, Sir Herbert Samuel, Spirited Discussions Characterize several year cean
Second Place leaitahmotoepaade rom on- Open Forum On Question O lmxn
"The Blundering Giant" II For Money To Give Boys stituency to constituency; Mr. Moral Behavior part of thousands of Michigan women, un
Two Week Vacation Lloyd George dashes with the vigort
Representing the University f of a Gladstone and Midluthian. With the annual banquet held enew Womens League building, pi
Minnesota, Theodore Gordon won I Nineteen house organizations on It is not that Liberals expect to Thursday evening, and a final ses- will open its doors at 2:30 o'clock this a
the annual contest of the Northern j the campus have contributed the have the largest party in the next sion yesterday afternoon, the fifty-
k total of $461.75 to the Fresh Air parliament, but Lloyd George has fifth annual meeting of the Prot- Michigan League and their out-of-town
Oratorical League which was held Ormond J. Drake,toaof$6.5oth FrsAi Pa
in Hill Auditorium last night. Ruth Who was Michigans representa- Camp fund in the preliminary drive made it quite clear that he expects estant Episcopal church congress Michigan League, and the entire studen
Schre o te nierit o Ws-tie nW h annuchiantrpesta th being sponsored by the Student to hold the balance of power, and was brought to a close here yes-t
consin, was awarded second place, Northern O iatoical League held i hitian asociaton, tant ther laemtho nwho think that edayr The clergymen from all The building will be open for ir
and Ormdnd J. Drake, '3Ed., rep- Hill Auditorium last night. Drake Todd, 30, chairman of the drive in the uncertainties which would parts of the country convened here o'clock this afternoon and from 8 to- 11
resenting Michigan, was given hon- rreceived honorable mention for his'- announcedayesterday.h h n followa close run between Con- Tuesdayfor their opening meetinog
orable mention. ( raion entitled "Mankind Tomor- All organizations that have noteI servatives and Labor, Mr. Lloyd Seven discussion sessions were heldi graduate women will be on hand at a-l
Gordon's oration was entitled row." already sent in their contributions George might again be summoned to which the public was invited. ; Practically every room and every depar
"Watchdogs". He spoke of the va- -oto form a government. The congress did not aim to
rious forces of intolerance which a COUNCIL ENDORSES DRIVE Despite the provisions which speak for the Church, but was held t as they will be presented next week wh
have in the past and are also at (1 ;"lmt campaigning to twenty days fin the belief that the preservation ! ~---~-~ ofaciliti
present holding back and prevent- RESOLVED: That the annual jafter adjournment of Parliament, of the church in America was to
ing progress. Intolerance, according 0 P~ll1 ~Tfldrive for the Fresh Air Camp the coming campaign is expected be accomplished not by the legis- Du
to the speaker, means opposition to ;sponsored by the Student Chris- j to prove the most expensive in lation of church conventions but Ifreshm
change, and hence it is a force to tian association deserves the); England's history. A large num- through free debate on practicaljJfl A EEfashm-
be eradicated. - ~ J I hearty support of the Michigan I ber of voters, especially among and theoretical questions of church a song
l AU E 2 1A S b eadcaed campus for two reasons in par- I young women, were registrants on; interest about which there might' o'clock
Movies Are Subjiticular. The worthiness of the jIiMay 1, increasing the total vote be a divergence of opinion, offi- ?3:30 to
Ruth Scherer of the University of . project is beyond question, and ) about a million over previous fig- - cials of the conference stated. gram i
Wisconsin, spoke on "The Blunder- Rye Cove Suffers Greatest Loss; needs no furthr comment, but ' ures. Speak On Mora Standards Univers
ing Giant." This blundering giant , Eleven Students in addition to this the Fresh Air pirited discussion marked the Orches
Killed In School camp has the virtue of being a Thursday evening meeting when Sutherland, Accompanied By Miss events
The speaker showed what an im-' _m n campus institution. It is not an phe
I'1 QC hAEVonlpe frm was held on the Carton, Leads Grand Mach will be
portant part the movies are playing , instance of an outside charity question "Are there any unchang_ Of Senior Ball and th
in. modern life, how the rest of the 100 GIVEN TREATMENT 11 movement seeking support, but ing standards of moral behavior?" from 8
