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February 16, 1929 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-16

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Y;FEB3I~TA "Y 16, 1929


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D I Rules Announced For
'JumorJL P. A1. 5prmcticf

1MVVIlVIL IL I UEii~l i LINLII I V VI 1 I II LlII I . U .JL utiL ±ViraarAI.4HIGHVL4SCHO OL PTryouts for the women's staff!I
of The Daily will be held at 4 I~lLJivnP~lT
Chi Delta Phi, national honorary o'clock Monday, February 18, in BE IL .U CBOL Abse
literary sorority, 'announces its the Press building on Maynard
second semester tryouts, to be clos- fl IT street. Al second semester
ed Thursday evening, Feb. 28. FullrnIOI eshmanl s women who have a InterclassTsstA T
CUUANGE IN ATTITUDE MARKS their sponsoring it. To develop As there are but few openings in sch olastic recordC of one grade Work OqffrGymnasium Pr
thejCAN E IN ATciDetRSgr at s on otnd t, t e elpbet ter than a C average are ERequirements
POLICY OF NEW greater friendship between the!the society, students submittingg U eligible to trIu.Upe__ fort
SYSTEM American students and the orien- manuscripts must be careful to HUNDRED.VISITORSWINE ;eilo try out. ppec nass
tal women, as well as to afford submit only their best work, ac- FIRST EXERCISES OF KIND won witha scholastic aver- APPLY TO BSEBALL illa
itcodig o ousaBule, 29 pes-EVER HELDI age of C, who are at all inter-
them an opportunity for a social cordig to Louisa Butler, '29, presi- ested in newspaper work, are she
STUD E PYMENT ihour among themselves, the ad- dent of the society. The field isgn. mhy
ORGANIZED BY ADVISORSvisers have been hostesses from imited to creative writing, such as NOTABLES ARE PRESENT urged to attend this meeting. For the first time in the history f b
I time to time at teas for oriental poetry, drama, fiction and "belles _°_of the department of physical edu- Bo
Advisers Help In Preparations women. A dinner at which the lettres," and critical or journalism Chairman Of Michigan Crippled income when she enters college. cation for women, members of i and
For Opening Of New heads of all women's houses on articles will not be considered, al- Children's Association Give Both Miss Bagnal and Mr. Babula terclass teams will be given regu- Miss
League Building the campus were honored gave though exception may be made in Principal Address have prepared themselves in com- lar credit fer the work they do dur- ed a
______ evidence of the advisers recogni- the case of a unique feature story.! mercial work. John Gauthier be- ing both the practice periods and to b
In keeping with the recent dis- tion of their service in carrying Manuscripts must be typewrit- Probably the first high school gan his work in the hospital the regular scheduled games, ac- of t
cussion of the merits of the sys- out women's self-government. It ten, on one side of the sheet only, graduation exercises ever to be school last October. His studies cording to an announcement made abse
tern of three advisers to women, was also valuable in that the ad- and may be turned in to the Chib held in a hospital took place yes have been principally in eco- yesterday by Dr. Margaret Bell, the m
now operating in the University, visers were able to meet with the Delta Phi box in Barbour gymna- nomics, advanced arithmetic, and head of the department. aWou
as compared with the plan of house presidents informally, with- sium or to Betty Bush, '29, chair- teraay when Edyth Bagnal, John chemistry. According to the hos- Dr. Bell added that, as the inter hear
having a single women's dean, it out the pressure of duties to cut man of the tryouts committee, in Aldrich Gauthier, and Joseph pital school faculty, he has done class teams are composed of squads 7238
is only fitting that the work and short the iterview. Martha Cook Building. Babula received their diplomas, I exceptionally well throughout his which are highly selected, and are Ta
accomplishments of the present A particular item in the present having completed their course of course of study and has made a made up of women who have] for
regime be reviewed, if only brief- system, which could hardly be study in the University Hospital splendid record- shown themselves to be better bas-
ly. It is believed that since the handled by a single dean whose!Rhof.Th trergadatdre- Commercial Work Done utes
advisory system had its inception time would necessarily be crowded Ispectivel from high schools at Miss Dorothy Ketcham, Director this opportunity is open only to wo- fo
Swith Dr. Clarence Cook Little, a to the full, is seen in letters re- forI ii p
wetu to thenge Cask maytceived by the advisers from formerfPontiac, at Michiganmme, and at of Social Service, declares that men who are skilled in this spor omer
return to the single deanship may enI Ty e avilyef Ot. 20, e the University of Detroit. "the importance of the introduc- and not to novices. ein
be advocated, i accordance with yIMore than 100 guests attended tion of commercial work recently At present this arrangement will i
ul his recent resignation. carries a letter from a Barbour l [the graduation program. Repre- into the curriculum cannot be be made regarding all interciass pra
A ousndn.cagththsscholar who writes of her personal -wer ga.Rer-! fth uromlm the eI emdergadn alinecas f t
