. I E
t~r~AY, ARCY! l 1, 199
A Class in Social Dancing:
A Class in Social Dancing for University men and women is being
organized for Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., at
the Women's Athletic Building. There will be individual instruction
for those who desire it. Orchestra music. Six lessons for $3.00. Stu-
dents may signt up in office 2, Barbour Gym, or f:oiit desk at the
Women's Athletic Building. The first class meets Thursday, March 21.
Ethel McCormick
Web & Flange:
Next regular dinner meeting will be .held at the Haunted Tavern, U L L LUiIUILOU
Tuesday, March 19, 1929, at 6:15 o'clock.
L. E. Wenzel, Chief Engineer 0 D C TO k U
F aculty
Th e
Freshman Class Dies--:., S., & A.:
Mr. Charles E. Koella of the Department of Romance Languages will
give the fifth lecture on the Cercle Francais Program: "L'Esp:it de la
Litterature Suisse Francaise," Wednesday, March 20, at 4:15, in room
1025, Angell Hall.
Rene Talamon
Lecture on Speech Transmission:
Mr. Sergius P. Grace, Assistant Vice-President of the Bell Telephone
Laboratories, New York, will deliver an illustrated lecture and demon-
strate special methods of speech transmission such as "delayeddspeech
in transatlantic telephone conversation," "inverted" speech, and many
other new developments in communication, on Tuesday evening, March
19, in Hill Auditorium at 8 p. m. All members of the University and
the general public are cordially invited.
Herbert C. Sadler
Faculty, College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
The March meeting of the Faculty of the Literature College will be
held Monday, March 13, at 4:10 p. m., in room 2225 Angell Hall. Mimeo-
graphed copies of the Special 0 ders which will be considered at this
meeting, have been mailed to the members of the Faculty.
John R. Effinger
Ifenrv Ru1 Award:
All Freshman Lit. dues must be in today. $1.00. Collection tables
in Angell and University Halls.
Frank 11. Baker, Treas., Freshman Class
Graduating Literary Students:
O:ders for invitations and announcements are being taken in Uni-
versity Hall all this week.
Charles II. Seilheimer,
Chairman Invitation Committee
Senior Engineering Class:
Orders for commencement invitations and announcements will be
taken in West Engineering Building from 8:30 to 4:00 on Wednesday,
Thursday, and Friday, March 20 to 22. This will be the last chance
to turn in an order.
William B. Fortune,
Chairman Invitation Committee
Senior Literary Class:
Class dues are payable all this week at table in University Hall.
Herbert S. Ripley,
Chairman Finance Committee
Senior Lit. Cane Committee:
There will be a meeting at 4 o'clock today, Tuesday, March 19,
20, at
to bey
YVomen's CIl):
Play Reading Section will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
with Mrs. E. R. Sunderland, 1510 Cambridge Road....
Mrs. WV. V.Mali
:e will be an important meeting of Mimes on Wednesday. March
5:00 p. mn., in the theater. All active members are, requested
Harlan P. Cristy, President
Feels T at Understan ding Pupil
I' I More Important Thatt
Actual Teaching
"Teaching today has come to be
looked upon as the ability to anal-
yze pupils," said Dr. William John
Cooper, recently appointed to the
position of United States Commis-
I .
Athena will meet tonight at 7:30 sharp on the fourth floor of sioner of Education, in a lecture
Angell Hall. yesterday to the faculy and stu-
Lois Webb, President dents of the School of Education
___________!on "Is Teaching A Profession?"
Theta Sigma Phi: "The ability to understand the
There will be an important meeting of Theta Sigma Phi on Tuesday, individual characteristics and re-
M hre i lbe n iporantmeeingof het Sima hi n Tesdyactions of each student is of as
March 19, at 5 o'clock in the library at Martha Cook. All members much or more importance than the
a. ,e urged to be present. muhooeipotneta h
!actual teaching of a subject," Com-
Marion rlePsident missioner Cooper continued. "The
________ present day 'instructor who recog-
qua!rterdeck: nizes the fact that each child is an
There will be a meeting of Quarterdeck at 7:39 p. m., Tuesday, individual and that each case pre-
March 19, in room 302 Michigan Union. sents different problems is very
Joseph Fellows, Jr., Commodore nearly reaching the attitude of a
professional worker."
