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March 19, 1929 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1929-03-19

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MARCH 19, 1929



Competition Begins Thursday
Title Contests Of State
In Four Classes




L BASKETBALL TEA Wrestlers:Prepare, Three for th
F 'r National Meet ET ref
(Continued From Page 6)
N1SHIP GAMESoTHISn[eK CortinPdgerom Pa
feels that his men have a finCwhile Crocker turned the trick in,
_chance to bring the team crown to the 100, Walker won both of these
Saturday night when Kalamazoo Ann Arbor. isemi-final heats.
tripped Battle Creek, 18 to 13, in The National meet will be held at -
a great battle. Columbus this year, and all of the Gar Ault and Bob Walker
Jackson had a terrific time get- strong teams of the country will shared high point honors forj
ting through the final round. Meet- have men entered in it, making the, the Wolverines with eight
ing Ann Arbor, its most ancient stiffest competition of the year for; points apiece. The former won
rival, the Orange and Black was 1theWolverine wrestlers. George and I the 440 handily and finished a
forced to go overtime periods Dougovito, by virtue of their success' close second to Schwartz in the
to conquer Hollway's team, 15 to in the Conference meet, are both' 20, while the latter took the 40
14. Victory was gained in the last ranked as logical contenders for and was second to the Purple
13 seconds when Captain Louis the titles in the 175 and heavy- speedster in the 100.
Jagnaw connected with the hoop. wegh divisions, while Hewitt, who ___
Crestan High of Grand Rapids, did not wrestle in the Big Ten meet, Two of the seniors on the Maize
city champion, also was forced to is looked upon as one of the strong- and Blue team aided the cause
its utmost to make the grade st if not the strongest 125 pounder more than a little. Tom Watson)
against South High. The Creston in the country. His performance turned in two excellent performan-
outfit was favored to win handily in the Olympic .trials at Grand ces, placing second to Ault in the
but only managed to gain a 21 to Rapid summer an is wor 440 and barely losing out to Kied-
19 victory. Creston will be making in Europe stamp him as one of the ing for third in the 220, while Al
its first appearance in the state best in the world. Seager was second in the 40 and
tournament. Has Four 155 founders the 100.

e Swimmers
! day night's qualifying exhibi-
tion and hand Colbath his sec-
'ond successive whipping.
Although neither Oliver Gold-
smith nor Bill McDonald negotiat-I
ed the 44Q in fast enough time to
win a place in the finals, both men
performed creditably in their re-
1spective heats. Goldsmith finished
second to his teammate Gar Ault,
while McDonald was second in the
heat won by Liddle of Iowa.
Michigan qualified two men
in the dive when both Frank
Walaitis and Chick Bailey sur-
vived the preliminary trials
along with Colbath and O'Keefe
I of Northwestern, Groh of Illi-
nois, and Cusinier, Wisconsin.

Gridders Begin Practice DL S.$ IF!1E
Sixteen Wolverine football men
report for early spring training-
this week and will devote the major NOTICE-Dial 3916, Moe Laundry
portion of the practice sessions to 204 N. Main St., for laundry se.,v-
kicking, passing, and center drill-- ice with real personal attention
ing. Monday afternoon the first' like received at home. c
ten of these men limbered up with XOTICE-We have a large selec-
a light workout prior .to some tion of Greeting Caids and Mot-
heavier work later in the week toes. Francisco-Boyce, 719 N. Uni.
The men who reported yester- T Th
day were mostly backfield men , u
and centers with the exception of
Auer and Draveling both linemen. :MACK TUTORING AGENCY
The centers are Sorenson, and 310 S. State. Phone'7927
Sherwood while the backs are T,T,S, c
Priest, Heston, Hicks, Daniels, Hol- 'TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair
land, and Maxksimowiez. The re- rates. M. V. Hartsuff, Dial 9387.
maining men who have been in- .
vited to report for practice are
Simrall, Wheeler, Hudson, Captain NOTICE-Beautiful spring line of
Truskowski, Stoll, and Bovard. The Axminister and Wilton rugs,
gridders are practicing on South Koch & Henne. e
SCorona, Royal', Underwood, Rem-