An outstandingchange that has sh rh rhrprn--sentatives were present from the over-emphasized, as it provides an basketball players, and later, the
come about during the past four experiences on her return to war- enny Carnival time is here State Crippled Children's Commis- immediate means of livelihood for department will probably attempt won
* years under the advisers to wom- ring China. In the drive for in Peny arl tne is eed sion, the Board of Regents of the the high school graduate." She to install the same system during rt e,
e'.n is, primarlya change in cm- ternational friendship and amity, Iagain! To all those who attendedUiesito, the oadifcegeschof, the wn nt a ncneto iht ntl h aesse uigrh
n wrpitmariwy, h-University, the Medical school, the went on to say in connection with the interiass baseball season.
phasis. Their attitude has been what could be more valuable? last year's carnival, this will be a School of Education, the depart- the work of the school, "From oursAl
1 one of generally allowing the girls The latest action of the advisers welcome announcement, and to ment of special education at experience, we realize that one's This new system will, of course' thei
to take the initiative and carry to win the appreciation of the those who are newcomers at Mich- Yypsilanti, and the Ann Arbor educational equipment is as im- necessitate strict records of atten- req
out their own ideas in making and women students is their service in it . public schools, as well as from the portant as one's physical equip- ance eing en, or practices Thi
enforcing the rules, a distinct helping the latter to arrange the( igan, it will be a pleasant surprise high schools granting the diplo- ment. While these young people will be considered the same as a mat
contrast to the policy of the for- terms of organization, that they to which to look forward. mas. While training received in have had limitations of movement, meeting of a class would usually
_mer dean. While such a change have felt to be necessary before The date set is Wednesday eve- the hospital school has enabled their possible success in, making be. Moreover, attendance at prac-
. was, of course, quietly and appre- the League building can be suc- ning, March 6. The carnival this many people to graduate with use of their educational equipment tice will be considered just as im-
' clatively received by the women cessfully opened and operated.year will again be held in Barbour their own classes, this is the first is unlimited. The importance of portant as the attendance on ac-
students, very little notice of it The situation has been one in y asium,and admission, as us- I time that an actual graduation the work of the hospital school is tual game days.iTa
could come to alumni and persons which the personal feelings of the ual, will be one penny. Dorothy has taken place since the institu- very great, and we happen to see Other years many women who form
interested in the administration advisers have not been spared. Yet Touff, '30, as vice-president of W. tion of the hospital school by the its purposes realized in the gradu- were interested in this sport and taug
of the university. they.have made their interests co- A. A., is general chairman, Doro- Kings Daughters in 1922. ation of this class." were doubtless skilled players, have
Pe msin C rs C a g d Incide with those of the under- . Tis chairmanaddreoso-fre
Anrticle Crs inTheDailyofNo-graduae w oe h d thy Griffith, '30, has charge of the The principal address of yester- Miss Ketcham stated that more been unable to come out for the day
An article in The Daily of No-jgraduate women booths, and Albertina Maslen, '31, day afternoon's program was than 1,200 people had so far re- teams as they have not had the sche
vember 10, 1927, is typical of this Aid In Purchasing Plan will take care of the publicity, given by Hugh E. Van de Walker, ceived the benefits of hospital time to devote to it that it re- ten
attitude, however, and warrants The Dietitian buyer system, now The Penny Carnival has been an chairman of the Michigan Crip- training this year and predicted quired, for their only reward for and
quotation. It is a mere technical- serving a large number of frater- institution at Michigan for the past pled Children's Commission. Dr. that the total for the year would hours of practice was the personal A
ity of routine-a change in the , nities, sororities, and several of two years. It was an intramural Harley Haynes, director of the exceed 2,000. The University Hos- pleasure they themselves got out of furt
special permission cards used for the dormitories, has had the co- function the first year, but it is hospital, presented the diplomas. pital is the only place where high the games, and their associations inst
irregularity of hours. The old operation of the advisers, while A statement of facts regarding the school work is offered in a hospit- with their teammates. Mow
. blank read that Miss So and So Maison Francaise and the Univer- now one of the important social school career of Joseph Babula al, as far as it is known. Several
"has special permission to" carry sity -House were organized under activities of the W. A. A. Last year was read by Father Borkowice of gifts have been received in the last
