Music And Film Program Planned For Pep Bounce
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The following bulletin on the
condition of Prof. Charles 11.
Cooley, resigned head'of the so-
ciology department, who has
been seriously ill for the last
month, was issued at 9 o'clock
last night by Dr. David M.
Cowie, attending physician:
"The condition of Professor
Cooley is so grave as to cause
C L A N E Y S E LlEE ~ IE[R O I 9
Brazil has taken definite steps to for organizing a federal forestry l
organize a federal forest servic system in that country.
under the direction of two Amen-, The Tropical Plant Research
can foresters, according to a cable foundation will act as adviser to
just received by the Tropical Plant the Brazilian government in the de-
Research foundation of, Washing- velopment of its forest policy. In
ton, D. C. William T. Cox, Super- accepting this responsibility the!
intendent of the Upper Mississippi Foundation expressed a desire for
Wild LTfP and Fnresqt RePServe of the1 the active o ennratin of tha Uni_
in a. r rr. r :rr.. ®, .. ... .r ® .r rr. .a
his family and friends the [p~l 1c2.11r~~ U IV lLl 1cUietVie ~V1O on Umn
greatest apprehension. His a sU. S. Biological Survey will be in versity, which it regards as parti-
Daughter Of Fa mo u's strength is failing and though + M a n s s And Effinger charge of the Brazilian forestry cularly well qualified to assist in, 1929
Actor Will Rlead he is putting up a brave fight, Picked For 1929 movement. Prof. Donald M. Mat- the undertaking. This cooperation M
_it is felt that he can not thews, of the School of Forestry and the Board of Regents has approved,
Sketchesngs iSthesaff. sConservation is to assist him and thus affording the University an
heart remains as strong as it is will go to Brazil for a period of six exceptional opportunity for con-
EPearyt renow, he may rally." HORUSES TO REGISTER months, leaving in August. structive development of the forest SPEA
This action on the part of the resources of a country which has
Brazilian government is the cul- the largest body of hardwoods in
Act r e s as WrittenS11 Next Week Set As Time mination of a visit to Brazil made'the world and with which trade' Wor
Own Short Dramas For Gathering by Dr. William A. Orton, Director relations on the part of the United
ShrOa iof the Tropical Plant Research States are almost certain to become
Of Life Prospects foundation, at the request of the increasingly close. The present'
-f°--l;Brazilian Minister of Agriculture nlans include sending students from
Appearing as the ninth and con- Robert W. Manss, '30, and John ! for assistance in formulating a plan Brazil to the forest schools of the
cluding number on this year's Ora- R. Effinger, Jr., '30, will head the-United States for training under Ente
torical Association lecture course, executive staff of the 1929 Michi- fl the supervision of the Foundation. of the
Cornelia Skinner, daughter of the tgan Union Mimes Opera as general Dr. Orton, Director of the Foun- mentt
well-know Otis Skinner, will pre- Six U n i v e r s i t i e s Enter First chairman and stage manager re- dation, has stated that they feelinothin
sent her series of "Character, Cornelia Otis Skinner O'ratorical Contest held spectively, according to an an- fortunate in obtaining the cooper-!quake
Sketches" at 8 o'clock tonight in Who will present her "Character Here In 5 Years nrouncement by Hugh Claney, '30, TOation of the University and in being their
Hill auditorium.. Sketches" tonight in Hill audi- -p resident of Mimes, following a able to secure the services of Mr. 7:30 t
Miss Skinner was secured by offi- torium as the ninth and concluding LOWDEN BACKS LEAGUE meeting of that organization. In Cox and Professor Matthews. 'Mr. torium
cials of the course last week when number on the 1928-1929 Oratorical addition James F. Ward, '31E., was UU IUI L UVI Cox is a graduate of the University yer, '2
it became known that Peggy Wood, Association lecture course. named assistant stage manager. of Minnesota and has had 10 years' mitteee
prominent actress, would be unable ,_ _ _For the first time in five years, All Are Experienced ' gRnexperience with the U. S. Forest progra
to fulfil her engagement here, since !the Northern Oratorical contest will The three men have all been con- 1 i r g y m e n Representing Left service. . promis
she is at present in Hollywood{'Wn WilGteFo
wheeshe is wrksin HtlkiW I be held in Ann Arbor. The contest neted with past activities of Anal.Geting rProfesor Matthews will, under the tuitoa
Leavn the leitimate tag I Owill be held in Hill Auditorium at 8 Mimes.,Manss was a member of nnua ing present arrangement with Brazil, to all a
movie. 'he stage committee for "The Same devote six months of his time while
