ESTABLISH ED 1890 tAaf IL BI MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS ' Vol. XXXIX, No 157. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1929 EIGHT PAGES MINNESOTA WI N S ORATORY CONTEST FROM SIX" ENTRIES Receives Third uivvDNT Place In MeetkIUIJ)'uu lifOAL AIR CAMP RIVE !Lloyd George A A IHER In New Battle 'run AE CULTILMI Hope For Deadlock Between Labor And Conservatives To Put Liberals In Office [Rua IVILL1111ha nr PHIMPURMI, League To Hold Of NewBuilding DEDICATION CLIMAXES MANY YEARS tsEYT rv-% "W 1 T9W%. R+"I SI(P.y Associated Pnr o bl~lbsII LONDON, May 3.-Over the length and breadth of the country CLERGYMEN MET TO DEBATE Liberals are battling for a return PROBLEMS OF CHURCH IN of ntr in fhp l P a l i.n cn x .Y ! GORDON OF SPEAKS ON INTOLERANCE, FORCESI ITS S. C. A. ASKS ORGANIZATIONS TO HELP IN ACHIEVEMENT ERADICATION IOF $3,000 GOAL "~''~' ~ ~ ~ M~C t I "U NU EAIAINo pwer in veenera eecions on AMERICA OF _$,000_OALMay 30 with Lloyd George at theirj_____ DRAKE IS AWARDED FIRST CONTRIBUTIONS merry fight as haswnotbeen seen 55TH CHURCH MEET WOMEN AND Al HONORABLE MENTION ANNOUNCED BY TODD for years.Lo IS BROUGHT TO CLOSE- Ru)ShrrO icosnTksFo By Pierce Roseni WeVith speech n kes[Tg Day To Be Held Wednesday Frm Ln's rrO'Groates, Sir Herbert Samuel, Spirited Discussions Characterize several year cean Second Place leaitahmotoepaade rom on- Open Forum On Question O lmxn "The Blundering Giant" II For Money To Give Boys stituency to constituency; Mr. Moral Behavior part of thousands of Michigan women, un Two Week Vacation Lloyd George dashes with the vigort Representing the University f of a Gladstone and Midluthian. With the annual banquet held enew Womens League building, pi Minnesota, Theodore Gordon won I Nineteen house organizations on It is not that Liberals expect to Thursday evening, and a final ses- will open its doors at 2:30 o'clock this a the annual contest of the Northern j the campus have contributed the have the largest party in the next sion yesterday afternoon, the fifty- k total of $461.75 to the Fresh Air parliament, but Lloyd George has fifth annual meeting of the Prot- Michigan League and their out-of-town Oratorical League which was held Ormond J. Drake,toaof$6.5oth FrsAi Pa in Hill Auditorium last night. Ruth Who was Michigans representa- Camp fund in the preliminary drive made it quite clear that he expects estant Episcopal church congress Michigan League, and the entire studen Schre o te nierit o Ws-tie nW h annuchiantrpesta th being sponsored by the Student to hold the balance of power, and was brought to a close here yes-t consin, was awarded second place, Northern O iatoical League held i hitian asociaton, tant ther laemtho nwho think that edayr The clergymen from all The building will be open for ir and Ormdnd J. Drake, '3Ed., rep- Hill Auditorium last night. Drake Todd, 30, chairman of the drive in the uncertainties which would parts of the country convened here o'clock this afternoon and from 8 to- 11 resenting Michigan, was given hon- rreceived honorable mention for his'- announcedayesterday.h h n followa close run between Con- Tuesdayfor their opening meetinog orable mention. ( raion entitled "Mankind Tomor- All organizations that have noteI servatives and Labor, Mr. Lloyd Seven discussion sessions were heldi graduate women will be on hand at a-l Gordon's oration was entitled row." already sent in their contributions George might again be summoned to which the public was invited. ; Practically every room and every depar "Watchdogs". He spoke of the va- -oto form a government. The congress did not aim to rious forces of intolerance which a COUNCIL ENDORSES DRIVE Despite the provisions which speak for the Church, but was held t as they will be presented next week wh have in the past and are also at (1 ;"lmt campaigning to twenty days fin the belief that the preservation ! ~---~-~ ofaciliti present holding back and prevent- RESOLVED: That the annual jafter adjournment of Parliament, of the church in America was to ing progress. Intolerance, according 0 P~ll1 ~Tfldrive for the Fresh Air Camp the coming campaign is expected be