(by Associatcd Prs,)

The prime pick of Michigan high
school basketball teams in four
classes will gather here Thursday
for the annual basketball cham-
pionship tournament, the blue rib-
bon event of state interscholastic
Eight teams in each class, the
probducts of the season of prepara-
tion and district and regional elim-
inations, will fight it out on the
floor of Olympic arena, for supreme
honors in their respective divisions.
Five outstate quintet-s and three
from Detroit, will strive for the
Class A title. In regional finals
Saturday night Bay City Central,
Kalamazoo Central, Jackson and
Creston of Grand Rapids, earned
the right to come here. Previous-
ly Northern, Highland Park and
Southeastern, members of the De-
troit metropolitan league, qualified
for the championship test.
Northern Is Detroit Best
Of the Detroit schools Northern,
city champion, coached by Eddie
Powers, appears to be the ;host
city's best bet. The Eskimoes went
through the season with but one
defeat, an early season licking re-
ceived at Jackson. The Jackson
quintet, tutored by Dick Holtz,
made an impressive record for the
season, meeting defeat but once.
Holtz is in his first year at Jack-
son, succeeding Donald D. "Dunk"
Lawler, who turned out a cham-
pionship five and two runnersup
teams, during his regime.
Bay City Central, under Garland
"Chief" Nevitt, had an in and out
season due to the necessity of re-
building after the semester exam-
inations. Nevitt's team qualified
handily Saturday night, trimming
Flint Central, a traditional foe, 21
to 15.
Kalamazoo Strong
Kalamazoo Central, which had
championship teams under Percy
Moore and Jimmy Fleugal, also
gnished the season in sensational
Style after a wobbly start. Coach
Gene Thomas dropped several let-
termen in the middle of the season
and replaced them with green
youngsters, with Captain Marshall
as a keystone. After - trimming
Holland in the first round of the
regional, the Maroon team came
back to administer a surprising 27
to) 19 whipping to Muskegon. The
final obstacle was surmounted
Following the Open House activ-
ities in the Intramural building
next Wednesday, at which time the
championships in all of the winter
sport season's events will be decid-
ed, the indoor athletic competition
will continue with track taking the
major part until vacation,
.On Thursday immediately fol-
lowing the Open House night the
All-Campus swimming meet will be
held, along with the class relays.
Then on the 25th and 26th the an-
nual interfraternity track meet will
be run off, with the All-Campus
track meet following on the 27th.
The last big event before Spring
vacation will be the Annual Boxing
show on the 28th of March.

Playing its first seas6n of inter-
scholastic basketball, Lansing East-
ern, coached by Walter Graff, had
the easiest task in reaching the
championship tourney. The Quak-
ers started by trouncing Pontiac's
strong team Thursday and came'
back on Friday night to outclass

In addition Coach Keen has Bob
Warren who is counted as one of
the best men in his weight in the
Conference. Kelly also will haveI
to be counted in the final reckon-:
ing in the National, while Parker
and Elliott are able to give the
best in the country a hard fight.

After winning the 10 yard re-
lay in rather easy fashion, the
Wolverines finished second to
Northwestern in the medley
event, thus avenging a dual
meet defeat at the hands of
Wisconsin, the Badgers having