Leaves Legitimate Stage oclock on Friday night, May 3 to You", 1927 production and last SEVEN GROUPS PLANNED on leave from the forestry school to Algy
Leaving the legitimate stage Prof. James M. O'Neill, head of the year held the position of stage an intensive study of Brazilian for- it mil
about two years ago, Miss Skinner speech department announced yes- manager for "Rainbow's End". He Episcopal Clergymen from every estry conditions. He is a gradate comple
immediately took her place as one terday. will be in full charge of the com- section of the country, representing of the University, and has had 20! would
of the season's outstanding enter- Ormond J. Drake, '3Ed., will rep- mittees and organization of f t' years' experience in tropical for- vocal
attention for it was known that she Secretary of Treasury Challenged resent the University in this con- various persons participating in the the liberal wing of that denoma- estry work, in the Philippine Is that t
asn Brwskney o a D y Bered rtest De w erit to en-t next opera presentation. In addi- tion, will convene here today for lands and in British North Borneo.have a
was the daughter of a brilliant By Montana Democrat Before {test. Drake won the right to entertion, the general chairman is, ir1 the fifty-fifth annual meeting of]progra
father. However, her remarkable Committee the event by placing first in the lo- 'o-operation with the represent the Protestant Eiscoal Church ogra
ability soon brought her success cal contest held two weeks ago in cive of the Union, in charge of the' oestant piscpalmhofkeel
~~~~~~~~~ daiys oo the"d ughterr ofe sSUMISR Otiwchhfiestknnre t cptd ptwotanadteetieoo ee icuso eid o hc ~igt
and she ceased to be known merely NRRIS SUBMITS REPRT hi five students e ecial train and the entire pro- ing th
as the "daughter of Otis Skinner. gram of events during the tour of Seven discussion periosto-w'?variou
She has added lustre to a great Representatives ro sixm the country next Christmas vaca- the public are invited will be held be
name of the theater, carrying it to (PWestern uiverities will cmIpee 'today, tomorrow, Thursday, - and Fre
ther branch of entertainment' WASHINGTON, April 29.--The in the contest here. These six uni- ton. h'riday at the Union. Tonight's ses- RIVarsit
itbrilliant-results rght of Andrew W. Mellon to con- versities are Northwestern, Wiscon- siEffinger was assistant to Manss onon "What Can We Believe bel, '
with the most brilliant rstyersudlts.esonsbl io n he
Miss Skinner's sketches are all tinue as secretary of the treasury sin, Western Reserve, University of last year and was responsible for About God?" led by the Rev. Angus These
drawn 'rm.lironpnadr-wscalne eoeteSnt Iowa, Universiy of Minnesota, and great deal of the direction of act-DuofCmrde 'as anth sical 1i
lat tofrom her own en an er- was challenged before the Senate n iversity of Michigan. The judges ivities of the many scene-shifters: Obtain Dornberger And Orchestra frorn
laet]iso iefo vr-*dnte oa electricians adohr.Wr a Rev. ,sGeorge ucCraig aoStewart lof wSt.OtanFornnualerAndarch str al
where. Alone, on an empty stage, judiciary committee today by Sena- will be a group composed of one and others. Ward was Luke's Church, Evanston, Ill., will For Annual Affair specia
with no sets, no music, no built-up' tor Walsh, Democrat, Montana, but professor from the speech faculty chairman of the costumes commit- begin at 8 o'clock. In Union Yost, d
mechanics of the theater, she pre- a decision by the committee on that of each of these six universities. tee,one of the majorpgroups r" Iegn at thcok InrUnionRobe
sents her little drama of life, love, question again was postponed. I(Former-governor Frank O. Low-b the various scenes. Effinger an attracted large numbers of laymen BALL TO BE HELD FRIDAY dition
and tragedy. Adroitly she evolves' Senator Walsh supported the re- den is the man responsible for the Ward will jointly handle the back- as well as clerics by the liberality 'has co
her character, her atmosphere, her port of Chairman Norris, which de- endowing of the Northern Oratori- stage activities during the produc- of the views expressed. The Rev. Making his first appearance in sion 1
plot, carrying her audiences with clares that as a stockholder in vari- cal league. One hundred dollars tion and showing of the 1929 opera, I Henry Lewis, rector of the local plainin
her in the realm of imagination. ous concerns, Mr. Mellon is serving goes to the winner of first place and Data To Be Announced Episcopal church, was quoted from Ann Arbor on May 3, Charles Dorn- troduc
Young, attractive, gracious, she is in violation of an old statute for- fifty dollars to the winner of se- reg- coast to coast two years ago on hisberger and his Victor Recordgor-
