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April 17, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-04-17

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Published every , morning except Monday
d4ing the Unversity year by the Board n
Control of Student Publications.n
Member of Westera Conference Editoriale
The' Asolatds Press is exclusively en-S
titledo thet'useforrepublication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in bhia" paper and the local news pub-f
fised herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ana Arbor,
Michigan, is second class matter. Special rateT
of postag granted by Third Assistant Post
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4o; by mail,1
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, .May-
11ard Street.
Phones Editorial, 4925; Business, ar14.
Tlephone 4925
Editor...................Nelson T. Smith
City Editor.'............ J Stewart ooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Iurvink
Sports Editor........... W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor. ........Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor.........George.Stautet
Music and Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.........Robert Silbar
Night Editors
oseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
Donald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald E. Layma
Morris Alexandn Charles A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Marian McDonald
Bertram Ascwitt Henry Merryl
Louise Beyme Elizabeth Quaife {
Arthur iernste o Victor Rabinowitz
Seton C. Boyee Joseph A.Russell
St CBoeJoehIsabel Charles Anne Schel
S. Chubb Rachel Shearer
Frank >~. Cooper Howard Simon
Heen Domine Robert 'L.Slos
Margaret Eckels Ruth Steadman
Douglas Edward A. Stewart
Valborg Egeland Cadwell Swansn
Kobert J. eidman Jae 'Thayer
Marjorie Folmer Edith Thomas
William Gentry Beth Valentine
Ruth Geddes Gurney Wlia
David B. Hempstead Jr. Walter Wilds
Richard Jung George 1;. Wohgemuth
Charles R. Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
RuthKelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assfstat Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Adertisng ...........Alex 3{. Scherer
Advertising'....A. James Jordan
Adertising "........... .... Carl W. Hammer
Service. ..............Herbert E. Varnu
Circulation..............George S. Bradley
Accounts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications ...............Ray M. Hofelich
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
eaette Dale Lillian Kovisky
Vernor Davis' Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Hollister Mabley
Sally Faster 1. A. Newman
Anna Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halversoa Carl F. Schemm..
George Hamilton George Spater
Jack Horwich Sherwood Upton
ix Humphrey Marie Wellstead
Night Editor-Charles S. Monroe
Spring vacation being a thing of
the past, the school year can prob-
ably roll o without any lengthy
official interruptions to a success-
ful close marked by the graduation
of a possible - majority of the class
of 1929. The race for various goals
has settled into the last lap, and,
while work there must be, a dull
grind is not anticipated.
Pauses must come now and then
for some function of the Senior
elass or for the elections or ap-
pointments which ought to put stu-
dent organizations on a running
basis for the coming year. Al'eady
the campus politicans are gathered
in little knots around the Univer-
sity buildings trying to promote
their pet schemes for attempts at
student government. The call for
athletes for coming seasons has
been issued and the boys can work
themselves into condition for a big
summer in which to get out again.
And then there are those who are
sprinting along on typewriters and

account books looking for the ap-
Calling for effort of one kind or
another are the courses which are
'the real excuse for being in col-
lege. Something must be done
about them if passing grades are to
be forthcoming. Hard work may do
the trick in most cases, and of
course everyone will be hard at it.
The lure of the Huron and the
green canoes, as in years past, will
probably take its toll, but we are
safe from autos.
With a few exceptions the seniors
will hold the stage from now until
the end of the year, the awe-strick-
en underclassmer looking on at the
results of four years of effort. But
the four years of work are not quite
complete, and the honor of it all is
just beyond grasping finger-tips.
Whether or not it will ever be
within that grasp depends on the
sprint in the last lap and the sort
of sprinting that is done at Swing-
Mr. Hoover's first state paper
reads like a college text In eco-
nomics interspersed with extrac-
tions (translated into polysyllabics)I
from the farm-relief doctrines of
Alfred Emanuel Smith. That eva-
sive epigram "Teach the farmer to

