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March 29, 1929 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-29

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.k(A~it ~TH,-E.M ICHIIC N DAILY____

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20 Percent Of Undergraduate Women
Earn All Or Part Of Their Expenses

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[L 1MA IHA UUK Probably one-fifth of all the'
undergraduate women at Mich-
ANO'KPPA DLTA Till gan are working their way. either
partly or wholly, according to Miss
w Beatrice Johnson, adviser of women,
who has charge of the non-clerical
SEVENTY-FIVE WOMEN TAKE employment service for women on'
PART IN INTRAMURAL the campus. The figures which
SWIMMING MEET Miss Johnson has kept show that|
18 per cent of the 2007 under- I
P graduate women at Michigan are
PI Phi PLACES FOURTH.doing part-time work, and she esti- 1
mates that if all figures were avail-
Individual Honors Are Taken By able fully 20 per cent would be
Dorothy Felske; Virginia Losee found to be earning .*all or part
Wins Second Place of their expenses.
Working for room and board in
For the second year in succession private homes is the most commont
Alpha Phi placed first in the an- kind of employment among the I
nual intramural swimming. meet University women, Miss Johnson
which was held last aiight at the observes. At present, her recordsi
Union pool under the direction of show that 75 women are doing this;
Albertina Maslen and the intra- , kind of work for four hours a day.,

(fr '
I q

mural board. The total score of
the winning team was 19 points,
'while Martha Cook and Kappa
Delta, both with a total of 15, tied
for second place. Fourth place was
taken by the Pi Beta Phi team
, which scored 12 points. The meet
has aroused a great deal of inter-
est, judging from the large entry
list.Seventy-five women represent-
' ing 15- houses were entered in the
; meet.
Of Ithe fifteen houses entered,
11 scored, showing that the fight
was not at all one-sided. Eighteen
of the individual women segred.
Wins, By Small Margin
Though the organization scores
were close, individual scores showed
ice even less difference. Dorothy Fels-
ke, Kappa Delta, led with a point
total of 11, with Virginia Lossee, Pi
.Beta Phi, a close runner-up. She
'lost by only one point. These two
girls were the outstanfling figures
of the meet. leading their" closest
competitors by a wide margin.
There were seven events in- the
" meet. The most popular seemed
to be the elementary side stroke
for speed, which drew 48 entries.
This is rather a remarkable num-
her of contestants for any event.
Katherine McMurray of Alpha Xi
Delta took first place, Edwina Jen-
ney of Betsy Barbour came in sec-
ond. .
Anna Zauer of Martha Cook tookf
the breast stroke event. This event;
was the occasion of a great deal of
fun.. It was interesting to see just
how much speed could be made
with a stroke like the breast stroke.
Free Style Close
Margery McGuire, Alpha Phi, led
in the back stroke. The free style
dash showed some of the finest
wog kof the evening. It was close-
ly contested, but Virginia Lossee,

E >!

!.qprraf.nri a1 urnrk fnr Afar li.v mam_ 1

women get work through relatives
or friends, she observes, and this
means that they do not come to
Ithe Advisors' office. There are also
many students who continue the
same job from one year to the next,
and this does not always come to
Cthe attention of the office. Final-
ly, there is, according to Miss
Johnson, a very small number ofj
women holding positions who do'
not wish it known that they are
financially stressed because of their
fear of social disapproval.
During the year ending August,
1928, Miss Johnson placed students
in positions the returns from which
totaled $34,744.24. Of this amount,
$6,197 was earned by 98 women in i
miscellaneous jobs, while 75, work-
ing for room and board, earned the
equivalent of $24,192. Part-time
jobs for summer school students
had a value of $1,143.44, while full-
time summer positions { netted
$3,211.80 to 47 women.
The motives which women have
for working during the summer,
vacation are varied, Miss Johnson!
explains. One type of woman
works simply to avoid having to sit
around home all summer without
a definite occupation. Such stu-
dents are content to earn merely
room and board as camp counsel-
lors or governesses.
At the other extreme, Miss John-
son places those students whose
education depends on what they
earn during the summer. These
women must earn cash for tuition,
books, class dues, and incidental
expenses. The three principal
sources of jobs for such women are
summer hotels, offices, and shops..