said to have a personal charm that bidding the secretary of treasury to ond, place. The local prizes are istration of aspirants for t frank recognition of the compan- chestra will provide the music and words
is reflected in her work. or indirectld n carng de given by other contributors. in the choruses of the new show. mate marriage problem which he entertainment for the annual Sen- screen
s Writer Also or indirectly, in carrying on tradei Dean John R. Effinger will act some time during the coming wee discussed before a meeting of the ior Ball to be held from 9 until 2 tor'sb
Miss Skinner attended both the or commerce. as chairman at the contest Friday Manss will announce the defir congress. {o'clock Friday night in the ball- music-
Baldwin school at Bryn Mawr and The two-hour discussion was night. time for registration and the be- Speaking of this year's meeting r
Bryn Mawr College. She studied1led by Senator Walsh and revolved ginning of the regular spring train- in Ann Arbor, the Rev. Lewis said room of the Union. The orchestra
theinn fth eua pin ri-i nnAbr h e . ewisntei
dramatic art at the Comedie Fran- on the extent to which a stockhold- Postpone Oratorical ing period at which time important recently, "In view of the wide range has a wide reputation among dance ilte
caise and at the Theater du Vieux er may be considered interested in foundation work is done with the of the subjects selected and the lovers for providing both music and Yill
Colombier, considered .the best "carrying on" commerce. Walsh Party Till Tomorrow dancers. fact that the executive committee entertainment of a high order. Yopresu
training in the world. Her stage contended that Mr. Mellon had Moreover, it is understood that a has selected some of the foremost Dornberger recently completed a pres
career has been one of great diver- shown an interest in carrying on The annual spring party spon- great portion of the book for the men of the church as speakers, I successful winter season at the Ar- Algyer
sity, for she has played extensively the business of the American Alum- sored by the Oratorical board for opera' has already been written, al- believe that the sessions cannot fail lington hotel in Hot Springs, Ark., minut
both in France and America. She inum Company of America by his the members of Athena, Portia, Al- though no intimation of the identi- 'to be of the greatest interest to the and will come here directly from a Cin
banatsottefrttetmninalwutaan themesothehea ooiun-icli
is said to be an artist of the first testimony in a lawsuit against the N d Adelh be held ty of the author has been made.' public at large as well as to the four-day engagement at South
rank and has been so recognized by company. . , Unusual enthusiasm has been man- church. With such speakers as the Bend, Ind., where he went follow- screen
the dramatic critics in the leading The case referred to by Senator tomorrow night in the Women s ifested in the music competition Rev. C. Leslie Glenn, the Very Rev. ing an engagement to play for the of the
cities of this country. 'Walsh was one tried in 1925, in Field house. The dance was orig- and a great many selections have Robert S. Chalmers, and the Rev Junior Prom of the Detroit College graphi
Not only as an actress has Cor- which a party charged the alumi-:ipally scheduled for tonight, but already been submitted. Any per- Phillip Osgood assigned to speak on of Law and another in Des Moines. T. H
nelia Skinner received recognition, num company with violation of the was postponed, so that the field sons wishing to submit music for the topic "Are There Any Un- Iowa. Advance notices state that baron
for hr writings have found their anti-trust law. house could be used. 'the production are asked to com- changing Standards of Moral Be- on the program for the Senior Ball keep a
way into many of our more promi- municate at once with Roy S. Lang- bavior?" there is guaranteed a dis- are special arrangements of "Right serait
nent magazines and reviews. !MEDICAL AUTHORITY PREDICTS ham, "30, director of the orchestra, cussion of real significance to any Out of Heaven," from Forward year's
Single admission tickets for Miss'______years___
Sinne program toigt are now FTthinking person." March, "I Can't Believe It," from Ralsto
Skinner's program tonight are now FOR MATION OF FOUR CLASSES The session on standards of r.n& Rainbow's End, and several other tans,
on sale at Slater's Book store atay argoyleBare behavior to which the Rev. Lewis selections intimately related to the
$1.00 each, and will be placed on Detroit, which is rapidly develop- IFoundation, recently established in "Athletics For All'' referred will be held at 8 o'clock campus.