our farmers" which sounds suspici-
ously like the federal farm board
advocated last fall by the Tam-
many Tiger, with the important
exception that the Tammany bally-
hoo included the word "non-parti-
san." Mr. Hoover would, however,
"transfer the agricultural question
from the field of polites into the
realm of economics," though he
mentions no guarantee that his
great instrumentality will not be
packed as was the Wilsonian tariff
commission under Republican rule.
In that part of his message de-
voted to tariff revison, the President
makes a guarded recognition, now
that he is safely in for four years,
that maybe som'e industries have
not been quite so prosperous for
several years as some of the other
ones (page the pig-iron magnates)
that figured more prominently in
the campaign. He makes, however,
a rather unRepublican suggestion
the effect of which will be interest-
ing to watch.
"No discrimination against any
foreign industry, is involved in
'equalizng the difference in costs of
production at home and abroad,
and thus taking from foreign pro-
ducers the advantages they derive
from paying lower wages to labor'"
is the interesting excerpt with lots
of emphasis -on the word "equaliz-
ing." That word should test whether
Mr. Hoover will have his way with
Congress or whether in disagree-
ment the executive and legislature
will adopt obstructionist tactics to-
ward one another, for if the tariff
revison runs true to form every one
will have his thumb in the pie hop-
ing to pull out a nice, big protec-
tion plum. And no one, least of
all the New England Woolens whose
recent la'ck of prosperity has been
most notorious, will be satisfied
with an effort merely to equalize
the costs of foreign and domestic
All in all Mr. Hoover's first mes-
sage is no more startling than his
cabinet selections. Again he has
exploded the myth that as Presi-
dent he will continually tap new
reservoirs of extraordinary capacity
for public service. Rather has he
held admirably to his campaign
promise to follow in the footsteps
of President Coolidge.

-n !





Musi And Drama


_ n


Of course, any further comment
anent the Junior Girls' Play would
be a little stale, and hence should
be relegated to the column next
door, but we just can'ttresist stand-
tip-toes, cupping our hands, and
shouting to all confident sponsors'
of the production of "Forward
March" in Detroit, "WE TOLD YOU
* * *

And all that goes to
dear sponsors, that you
squeeze blood out of a


The st'eamship Leviathan will'
carry a full supply of liquors from
now on. Anti-Saloon League offi-
cials state that the decision of the
steamship company in this direc-
tion will cause them to lose money.
This is indeed a deplorable situa-
tion, and we feel ever so strongly
for the Leviathan and its impend-
ing doom as a commercial enter-
In sympathy, then, we feel it only
just to raise a fund of $.03 to de-
fray any loss incurred by the Levi-


by reason of her carrying
aboard on her trans-ocean
Friends to the cause will


Edit rial Conment


(The New York 'rimes)
It is 'annouiced -that beginning
with the next academic year at
Dartmouth College a specially se-
lected group of seniors-five in
number, more or less-will be ap-
pointed to the fellowships with
privleges that must seem to.under-
classmen beatific. They will not be
required to attend classes; there
will be no examination anid no tui-
tion charge. They will be left as
the announcement states, to work
"according to their own devices."
From the time of Jeremiah, the im-
plication has been that those who
walk after their own devices are
liable to go the wrong way. The
phrase of the Book of Common
Prayer in which confession is made
that "we have followed too much
the desires of our own heart" sug-
gests conscious abuse of freedom
in making our selections in life.
That' is a peril which must sooner
or later be faced.
While the freedom which is of-
fered this little group would seem
to enlarge their electives, it would
no doubt serve evdry member of it
to feel a greater responsibility for
working out his own salvation. He
has to observe no rules or regula-
tions "except such general ones as
are incidental to being a member
of the college in good standing."
But he has to live up to the estimate
which the faculty has put upon his
abilities and character. He has to
make his calling and election sure
-that is, to justify his being put
among the elect; to go the heaven
of his degree without further haz-
ard of examination. Yet no pre-
scription of hours of classroom at-
tendance, or series of oral and writ-
ten examinations, is likely to put
the serious minded eager student
under such heavy compulsion as
this fiduciary freedom.
This is still another phase of the
policy, already adopted at John
Hopkins and Harvard, to treat up-
perclassmen and beginning gradu-j
ates as young men who have come
of age, intellectually and morally,
and who are to be trusted with
ideas, as out in the world of busi-
ness their brothers in age are
trusted in financial transactions. It
is another hopeful indication that
with the necessary lengthening of
the period of education the period
of irresponsibility is not to be

Ed. Note: This ominous mes-
sage was awaiting us when we
returned to the office at the
close of the spring recess.
Doubtless it is the work of a
depraved mind, bat the author
of its sententious phrases
seems anxious above all things
to see it printed; and admit-
ting this passion for publicity,
we suspect femininity.. The
contrib. follows, verbatim.
The young lady, it seems, is
laughing ai us.
LaRK pINes
AnD the gOds LaUgH.
Seriously speaking,: Lark, if
you aren't-going to let me in
Toasted Rolls any more, how
can I laugh first thing in the{
morning, thus insuring agood
day? Andl furthermore, must I
break my long silence (see Art.
V., 15th Amend. to the Const.)
and vociferate an opinion to
Campus 0? How would you
like to see in great black let-
ters right next to your erstwhile
co..umn "Well, Lark, what ARE
you going to do in the case of
Mary Gold?"
Oh, there are ways and ways
and weighs, and as we remark-
ed so assiduously before, there
is always the Inlander.
Ed. Note (2): We have cor-
rected the spelling and punctu-
A prominent head of the rhetoric
department blandly inquired today
whether Babe Ruth was a baseball
or football star. Neither, professor,
neither. If you will read yester-
day's Free Press, professor, you will
discover that he runs second to
Peggy Hopkins Joyce, nee a dozen'
other names, as marathon matri-
monial star.j