Portia Literary Society: Commissioner Cooper went on
Initiation services will take place on Tuesday, March 19, at 7:30 to analyze and contrast trades and
p. m., Helen Newberry Residence. professions. He showed that a
Nellie C. Becker, President craftsman, evenkthe most skilled
I_____ craftsman, works in inanimate
Hillel Foundation: materials which are not particu-
ProfF.W.etes'lnhnwihlarly lasting. If he makes a mis-
Prof. F. W. Peterson's luncheon, which was to have taken place this take, the worst result will be the
noon, has been postponed until April 2. There will be a luncheon for discard of his work. Teachers are
both men and women at the Union Thursday noon, March 21, at 12:15, professional workers as much as
at which time, the .celebrated organist, Palmer Christian, will lead doctors or lawyers or ministers,"
the discussion. Commissioner Cooper concluded.
Deans and department heads are respectfully reminded that nom-. in the student offices of the Union.
inations for the Henry Russel Award, for which blanks have already Donal
been distributed, should be received by the Committee not later than
nril Notice to Matinee Musicale Ticket Holders:
ld B. Fleming, Chairman
E. D. Dickinson, Chairman -
To the Presidents of Sororities and Fraternities:
You are requested to file a list of the members and pledges of your
fraternity for the second semester in the office of the Dean of Students
in room 2, University Hall, on or before Friday, March 22, on a printed
fornm to be obtained from that office.
F. B. Wahr, Asst. Dean +
Engineering Students:
TheC la sification Committee has placed the limit of time at which
course may be sdropped without record at the end of the eighth week
of the semester, or April 6, 1929, excepting in cases of continued illness
or other extenuating circumstances. In all cases the classifier should
consult with the instructor.
Luis A. Ihpkis
Oratorical Assocition Ushers:
Ressignments have been made as follows considering the furtherest'
isle west as aisle 1 and the 'first name appearing as aisle head:
Aisle 1: Brown, Neuman, Hutchinson; aisle 2: Kent, De Jong, Bell,
yan le; aisle 3: O'Connell, Gemski, Gale, McKinnie; aisle 4: De Hann,
Meyer, Hoch, Mulliken; aisle 5: Pennington, Mapes, Donovan.
-Balcony aisle 1: Hewitt, Genderman; aisle 2: Curfman, Woolson;
aisle"3: Hapke, Downey; aisle 4: "Hurwitz, Powers; aisle 5: Beckett,)
Will these ushers kindly report promptly at 7:30 Wednesday evening
a, Hili Auditorium.I
L. Walkley, nice President
senor Literary, and Business Administration School Students:
eniors Interested in positions with the Bell Telephone system may
fIeet w'th representatives from the Company in room 304 of the Michi-
1#: Union from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. in. Wednesday and Thursday,
Mfarch 20 and 21. Those wishing definite appointments can make them,
previous to the interview, in room 201 Mason Hall.
W. E. Parker I
Senior Mechanical, Chemical, and Civil Engineers, and Chemists:
Mr. R. L Lamkin, representing the Subsidiary Companies of the
Union Carbide and Carbon Corporation, will be in room 221 West Engi-
rieeripg $u lding on Monday, March 18, and in room 3201 East Engi-l
neering Building on Tuesday, March 19, for the purpose of interviewing
etwdents lnteested in the following positions:
A. Mechanical and Chemical Engineers:
Lindie Air Products and Prest-O-Lite Companies-production
R-; Chemical and Mechanical Engineers:
Carbide and Carbon Chemical Corporation- production
C. Research Chemists:
National Carbon Company-research and development work
D. Metallurgical or Chemical Engineers:
_ Union Carbide Company-production work.