sale at the box office in Hill audi- ing into a medical center, probably I New York, are being organized all Thursday evening, May 2, in the Perhaps best known in Ann ArborSaw
torium which will be open at 71has no better known medical au- over the country and there is a "Athletics for all," famous cam- Union. for his recording of "Tiger Rag," a Or
o'clock tonight for the sale of these lthority than Dr. Hugo A. Freund, a great opportunity for men in that paign slogan of the Intramural de- The congress does not speak for record which has one of the largest
tickets. Season tickets for the former student of and teacher at field." partment, has been selected as the th hrh but had its origin in sales records on file, he is also noted i
Peggy Wood number will be ac- the University. This fact was fur- "You can see," said Dr. Freund, object of the Gargoyle's satire in the belief that preservation of the in many circles for his appearances Taki
cepted tonight, it was announced by ther evidenced recently by his ap- "that the whole field of medicine its May issue which is to go on sale church in Ame ica was to be ac- 'with Ziegfield's Follies and George igins 0
Association officials. pcintment to the head of the $10,- needs good men and it is a mattex on the campus tomorrow. comlished, t b h ilatior White's Scandals. A unique claim yer, of
000,000 trust fund established by for a young man to determine for Featuring a cover cartoon of the of church conventions, but through to fame is that of being the first addres
Badgers BeaftMaroons Senator James Couzens for the de- himself which type of work his per- same title by Lee Blaser and in- 'free debate of theoretical and prac- dance band to play at an official andt(
velopment of child clinic work in sonality is fitted for and enter that cluding in its efforts at fun many io Indian pow-wow, which Dornber night
In Second 3-Hit Game the automobile city. field. There are a number of doc- of the less readily apparent but about which there might be diver- ger did at the annual festival of the ing at
Dr. Freund, although he is com- tors who are mediocre in the field more actually practiced forms of'- .enre mfgopinior Winnebago tribe at Winnebago to be1
(1y Assnciated Press) paratively young in years, possesses of medicine in which they are en-;campus athletics as indulged in by gence____pm__n._Nebraska. auspic
CHICAGO, April 29.-Wisconsin 'some very interesting views on his tered, but who would undoubtedly the student body as a whole, the All arrangements for the annual Associ
won its second straight Big Ten ! profession, having what he terms a become successes in one of the 1,campus humor magazine seems to Illinois Beats Iowa function of the graduating class;tensive
baseball game today, defeating Chi- "modernistic conception." It is his other three branches." !have found an excellent subject for FV owill be completed within the next war p'
cago, 5 to 1. belief that the profession of medi- "Since the majority of men who a series of diverting remarks and For Seconictory two or three days, including th chosen
Thelander of the Badgers pitched ; cine in the future will be. divided graduate as doctors enter the class cartoons. plans for decorations. Tickets are talk o
masterful baseball, allowing the into four major classes. "I believe you term as practitioners, have "Pussy Wants a Corner," an edi- (By Associated Press) nearly all sold out, and it is ex-
Maroons only three hits, while Hall, I that this is inevitable and that the you, found that it is overcrowded?" tornal cartoon by Maurice Lichten URBANA, Ill., April 29.-Smart pected that after today they wi FreS
Reels Of Campus
wvie To Be Shown
As Feature
ds Of Songs Will
Be Projected
On Screen
By George Tilley
rtainment was the keynote
Student Council's announce-
to the press last night that
g short of Japanese earth-
or a London fire could stop
All-Student Pep Bounce at
omorrow- night in Hill audi-
. Councilman Durwin Alg-
9, head of the Bounce corn-
s on music, speakers, movies,
m, and other arrangements,
ed an expeditious and gra-
45 minutes of exhilaration
nd sundry'who care to come.
