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February 15, 1929 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-02-15

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D)' I L Y


Eublished every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated' Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lishxed herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan,;s second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
$4. 50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
iard Street.
Phones Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor......... ....Nelson 3. Smith
City Editor....... ...... Stewart Hooker
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor..............W. Morris Quinn
Women's Editor.............. Sylvia S. Stone
Telegraph Editor.............%eorge Stauter
Music and Drama............... R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor...........Robert Silba
Night Editors
oseph E. Howell Charles S. Monroe
onald J. Kline Pierce Rosenberg
Lawrence R. Klein George F. Simons
George C. Tilley

It would seem that under the
present regime, a ffeak amend-
ment to the national Constitution
justifies the promiscuous breaking
of one of the fundamental laws of
This case is different in the wayj
that death was inflicted, and
though it may not have been, in-
tentional, the fact that Seibold was
a dry agent does not excuse him
from obeying the laws of the State
of Wisconsin or any other state.,
But there is a precedent in the
fact that enforcement officers who
have murdered in cold blood have!
been allowed to go free as though
murder were a part of their duty.
It certainly does not speak very well
for the type of men employed to
enforce the, Eighteenth Amend-
ment, when news reports show that
the first thought during an arrest
is to shoot. Even a criminal thinks
before he shoots, it is said. Nor is
the objection merely to shooting.
The American people should object]
to any breach of conduct on the]
part of government officials which
would tend to endanger the lives
and property of innocent people,
regardless of what they might be
' has come to the point where
I: Is necessary to break common
statute laws which are con-
*rd as protectors of the inter-
s of American people,, we may
rightly infer that one or the other
t be supressed or repealed. Is
at -eorse to drink alcoholic bever-
ngx thcn it is to commit murder?
Must we sit by and watch 'the
vw isEst laws broken by gun-toters
hired to enforce the prohibition
re? At justice then, it is to

- ---- ----- - ---------- - I.-,- -."-.- ,-.



d ---i+ 1




L .r


Music And Drama
TONIGHT: Miims presents
Noel Coward's come cdy, "The
Marquise," in the Mimes
theater, beginning at 8:30


Your Club
in Detroit --

A want ad in The Daily informs
its eager readers in the following
manner: "Will the party who took
a mahogany lamp from Intramural

The Savoy


Paul L. Adams
Morris Alexandc
C. A. Askren
Bertram Askwi"i
Louise Behyme-
Arthur i ernste'.
Seton C. Bovee
Isabel Charles
L. R. Chubb
Frank C. Cooker
Helen Domine
Margaret Eckels
Douglas Edwards
Valborg Egeland
Robert J. Feldmn
Al ariorie Folhnwr
William Gentry
Ruth Geddes
David B. Hempef
Richard Jung
Charles R. Kaf in
Ruth Kelsey

Donald E. Layman
Charles A. Lewis
Marian McDora '
henry Merry
Elizabeth Quail-
Victor Rabino,
Joseph A Ru's
Anne Schell
Rachel Shears
Howard Siun
Robert L. Slfb
Ruth Steadi)
A. Stewart
Cdwell wansn
Jane Thayer
Edith Tho
Beth Valent u,
Gurne << al. ,,.
S .,ter Will
Cleland Wyllie