"This is the popular comedy
which played a long run in Nev
York and was subsequently taken
around the country on a very suc-
cessful tour. If you enjoy clever,
witty, and sophisticated entertain-
ment, don't miss 'The Queen's Hus-
band'." So say we all.
This drama situated in a "mythi-
cal and anonymous kingdom on
an island in the North Sea some-
where between Denmark and Scot-
land," is a rather clever satire on
Queen Marie of 'Rumania. Pos-
sessing all the excitement of revolu-
tions, conflict between love and
duty, and the poor pawn of a king
sitting atop his throne and crucify-
ing himself for his country, it has
the suspicious smell of hookum;
but nevertheless is very entertain-
Certainly the Mimes production, I
with the cast which has been an-
nounced, should make the play's
run next week a thing to lighten
the humdrum that usually follows
Dick Kurvink, Eugenie Chapel,
George Priehs, Josephine Rankin,
and Kenneth S. White, to mention
only a few of the players whose
past work has proved their ability,
could make a play much more
poorly written and less humorous
than "The Queen's Husband" a
The way in which Director Shuter
handles the stage effects will also
be of interest, as the problem of
giving the suggestion of a revolu-
tion, even though off stage, is not
a small one.
-P. L. Adams.
Again, The Inlander. This time
in red and carrying the fruit of
the short story contest. A casual
reviewer is tempted to give Mar-
garet Gentz the major rewards of
valorous achievement for her buoy-
ant "Etching". With charming
delicacy, this young lady has suc-
ceeded in the subtle modelling that
her literary colleagues tried for but
did not quite attain.
The judges of the story contestI
Professors; C6wden, Thorpe and
Slosson, 'iave ranked "Beads" by
Vivian La Jeun4e e above a tie for
second place between Sophie
Kimels and l 4erle Elsworth. The
latitude -.of literary criticism will
forgive- at once disagreement with
such keen and well balanced critics.
In "Beads" Miss La Jeunesse las
told the story of a pioneering family
founded by Pete and Nettle and
nurtured to independent maturity:
The situation is Pete facing the
vacuity of existence with the chil-
dren gone and the symbol of his
reaction is his determination to put
to some useful function the beads
with which he decorated the home-
made baby buggy. The buggy had
carried each in turn of his numer-
ous brood. Now the beads might
make a rosary,
Miss La Jeunesse is dealing with
sentiment; she is also handling a
situation that is inherently static.
What was required of her was re-
strained, suggestive handling of the
'dramatic minutiae. Her treatment
is sufficiently sure for the story to
emerge as sentiment, not sentimen-
tality, but the details lack the glit-
tering suggestivity that would have
made a commonplace situation po-
ignantly dramatic.
In contrast, .Miss Kimels, with

"Jerry's Spanish Patio", has hand-
led her details so well that she falls
victim to the vice of extremes of
this virtue. Her style shows very
obviously an influence from Joyce,
which, however, goes to seed a bit
when the hero is discovered "waft-
ing the .balls of his eyes in the di-
rection of the lighted windows."
But barring this physiological feat,
the analysis of character through
detail is brilliantly sure, and the
statement of conflict that emerges
from the characters is extraordi-
narily satisfying. There is real
satisfaction in recognizing a true
conflict sincerely resolved, and by
a clever and imaginative pen.
Which rationalizes the choice of
this story for first honors."
"The Spider Dreams by Miss
Elsworth, in the matter of sug-
gestibility seems to have struck the
"mean" between the obvious and
the cryptic, but in this case a de-
lightful style and a 'mature feeling
for selectivity have been employed
on an incident that ends a bit too
incongruously to be considered as a
genuine treatment of conflict and
I amnninn rha PismPantof te






A man 110 years old
placed under the control
guardian the other day.
glands will work wonders.

of a

Co-eds in Jacksonville, Florida,
have been censured for wearing
"sun-back" dresses and other im-'
modest modes of attire. The co-
eds here haven't even a good, warm
sun for an alibi, but that doesn't
stop them.
In this day and age, when
airplanes fall 2,000 feet onto
pavements from all sides, the
automobile driver will just have
to think up some new scheme
of harassing pedestrians.
The renowned Chicago Tribune
tells a breathless world via a
snappy headline that Creditors' Cut
Kaiser's Sister To Simple Fare.
Oh, we see; she's intended to
make just a little snack in between
[meals, but how cannibalistic!
And if we don't get some spring
weather soon, what will happen to
I the Inlander poetry contest?



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