Band Will Assist
er strongly intimated, to put
dly, that the Varsity band
te from piccolo to tuba
be on hand to bolster .the
efforts of the audience, and
he Glee club would probably
solo number or two on the
m in addition, to its function
ping the rest of the auditor-
n key. Responsible for call-
e tunes and starting off the
s tune-producing units will
d Lawton, '11, composer of
y, ably assisted by Louis El-
0, composer. of The Victors
latter deans of Michigan mu-
ore are coming respectively
)etroit and South Bend at the
behest of Coach Fielding H.
irector of athletics.
rt A. Campbell, who manages
nd and the glee clubs in ad-
to the University's money,
nsented to bang the song ses-
pen with a snappy speech ex-
ng the idea behind It and in-
ing Lawton, the master of
onies. Lawton will then have
of songs thrown on the
while he plies the conduc-
aton for the benefit of the
Brief Speeches Planned
rspersed between - the songs
e brief remarks by Elbel,
and Prof. William A. Frayer
ably anent . the occasion.
will be takenj according to
to limit the speakers to two
axing the big May Day
e will be the first Ann Arbor
ing of the 1929 installment
campus movie, cinemato-
cal best-seller of the season.
awley Tapping, local film
who produced these reels to
lumni in touch with the uni-
, reports that they make last
installment look like Esther
n playing opposite Bull Mon-
yer Will Discuss
igin Of'World War
ng for his subject, "The Or-
f the Great War," F. L. Saw-
the history department, will
s an audience of students
ownspeople at 8o'clock to-
in the Junior College build-
Port Huron. The lecture is
given in that city under the
es of the League of Nations
ation, and because of his in-
study of the history of the
eriod, Mr. Sawyer has been
as a man well qualified to
n the subject.
hmen Will Hold
Wisconsin centrefielder, led the at- next few years may see its con- he was asked. stein, '29, art editor of the Gar- pitching by Len Bower and heavy be unavailable.
tack with a home riun, a double summation, he said. "The first "No," replied Dr. Freund, 'it is goyle, is again the outstanding art hitting by Don Brown and Tommy
and two singles. His homer came class will be that of research work- not. Especially in the rural dis- effort of the month. Rickman, a pinch-hitter, netted Il- OF
in the eighth inning with a mate ers and teachers. The second, I tricts is the field big. Good roads o o is it eodBgTnaeal-Fres
on base and ruined an otherwise would term one of practition- and modern means of transporta- 'ENSIAN DISTRIBUTION Iois its second Big Ten baseball will as
brilliant pitching performance by ers, in that I would include all tion have afforded the rural doctor More than 1,800 'Ensians, a victory, over Iowa today. The score R304, a
Urban, who checkmated the Badg-vinspecialistsh-in fact, anyone who is easy access to the large medical record for the distribution ofs was 5 to 0. Union,
crs for seven innings. engaged in the active practice of centers, which erases the former copies of the annual upon the Brown slammed a home run, a to the
It was the second three-hit game medicine. handicap under which he worked."! Michigan campus in one day, triple and a single, while Rickman i (Igames
1,, Ta v it Tnh. 1-A - T-A i "Tha third -] '1 mc T IP111r8 .I v.r is, "Tn rPo~rr1 A lrt W nov " r1,-l~rI 1h 1 " n a 1,, - .'-- ,.
'ep Groups Tonight
hman groups I, II and III
semble tonight in rooms 302,
nd 306, respectively, of the
in pep meetings preliminary
holding of the annual Spring
on May 10 and 11. Meetings