LOJeLaia, VU Lm LUrLasm-
bers provides employment for 10
students, table serving in dormitor-
ies and tea rooms takes care of 56,
and miscellaneous work in dor-
mitories is done by 25. In addition,'
50 women are taking care of chil-
dren, doing housework, and an-j
swering other spasmodic calls, and
20 are doing odd jobs, such as re-
porting for newspapers, nursing,
tutoring, and clerking. Further-'
more, as a conservative estimate,1
Miss Johnson suggests that 125
women are employed without as-
sistance of the Advisors' office.1
This makes a total of 361 students
For several reasons, Miss John-1
son finds it impossible to give an
exact estimate of the number of
women students employed. Manyl

i #

N UUuedication Program
Committees Named
TO OFFICEIN VL... 3UE.Five committee chairmen and
Imembers of committees have been
Dorothy Mapel And Jean Wallace. appointed by.the University Girls'
Are Candidates For Glee club to cooperate with the1
Vice-Presidency committees from Orchesis in tak-
ing charge of the joint program
BOTH ACTIVE ON CAMPUS which the two societies will give in,
the new League building as part off
Dorothy Mapel, '30, and Jeanth deiaonpgrm nMy
Wallace, '30, are the nominees for the dedication program on May1
vice-president of the Women's 4th. The program is under the
League. Both have been active dur- general direction of Jeannette Sau-;
ing their three years on the campus. born, '29, president of Orchesis,'
Their activities are being briefly and Esther Anderson, '30, presi-
reviewed here so that all Universi- dent of the Glee club.
ty women may become acquainted The members of the committees
with them before the elections, of the Glee club are as follows:
which are to be held Wednesday, Music committee, Rachel Ram-
ApA it3. 'Msccmite ahlRm
Ap___ 3 sey, '30, chairman, Marjory Mc-
Clung, SM., Margaret Ferrand, 29,1
Retta McKnight, '30.
Property committee--Agnes John-
son,31, chairman, Elizabeth Ul-
rich, '30, Jane Robinson, '31.
Program committee-Ollie Back-
us, '29Ed., chairman, Marie Mc-1
'Dermott, '30, June Marshall, '29. a
Publicity - Ruth Kelsey, '31,'
chairman, Agnes Reigart, '29, Olive
Strohmeyer, '31. 1
The Glee club also announces the
election of Elaine Frost, '30, to theI
position of secretary, after the
resignation of Orma Weber, SM.1
Dorothy M 1apel 10
} r y ap . .NOTICE f
Dorothy Mapel as a freshman wasd i
active On the Life Membership ! All Junior women desiring to
Committee of the Women's League,I obtain photostat c o p i e s of
was a member of the Freshman Rigt,OutForfHeavnrch", " rI
Girls' Glee Club, and a committee ", F' w the Reason Why", may
member of the Fresh man Pageant.! do so by leaving their names,
As a sophomore, she was chairman ththemonefor enme
of the Music Committee for the of copies wanted, at the candy
Sophomore Circus, a member of a booth in University Hall to-
committee for the Freshman morrow between 9 and 3 oclock. I
Spread, and of the committee for The music will be 40 cents per
the sale of Michigan playing cards. copy.
She also became a member of the oo
University Girls' Glee Club. This -;
year, she is chairman of the Candy I came sophomore representative on'
Booth, a member of the Board of the Board of Directors ,of the Lea-
Representatives, and a member of gue, was chairman of the League
( a committee of the Junior Girls' installation banquet, took part in
Play. I the sophomore circus, and was a '
committee member of the Point,

Michigan Women To
Show New Styles
Hudson's Georgian Room will
be the setting for the Women's
League fashion show sponsored by
the Undergraduate Campaign Fund
on the afternoon of Saturday, April,
6. Miss Pauline Post who is the
director of the Style Lecture Bu-j
reau at Hudson's says that not only
is the Georgian Room, which is
the largest dining room on the 13th
floor, to be devoted to the fashion
show, but many other features will
also make the event a success and
well worth attending.
Tea will be served by the com-
pany for those who wish to remain
afterwards, for 50 cents, and bridge
cards and talleys will be furnished.
However, the fashion show itself
will be attraction enough. Twenty
models have been selected, whose
names will be announced in a few
days. These are girls picked as
best representative of all types of
Michigan students in size from 14
to 16. All styles of dresses will be
modeled. from sports to the most
formal of formals. And besides allI
this an orchestra will play for the.
The committee under the chair-
manship of Helen M. Jones, '31, isl
doing everything possible to make
this affair a real success.