E. Metallurgical Engineers:
Union Carbide and Carbon Research Laboratories-research
- And. development work.
F. Civil Engineers:mk
New Manawha Power Company-water power development
G. Analytical Chemists:1
N.ational Carbon Company-research and development work
A. H. White, II. C. Anderson
hetorle 190 (Drama II):
Class will-meet next week on Wednesday night (March 20) instead
of Tuesday. The place of meeting will be 3227 Angell Hall as usual.
Kenneth Rowe
using our pictures for
M other's Day, Easter, a
rthd y gift, and in news-
papers and publications,
If you are unable to make use of your tickets for tonight's concert,
kindly notify the Box Office of Mimes Theater between 4 and 8:15
today. Any tickets that are returned will be given to students of the
University School of Music and to persons who would otherwise be
unable to attend the concert.r
Mrs. Hugh Cabot, Membership Chairman
Matinee Iusicale:
The Malkin Trio, of New York City, will present th,.ee trios by
Tschaikowsky, Smetana and Brahms in the fourth and last concert of
the Matinee Musicale course at 8:15 this evening at Mimes Theater.
'rickets for the general public are availabl_ and may be obtained at
the Box Office of Mimes Theater after 4:00 o'clock this afternoon.
Mrs. Rene Talamon. President
Reserve Band:
Rehearsal tonight at 7:15 at Morris Hall, All men who wish to
remain in connection with the organization must be present or present
an excuse to me before the rehearsal.
Nicholas Falcone
11 Circolo Italiano:
Prof. James K. Pollock will lecture on the contemporary and inter-
esting subject "Politics and Government in Fascist Italy," at 4:15.
Wednesday, March 20, in room 103 Romance Language. Prof. Pollock
has studied the question at its origin and will be equally interesting to
the public. We welcome you.
Helen M. Latting, President
Aeronautical Society:
There will be a meeting of the Society at 7:15 p. M., Tuesday,
March 19, in room 348 West Engineering Building.
L. M. Ball, President
Physics Colloquium:
Mr. John Strong will speak on "Nuclear Spin of Chlorine" at 4:15
Tuesday, March 19, in room 1041. All interested are cordially invited.
W. F. Colby
Institute of Religious Education:
Rev. R. A. Heaps will give an illustrated lecture on the subject
"The Book Nobody Knows," in Lane Hall this evening at 7:00 p. m.
Mr. Homer Grafton will speak to the camp counsellors at 8:00 p. m.
Students and the general public are invited.
George G. Alder
Pi'niip S. stern
Adelphi house of Representatives:
The negative Varsity debating team will meet the affirmative team
of Ypsilanti Normal school at 7:30 o'clock tonight in a debate on the
question, "Resolved: that a judge or board of judges be substituted for
the jury in all trials throughout the United States." Since the Michigan
negative team travels to Madison this week this will be the only oppor-
tunity for Ann Arbor people to hear them. The public is invited.
Lawrence Hlartwig, Speaker
Competing in a correspondence The match was fired on the local:
rifle match with the seventy three R. O. T. C. range and the results:
other chapters, the Michigan unit [were telegraphed to headquarters!
of Scabbard and Blade is, awaiting 1immediately following. Lieutenant
the results of Friday's iring. The i H. B. Turner supervised the local-
local branch was represented in unit. The targets were also mailed'
the competition by - John Holdane, ~to headquarters at Columbus,.Ohio,
30E, team captain, . Charles P. following the. firing, Michigan's -
Moyer, 30L, Charles E. Staff, 30E, #team scoring 1685 out of a possible
Paul Meister, 30E, and Herbert L. 2,000. Each man fired ten shots in
Scofield, 29E. . -the four regulation ppsitions.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$2.25 for the half year.
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Private wires to all
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We invite your inspection of our complete line of
will present
In the Next
the popular mystery play
for a week's run at
Beginning Monday, March 25
with a
Address Mail Orders to Mimes Theater
Read the Classified.
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New York University School of Retailing
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