out her desired plans. The dean their direction. there were 30 booths, each con- Detroit. Similar statements re- several years, which have made
passed judgment upon any irregu- These are, obviously, but a few ducted by a sorority, dormitory, or garding Edyth Bagnal and John the work possible, among them be- Y l
laities in the life of the student of the activities that have found ouse. The booths are on Gauthier were read by Supt. Hais ing financial aid from the Crip-
Sfrom day to day. encouragement, interest, and as- the first floor of the gym and sell ley " of the Ann Arbor public pled Children's commission, fromlTk NTes
The card as revised is also sign- sistance in the hands of the ad- everything from lolly-pops to shoe- schools, who presided at the grad- the King's Daughters, 'and from Take Notes
ed by the advisers', office, but visers. They indicate, however,Ishines. There are also clowns, acts, uation exercises. The program in- the local branch of the American
reads "Miss So and So has regis- the need for the sheer physical a basket-ball game, and dance mu- cluded further an invocation by I Association of University Women. .«. try this amazing
tered inthe office of advisers that strength and time of more than sic. The basketball game is the the Rev. Thomas Harris, a vocal
she" desired to do such and such, one dean, even if one neglect the final contest to prove the intra- solo by Frank Ryan, a member of new idea
The new form places the respon- value of investing several persons I mural championship. The booths the hospital school faculty, a talk TH E IMPLY hold a soft,
sibiilty with the student. An ad- with the direction of matters in' are in charge of the athletic mai- on the topic of "Stepping Stones" smooth, black-writ
viser signs the card not to convey which they are respectively most! ager of each sorority and dorm- by Mrs. Lisla Crittenden, repre-CAMPUS. BEAUTY ingVELVETpencilinyour
her permission but to notify the familiar and capable of handling. tory. The prices of the articles of- senting the King's Daughters, andd
house head with whom the stu- r for sale are in pennies in one by Dr. Carl Badgley, of the SHOP and and notespracically
dent lives that the adviser under- FrM P keeping with the spirit of the car- department of surgery at the Open ontyhmrlc aTe
stands that the student will not be r '' C U nival, and there is always a money- ospita. Is Now Openbankslos n yoryface
tin her house at the time specified. Returns As Teacher changing booth to facilitate pur- i Graduates Plan College WorkAbans ArcadeTh rcoesadevr.K.
chases. All of the graduates are makingAve
grows by making such decisions Sororities and dormitories are plans to do college work at some a February
for herself. Sh should have the Miss Thelma Newell has return- asked to start thinking about what time in the future. In the statefor
right to order her time and af- ed in a new role to the Univer- !they wish to sell at their booths, ments written by themselves, it Shampoo and Finger
fairs. If her judgment proves to sity School of Music from which and what properties they will need. was revealed that Joseph Babula W$l .25
be poor, she learns from that lack she graduated a few years ago and Prizes are offered for the most orig- hopes to study for the priesthoode
rie of wisdom; if good, she has the where she was a member of the inal and attractive booth and for at either St. Mary's Seminary at
pleasure of the full responsibility. musical sorority Sigma Alpha Iota the booth taking in the most mon- Orchard Lake or Sacred HeartlAMERiCAN PENCL CO.,Wnuo
Cooperate With Barbour Scholars She begins this semester as a Seminary in Detroit, and that
Another direction in which the member of the faculty as a teach- cy Edyth Bagnal is very interested in educed Prices on verti I
energies of the advisers have been er of the violin. The intervening music. She thinks that she may = Il9
p expended is that of cooperation years since her graduation have) Student Presides In be able to )Slay her saxophone with Call 21379 II
Of with and courtesy toward the been spent at the Detroit InstituteN an orchestra and thus add to her
group of Barbour scholars who ( of Musical Art where Miss Newell N Type Class
come here annually from foreign pursued a number of advanced
lands. Aided by the World Fellow- courses, besides spending some
ship committee of the League,' little time at her chosen profes- Ani teresting and unusual po-
these students are met and made sion of teaching. litical science class is conducted at SiU ) sTsU N P A C K EJ
to feel at home. Miss Grace Rich- Jeanette Vandervelpin Reaume Syracuse university, according to
ards' comment is valuable: "No pianist, will accompany Miss New- an articl in the McGill University
woman should let the opportunity I all in her rendition of the Polona- Daily. Dr. Earl Ketchum, the head yHundreds of Beautiful
pass of becoming acquainted with I ise in A by Wieniawski at the of the department, is the teacher,1I
the Barbour scholars. They are Tuesday musicale to be given Feb. but takes the part of a silent mem-
fine women of outstanding ability 19 at the Detroit Twentieth Con- ber An elected chairman presideseD resses1
SIn trying to make them at home tury club, over class discussions.
among us, we are not entirely un-
* selfish for they bring us qualities