. s...., ....._:,

Parts Are

Still Left For 41
Girls Who Are


Tonight is the last night for the
Freshman Pageant tryouts, and not
only girls who have not yet tried
out are urged to come, but also
any who may have tried already
for the interpretive dancing and
wish to be in the folk dancing as
well. Girls who wish to take part
in the singing may also participate
In the dancing. Tryouts are be-
ing held from 4:00 to 6:00 o'clock in
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall in Bar-
hour Gym.
The results of the tryouts will
be announced before spring vaca-
tion as the committee wishes to
have all their plans completed by
that time.
The story of the' pageant is such
that there are parts for children;
both boys and girls, for sprites; for
minstrels, milkmaids, woodcutters,
and village folk. So, whether a
girl is short or tall, likes to take
masculine or feminine parts there.
is a part for her in the pageant.

Easter Fashion Parades Of Long Ago
Brought To Mind By Advent Of Spring

f f 1rxr Ludfle Lough, '32. The major part,
of the magazine will be given over
A .a to news from other colleges. This
material will appear under sev-
ILL APPEARON M Y cral headings. Jane Inch, '32, has
]!charge of news relating to W. A. A. i
___meetings; Betty McKee, '32, will
supervise the department of intra-
On May 1, according to present mural sports. Other divisions will
plans, the second annual issue of be made under the head of Play
the Newsletter magazine, published Days and Feature Stunts.
by the Women's Athletic Associa- The entire business work of the
, by e omen Atheipublication is being managed by
tion, wll come off the press. Ruth Frances Raeburn, '32. The News-
Marshall, '31, editor, stated yester- letter will this year include more
day that she and her staff had than 35 pages and will be illus-
completed the plan of make-up for trated.
this year's publication.f
Circulation of the Newsletter, =Tr Talks Mark
also sponsored -by the Michigan'I
association, is throughout the 150 i O
member colleges of the.- national ! ell C .Aren
athletic organization. In -its capa- -
city of national presidency, the' A travel program was presented
loubication Acarries b onthework at the meeting of Athena Tuesda,


With the advent of spring and
urgent requests by earnest, hard-
working, young students to fond
parents for an increase in the
weekly stipend for the Easter out-
fit, it brings to mind the Easter
fashion parade of women and men
of past eras.
The dear young things of .the
eighteenth century were concerned
with yards and yards of lace toI
trim pantalettes. according to fash-
ion's latest decree, while young
brothers were sent out to find the
best barrels staves to serve as hoops.
The men of that time were not so
modest as. the men of today and
believed in wearing knee breechesG
which would display their shapely,I
masculine legs.
In the nineteenth century the
weaker sex were burdened with the
heavy duty of public sanitation.
Yards and yards of goods trailed
behind them and were effective as
a means of keeping the streets

clean. The young men of that time
had developed a sense of modesty
but retained with. it a sense 'of
comfort. Their trousers now came
down to their ankles but were nar-
row at the bottom which gave then
complete freedom in walking.
..Ah, today! how things have
changed! The modern young wom-
en have cast off false modesty with
the rest of the feminine moth-eaten
traditions and customs, -and have
combined smartness with comfort.
Today's style allows legs to be use-
ful as well as ornamental. The
poor men! How one's heart aches
for .them on these windy 'Mar'h
days as they painfully pursue their
way along the street hindered by
[the flapping of voluminous trouser
It is the men, now, who have
taken up the civic motto, "Keep
our : streets clean." With their
baggy, draggy trousers they are
performing the duty more .than


system, Sophomore Circus Stunt,f
and Lantern Night Decoration Com-
mittees. This year, she is chairman
of the League Life Membership
Committee, and has recently be-
come president of the Inter-Soror-
ity Association. She also took part
in the Junior Girls' Play and is a!
member of Wyvern. I
T -"1

ii '--.
yA x.