building by mistake kindly noti- Comedy Club announce as their
fy . . ." etc., etc. coming production, "Take My
Oh, yes, and will the party who i Advice," a popular comedy contain-
broke into the First National Bank I ing a number of amusing and in-
last night by mistake kindly re- teresting ideas treated lightly and
turn the $50,000? gaily by playwright Elliott Lester,
* * * and produced by a Comedy Club
About the funniest lost and collection of the majority of cam-
found wail we have heard in a pus celebrities in a dramatic way
long while is contained in the The type of thing "Take My Ad-,
telegram Dean Bursley received vice" is and the production Comedy;
from Coon-Sanders, leader of Club are giving it should guarantee
one of the J-Hop orchestras, the it as an evening of very pleasant
other day. He informed the light entertainment.
Dean that he had had his drum Comedy Club's not altogether un-
either lost or stolen during his qualified success with "Diplomacy,"
stay in Ann Arbor and would which with, all its heaviness of
Dean Bursley kindly look for it mounting a n d interpretation
and send it back to him? proved too much for local talent
Dean Bursley better be care- not accustomed to the artificiali-
ful when he takes that drum to ties of Sardou's technique, should
the postoffice to mail. He be bolstered up by "Take My Ad-
might fa' down and go boom! vice" which in the field of popular
Ientertainment should gain a great
Why Gladys! deal from a splendid cast.
The story briefly of the Lester
Want ad in Daily: Wanted- opus is the heroic struggle of a psy-
Graduate girl for roommate. Would chology professor in endeavouring
prefer French or Spanish Major. to save the fortunes of the Weaver
Yes, but you had better be satis family from the oil-stock swindling
fied with a lieutenant. efforts of salesman Jim Thayer
* *who is operating with his beautiful
In the Gargoyle hall of fame but unscrupulous assistant, Marella
Scotte. But even more than that,
aunder the list ofinreasonsfor Prof. Bradley Clement is faced wr'th
Paul I. Kern into the sanctum the job of destroying the amorous
was to be found the line, "Be- attachment of his pupil, Bud Weav-
.er.from Mlle. Scotte's fascination



I have setnaside an en-
tire floor in the Savoy,,
for Michigan men.
An old-time student of
the U. of M. myself, I
know the need for such
a headquarters, and I
am very happy, indeed,
to be able to provide it
-and to give Michigan
men the benefit of a
20 Percent
Reduction in Rates.
Paul Kamper, Pres.




117 South Main

Spring,$4.98 Hosiery
All Silk
in Fancy Heels
White, $1.95
Parchment, Pair
Patent, All Silk Chiffon
and__French Heels
Tan. OWOMEN'S Patent Pair
$4.98 Leather Mule Pump with $1.59
Si___kBow on Vainp.
Spike Heel.
FOR MEN-$4.98-$5.98
A A- -.



Telephone 21214

Will reign supreme Tonight and Saturday with


Assistant Managei--A 'PYMOIND WA CTER
Department Managers
Aderisng..........:..... AlexK. cee
Advertising............. . A. Janmes Jordan
Advertising.............. . Car XW. Hanimai
Service..................Herbert E. Va:-nu
CirculationE............ ...eorge w ira.::
Accounts ...............Lawrence E. Waiklc,
Publications .. ..............Ray M. Hof-.;ic'i

Mary Chase
Jeanette Dale
Yernor Davis
Bessie Egeland
Sally Faster
Anna Goldberg
Kasper Halverson
George Hamilton
Jack Horwich
Dix Humphrey

Marion Kerr
Lillian Kovinsky
Bernard Larson
Hollister Mabley
I. A. Newman
Jack Rose
Carl F. Schemm
George Spater
Sherwood Upton
Marie Wellstead

Attention may well be called in
these columns to the holding today
of the New York Times Current
Events contest in which Michigan
students are annual participants.
Aside from offering valuable cash
awards without demanding a great
deal of conscious preparation, the
contest seems a desirable thing and
is assuredly designed to serve a
worthy purpose.
It is a fact often deplored by
members of the University faculty
sponsoring the competition that
there seems tq be little active in-
terest among the student body in
the following of current events and
even less interest in the current
events contest. Seemingly even
the liberal cash prizes offered to
the winners by the Times are not
sufficient to induce even a small
portion of the total enrollment to
take the axamination.-
No surer proof of the need which
the contest seeks to meet can be
offered than to point to the fact
that the highest grade ever made
by a Michigan contestant is 80.
Whether, under any circumstances,
such competition will ever succeed
in stimulating a great deal of r-
terest in the news of the day i
at best problematical.
There can be little doubt, how-
ever, that the contest has a number
of desirable features. More than
that, it may be said with certainty
that the annual competition is
proving and will continue to prove
a thing of definite value d~~
ing encouragement from ouiden
and increased participation on the
part of members of the student
body here as well as in other col-
leges and universities. The cum-
ulative news of the day is history
in the making, and a knowledge of
history is essential in intelligent
After a long record of murder of
one kind or another by prohibition
enforcement agents who have gone
free from penalty, a Circuit court
jury in Juneau, Wis., has convicted
a dry sleuth, George C. Seibold, by
name, under the state "hit and
run" law of Wisconsin. In 1923
Siebold's car crashed with one
driven by Walter Mann, and it was