nces Will Cause Dro
From Play; To Rehears
On Feb. 22
ompt and regular atten
the Junior Girls' Play is
ted upon, according to
Hubel, chairman of danceq
urges all junior women tc
in mind and not run th4
eing dropped from the p
th absence from reh6
tardiness are subject to
Hubel states. Three un
bsences will cause any w
e dropped from the pers
he play. In order to ha
nce excused it is necessa
en to speak to Miss
t it before the time of tU
sal. She may be reach
or at Barbour gymnasiun
rdiness consists in app
practice later than seven
after the hour scheduled
i must be dressed and
practice at this time, an
ely present. Bathing sui
g worn in order to facilita
tice of the difficult dance
he choruses. Even tho
ian is tired and unable to
she is expected to rep
arsal, Miss Hubel annou
1 women who nave not ye
r $1.85 to Margaret Bus
ested to do so immed
money will be used in :
erials for use in the pla
.p and clog dancing i
n of a specialty class w
;ht by Miss Margaret St
nd Rapids at 5 o'clock '
in Harris hall. This cl
duled to run for a peri
weeks and is open to botil
iyone interested in obt:
her information regardin
ruction is urged to call
er, dial 2-2333.
Buy a
ha!(f doen
w Ave., loboken, N.J.

and values we can well use." I _
Through the advisers, the loan G wr
0 fund for students has been given .New)Fb
attention andpublicity.Women 11Cars
q have been urged to consult with I ewCoor S ug..ti
the advisers and to Jake advan-_
age of this fund rather than im- . ILe CoSF
pair health or lose out on all the )t that fram e
* pleasure of college in an effort to yles
be wholly self-dependent. s.yFA,
g. Organize Employment Systent
4 Other student activities and in- -
% terests that have had the en-
couragement and benefit of the Felts, Felt an
attention of at least one of the
advisers can only be enumerated. - Combnalt
They have organized employment J. * 11 =
for women on a large scale, and
have initiated a club for self-sup-
porting women-Beta Kappa Rho,
its purpose being primarily to pro- F<AaC EP":
vide recreation at convenient in all colors that
hours for girls who work. The _
Smembers meet once in two weeks GEORGETTES with ensem
* for parties, dances, reading andCA
the like. /
Alpha Lambda Delta, honorary I Smartly designed, slender and graceful, this Beautiful NewPrins
scholastic organization for fresh- Peacock model is the latest creation from our
________________new in footwear fashions. Of black Mirrette i!~ $5.00 and
men women, was made possible byriinds rthfawkV reeA igaityfsye $ .0nd
~ ~_~_~ __~~~~~ cloth-far newer and better looking than big variety of styles
satin-with or without a strap: Sizes 1212 to 40
jDawn Donutsj $10.00 i '

ig Hats
the fdace
d Straw


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