cloemy Jollowed by tielen Burrett, cvcnmg, on the fourth iloor 01
Chi: Omega, showed the best speed.,Each year the - author and the I Angell Hall. Ruth Hyde, grad,i tolcdd'
s ees t os e title of the feature article is kepts
Assecretountiletheappearanceeof.theabout her trip abroad last summer:
citing point was the relay. Manysertunithapaaceote magazine. Last year, Helen Wills 1with the intercollegiate tour. GraceI
houses wvere centered,-some showing
huses wnereentere some showi contributed the leading article. Lenoard, '30, recited some poetiy
This year's Newsletter will in- Jean Wallace
captured the lead in this, though ,of travel, and Rhea Goudy, 32, ead l.
Mtartha Cook swam a close second. 1clue five articles by. Michigan IJea alc a nteLf
The Ciik swas amn he s t women and members of the Facul- a paper on an imaginary journey. Jean Wallace was on the Life
The diving was among the best wy. Several of these will be con- The Athena literary society of Membership Committee of the Wo-
Work, from pretty front dives tot.vrlof ths il ecn-ITeAtealieaysoit men's League as a freshman, took
well-pefrmed prack arndes bac cerned with the national conven- Michigan is affiliating with the na- ptn the F reshman , and
well-performed jacks and back- I part in the Freshman Pageant, and
dives. Dorothy Felske led in this tion to meet in Ann Arbr in May tional organization, and becomes i was on a committee of the Y. W.
too. Her excellent work caused a this way be extended by both Marylm the Epsilon chapter. C. A. In her secona year, she be- -
spontaneous burst of applause White, '29, president of the Wom- tillleltillsist!1!1!!1ilttititilisttlillltitiitii#iii# ! #
from an appreciative audience. en's league, and Betty Smither, '29, ;
The meet was well planned and president of the Women's Athletic
smoothly run. Much credit is due Association.
to Albertina Maslen and her com- Miss Smither will also write tlic
mitee. In turn, she wishes to president's message which wiYl
thank the house athletic managers appear on one of the opening - *-
for Che co-operation they gave her. pages of the Newsletter. Dr. Mar-
garet Bell, head of the department p ,
Persia has now obtained repre- of Physical Education, has pre -
sentation in the International pared an article on "The Respon- -
Council of Women, being the first sibilities of the College Woman," , = OR,
oriental country to do so. which discusses the question from I 1E. J
the standpoint of health. The last':
Miss Clara Seaman of Everett, article of this group is titled "Mich-]
Wash., is believed to be the first igan W. A. A. Upholds the Ideal of I
woman in the United States to re- Physical Perfection" and was writ-
ceive the degree of metallurgical ten by Marjorie Follmer, '30. F - R
engineer. It was granted' by the The art wojc on the frontispiece
University of Washington. 1 has been done by Ruth Van Tuyl, E A S T E R
'31. A map, which will show the
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, location of the various schools in
$2.25 for the half year. A. C. A. C. W., is being prepared by I -
_- . :-
"Eskimo" Hair Drier
-- Smart i appearance and -M
dependable in quality. Ex-
== quisitely sheer. Ay type or
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S,-- : color you may dcsire.
(guaranteed I year) You will welcome the lovely, The aes i hod egn
~gan-~ new shades sponsored by this,. gracefully slenderizing the
famous maker of fine hose. ankle. A delicate fillet of
-: Cameo Shell, Lido Sand, Java tone in pointed effect, a
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Dust, Miramar, Rose Beige had anrl i harming
Every woman should have a Hair Drier in her home. You cannot and Biarritz Beige. heel aldal ile a charmiog
appreciate how convenient they are until you have tried one. -
The "-Eskimo" operates on your light current-just plug in and Only $1.95 a pair $1.95 apair
the blower will send delightfully warm and soothing air through
your hair-you can now shampoo and dry your hair in a jiffy. THE NEW DOUBLE POINT
Try an "Eskimo" and you'll never be without one. I 'Everv new shndo man he ha in +hicr ,. rk,+ohl cJ.nlc-i

. ,.

Jacobson's Easter Guft

- -




D :


Here you can choose from 15 varieties
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Zwerdling's Greater Fur Shop has assembled the most
extentive collection of Fur Scrafs, offering style and
values that should prompt every woman and miss to
make Zwerdling's their fur headquarters.


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