"A young American of the cause he is getting something
Vwentieth century who is not con- out of college." They should
sciously aiming at future American I have omitted the "something."
leadership but merely drifting * * *
toward manhood is not yet 'pre- The body ofa Pennsylvania man
pared' for college training whatever was cremated and the ashes were
his accumulated 'units' may be," sent through the mails for burial
writes Henry Louis Smith, president ceremony. They were lost en route
of Washington and Lee university. That should solve the age-old prob-
"If unwise faculties allow such lem of what to do with the body.
lifeless pebbles to be dropped into Merely cremate it and send it
the college machinery, is, it any through the mails and lose it.
wonder that the educational move- * * *
ment of the institution slows up The Philadelphia Enquirer
or stops entirely, and that hard informs us that the police there
study is not rated on that campus plan to halt crime. Goodness,
as a 'student activity.' what a splendid new occupa-
"Learn at once to step on the tion for the police.
gas whenever and wherever power
is needed. In plainer language A Washington dispatch. carries
learn to control your own personal the following headline: Tests
driving power, your interest, your Being Made For Better Light.
attention, your likes and dislikes, Ann Arbor landladies, please
your daily habits and recreations. note.
"If yol 'can't see any use in
learning a dead language' and A wealthy man in Boston hasI
hence dodge your Latin; if you 'de- set out in quest of an Island
spise Math', and hence have quit in the Pacific he dreamed about.
studying that; if you are so Some people hvil eat cheese
wrapped up in athletics or some sandwiches before going to bed.
other 'activity' that you 'really
can't find time' for the laboratory
work some cranky professor insists , A postcard mailed from Hagers-
on-in other words, if you have town, Penna., to Philadelphia was
started up the long and rugged in the mail ten years before it was
hill of American Leadership in this deiveredaiiofmilseventy-o
Age of Brains, and have no control e. We know, we tried to climb
of your . own brain-power, you'd that hill in Hagerstown, too.
better quit wasting time and money
at school. You'd better make your Mrs. Morrow has stated that
own living in some second-rate her . daughter and Charles
business position till you are less Lindbergh have made no ar-
of a child and can 'step on the rangements for the future.
gas' when you reach a hill or a Their plans, so to speak, are
hateful bit of road." up in the air.
Representative as these state- * *
ments are of the case for selective The Prince of Wales has de-
enrollment, there is much in the cided to sell his entire stable
doctrine upon which they are based of horses. Finally gave up, eh
that cannot readily be accepted. Prince?
First of all, it cannot be agreed * **
that a student is to be condemned A fellow in Wisconsin has spent
for "dodging" Latin or for discon- the last six months counting the
Oiuin, his study of mathematics. words in the Bible. This should
few indeed are the students who become quite a fad in Tennessee
can be expected to continue the and Arkansas.
study of mathematics and Latin in-
definitely. Worthy as those two Husbands of the next genera-
subjects are, there are countless tion will probably ask, "Why
others which must attract the in- don't you open some of those
trest and talents of thousands of good olde tin cans-the kind
studets. that mother used to buy?"
There is something to be said,, * * *
of course, for Mr. Smith's conten- ! A woman divorced her husband,
tion that a student should develop ( a little news item enlightens us,
the ability "to step on the gas" because he had not, according to
and overcome difficulties. That he her testimonial, taken a bath in
should make it his practice to dis- twenty-four years. We see, she was
regard both interest and talent, sort of washing her hands of the
however, is not nearly so clear. affair.j
It cannot be denied, moreover, *
that the ability to think for oneself Now that Lindbergh is to be1
will always prove an indispensible married, there probably will be
asset. The college and the uni- a new significance to the
versity of today, however, are by world-famous term "We."
no means sounding the death knell
to creative thought. They are fost- "Well," said Oscar, Rolls' Wonder
ering it just as surely as if all but Horse, before he withdrew from the
the most fit were being kept out University, "a man can still bite
of our colleges. At the same time, off a hunk of chewing tobacco
they have become the one place without wondering whether or not
where the young man of today can he should offer it to lady."
determine accurately for what he is * *