worl wa fomin itsimpesson f -theatre
world was forming its impression of it finds its initiative within the Two formal papers were read by MORE THAN 600 ATTENDt
Americans by he pictures sent out a]Associate Press>University and the impetus the Rev. C. Leslie Glenn and the . mal da
Amrcasbttepctrssetouthe*~ Pes)I
from Hollywood. Our morals and RICHMOND, Va., May 3.-The necessary to put the drive over Rev. Philip Osgood as a basis for aetickets
character and habits are all formed series of tornadoes in Virginia 1 should be obtained naturally. Rev disipssoo aabsi for Dancing to the melodies of who ap
and influenced to a great degree by Thursday afternoon and night were I The Fresh Air Cap is coming C lesV r-Several prominent ministers fromChmbrer' han300 Last
the moving picture. Because of shown by carefully revised- checks to be one of the worthier tradi- all parts of the country took heos cording orchestra, more than 3001 Thel
this the speaker said that we should tonight to have taken toll of 22 tions of another nature. Success Or Failure Of Debenture a d ared heatedly on bo the ouples filled the assembly sa o esses f
take it upon ourselves to see that lives. Six persons were in a critical Kenneth G. Patrick ' Clause Depends On Number fleoor thd aruestedly onbtthe Union for one of the largest at- the fol
the type of pictures filmed are condition, several others had sern- For the Student Council. Of Senators Present sde of then uesti pt ftendance totals on record in the Cook
good, wholesome, character-build- ous injuries and approximately 100 - The Rev. Henry Lewis, ar final social. function of the grad- gent Ju
5 t. Andrew's Ei p3 kucAnn (etJ
ing movies. had been given treatment. are urged to do so immediately. REPUBLICANS FAVOR PLAN Arbor, who Epscoal crcm c atig class. Music started sho Regent
Michigan's representative, Or- .Rye Cove in far southwest Vir- The goal of the S. C. A. this year i wastoqcoast two years ago on his frank-yay Mrs. H
lnond J. Drake, won honorable ginia, where a consolidated school $3,000. Tags will be sent to those r room was filled nearly to eapacityShorts,
mention .by his oration. entitled was demolished, suffered the great- houses contributing to the fund in W (G Associated Pes )-a recognition of the conpanionate for the dance which continued un- and Mr
"Mankind Tdmorrow."He cited est loss, a teacher and eleven pupils a few days.A3.-Sen marriage problem which he ds- til 2 o'clock this morning. Clemen
Pupilsa few ays.- leaders came to the conclusion to- !c<ussed before the congress, point-I The grand march, to the strains John R
twe fact thatphilosophers hve al- perishing in the destruction of theMay g To Be Tag Day s ed out the need for clergy of the.of the "Victors" and the "Varsity" Mr. an
ways beeni trying to determine building. Four were killed by aeTa day that the success or failure of church to keep abreast of all intel- wa s d Stherland, '2 an
where cviliat is going, and that tornado that wrecked the Weaver- annual appeal to the campus the effort to include the expert de- lectual movements and to be lead- l y o thea and M
apparently we are no nearer a solu- ville community near Tatlett, two at large will be made on Tag Day, benture plan in the farm relief bil inresent da
tion now than in years past. After were -victims at Woodville, two at Wednesday, May 8. Fresh Air- hinges on theenumber of senators The Rev. Thomas Harris assist who was accompanied by Miss Archiba
painting a dark picture of the LaGrange, and two at Flint Hill. camp, which gives 400 boys an an- who will be physically able to be in ant rector of St. Andrew's, st- Hazel Carton, of Flint. The line terson
future, the speaker concluded by I All of the storms with the excep- nual outing of two weks in t ;their seats when the vote is taken. lared that it is not always possi- ewas formed at 11 o clock, under, Arthur
saying that we need have no fear tion of that at Rye Cove were in country each summer, is supported Checks made of the Senate mem- ble for one to tell right from he direction of J. ranklm Miller, Vande
for the future, for men have never northern Virginia, west of Wash- entirely by funds contributed by; bership by . thm have indicated fwrong. "The humian soul may fr chairman of the sub-committee Miss A
been more human. ington, D. C. the students and alumni of the that the outcome might be so close sometimes be with God in right- hrevening.