Port Huron, 38 to 6. Coach Keen has four men who to content themselves with
Of the schools in the Class A iwould normally wrestle in the 155 fourth place.
final, Jackson, Kalamazoo, North- pound class, but must scatter them I
ern and Southeastern are former through the heavier division, there- Although Goldsmith and Hubbell
titleholders. by putting some of the Wolverines managed to remain about even
Eight In Class B 'lat a weight disadvantage. Warren, with their Maroon and Badger
Of the eight Class B teams, two, iKelly, Parker, and Dougovito would rivals in the close battle for second
St. Joseph and Grand Haven, are all go to the mat in the 155 class, honors, it remained for Frank Wa-
previous winners of the champion- but all are of such ability that they laitis to pick up the lead in the!
ship. The former, coached by Hen- have won most of their matches in final 100 yards that determined the
ry Howe, who has turned out many heavier divisions. Wolverine margin.
fine teams, represented Michigan The National meet will be for the
in the national tournament at Chi- purpose of deciding the team cham- Northwestern's all star crew
cago in 1926. Grand Haven won pion of the country as well as the contributed all of the record
the Class B championship in 1927, individual champions, the first four breaking performances in the
under the same coach, Gus Cohrs. places being counted' in the total. meet, Hinch setting a new na-
The upper peninsula will be rep- Coach Keen announced that the tional record , the150 yard
resented by two Class B fives, entire team will be taken to the back stroke, Peterson breaking
Stambaugh, 1929 regional champion meet so that Michigan will be- rep- the Conference breast stroke
and Iron Mountain, runnersup. It resented in all eight events. mark and the Purple medley
will be Stambaugh's first trip toBg Ten recors ablishi gevenew
the state tournament, but will be WALKER WINS WOLVERINE i T r dn i
the hird for Iron Mounain.
INDIVIDUAL POINT HONORS i The veteran Peterson was press-
- ed to the utmost by Meyer of Wis-
Ct aconsin, in the breast stroke, the
(Continued From Page 0) little Badger finishing within a
FR.SHR Cone breast stroke race, two back foot of the holder of the new rec-
stroke races, and three diving ord. Had Meyer been able to nego-
A events. tiate his turns as capably as the
} 'l . The Michigan scoring in dual Purple star, the outcome might
meets follows: have been a different story.
After a rather successful season Walker. ....................33
on ther indoor track Coach Hoyt Hubbell...........16.. . The upset of the finals proved
aoned thenural win s Hoy Walaitis ........... . ...........16 - to be in the fancy diving when
announced the numeral winners on R. Goldsmith..............14 Capt. Henie Groh of Illinois,
the t freshmen idoor track team Ault..........12% was given first place by a frac--
yesterday. The thirty freshmen Watson...................121 tion of a point over Wally Col-
twho were awarded numerals for Thompson .............. .....12 bath, Northwestern's national
the past season include several I... , ... . ....1 and Western Conference cham-
promising sprint men, distance Se-ger. ion.A difference ofthree
men, high jumpers and one out- Ser.................... p iffeene the
stReiing.p.l..v.u...r..R.if.8 12 tenths of a point enabled the
standing pole vaulter. McDonald . ..... . ........... . . ..6 Orange and Blue star to re-
Coach Chas. Hoyt, in charge of Grimshaw.................5 peat his performance of Fri-
the freshman track team, announ--
ces that the following men have
received numerals for the indoor
track season. Allen, L. E. Salem,
Ohio; Black, R., Benton Harbor;
Campbell, J., Flint; Chase, S. Ann
Arbor; Crawford, -R., Port Clinton, ,
Ohio; Davis, C. M., St. Joseph;
Fitzgibbons, D. W., Little Falls, N.
Y.; Glading Don, Ft. Wayne, Id.;,
Gimmy, Wilbur, Carrollton, Ill.;
Gafill, D. L., Birmingham; Grin-
nell, I. L., Detroit; Johnson, H. M.,
Detroit; Harbison, H., Detroit;
lKaminsky, A. Detroit; Lansdale, -
C., Los Angeles; McKinley, J. D., I._
Toledo; McLaughlin, D. W., Cleve-
hand, Ohio; McHose, George, ll.;
MacCormick, J. T., New Yory, City;
Nolledo, R. S., Fayug, P. I.; Russell,;
Ed., Rochester, N. Y.; RansfordtR.'
SG., Caro;Trometer, A. G., Buffalo,
N. Y.; Wolfe, H., Lakewood, Ohio;
Worden, H., ,Detroit; hite, J. H.
Spokane, Wash.; Whitset, L. C., ( aractCi ' G tbt
Highland Park; Ward, W. W., Annm
Arbor; Wood, C. R., Webster Grove,
Mo.; O'Neil, W. D., Buffalo, N. Y. a r e C O lrnl 1 i i d i tn u o c oa t s
-tvlcd .i )G'i Ocr,
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