while persuading his sister Ann
that for all his "city clothes and
fine manners" the Oscar Wilde ex-
terior of Kerry Van Kind shelters
a wolf's heart. Van Kind, agent
for a dramatic school, plays on the
feminine penchant for the stage-
the dirty villian.
Directed in a high spirit of fool-
ery by T. J. Dougall, '28, the follow-
ing cast puts the story across: j
Alfred Foster, as Bud Weaver.
Elizabeth McCurdy as Ann!
Robert Adams as Jim Thayer. I
Tom L. Yates as Kerry Van Kind.
Thurston Thieme as Mr. Joseph
Jeannette Dale as Mrs. Joseph
Florence Tennant as Marella
Charles Peake as Prof. Bradley
Clement. }
Various yellow and black posters
adorning the local bulletin boards
bear witness to the imminent ap-
pearance in Ann Arbor High School
auditorium of The Puppeteers,, un-
der auspices of The Harris Players
through their director, J. Raleigh
Nelson. The young men who will
present their miniature dramas,
principally designed for the amuse-
ment of the adolescent, less scrupu-
lously realistic mind, but invariably
fascinating to sophisticates who
find a charming element of phan-
tasy in puppetry, are Forman
Brown and Harry Burnett.
Harry Burnett, Michigan, '23, was
subsequently at Yale with Prof.
George Pierce Baker whence he
achieved a scholarship for foreign
study of marionettes and pupettry.
One of the outstanding results of
his foreign research was a produc-
tion of marionette shows, with cos-
tumes and scenery designed by
Norman Bel Gedes which secured
wide attention when presented and
will be offered again when a per-
manent theater has been estab-
lished for the art.
Forman Brown, Michigan '22, as
a student was responsible for one
of the Michigan Union Opera books
(in those dear, dead days-Ed,) and
later was Instructor in the Rhretoric1k
department. He broke into pub-
lication with "Walls" in 1926, a
book in verse. Other poeus have
appeared in "Dial" and other
magazines, while a second colle-
tion of verse is to appear this
spring from the publishing house
of Robert Packard, Clicago.
The interest which attaches it-
self to these mncii for their Ui-
versity connection and for the wide
success of their miniature dramas
guarantees considerable pleas re in
the shows they are offering in the
Ann Arbor HIgh &hool au dit ori'm
* Y *
Sunday, Feb. 17, begins the final
week of the engagement of the
musical comedy hit, "Good News,
at the Cass theater in Detroit. A
was the case when on its previous

Woodward at Adelaide
Single Rooms
$2.00, $2.40, $2.75
Double Rooms
$3.20, $3.60, $4.00
Every Room with Bath
The 7-Course Savoy
at $1.00
is unusual value

holding sway through 'their harmony,

jazz, and.


and His





$1.00 per couple




Want Ads Pay




Again, our famous ,
one dollar,
Over one hundred of ou regular
high grade Suits and Overcoats-
Including Hickey-Freeman-to go
at thirty-nine fifty for the first gar-
ment, and the second for
one dollar
No approvals, exchanges
or charges, please.

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