rsFind Three Children Alive University.4 s to have one or two votes prove ousness hen the human intel-Margar
A definite chrakiofntheGdvednat The director of the camp this the deciding ballot on the proposal lect c nt e ha it BallroomIsDecoratedEliott
Th other contestants in the con- Rye Cove was impossible until to- year will be Homer H. Grafton, opposed by President Hoover. said n , The ballroom was flooded with Sev
test were Stanley Trefil of North- i ght b cause of thhwidlylsc tter- generlfse retardofitehS. . A.
western UniveityTwhoeoatio' night because of the widely scatter-1generalsecrearyoA Advocates Expect Victory Large Audience Present :soft 'amber light reflected against Thei
ed hospitals to which the victims The latest check by administra- This meeting, which had been the pillars surrounding the Union ?compo
as entitled "My College Song were taken, their whereabouts be- ronc0. Hughes, Spec., will act as tion leaders disclosed 12 Republi- expected to be the most important dance floor, and amber spotlights seven
Allen Green of Western Reserveinuneemndbpaetuni!ascaedrcosTh uslrsinlaes
n-ing undetermined ysuntil dnrectrs.Te ohels cans certain to vote for the deben- session of the entire congress, at- were focused on small shields each women
University, whose oration was en- wby parents smll hassociate wme
science" today. Three children reported have been recruited from the stn-dyture plan, with two doubtful. They tracted a large audience despite in- bearing a representation of some ed, in
ad Morris Bannister of the Uni- dead yesterday were found alive. -odSot W a iec expect seven Democrats to vote clement weather. Extra chairs had familiar event or situation of the woman
versityoriIowa whose speech was hagainst the plan but this is denied to be brought into the Union as- campus. Huge bouquets of flowers 1nae co
versity o"Th on-American wX county, and the Associated Press Elton E. Weiman, coach of the by debenture advocates who also sembly hall to accommodate the stood at either end of the floor alumn
entitled "he Aim firstplace checked with the various hospitals football team, who is a member have been checking their support crowd. , while vines and small blossoms board;
iGordon, forwg00 wh le Ruth Schere' and the families in the stricken the faculty board in charge of the carefully. The Rev. Angus Dunn, professor were hung in window boxes on the one of
wilrcie$0 hl uhShrn-area. cmsi na neve etr uwls eet
will get $50. Both prizes are given Fiftytwo teachers and pupils re- asaid in an interview yester- Supporters of the debenture pro- of systematic divinity at the Epis- w rs t ega
by Ex-Governor Frank O. Lowden miney nde treame n p s day, The University Fresh Air posal are manifesting some con- copal theological school, Cam- Flowers adorned the ends of the of a D
y1 mained under treatment inhospi-!camp is a project that every stu- cern over the fact that two sen- bridge, Mass., and the Rev. George orchestra platform, while the group
Th judges of the contest last tals and private homes from in- dent should take pride in, as it is ators whom they believe would vote Craig Stewart, rector of St. Luke's front of the stage was covered with Among
hte judgeProf. James L. Ladner juries suffered in the Rye Cove dis- one of the few campus activities with them will be unable to be Church, Evanston, Ill., spoke on a lighted street scene bearing the the rec
Nogtwetern University, fPnraster. Three were not expected to that are purely altruistic. Any one present in the Senate when tie the topic "What Can We Believe name and date of the event. Dorn- of tow
A r T. Weaver of the University ,I live and five others have serious in- who visits the camp and sees the vote is taken. The two are Ship- About God?" at the opening ses- berger's versatile musicians pre- denber
juries. youngsters swim and play can have stead of Minnesota, the only Farm- sion. sented varied programs includingi Rose