accomplished not by the legis- Du to the speaker, means opposition to ;sponsored by the Student Chris- j to prove the most expensive in lation of church conventions but Ifreshm change, and hence it is a force to tian association deserves the); England's history. A large num- through free debate on practicaljJfl A EEfashm- be eradicated. - ~ J I hearty support of the Michigan I ber of voters, especially among and theoretical questions of church a song l AU E 2 1A S b eadcaed campus for two reasons in par- I young women, were registrants on; interest about which there might' o'clock Movies Are Subjiticular. The worthiness of the jIiMay 1, increasing the total vote be a divergence of opinion, offi- ?3:30 to Ruth Scherer of the University of . project is beyond question, and ) about a million over previous fig- - cials of the conference stated. gram i Wisconsin, spoke on "The Blunder- Rye Cove Suffers Greatest Loss; needs no furthr comment, but ' ures. Speak On Mora Standards Univers ing Giant." This blundering giant , Eleven Students in addition to this the Fresh Air pirited discussion marked the Orches Killed In School camp has the virtue of being a Thursday evening meeting when Sutherland, Accompanied By Miss events The speaker showed what an im-' _m n campus institution. It is not an phe I'1 QC hAEVonlpe frm was held on the Carton, Leads Grand Mach will be portant part the movies are playing , instance of an outside charity question "Are there any unchang_ Of Senior Ball and th in. modern life, how the rest of the 100 GIVEN TREATMENT 11 movement seeking support, but ing standards of moral behavior?" from 8 worl wa fomin itsimpesson f -theatre world was forming its impression of it finds its initiative within the Two formal papers were read by MORE THAN 600 ATTENDt Americans by he pictures sent out a]Associate Press>University and the impetus the Rev. C. Leslie Glenn and the . mal da Amrcasbttepctrssetouthe*~ Pes)I from Hollywood. Our morals and RICHMOND, Va., May 3.-The necessary to put the drive over Rev. Philip Osgood as a basis for aetickets character and habits are all formed series of tornadoes in Virginia 1 should be obtained naturally. Rev disipssoo aabsi for Dancing to the melodies of who ap and influenced to a great degree by Thursday afternoon and night were I The Fresh Air Cap is coming C lesV r-Several prominent ministers fromChmbrer' han300 Last the moving picture. Because of shown by carefully revised- checks to be one of the worthier tradi- all parts of the country took heos cording orchestra, more than 3001 Thel this the speaker said that we should tonight to have taken toll of 22 tions of another nature. Success Or Failure Of Debenture a d ared heatedly on bo the ouples filled the assembly sa o esses f take it upon ourselves to see that lives. Six persons were in a critical Kenneth G. Patrick ' Clause Depends On Number fleoor thd aruestedly onbtthe Union for one of the largest at- the fol the type of pictures filmed are condition, several others had sern- For the Student Council. Of Senators Present sde of then uesti pt ftendance totals on record in the Cook good, wholesome, character-build- ous injuries and approximately 100 - The Rev. Henry Lewis, ar final social. function of the grad- gent Ju 5 t. Andrew's Ei p3 kucAnn (etJ ing movies. had been given treatment. are urged to do so immediately. REPUBLICANS FAVOR PLAN Arbor, who Epscoal crcm c atig class. Music started sho Regent Michigan's representative, Or- .Rye Cove in far southwest Vir- The goal of the S. C. A. this year i wastoqcoast two years ago on his frank-yay Mrs. H lnond J. Drake, won honorable ginia, where a consolidated school $3,000. Tags will be sent to those r room was filled nearly to eapacityShorts, mention .by his oration. entitled was demolished, suffered the great- houses contributing to the fund in W (G Associated Pes )-a recognition of the conpanionate for the dance which continued un- and Mr "Mankind Tdmorrow."He cited est loss, a teacher and eleven pupils a few days.A3.-Sen marriage problem which he ds- til 2 o'clock this morning. Clemen Pupilsa few ays.- leaders came to the conclusion to- !c