of Wisconsin, Prof. Charles P. Green Many Seriously Injured . no doubt that it is a worth-while I Labor member of the Senate, and ioAt Wednesday night's meeting several numbers whose origin was Herber
Pof. sernd erabe of the Uni' Maurice Clennenden, Evelyn Ru- organization for taking the kids off Wendrick of Wyoming, a Demo- the present day Apostolic creed on the Michigan campus, first be- L. Hus
versity of Iowa Prof. Frank M. yon and Margaret Mitchell were in the streets and giving the a dose crat, both of whom are ill in hos- used in the Episcopal church was mg played and sung in Union'Patten
'ag of the University of Minne- a serious condition in a Bristol hos- of fresh air. They get a great thrill pitals. ;condemned as outworn. Among operas and Junior Girls plays. W. Saw
oaig androf. UJaesi MO'Neill of pital, while James Franklin and 3ut of associating with the Univer Opposition All Present - the clergymen present at the meet Special Programs Given Stone,
the Universtiy of Michigan. Avarye Cove, too seriously injured to y of their ideals." r he debenture leaders are seek- ing was the Rev. Harry Midworth, Specially designed programs ley, of
- Dr. John R. Effinger, dean of the be moved. Mayor Edward S. Staebler of Ann ing to obtain "pairs" for these men I of the Church of Our Saviour, De- were presented at the door, the BeoI et
literary college, presided at the Four of the ten persons killed in Arbor, in sending a permit for Tag' so that their vote will make no dif- A door, the policy of favors being Hento
as h ference as to the result. But since As is usually the case, the con- discontinued by a vote of the com- aris
contest chairman northern Viginia were negroes. A Day to Todd, said, "I am pleased all senators opposed to the plan ress just concluded attracted mittee. All tickets for the formal
negio and his wife perished in the Ito issue to your organization such aren atoedt ei hi large numbers of laymna ela farwr odoteryi h:I
Sale Of Ma wreck of their home at LaGrange a permit and it is herewith enclos- s are being cautioned to be in theiratclries beusof lay eal cas c affair were sold out early in the rtaIn-
ContinueSaly and a negro woman and a small ed. I trust that your tag day will seats, the efforts so far have not erics ecause of the liberality of week.Icertain
yTudFbsbeen successful. I the views expressed by the speak- ! The committee, headed by-Suth- named'
Party Tickets Today child were killed near Flint Hill. be a huge success. Senator Shipstead has never ers, most of w whom are members erland, was composed of Scudder some
Sae f hetikes orth Ach~i'Dtaken the oath of office since his o the "left wing" of the church. iGiffing Fenton Raber, Wayne h o
Sale of the tickets for he ArchiFRENCH AERONAUTICS AUTHORITYreectionandhthereforewln of the n
tectre-elctiPnrandthereforewouldenotDewey, Jerald Haringtonx, Charles the idi
betects'lMaytPantyetbubelheldrnext ! Baker and Edward Burroughs, Idiscuss
Friday night in Barbour gymnas-; GIVES FIRST OF SERIES OF TALKS be entitled to vote but leaders 01 Staff For Freshman
__is___________________________"the debenture group obtained an each of whom was assigned to some I person
iumagreement today to have the oath'Eible Is Announced special phase of the party as chair-indthrohge
first part of next week, it was an- Riabouchinsky, Research Worker 1909, in Kutchino, near Moscow. administered at his bedside. Sen-Bn man of a sub-committee Ioutsta
nunced yesterday by the commit- In Aero-Dynamics, Explains is authority on the subject of air ator Norris, Republican, Nebraska, The ball opened the program of name
tee incharge. The price is $5.50. surrents and resistance, which he a leading advocate of the deben- The staff of the 1929 Student pre-commencement activities in Whitt
Applications for tickets to the Ras chosen for his series here, is tune plan, sponsored this move. Christian association Freshr- which members of the graduating Grand
-arty may be redeemed from 12:45 unquestioned, his experimental ,, , ._I IT.cwill 1 t nA ;+ ;.

gg and tireless effort on the
idergraduates and alumnae,
ride of Michigan women,
fternoon to members of the
guests, contributors to the
t body.'
spection from 2:30 to 6
I o'clock tonight. Under-
I times to serve as guides.
tment will be seen exactly
en operation of the various
es is begun.
ing the afternoon the
an girls' glee club will give
program from 2:30 to 3:30
in the assembly hall. From
4:30 there will be a pro-
n the new theatre by the
city girls' glee club and
s. For tonight, two special
are scheduled. The first
entertainment by Orchesis
e University girls' glee club
:30 to 9:30 o'clock in the
the second, will be a for-
nce for which all available
have been issued to women
-plied for them.
Patrons and Patronesses
list of patrons and patron-
r the formal dance includes
lowing: President Clarenee
ittle and Mrs. Little, Re-
nius E. Beal and Mrs. Bea,
Benjamin S. Manchett i '
anchett, Mn. and Mrs. Peiry
-Regent Walter H. Sawyer ,
s. Sawyer, Regent William L.
ts and Mrs. Clements, Dean
. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger,
d Mrs. Ralph Holmes, Prof.
rs. Ned Winkler, Prof. and
D. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs.
ld Diack, Dean G. W. Pat-
and Mrs. Patterson, Senatoi'
H. Vanderberg and Mrs.
berg, Mrs. Shirley Smith,
lice Lloyd, Miss Beatrice
n, Miss Grace Richards, Dr.
et Bell, and Miss Margaret
'en Groups Wil Receive
main reception line will be
ed of representatives of the
groups into which Michigan
can most logically be divid-
cluding an undergraduate
, a delegate from the alum-
uncil, a past officer of the
e council, a member of the
of governors of the league,
the advisers of women, a
's wife, as well as the wife
ean. The personnel of this
will change each hour.
the hostesses and those in
eiving line who are from out
n are Mrs. Arthur M. Van-
g, of Grand Rapids; Miss
Snderson, of Toledo; Mrs.
t Oakes, of Cleveland; Mrs.
ton, of Jackson; Mrs. Albert
gill, of Hollywood, Cal.; Mrs.
yer, of Hillsdale; Mrs. Ralph
of Detroit; Mrs. Harry Bulk:.
Detroit; Mrs. Edwin Siebert,
roit; Mrs. Victor Gore, of
Harbor; and Mrs. Henry T.
on, of Cl:veland.
Rooms Are Named
addition, representatives of
groups will receive in rooms
by- that group in honor of
person. The significance of
[om, its various details,' and
entity of the donors will be
;ed by the hostesses with
s whom the guidesescort
h the building. Among the
ydingrooms of especial note
kby groups are: The Hazel
ken Vandeberg lounge, for
Rapids women; the Jessie

o'clock until 4 o'clock today and Prof. D. P. Riabouchinsky of work being of pioneer nature inH
next Monday and Tuesday at the , Paris, now on a lecture tour in this this field. already at work on the booklet only purely social function on the cago
side desk of the Union, Otto F. country, opened a series of three Professor Riabouchinsky has been i which will be distributed to the -_name
Wenzler, '29A, has announced. - In lectures at 4:15 o'clock yesterday connected with the French Service p tincoming freshmen next Septem-, t
addition tickets are being sold ii afternoon in room 1042 E. Engin- Technique Aeronautique for some J shme 3 eptr Heaney Is Nominated
the lobby of -Angell hall, in -the-I ering building, using as his sub- years, an institution correspoidingmazoo
lobby of the Architectural college ject "The Law of Resistance of to the American Air Corps Engin-' announced yesterday. The staff is' a maze
building, and at other prominent 'Fluids," with reference to its ap- 'eering Division at Wright Field, composed of Pierce Rosenberg, '30. - bed-ro
places on campus. plication to practical problems. To- Ohio. He has also lectured on aero-- -and Robert G. Silbar, '30, associate The name of Robert C. C. Heaney, Kansa
Decorating of the gymnasium ;day at 11 a. m. the lecturer will dynamics at the University of .-... n .T , r-, I'30L will be added to the official: room,

Koessler library, the Chi-
oom; the cafeteria (not yet
), the Detroit room; the cha-
ie Jackson room; the dis-
hed guest parlor, the Kala-
room; the Alumnae room,
l by the Ann Arbor group;
oms furnished by Toledo arid
s City; and the cave club
adopted by .the Bay City

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